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Gender Posting...

Grey Aurora

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[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]I can understand your concern. I am sure there is a member or two out there that no one really knows what gender. I am sure the more dramatic would say, "What's it matter what gender they are? You should treat everyone the same!" . . -_-

I am a [b]male[/b], though sometimes the way I act or the avatar (see now avatar) in these boards confuses people, and I am asked ever so often. Personally, I don't get offended. . it's not like they are looking at my picture right now *shrug* It's all text based here, short of going to the picture thread and posting a picture, there are only a few other ways of letting people know, unless they ask you.

Sometimes people have a website, that you can check out *nudge*. . lol [/SIZE][/COLOR]
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Guest Midnight Rush
What gender confusion? By the way people write you should be able to figure it out... As for me: I am undecided.

New members these days, I'll tell ya...
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^^ If you don't know by now, I'm sure as heck not tellin' yah! 0.0

LOL I'm female, for those of you who care to guess wrong. ::nudges lovers:: I like to think of myself as female, tho I like both genders... ::hides::
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*Rolls up sleeves*
Err, just my luck. I always seem to pick the worst boards to ask this question. Regardless, it matters because I come from a small animeboard that has many people with avatars of the opposite gender. Actually, I usually use female avatars even though I'm male which has caused...some very...unpleasant incidents. -_-

This said, I like to approach people on equal footing when I'm online. I would hate to mistake someone's gender as it is also unpleasant. Besides, I treat everyone equally, I'm just trying to avoid trouble and somehow I found it again...how odd. And I'm sorry for provoking any unwanted emotions. Regard me as nothing more than an ignorant new member.
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[QUOTE=Grey Aurora]*Rolls up sleeves*
Err, just my luck. I always seem to pick the worst boards to ask this question. Regardless, it matters because I come from a small animeboard that has many people with avatars of the opposite gender. Actually, I usually use female avatars even though I'm male which has caused...some very...unpleasant incidents. -_-

This said, I like to approach people on equal footing when I'm online. I would hate to mistake someone's gender as it is also unpleasant. Besides, I treat everyone equally, I'm just trying to avoid trouble and somehow I found it again...how odd. And I'm sorry for provoking any unwanted emotions. Regard me as nothing more than an ignorant new member.[/QUOTE]

LOL Unwanted emotions? Itsd okay, I've done it once or twice.

I think I saw a thread on here once about ppls avis', and someone said that a lot of ppl think that the person looks like their avi. ::glances around:: I know I don't. ^^
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Guest Midnight Rush
I'm still undecided, but don't feel bad lol. This was a rather funny diversion from my rather funny life. Its all good, no worries lol. But yeah, you generally can tell by writing style, or if all else fails profile. You had good intentions tho, so its all good.
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Don't worry I don't think you've "provoked any unwanted emotions" here, just the way people like to argue I guess heh. I don't think its easy to decipher what gender a person is just by the way they type, what a foolish thing to say. I am constantly being mistaken for a guy when I'm actually female and I've been around here for about a year now.
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Guest Midnight Rush
[quote name='doukeshi03']Don't worry I don't think you've "provoked any unwanted emotions" here, just the way people like to argue I guess heh. I don't think its easy to decipher what gender a person is just by the way they type, what a foolish thing to say. I am constantly being mistaken for a guy when I'm actually female and I've been around here for about a year now.[/quote]
I knew you were female before I read the last line lol. YOu re right though, you can't always tell, but usually.
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it's sometimes extremely tough to tell what gender a person is if you're just on the net and talking to them. i've run into a few people i thought were guys until we got into a real friendship... poor Mura-chan :sweat:

As for me, i'm female and don't you forget it. My handle is a guy's name, but i prefer it to many female names... although i could have signed up as Manx. Hm.
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[quote name='Grey Aurora']This said, I like to approach people on equal footing when I'm online. I would hate to mistake someone's gender as it is also unpleasant. Besides, I treat everyone equally, I'm just trying to avoid trouble and somehow I found it again...how odd. And I'm sorry for provoking any unwanted emotions. Regard me as nothing more than an ignorant new member.[/quote]
Worry not, my friend! Charles is here for you.

This sort of unpleasant confusion is easily avoidable. Any OtakuBoards member worth their weight in salt has a registered myOtaku account attached to their profile. Visit the page by simply by clicking the appropriate link located directly beneath a member's user name and titles. An individual's gender should be included with their [b]Vital Information [/b](on the left-hand side of the page).

In the case of particularly androgynous posters, this will prove to be your most reliable avenue outside of directly asking someone their gender.

Anyway, don't feel upset over asking a simple question; this isn't a serious situation. No one is going to beat you up over it. :p
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