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slipknot = ****

white out

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I just listened to a few of their songs and they SUCK! What fun is a bunch of crazy guitars and drumming and some guy growling "****" over and over again at you? How stupid. Maybe you just like it 'cuz you can "mosh" to it... haha this little fad will pass soon hopefully.

Oh and the masks! Oh how cool... some masks that have pointy noses or look evil... how stupid. But then again if I played that music I wouldn't want to show my face either.

A bunch of noise can only satisfy one for so long. If you ever feel a need to listen to some real rock music try Dir en grey. Not only do they have elaborate costumes that aren't always made to exactly "scare" people, they play MUSIC too! With defined melodies and stuff! It's amazing isn't it? You Slipknot fans should give "mitsu to tsuba" a listen, that's rock music, right there. Not this... um... garbage that barely passes as music.

My list of recommended Dir en grey songs: Cage, hotarubi, ain't afraid to die, ZAN, myaku, [KR]cube, Erode, GARDEN, yokan, AKURO no oka, [S], raison d'etre, Berry, riyuu, Hydra, and basically everything else. They rarely write bad songs.

Do whatever you'd like just don't delete this message, I'd like people to see it. Ban me whatever, I don't care, I just felt like being a total *** and taking it out on this crappy band that's such a fad these days :)
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by white out [/i]
[B]My list of recommended Dir en grey songs: Cage, hotarubi, ain't afraid to die, ZAN, myaku, [KR]cube, Erode, GARDEN, yokan, AKURO no oka, [S], raison d'etre, Berry, riyuu, Hydra, and basically everything else. They rarely write bad songs.


KYO-CHAN! is a musical and artistical genious!

Berry has Scary British girl in it.... scare me! KILL MEEEEEE!
[KR]Cube has evil assassin Kaoru in it... NOO MY POOR KYO IS DEAD!
Zan is just.... yeah....
Cage is great, nothing better! same with Garden.... and Hydra!
Myaku vid has white people!
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[color=deeppink]I do not like Slipknot either...I just can't enjoy someone "growling" (as white out says) in this husky voice to overly-loud music. Not my idea of a listening pleasure. Perhaps it's because I'm a conformist when it comes to popular music? Or perhaps I just don't feel the need to express such[/color] [color=red][b]anger[/b][/color] [color=deeppink]about society as they do...[/color]
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Guest Master O Beans
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by white out [/i]

My list of recommended Dir en grey songs: Cage, hotarubi, ain't afraid to die, ZAN, myaku, [KR]cube, Erode, GARDEN, yokan, AKURO no oka, [S], raison d'etre, Berry, riyuu, Hydra, and basically everything else. [I] [B]They rarely write bad songs.[/B][/I]


Hmmm, do you even know what they're saying in those songs? (Dir en grey , Gackt, Malic Mizer) Granted, sometimes It's hard to understand Corey from Slipknot...but he's still speaking english. But, if you do, more power to ya.
Here's a lil quote for yaz :D

"Since you never gave a damn in the first place
Maybe it's time you had the tables turned
Cuz in the interest of all involved I got the problem solved
And the verdict is guilty... "

Basically, to sum that up...you suck. Baahaha. No, it's just that your attacks on the band are worthless...and perhaps you should have posted this in one of the other million MUSIC THREADS....
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Guest Master O Beans
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i]
[B]my interest has been sparked. i have never downloaded a song off the net before, but since i am currently broke, i guess i'll have to learn. what do i do & where do i go to find the bands you guys are talking about? [/B][/QUOTE]

Definitely. Downloading music is great :) "Guilt Free Stealing" Muahahaha. Anyhoo, [url]www.aimster.com[/url] [url]www.kazaa.com[/url] those are two good ones, there's lots more I just don't know about em all :rolleyes:
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While I do not enjoy Slipknot's music, even in the least, I will not say they suck.... It would be hypocritical of me... something I don't like in people, something i try not to do myself... As far as I'm concerned, As long as they don't offend me I could care less what their music sounds like.... they just won't get a fan out of me... they have plenty more.... I just think they are over rated.... like Korn... and look where Korn is now..... Who's Korn?.... EXACTLY! But yeah.... me doesn't care...

Now, MoB.... You can VERY WELL understand Malice Mizer and Gackt lyrics (partially because Gackt does the singing for both, except now where Klaha does the singing fro Mizer, but he's still understanding).... however Deg..... thats another story... while Kyo can have a great voice at times.... when he yell, he yells like none other.... and quite frankly I don't think people 100% fluent in Japanese would understand a word he says.... hell I don't think he understands what he says heh.... anyway.... Gackt's voice is smooth and great and it's easy to understand what he says... Kyo's on the other hand can be rather harsh and weird.... however nothing like Slipknot.... grunting is not a thing of Japanese people.... only heavy breathing in scary songs! AHHH!...... and British girls..... british girls saying they are gonne KILL MEEEEE! ::runs around::

Anyway, you get the point?... was there a point?
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Guest Master O Beans
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i]

Anyway, you get the point?... was there a point? [/B][/QUOTE]

Hmm, not sure if there was a point....but I just made an omlet...and it was good!!! I put in some ham, potatoes, banana pepers and mixed cheese. It's was very good. so I'll make that point. wait...what? :rolleyes:
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Guest Master O Beans
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i]

It's that person.... you know... fellow Oregonian who loves Japanese stuff!.... I don't wanna give her/him away heh.... [/B][/QUOTE]

What in the hell are you guys talking about? And what is an Oregonian?!?!? ...I thought you were from Florida!;) :p
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  • 11 months later...
[b][color=teal][size=1]I don't know why I've been replying to such old threads lately... Nostalgia? *wonders*

I see a lot of people don't like Slipknot. I was one of you once. Then I forced myself to listen to their Iowa CD for awhile. It got pretty good; especially "My Plague", "The Heretic Anthem", and "People=****"

No, I'm not Satanic. I just like some of their music. And ever since Stone Sour showed up, I respect Corey Taylor so much more... And least he's able to lead a group without screaming obscenities...

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