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Paranoia Agent


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wow this anime throws me for a loop every episodes. Everything I gotta say about Ep4's goin' in Spoiler form,heh.

[spoiler] Last time's loop was finding out the hooker was the tutor, this time it's lil' slugger getting caught the way he did. It was hilarious how it happened and I'm surprised that they showed his face. Being paranoid about this anime, I'm thinking it wasn't him but a copy cat, somehow. [/spoiler]

Can't wait to see what the next episode does.
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How could he be a copycat? Well anyways I feel sorry for [spoiler]the Lil slugger. He was only trying to help that guy. I dont know about you guys but I'm on Lil sluggers side. He's just one cool dude.[/spoiler]

[COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Added spoiler tags- details of how to do this are in the FAQ page. Please be mindful of what you could be revealing to people who've not yet seen the series. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
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  • 3 weeks later...
Episode 5 was hiliarously great.
Episode 6 was crazy.

[spoiler] As far as I can tell that kid was a copy cat, meaning I was maybe right. :p and once again lil' slugger makes things better by giving the people was they wanted, the girl got what she wanted. [/spoiler] What the hell is going on, crazy stuff just keep happening. I hope things wrap up and don't end up like Lain did in the end.
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So, it was just a [spoiler]nerd from the streets that was basically copying him. And that father gets what he desevre for making pornage of HIS OWN DAUGHTHER. Who in God's name would do a dirty thing like that.[/spoiler] I just sicken me. (PM me for the name of the Opening song of Paranoia Agent.
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[COLOR=#503F86]ffgirl_Ashe, I've added spoiler tags to your post. Please be mindful of what you could be revealing to people who haven't yet seen the series. It's really important that everyone tries to get the hang of using these- repeatedly failing to do so will result in a ban from the site.[/COLOR]
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[quote name='ffgrl_Ashe]Did anyone see the last episode? I wonder if [spoiler']the Lil slugger killed the copycat becaause they found him on the floor with blood everywhere. But he never kills his victoms.[/spoiler][/quote]

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]That is something I've noticed also. My theory is [spoiler]that Lil Slugger didn't want a copycat. So he dealed away with him giving a warning of anyone else who tried to do his job.[/spoiler] My theory could be wrong though.[/COLOR][/FONT] :catgirl:
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I love this anime. The style is unique and its rocks my socks XDDDDDDDDDDD lol It's reminds me of Furi kuri a bit with all the swinging! I've already seen the whole thing and i don't want to give anything away because it's best if you find out what happens heh he ^^-[/FONT]
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[quote name='BlackTigerGurl][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy]That is something I've noticed also. My theory is [spoiler]that Lil Slugger didn't want a copycat. So he dealed away with him giving a warning of anyone else who tried to do his job.[/spoiler] My theory could be wrong though.[/COLOR][/FONT'] :catgirl:[/quote]

Your theory is probably right but not 100%. Maybe that Lil Slugger copycat was him but needed to be "releaseed". He probably like Freddy on Elm Street but within a person body twist.
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest ShonenSamuraiMugen
Last nights episode was episode 12 of Paranoia Agent...I heard that it was a 13 episode series...BOOHHOO...SOB!!! :animecry: :animedepr Why? Why didn't they make it longer? It's such a great show! Anyone else sad to see it almost over? I am as you can see...

what the crap HAPPENED???? I made this a thread today!
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  • 4 weeks later...
Did anyone like Parinoa Agent?
It threw me for a loop if u know what i mean. There were a couple of times where i was completley lost. All through out the story i did'nt know if lil slugger was real or part of Tsukiko's imagination. The ending was really good surprisingly and i finally got it. Whoever wrote that knew how to end a story right.
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[[SIZE=4]COLOR=DarkOrange]I think its a weird anime. it has no goal its just different stuff everytime. ive seen all the episodes.[/COLOR][/SIZE] :animestun
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Guest ShonenSamuraiMugen
No [spoiler]Lil' Slugger wasn't real, he was everyone's imagination, since Tsukiko started the rumor, everyone started getting attacked by something other than Slugger, but were led to believe he was real. Basically, most of the story is a medaphor, like the last episode, when the flood kills everyone. It was just all the madness in the air. The people destroyed Tokyo wanting all the merch. I don't know what you guys are talking about...but the fake was just a kid who was pretending. He killed himself later in the story.[/spoiler]
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