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Kris was startled as Hunter dragged her out of the room. She jerked out of his grasp, and he turned around to look at her. "Look, Hunter. Joey and I can work this out. Okay?" SHe darted past, and caught up with Joey. SHe caught the ther girls arm.

"Kris, I said-"

"I know, Joey-"

"Then why-"

"Listen, gods!" Kris' sudden tone startled Joey into silence. "We can do this together, if you won't let me do it by myself, because I am not letting you go into something you can't handle!" Joey glared at her. "And you can handle it?" Kris sighed. "I've done astral projection before, so yes, I could handle it." She smiled at Joey.

Joey looked startled. "But, one of us has to stay with Hunter-" Kris shook her head, cutting off Joey's protest. "Joey, if we both go, atleast one of us will come back, if not both. And I can't go into the spirit world knowing you wanted to - then my mind wouldn't be clear. And if you went, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to you." Her eyes expressed true concern. "Together?"
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[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"Please let them figure out what to do?" Hunter begged after Kris had gone after Joey alone. He placed his back against that wall and slowly slide down it until he was seated on the floor.

Perhaps he should tell them. Tell them both at the same time. If he did maybe it all of this would be easier. He was sure that each of them realized that he liked them, but he wasn't sure if they knew that he was in love wiht both of them. It was a hard thing, but he knew he must.

Kris and Joey both returned. "Hunter we've decided that we are going to do this together." Joey said.

"I'm not sure if that will be possible. This is only ment to be done by one person." Hunter said. He had to tell them he was going to.

"We are still going to try." Kris said. "That way at least one of us is going to return and this won't be a total failiure. If only one of us go and she fails then it's over. You are all screwed."

"We will try then." Hunter said. He stood up and then stood between the two of them looking from one to the other. God they were so beautiful. Like angels. "There is something you must know about a problem I have with this." He was now sweating in pure nerviousness. "I've been fighting this conflict inside my head and inside my heart." Then the burn from that one ghost began to sting again and get hotter. It was painful. "The truth is I've been fighting my emotions and must now tel you that I love you. I love you both. I don'n know why or how I'm in love with to girls. I always thought that you found only one person in your life that you truly feel this way for, but I feel this way about both of you. It is as if half of me says that Joey is the one for me and the other half says Kris. Do you understand my problem?"[/COLOR]
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This conversation was getting a little too deep for Rodney. He tried to seem like he was ignoring it, but his expression showed it... not that anyone was looking in his direction anyway. Kris and Joey were both speechless for several moments, their eyes either fixed on Hunter or drifting to the floor. This was going to be a hard one to get out of.

Hunter's pain became increasingly obvious, and Rodney thought he should do something, anything to stop this akward moment. He shifted his feet a little and almost talked... but didn't. It was one of those times where you know you should do something, but your body doesn't want you to.

Paul was shocked also, and he struggled to keep from letting his mouth hang open. Clesia was in a similar condition.

Finally snapping, Rodney blurted out, "Oh, you'll get over it later, let's get this over with damn it!"
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[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"Rodney do you even grasp what I'm saying." Hunter asked. "I'm afraid if they both go in thenI will never see either of them again. I would have lost three people that where important to me. Three people that I love. I wouldn't be able to stand living. I would probably die myself. You all would die because the enemy would kill you. We'd lose the battle."

"Are you still thinking about the mission being more import then love?" Rodney asked.

"No." Hunter replied "Love is more important to me than my own life. I would die protecting these girls. Of coarse I would like to know how they feel about me. I don't care if they hate me or love me as well. I just want to know." He looked back to the girls. "We will do this no matter what. You can both go. I just want to know if you feel the same way about me as I feel about you?"

Minutes passed and neither of them would answer. Hunter wasn't sure why though. All of the sudden he no longer wanted to hear their answers. He was afraid of the worst possible outcome, neither of them loved him. He wallked past and began to leave.

"Hunter." Kris called out simpathetically.

"I will see all of you on Halloween at the school." Hunter said. "Just promise me that neither of you are going to die." Then he left.[/COLOR]
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Kris got up, and ran after him. He was far ahead of her, and she broke into a run. She caught his arm, and turned him to her. SHe kissed him full on the lips, her eyes wet. She pulled back, her eyes searching his face, and she said, "I love you." She threw her arms around his neck, and kissed him again. Her hair was determined - it fell out of the braids pulled behind her head, and the short soft red hair brushed his cheeks.

Kris felt Hunters shock, and then his arms went around her waist hesitantley. She pulled back, only a little to look in his eyes. Their eye lashes brushed each-others cheeks like butterfly wings. She smiled unexpectedly, and said, "My mother used to call those butterfly kisses."
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[COLOR=Purple]Joey shrugged, she never liked boys much anyway, mostly idiots. Hunter was nice and all, but he had Kris? Why would he need an annoying third wheel? Not her problem she decided. ?Hunter? I like you too, it?s just?? She shook her head, and walked off? Again alone? Like before? ?A boy I like, and once again he?s swamped by another girl.? Joey?s anger raced, at that little rat, who stole her first love, and now the one who stole her last. For the second time in her life, her eyes turned steely, icy, yet burning hot. ?I may not be the prettiest girl, I may not be the best, but to hell with thee!? she stormed out, her fists clenched, nails digging into her flesh, but she had an unexpected grin on her face-no a smirk. She was going to make sure that Kris could be with Hunter, but only after she had her fun. Joey?s already dark purple eyes darkened. Her blond hair and pale skin looked white against them. Her black chain-laced sneakers smacked the ground as she ran to the graveyard.[/COLOR]

OOC: Bwahahahaha Evil-ness rox my sox. Joey was boring me, always being nice, after all, if you look back on the sign-up, she was pretty violent.
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[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]The next few days and nights Hunter was both happy and sad. He was happy that he finally knew that Kris loved him as well, but Joey's reaction was disturbing him. She acted as if the last person she cared about had been taken away from her. Hunter spent many hours on his couch going over all of the events that he had experienced with both of them. All of them showed him the same thing. He loved both of them.

He was now sorry he told them. If he hadn't then maybe this wouldn't have happened. Joey was hurt and he could tell. He several times attempted to call, but as someone would pick up he would hang up. He had nothing to say. He was sure he wouldn't be able to speak to either of them until he was certain who he loved more.

A knock at Hunter's door disturbed him. He was afraid that it would be one of the girls and he couldn't bare to face them right now. He would probably slame the door in her face. When he did open it it was Rodney.

"Hunter I need to speak with you." He said. "Halloween is tomarrow and I think that you are thinking of not coming. I can't explane why i have this feeling that you are going to do this, but I do."

"Do you wish to speak with me and convince me to come?" Hunter asked.

"If it's not to much a bother." Hunter let him in. "I remember the other day you said to Kris and Joey that you loved both of them. Kris was overjoyed and she said that she loved you as well. That's great and I'm happy for you, but Joey looked strange when she left. I think you noticed it as well. She looked almost heartbroken, but also appeared to not care."

"She's covering up her true feelings. She really is heartbroken even if she doesn't realize it. If that is true then she really does love me as well."

"I was thinking perhaps one of these loves you feel is an illusion or something."

"Prehaps. Or perhaps I should take your soul to the underworld!" Hunter clasped his mouth shut with his hand. He realized that that last shout was not from him. It came out, he didn't control it. "I think that maybe there is something wrong with me."

"Hunter that wasn't you who just said that was it?"

"No it wasn't Rod. I think I'm possessed."[/COLOR]
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[FONT=System][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]This was too great an opportunity for Rodney... "Well that explains a lot!"

Hunter seemed somewhat less than amused. The smirk faded from Rodney's face and he cleared his throat. "OK... so what are we supposed to do? Perform an excorcism?"

Hunter thought for a moment, "That's all I would be able to think of." Both of them knew that even if they gained magic powers, they wouldn't be experienced enough to do an excorcism.

"Maybe... it'll go away after the cermemony thing?"

"That's what I'm most worried about. "Hunter said, beginning to pace a little. "What if it affects the ritual in some way? We might only have one chance..."

"Oh... I see..." Rodney then thought of something, and changed the subject temmporarily. "Hey Hunter..."


Rodney hesitated for a moment before continueing, "Well... how do you... how do you know?"

"Huh? Know what?"

There was an even longer hesitation this time, "How do you know, when... when you love someone?" Rodney was now staring at the floor.

Hunter seemed a little surprised, and the mention of the subject got him down. " You... just kinda... know... ya know?" Rodney's eyes didn't move an inch, as if he was determined to burn a hole in the floor with his eyes.

"Uhh... why do you ask?"

".... no reason... "[/COLOR][/FONT]
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OOC: Determined to burn a hole in the floor with his yees... LOL, careful! He might do that!

IC: Kris was at home, doing homework. SHe had missed a lot of school, and Dezerea, her sister, had brought home her missed work. Kris was working on Science at the moment. The red-head bit the end of ehr pencil as she thought. "Damn!" She erased something off the poster, and started to re-write it.

The project was due tommorrow, and she had to color it in. Kris searched about her for her colored pencils, and dug for the green one. Bringing it out, she noticed something in the bag. It was a piece of paper. SHe got it out, and unfolded it. As soon as she did, tears came to her eyes. It was a picture of her and her ex-boyfriend, Sandy. Sandy had died in a car crash a year ago.

They had been tight, and when they had gone out to party, Sandy had gone with his friends home. Kris had left early. His friend, however, had been drunk(unnoticably) and crashed the car. All four boys in it were killed. Sandy, Kris' bf, Daniel, Sandy's best bud(the guy driving), Matt, Kris' brother and Sandy's friend, and Jason, Kris' best bud.

Kris had been traumitized when they were killed. She had gone into shock, and near killed herself.

Now, Kris threw herself on teh flor, sobbing. SHe lay limp, the old pain of Sandy's death still strong in her heart. [i]ANd I just handed my heart over to Hunter... am I so stupid? If he dies, I definatley will... and Maria won't be there to stop me, like the last time...[/i]

She managed to finish her homework late that night. She got out the magic things her aunt had gotten her, and started meditating. She couldn't go into the spirit world yet, but she could be ready.

OOC: Different Maria. ^___^
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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]A few days had past since Joey stormed out. But Joey, was no longer Joey, I guess you could say, she was, but very different. Her hair was no longer blond, nor her eyes purple. Her eyes turned ruby, and her hair jet black. Though, that didn?t match her new powers, they were of water and wind magic, dark cerulean in color. Her personality changed tremendously. She no longer cared for video games and such petty nonsense. Her main obsession was toying with minds. Quickly she made friends with a dark wizard, but she cared little for that friendship, as she only wanted a few things in return for her alliance with him. Joey asked for her new features, and new clothes, along with a new name, ?Wind Pirate?. Her eyes red as they were stood out on her still pale face and tight black shirt. Her pants pretty much were the same, only covered in chains, not just one on her right hip. Her old sneakers were replaced by new shiny black boots, still using chains for laces.

?Dork, WTF? Why in hell did you go and change my room around!?!?? Wind yelled out the door. No response, ?Whatever.? Wind flicked her hand and the room rearranged. ?I?m going to the surface, can I take a few mind-less drones of yours? I wanna go torment those annoying little twerps. Okies?? She didn?t wait for a reply, because there never was one. Her boots tapped the floor, making small clicks on the ground, other then that dead silence. She started to hum, and then came to a door, in the rotten old mansion and kicked it open. ?Hm? Flamer, Icy, and Shokc, come with me.? She glared at the ectoplasm figures before her. ?Now.? They followed her as she walked up a spiraled staircase, until they reached the surface. It was night, the night before Halloween, Mischief Night. ?Ooh! Goodie.? Wind and her party strolled to Hunter?s house, which was oddly nearby (It always was that close, but the stairs weren?t, which just tells you who changed them). ?I?ll be back for you later.? Wind said blowing a kiss at the silhouette in the only illuminated window in the house, which she knew to be Hunter. She grinned then took her ghost friends further down the street, then she entered a side road, as she walked the ghosts behind her drifted off. ?Where do you think you?re going?? She said, though she knew very well, they were going to Kris?s house. Driven by her emotions. They pleaded at her with large ghostly eyes ?Alright, go, I have some egging and such to do.?[/COLOR]

OOC: Mwahahahahahahaha EVIL!!!!! Sorry, I'm just a little cookoo, and some of you may already know, but my newest nickname is Pirate Neko. So that's where Wind Pirate comes from.
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[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Hunter could only feel a cold shiver run down his spine later, well after Rodney left. When this came he went to the window to just look at the moon. He wasn't sure, but he thought that he saw something in the sky. It looked like four objects, possibly people, flying. He would usually think that his eyes were playing tricks on him, but recently he would believe his eyes everytime that they saw something strange, because now he believed that everything people say about supernaturals is true. He's been believing that ever since he lost Madison. Then he thought he was perhaps not over Madison as much as he thought he was. Everyone has been having something happen to them. He himself had been captured and tortured by ghosts. Kris had been put through more than he wanted to get into. Joey now was different somehow. He hurt her. Plus it appears that Rodney may be having some emotional conflicts of his own. Now he was going ack to Madison. Perhaps it all wasn"t worth it. Perhaps they'd be better without him.

Hunter went to his bedroom and began to write a small note to whoever may come to his home and find it. it read:

[I]My heart is torn. If I'm unable to live undecided then I shouldn't exist because this tare only causes pain to those I love most.[/I]

Hunter then took the note downstairs and placed on the table. Then he went to the counter and went into a drawer. He then pulled out a large kitchen knife. He sat in front of his note for nearly 30 minutes before he nodded and lifted the knife to his wrist. In one long painful slice he slit his wrist and blood began to poor out onto the floor. He quickly blacked out.

While laying their unconsious he was somewhere beween the human world and spirit world waiting for someone to come along and either pull him back into existence or to pull him down into the depths of hell. Then he saw a face that he thought he'd never see again in a million years. Madison was there.

"Damion why are you doing this?" She always called him by his real name. "It's not supposed to be your time to come over to this side."

"It wasn't yours when you left." Hunter said.

"Hunter I went because I no longer wished to be the slave of that ghost. I did it to protect you. You see she went from body to body using the host to suduce men and get them into bed with her. She would have done that to you. I couldn't let that happen."

"You did it for me?"

"Yes, but your leaving for all the wrong reasons. There are still people in the other world that you love and would benefit more from your life than your death. Your thoughts are clouded though. You've not been able to see the truth dispite the fact that it's right in front of your eyes."

"What's the truth then?"

"Kris has gone through a similar ordeal to you. She lost two of her best friends, her bofriend, and her brother in a terrible car accident. She may be most like you, but she isn't the answer to your question."

"But she said she loves me as well."

"She handed her heart over to you before realizing that she wasn't ready to. She hasn't moved on from that accident. She will greive over it for a while longer and someday in the future meet another man that she will probably fall madly in love with, that man is not you Hunter. Joey is lost and in danger though. She's neer had a strong relationship her entire life and is truly lonely and has a broken heart. She is the one that needs you the most, but I fear it may be to late to save you now. Your only chance of living now is if somehow Joey's eyes suddenly become clear as I made yours now."

"But why are you doing this?"

"Because I love you Hunter and I want you to be happy the rest of your life."

"Okay. One last question."


"How come you know all of this about Kris and Joey?"

"Well..I..um." She blushed from embarressment. "I kind of snooped around God's file cabinet."[/COLOR]

OOC: He's not dead yet.
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OOC: ::laughs oncontrollably:: 'Snooped in Gods file cabinet'! GAH!

IC; Kris was humming as she got up from her meditation. She had visited the spirit world, though not to the extent that she would have to tommorrow.


Kris' spirit floated about. Another came up to her - Sandy. "Kris! What are you doing ehre?" Kris squeeled. "Sandy! Oh, Gods, I thought I would never see you again!" They hugged one another, and Sandy gave her a small kiss. "Whats wrong? I can see the pain in your eyes." Kris released him, and looked down.

"Some ghosts have been lurking around our school, and attacking me, Joey, Hunter, Maria, and Rodney. Oh, and Paul. None of us have been killed yet, though Hunter and I were very close to death at one point." She looked up, and his baby blue eyes caught hers. "And we're planning to come here tommorrow night and supposedly get some powers to defeat them."

Sandy's eyes looked haunted. "Trea, yuo could get trapped!" Kris sighed. "I know, Sandy, I know! But I have to! Joey and I are going together... " SHe trailed off. Sandy hugged her, then kissed her once more. "Kris, go back. I really don't want you to do this. Go ahead, defeat these ghosts, but then, forget about me. If you keep thinking about me, you'll never be happy." He whiped a tear from her cheek. "I want you to be happy, ashke."

Kris held his hand to her cheek. "I love you still, Sandy." Sandy smiled. "And I you. But there is someone waiting. SOmeone who will love you and be there for you constantley." Kris' eyes lit up. "Hunter?" Sandy raised an eyebrow. "Hunter? Oh, you mean Damien. No, not him... hmm... he was in my math class one year... Tell him I said hello, alright?" They departed.


Kris gasped as three spirits came through her wall. Each had a malicious grin on their face. Her eyes widened. "No!"
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[COLOR=Navy]Wind sniffed the air, ?Blood? Hunter?s direction? Oh, crap.? She picked up the last egg and smashed it on the mailbox. ?Idiots, those moronic ghosts better not be there.? She quickly walked to his house, and burst open the door to see Hunter lying on the floor, thankfully not dead, but close to it. For a second the old Joey?s thoughts broke through, ?WTF!?!? Hunter what the hell? Did you kill yourself because of me?? Wind smacked herself, ?Joey is gone, and I remain.? She shook herself. ?Damnit, Hunter you stupid mortal!? She picked him up and carried him out the door, leaving a trail of blood. ?Hunter you better pray that you wake up.? Wind said sourly.[/COLOR]
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OOC: Skye you forgot Clesia!!!

[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Hunter's eyes opened only a little and he saw a glimps of the girl that was carrying him. "Joey." He whispered softly. She looked at him and then looked away.

"Joey no longer existes." Wind said. "My name is Wind."

"What happened to Joey?" Hunter asked using what strength was left in his leaking blood stream to speak. "What happened to the girl I love more than anything?"

"She's gone now you big moron." Wind replied.

"Your evil." Hunter said eyes narrowing. "I can sense it, but I want you to know I still think that you are beautiful. I realized that I had made a connection to you, sorry, to Joey the first time I met her. She was so lovly and seemed to be so lonly, but as I got to know her she became more open and began to get friends. I helped her achieve that and she helped me to get over Madison. She was the only one I was able to tell about Madison. That's the defining point of how I know. If I'm going to die I would at least like to spend the last moments of my life in her arms not the arms of you Wind."

A small drop of liquid fell from Wind's face and onto Hunter's. She then dropped him.[/COLOR]
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[FONT=Microsoft Sans Serif][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Rodney sat straight up in bed. Something didn't feel right, however corny that sounds. Upon trying to stand, he discovered he was very dizzy. Does this have something to do with the others? Rodney could only imagine what was happening if it did.

He got dressed quickly and snuck downstairs, careful not to wake his mom. The night was cold, so Rodney grabbed a jacket before walking out the door. Something pulled him in the right direction... like a calling more than anything.

Somewhere past Hunter's house, he could see Joey standing over a seemingly unconcious Hunter. Rodney froze and watched. Nothing happened for quite a while. Before Rodney could do anything, something in his subconcious took over, and he walked out from his place behind the corner of a house.

Joey immediately whirled around glared at him. "You..."

"Hello Wind. What? Why so unkind to your opposite?" It was no longer Rodney... but something in their tones suggested this new person was Wind's nemesis.[/COLOR][/FONT]
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Kris closed her eyes, whimpered, then they flashed open. The spirits flew back, and Kris snapped up a sheild. She panted, and threw her PJ's across the room. SHe fumbled around her closet, and came up with a pair of cut-off shorts, a tank top, and a jacket. Thorwing them on, and hurriedly pulled her hair into a short pony-tail, and threw on ankle socks with cheer tennis shoes. She didn't look like te old Kris - shy, bookwormy, and quiet.

The teen flew down the stairs, and out the door, silent as a mouse. Something was wrong. She saw the spirits fleeing, and chased after them, her pale legs fast as lightening as she ran. If she had been in a race, she would have won. She slid to a stop right behind Rodney.

Kris' eyes flashed, and she heard a voice come out of her that wasn't hers. "Well well well. If it isn't Wind." She turned to Rodney. "And I thought you hated her, too, Vladimir."
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[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Vladimir turned towards "Kris" and smirked. "Oh, but I do Aelen!" the tone was now sarcastic, and Wind seemed to become more and more annoyed.

"Both of you stay out of this! This is [i]my[/i] business, and mine only!" Vladimir and Aelen didn't budge.

Vladimir wagged a fingure at Wind, "Oh, but Windy, you know it's my job to throw a wrench into everything you do!" Aelen got a similarly sarcastic expression and walked a few paces ahead of Vladimir.

"And you know that I just hate it when you use other people's souls." Wind scouled at them both and hurried to pick up Hunter. But Hunter, who the other two had thought was unconcious, spoke.

"Joey... I know you're in there... whoever you are... let me see her." Vladimir turned to Aelen.

"Oooo, this one looks interesting. Do you think this body is capable of handling Wind?" he said, looking over Rodney's body.[/COLOR]
Aelen thought a moment, "Hmm... maybe."
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OOC: Aelen! LOL! ^_^ I remember that!

IC; Aelen smiled slyly. "Of course it is, Vladimir!" Her face screwed up as Kris fought for possession. She smiled. "THe little girl is a real fighter! I'm surprised she's been a bookworm for sao long." She looked over at Wind disdainfully. "And who are you to say anything about possessing souls, eh? WHat about that Joey girl?" Wind fumed.

Kris broke through for a minute. "Rodney!" Aelen took over again. "Like a said, a fighter." She looked herself up and down. "Hmm... nice choice of clothes, I must admit. I wonder where she got cheerleader shoes. Being a bookworm and all." Vladimir looked at ehr aprrovingly, then his face screwed up. "Rodney's not as much of a fighter as your Kris. But he's determined."

Aelen laughed, and looked over at Hunter. "So this is the one she was in love with..." She glanced at Vladimir. "Empasis on teh was, please." The girl stumbled back in shock. She was breathing hard, and her eyes wer changing from green to blue rapidly. Kris finally had control back. She pnated, and looked up at Vladimir thorugh sweat soaked hair. "Well... that was interesting. Rodney, I know your in there! C'mon, don't let Vladimir-" She fell backwards as Vladimirs hand went sharply across her face.

"Rod- I know your in there! Come on, its me, Kris! Trea!" She screamed in furstration.
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[FONT=Microsoft Sans Serif][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Rodney, inside his own head somewhere, watched the whole thing play out, and put his whole "weight" on a solid white door, apparently leading to his conciousness. [i]Damn it, you, let me out![/i]

The door vurst open for a moment, and Rodney gained control of his body. Trying his best to hit himself, he said "Never hit my friends! Freakin' ethereal thing..."

Vladimir gained control again, and Rodney was thrown back into the door. "This is for your own good kid!"

Wind, meanwhile, was now rather pissed and took off with Hunter, as Joey fought for control inside of her. Aelen got a moment of control and said, "Vladimir! Don't let her get away!"

Vladimir looekd down at Aelen, who had now changed back to Kris, and said, "Aye aye sir." Ironically, Vladimir sounded a lot like the real Rodney.[/COLOR][/FONT]
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Hoe flooded kris' face. "Rodney?" She was kicked in the mouth by a boot. "Damn, girl!" Kris coughed, and spit blood out of her mouth. She wiggled a loose tooth with her tounge. "Damn!" SHe could see Rodney struggling with Vladimir.

She got up, and, like the athlete she had been, took off after Wind. SHe tried to catch up. "Joey! Come on!" Wind glared at her over her shoulder.

Kris narrowly dodged tripping, and gained on her 'friend'. "Joey! Dammit, girl, fight it! Whats wrong with you?!" Wind stopped, still glaring. "Kris, I am Joey. I was way to nice to you guys." She started walking agian, her boot heels clicking on the pavement. Kris walked with her. "No! Joey, Wind, whoever you are! Hunter loves you, Gods dammit! Not me!"

WInd stopped, stock still.
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[FONT=Fixedsys][COLOR=DarkOrange]?I know, but unfortunately, every time me and ?Joey? are reborn, well in a sense, anyway, we?re one soul? but how do I explain it? Um?? Wind paused. ?Well in plain English, we are two pieces of one soul, I only take control when immense anger or whatnot is the only thing driving Joey?s mind, she?s not very sensible when she?s pissed, no wonder when I was asleep she killed a few students.? Every one looked at Wind confused.

OOC: Sorry, I don?t have very much time. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
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[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"Stop fighting with the foolish human's souls." A new voice spoke from Hunter's mouth, but these words were not his own. He too had one of these possessions in him. "Take back the bodies and minds. If you are unable to do that then you are not worthy of this mission."

"Lord Zazanoo!" Aelen said coming back over control of Kris's body. "How?"

"I've been occupying this body for quite a while now. The boy had no idea that I was even in here. He's a strong fighter, more power lies within this boy than the other's combined, that's why I had Micikaro burn this symbol into his chest. If he had not then control would never have been possible." Zazanoo spoke in his demonic tone throwing fear into hearts of the others. "Now I understand that none of you really get along well, but we need you to put it aside if you wish to complete the mission of the overlord."

"Yessir." Vladamir said.

"Agreed." Wind said.

"As for the feelings that the boy I exsist in they are meaningless. All delusions that I helped into his mind." Zazanoo gazed at his minions.

"Lord when were you able to enter into his body?" Aelen asked.

"Wind should know." He spoke then turned to Wind. "The point in his life when he was at his weakest. He told you the entire story."

"It was when he murdered Madison's mortal body." Wind replied telling everyone with a soft spoken grin. "Did you help him to tell me this?"

"He made his own choice. Now look at what this boy did to himself and just before the summoning." Zazanoo said. He pulled a power from his own evil energy to repair his wrist. "Now as for this ritual buissness perhaps we need to do somthing that will prevent them from being able to preform it.

Back inside the minds of these bodies that evil spirits now possessed the souls of the true occupants could hear everything but each other. Hunter yelled the loudest from behind the shadow of Zananoo. "You goddam spirit! Don't touch her! Don't lay one dirty finger on Joey!"

"Well that was my intent." Zananoo spoke to Hunter inside of his head. "Both her and Kris's as well. They are the only vessels in your group capable of coming back alive."

"I will NEVER let you defile her innocense!" Hunter screamed. He wanted to stand and fight this spirit, but he was bound tight by the symbol that the other ghost had burned into him.[/COLOR]
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[FONT=Microsoft Sans Serif][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Rodney sat cross-legged in his mind, looking very pissed. Meanwhile, Vladimir was beggining to perk up. Wit ha more or less evil grin, he said, "What exactly were you planning Zazanoo?"

Zazanoo looked over at Vladimir and smirked, "I think you already know Vladimir." Vladimir smirked back and spoke to Rodney, "You see? Now you wont have to bother with that pesky ritual! I told you this was for your own good."

"Whatever you say vile scum of the underworld..." Rodney was distracted by a small box of matches suddenly appearing near his feet. If there was one thing Rodney loved doing, it was screwing up other people's plans, and hje always thought the best way probably involved matches.

"Huh... well I guess it's still more or less my mind..." he picked up the box and tried lighting one. It immediatly flared and died down to a steady glow. "Oh... this will be fun... I just know it."

Without a second thought, he tossed the small match at the door into his concious at watched it catch onto the imaginary wood. Rodney's mouth twisted into a smile, and he sat back down to watch the chaos.

Outside, Vladimir nearly went nuts, banging his head with his hands and screaming something about burning. "Vladimir! Pull yourself together!" Zazanoo snapped. Vladimir simply collapsed as the door was burned into oblivion and Rodney took control.

"Hey... that was easier than I thought!" He looked up to see the other three possessed bodies staring at him. "Uhh... I gotta... go..."

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[COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Fixedsys]?Whatever, I gotta go. And remember, defile Joey, defile me. I?m more powerful then you, when I?m mad.? She winked then turned around. ?Bye!? Wind flipped into the air then vanished. ?Wind? What?s going on?? Joey mumbled into Wind?s mind. ?Well, you have to be a virgin to perform the ritual, so, he?s trying to make you suffer by making you helpless, which is often worse then death.? Wind replied. ?But, still, I don?t get why? no wait, I?m just plain lost? So Hunter and everyone else thinks we are two people? Stupid.? ?Indeed. Well, technically we are, only because we have two minds, but one soul, which actually shouldn?t exist? so? I really don?t get it either.? ?But where are we?? ?A rift in between the spirit world and the mortal world, or another ?staircase?.? ?Okay? I?m just going to relax for a while, just stay hidden and don?t do anything rash, Wind.?[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]"It appears that Rodney was able to get away." Hunter said mocking Zazanoo. "And It looks as if Wind doesn't really like the ideas you have about stopping the ritual."

"It doesn't matter." Zazanoo said back to Hunter in the depths of his mind. "She may believe that hse is powerful enough to defeat me but between the power flowing through your mortal veins and the gift bestowed upon me by my master she will either submit to me or die. It's simple. Besides your other friend and former sweetheart is still under Aelen's control is she not? As for Rodney and Vlademir the truth is Vlademir was weak to begin with and besides his soul was not bound by a spell like yours has."

"I hate you." Hunter said.

"Not suprising." Zazanoo replied. "Now stay quite and watch as I defile one of the only two who can do what is needed to defeat my master."

"No!" Hunter screamed.

Outside of Hunter's mind his body was controled by Zazanoo. He ignored the fleeing of both Wind and Rodney. He came up to Aelen, who is in Kris's body, and kissed her gently on the lips. "Are you ready?" Zazanoo asked.

"I'm ready my lord." Aelen replied and the was shamfully shoved back into the house and thrown to the floor.

"STOP IT!!" Hunter screamed helplessly inside his own mind.[/COLOR]
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