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6.5. I don't really give a damn if it's your first time. Banner from a first timer is no more different then a banenr from a professional.

It's really good, but the font is really... iffish, just try to avoid it. Other then that, it's [strike]pretty[/strike] good. Keep at it.
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[color=#30415d]This thread is in serious need of cleaning up. Now.[/color]
[quote name='FirePheonix727]That's your [i]first[/i'] try? Dang, it's good man! The background is pretty interesting... OK, so I'd give it a... 8.5? I don't know... I guess there's better out there, but still a very good job in my opinion.[/quote][color=#30415d]You need to expand on the feedback for this banner, rather than basing the post around your rating and how you like it. The only thing that I see as constructive is when you say "The background is pretty interesting", but even then, you didn't explain why you thought that way.[/color]
[quote name='Keiji']It's as good as good gets with X. You wouldn't mind if I used that in a sig would you?[/quote][color=#30415d]I see no constructive criticism here at all. Any questions off-topic can be asked through PM.[/color]
[quote name='G/S/B Master']6.5. I don't really give a damn if it's your first time. Banner from a first timer is no more different then a banenr from a professional.[/quote][color=#30415d]You probably could have worded that a little nicer. ~_^ Try to keep a positive attitude about someone's banner, or else the person will disregard your entire post, and maybe even retaliate.

You are all in need of improving constructive criticim, which you should have read in [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=32738]this thread[/url].[/color]
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[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]The one thing that really bugs me about this piece is the font. It's very...out of place. Courier New ( ;) ) or something a little more modern would suit the gist of the banner better.
I would work on the background and save quality a bit--some of the colours are rather out of whack.

It's good for a first-time, but I highly recomend brightening and sharpening the subject of the banner. It's no fun when you can't see Megaman properly, now is it?

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[size=1][color=dimgray]Thats actually a pretty good banner for a first timer. I agree w/ most of the other posts,The font [i]could [/i]be better. But that can be easily fixed by downloading new fonts. The backgrounds interesting, and I like that little bar-thing at the bottom...[Psst...who taught you how to do that again...? ^_~] Good job though, 9.0.[/color][/size]
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