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Most Unusual Food You Have Eatten?


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What is the most unusual or exotic food you have ever eatten? What was it like and would you eat it again?

For me the most unusual food I have ever eatten is jellyfish. It has an weird texture. Jellyfish is chewy on the outside like jello, but has a cruchy part inside like a rice crispy. Very salty and slimy. It was served cold so I am not sure if it was cooked first then put in the fridge or if it was raw. I wouldn't go out and order more, but if it were given to me I might eat it again.

I would love to hear what interesting foods you have tried. Any recommendations? Food is fun and I am willing to give anything a try once. Well, almost anything, no fear factor "food" for me! LOL
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So much about what makes a food unusual depends on the time and place.

I found a fair amount of Japanese food to be unusual but to many Japanese people such things are common.

Natto is fermented soybeans. Some sort of extremely sticky white stuff hangs in threads between the beans when you take some up to eat it. Quite smelly and rather strong-tasting, but not horrible.

Konnyaku is some sort of tuber root pounded, mixed with water and formed into blocks. It has no flavor or calories - it's like gelatin but is much chewier. I went to a Korean restaurant where they served it covered with sesame seeds and sesame oil, which is marvellous.

Takoyaki and Okonomiyaki are fried custards. Takoyaki is formed into small balls around a tiny bit of octopus ("tako"). Okonomiyaki is made omelet-style, with fried cabbage and maybe some meat or seafood in it ("okonomi" means roughly "as you like it"). The thing I found to be unusual about these was in trying to make them. I found that if I whipped up a batch of batter for Yorkshire pudding (milk, flour and egg) and fried that, it came out much nicer than the water, flour and egg recipe that seems to be more often used.

I found curry bread, yakisoba bread, cutlet sandwich and croquet bread at a Japanese bakery in New Jersey. These sandwiches seem to be common lunchtime fare in Japanese schools but finding them in New Jersey made them seem unusual.

Right next door to the bakery was a Japanese spaghetti restaurant. I had spaghetti with cod roe sauce there...
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[color=hotpink][size=1]I think the most unusual thing that I can think of off the top of my head is duck. I tried it this past summer and it was disgusting. It was in little strips and looked alot like french toast sticks. It tasted kind of like that, as well. I didn't really enjoy it. I've also tasted seaweed. THAT tastes and smells exactly like fish food...[/color][/size]
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Then you've probaly have had bad seeweed, it's actually pretty good if you get a good kind, from a good trustworthy store.

Now the weirdest thing I've ever eaten would be.... the paper from those paper pixies sticks, it's good I tell you! GOOD! But, it's pretty gross and hard to chew, and I doubt good for my health...
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densuke you are right about that. It really does depend on the time and place for a food to be unusual. What is funny is 1/2 the food you listed can be found in my home right now!

Natto, I can't stand the stuff. My hubby loves it. I really think Natto is a food that there aren't fence sitters on. Either you love it or hate it. I can live the rest of my life without ever having to eat Natto again! I think it kind of smells like old coffee.

MRE's....I have never had them before. I know when my hubby was fighting fires for the Dept of Natural Resources in 1989 they fed the firefighters MRE's that were from the 1960's! Do those things really last forever?

Seaweed is great! I grew up with it so I love the stuff! :tasty: I guess this goes back to that saying that if you are asian you will eat anything from the sea! LOL

Has anyone here eatten any bugs? Wild animals like bear or moose?

Keep on listing those unusual foods that are out there to consume!
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I wouldn't call anything I've had unusual... but the thing I love that most other people apparently haven't even tried is alligator tail. It's quite honestly the best meat I've ever eaten. It's a shame most places try to give you such tiny pieces that all you can taste is the breading. Good seafood places do it right, though.

I've also had buffalo burgers. Much better than cow ones.
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[quote name='Panda']Seaweed is great! I grew up with it so I love the stuff! :tasty: I guess this goes back to that saying that if you are asian you will eat anything from the sea! LOL[/quote]

Seaweed is goood! Also Spinach ^_^. (WHich is scary since I'm asian too X_X)

THe clostest to exotic I got in eating is....... Pig liver. Or Spam, or french thingamabob. They're goood!!!!!!! Mix some rice or Raman Noodle or both and it's good ^_^.

[quote name='Panda']For me the most unusual food I have ever eatten is jellyfish. It has an weird texture. Jellyfish is chewy on the outside like jello, but has a cruchy part inside like a rice crispy. Very salty and slimy. It was served cold so I am not sure if it was cooked first then put in the fridge or if it was raw. I wouldn't go out and order more, but if it were given to me I might eat it again. [/quote]

Jelyfish is like..... chewy to my teacher. SHe said she'll never eat it ever again, since it was so weird.

[quote name='Ryu_Sakura']Now the weirdest thing I've ever eaten would be.... the paper from those paper pixies sticks, it's good I tell you! GOOD! But, it's pretty gross and hard to chew, and I doubt good for my health...[/quote]

My friend is eating test paper. So it's safe.... high on fiber I believe ^_^.
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[QUOTE=LostProphet]MRE's are good, but they're odd simply because when they're cold, it neither resembles nor tastes anything like what it's supposed to. But warm it up, and it's pretty damn good.

PS: The Cheese Tortellini is the best. Nuff Said.[/QUOTE]

[color=darkviolet]Wait until they send you to the feild. Then you can make MRE bombs with just the MRE heater and hot sauce.

Oh, and I'd advise not eatting the candy-that stuff is pretty old since the MRE can be stored for a while.

I'm sorry, but I had to say that-now, back on topic-

The strangest thing I've ever eatten is probably Kimchee which is just spicy pickled cabbage. It's really strange looking tho and kind of pinkish in color.

I've also eatten squid and octopus-the later was sushi and wrapped to the rice with seaweed. I think once you get over the suction cups it's just fine. Oh, and seaweed salad

I'd do the kimchee again because when it's prepared right. I think I'd pass on anything with suction cups or seaweed salad-since I eat sushi.[/color]
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[size=1][color=navy]It's funny when people say Kimchee, octopus, squid, and other Asian oriented food is unusual. I'm too accustomed to seeing them (and occasionally gutting them) that the shock wears off. I personally love the octopus, squid, kimchee, natto, konyaku and such. The best way to eat an octopus is basically tearing apart a live one, putting some Kochujyang (Korean hot paste) on it, and eating it raw/alive. They're still semi-alive so the suction cups stick in your mouth for quite a while.

Most unusual food I've eaten probably will be... Inago no Tsukudani, or... pickled (not too sure) locusts. They're black because it's soaked in some kind of liquid for some time, and is pretty sticky. I ate it over rice, and it wasn't too bad.[/size][/color]
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[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]I don't think I have ever eaten anything all that unsual. Maybe the [I]least pleasant[/I] thing I have ever been presented with was a whole fish (it had the eyeballs, skin and everything else) when visiting some friends in London. Even the individual who cooked them didn't want to eat them, so my mom and my friends' dad were the only ones to eat them.
I guess you could say I'm not very adventurous in my tastes. Then again, there are some people who refuse to try wasabi, simply because it's spicey, or eat all those wonderful MSG-packed Asian snack foods (Shrimp chips, those little seaweed pretzle things that I can't remember the name of etc...) that no human being should go without.

Alot of people say it's "exotic" to eat pineapple on pizza whenever possible, but I think they're just completely unworldly. Even less so than I.

Yes, seaweed is some wonderful stuff--I don't know why some people don't like it. The only problem is, it's hard to find in anything but gigantic, 200-pack, bulk products. Unless you buy the lame, tasteles stuff they sell at all the mainstream grocery stores, that is.

Come to think of it, though, alot of people would think that lucamethes are unusual. Whether or not you find them odd, there's something wonderful about piping hot little balls of goodness floating in syrup that squirt out sugary liquid when you bite into them...yummm... Same goes for poutine, which is truly the greatest. I don't know what some people have against it.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] :confused:
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[size=1]For me, the oddest thing i'v ever eatin' in crab. I know it's not THAT unusual, but I just tryed it about a year ago and I was surprised that it actually DID taste like chicken o.o
I also find it a bit odd because you would think after boiling the crab, the hard shell would become softer, making it easier to crack open, but actually it's still tough. The best thing about crab though, is that you can take one of the legs and stick your finger into the joint and make it move. Call me childish, but I find that extreamly fasinating!

The meat does pretty much taste like chicken, only it's softer and can be salty at times (depends on how long it's boiled).[/size]
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[QUOTE=O'lick][size=1]For me, the oddest thing i'v ever eatin' in crab. I know it's not THAT unusual, but I just tryed it about a year ago and I was surprised that it actually DID taste like chicken o.o
I also find it a bit odd because you would think after boiling the crab, the hard shell would become softer, making it easier to crack open, but actually it's still tough. The best thing about crab though, is that you can take one of the legs and stick your finger into the joint and make it move. Call me childish, but I find that extreamly fasinating! [/size][/QUOTE]

Crab juices are good. Though it's bit..... salty and a bit too sweet. But crab is good..... though the bones are really see through.

WHy in the world that asian foods is so exotic and unusual? I just don't get it. ANd I eat kimchee with raman noodles. It's good...
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[color=darkviolet]Eh, When I say squid, I'm also talking about calimari. You know, fried squid rings. Someone got me to eat them by saying it was onion rings. And hey, I was 11 at the time. Mmm mmm, takes me back.

I was told that they have armadillo on soem of the restuaraunt meus in Texas, but I didn't see it. Liars! :raspberry[/color]
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Ox tongue,
Ostrich burgers,
Whitebait patties( which are soooooo cool. You have all these little eyes staring at you),
Crab (why is this so wierd???),
Rocks (more like pebbles, ha ha),
Shopping cart handles (well, when I was young I used to lick them...Ewwww!!! I can't believe I'm still alive),
Icecream from a drainpipe,
L&P...Thru my sock! (btw, L&P stands for Lemon and Paeroa. It's a really nice lemony kind of soda. You can really only get it in New Zealand. World famous in New Zealand, anyway.
Well, I enjoy wierd stuff. :D
My friends youth group has to eat the most revolting stuff...Eurgh...like, fear factor stuff.
Mmmm. The weirdest thing someoneI know has eaten would have to be...a lightbulb. Yup, my cousin ate a lightbulb when he was little. But it was from a torch, so....Yeah
This is a great topic!!!
Cinnamon ;)
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Let me see. The most unusual food I have ever eaten...

Well there are two of them. Chocolate covered crickets, and the second one is grilled grasshoppers in tortilla wrap with guacamole sauce. Surprisingly, both of those insect treats are pretty delicous. They are also very nutrious. Yum!
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For me, it's black pudding. For those who don't know - that's pig's blood. I know that it's not [i]that[/i] unusual but I stick with my usual foods, so it was weird for me. In my opinion, it tasted like stuffing - I liked it. Until I found out what black pudding was made out of. :sick:
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[FONT=Arial]the most unusual food I have eaten is called Serin it is a Vietnamese fruit that they think is really great. On the outside it looks like an exaggerated pineapple b/c it is all spikey but on the inside it has several chambers like a coconut. In each one is a soft pouch of yellowish fruit with a big seed in the middle. You eat it with your hands & it's all smushy and stringy at the same time. I didn't like it b/c it wasn't sweet like the way we think of fruit, it was more sweet like an onion which is not very sweet if you ask me![/FONT] :tasty:
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Guest Midnight Rush
the most exotic thing i have ever eaten was eel. I was at a Japanese restaurant with a friend and they had different kinds of sushies (at least thats what i thought it was) and I ordered "Unaki or unagi (don't remember which sorry lol) sushies". I had no idea what it was and a little old woman sat behind the counter saying in "Engrish (yes i stole it from the awesome web site [url]www.engrish.com[/url]) "veerrryy good. very good." and then nodded sagely hahahaha!

I ate some and was like AAAACCCCKKK!! SOUUUURRRR!! after i got over shock i liked it alot and eat it occasionally to this day.
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[color=darkslateblue]You know, I wanna try those tarantulas that are cooked and all. Just readin the post about eatin chocolate grashoppers mad me hungry.

Hm...I'm not sure what's the weirdest thing I ate. I used to eat live ants crawling on the ground, grass, even tried tasting those rollie pollie bugs. Never got close to a spider though, I hated those things when I was small. Now I want to eat those freakin tarantulas.

Not talking about bugs I have eaten, I guess the taste of deer meat kind of surprised me. It was...salty...though I love salty stuff.
Then again, the another odd thing is that applesauce I had ordered from a resturaunt that had pieces of chicken, carrot, and celery in it. >>

Ooh you know what I forgot to mention? What tastes odd is goldfish flakes. Though I like it.[/color]
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The most unusual food i've ever eaten was a sheep's tongue. It tasted alright I guess...a bit chewy. It was a few years ago. I don't think i'll be eating it again though. I'll stick to the usual steaks and chicken.
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[font=Times New Roman][size=3][color=royalblue]I would have to say the most unusual food I have ever eaten was crocodile; it really does taste like chicken. There really is not much to say about it, I had it at a seafood restaurant a few years back and it was pretty good.[/color][/size][/font]
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