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"Phantom Hunters"

Guest Dot Hacker

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Guest Dot Hacker
:sweat: Oh boy... I'm tryin to make a manga comic, and make it to "Rising stars of Manga." I want you to know that It may not be good, but I'm putting all my effort into it... There are two main characters in this story, they are brother and sister[I tried to make them twins :sweat:] , They are Hitoshi and Sentora Moetani, The Phantom Hunters. They go around sniffing out Phantoms haunting the living and torturing the dead. Oh! And one of the is trigger happy, the other one is all out psychic. Well, there parents died because of an all powerful Phantom, Before they died, the parents were protecting them from any harm before that fatal attack. AS the Two grew older, they became stronger, filled with desire, and given the ability to be rid of these entities, by scientists and an underground organization who is paying for all this, to be rid of the phantoms who wreak havoc on the lonely world...

(What'd you think?? Cool story huh?)
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Guest Dot Hacker
If People check my MyOtaku.com account, you'll see I may need as much help as possible... I need another hand to draw Sentora and Hitoshi for any of those willing to help... E-mail some sketches of Sentora and Hitoshi to me if you can help OKay?

My E-Mail is [email]Zyrofusion@aol.com[/email]
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