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Starcraft Banner By Request!!!!!

Guest Ziliot's Rage

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Guest Ziliot's Rage
[URL=http://www.altogames.com/cgi-bin/preview.pl?/s/starcraft/g-000084-w1-000575.jpg,0,0,0]This is a website for the wallpaper I'm asking u to make me a avatar of. [/URL]
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[color=gray]It would be nice if you would be a little more precise of what the banner has to look like. (name, text, size?)
That would make it a lot more easy to make a banner for you ^_~
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[color=gray]What I meant was if you wanted any name on the banner, or a quote something like that.
Oh well, here it comes *really needs PSP back on his pc*



If you like them enough, pick one =P

(they're BMP by the way, so no putting the link in your Adress bar ^_^;; )[/color]
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  • 2 months later...
Guest Elite_Sniperz_
[FONT=Century Gothic]Um Hi.... I Was Wondering If I Can Get A Banner With A Hydralisk That says Zerg On The Bottem Of The Creature, a Marine and it says Terrian, a Zelot and it says Protoss, And in the the middle of it Make it say Starcraft Carrier. [/FONT]

[FONT=Century Gothic]Please And Thank U![/FONT] :smirk:
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[QUOTE=Elite_Sniperz_][font=Century Gothic]Um Hi.... I Was Wondering If I Can Get A Banner With A Hydralisk That says Zerg On The Bottem Of The Creature, a Marine and it says Terrian, a Zelot and it says Protoss, And in the the middle of it Make it say Starcraft Carrier. [/font]

[font=Century Gothic]Please And Thank U![/font] :smirk:[/QUOTE]Please make a new topic rather than clutter up this one. And keep in mind that It Gets Annoying When You Capitolize Every Word. ;)
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