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my mind hurt

Guest ss3-brolly

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Guest ss3-brolly
If you hadn't notice I just want to make this clear digimon don't seem like an anime.It started off as a copy of pokemon basicly a copy of pokemon and yet it seem to keep going! It went from really sorry to I can live with it sorry Yes the kids change into moster now but it changed so much that it can't even make a come back. I mean even sailor moon better then that,really it's ok it rank 9 out of 20 of my favoite animeand once agine yugioh sorry to all the do is look at cards and look really mad.Yes the card game is tight but the show need much impovement even some of the german cartoons I seen are better then.Them to one copy and suck so much that they could never make 50cent off of the movie and yugioh one the most boaring things I ever seen. What do the world have to do with cards I could see the puzzels having something to do with the world but cards.It would be better if yugi had to find them and he gain some type of powers but thats just me.
:flaming: :mad: :cool:
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Well.... regardless of whether or not Digimon rips off a particular series, it's still anime. That's pretty much indisputable. Because you tend to skimp on punctuation, your post is incredibly difficult to read; you may have raised some interesting points, but it takes a great deal of work to decipher what you're saying.

The next time you start a thread, please give it a title more appropriate to the subject matter you're addressing. I can't tell whether you're trying to discuss Pokemon, Digimon, Yu-Gi-Oh or all three shows at once. It also would help greatly if you paid more attention to your grammar and divided your posts into bite-sized paragraphs.

Thank you very much. ^_^

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