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Posible attacks

Chocobo Gene

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I'm getting quite worried these days, I live in Engalnd, and with all the attacks which there are, i'm worried that the terrorists will just go made and start attacking us front and centre, I don't know if I'm just been paranoid, but does anyone else share this theory
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My fear of this is starting to fade away, but I'll always fear an attack. Shortly after the 9/11 attacks, my dad was talking about nuclear crap. He said that when one nuclear weapon goes off, all of them in the world do too. Which, I know is only in the old days. I still couldn't sleep that night. But, you shouldn't fear too much, if you do, you won't be able to live your life.
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Guest Chimaira
No one should worry about been killed any more there are thousands of problems in the world and so many things that can kill us, we should just live our lives instead of worrying all the time
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Guest cloricus
A nuclear weapon needs to be set off on purpose; it isn't a conventional weapon that uses explosives.

Anyway I'm in Australia and [b]according[/b] to the [i]government[/i] the attacks in Spain had nothing to do with the war in Iraq and our threat for terrorist attack have not changed since before this whole war on terror. Aren't I lucky? :)
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The only reason than any nuclear weapons would go off if one was detonated would be in retaliation. For instance, during the Cold War, if the US was to send a nuclear bomb to the USSR then the USSR would retaliate with a nuke of their own, thus starting a wonderful nuclear war out of which not very many people would survive.

However, on the topic of terror attacks. If you live in England technically you should be used to it by now. I mean, the IRA have been attacking and bombing us for years. So technically, its nothing new.
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[color=darkviolet]I live in Western NY. After 9/11 went down, there were people around here who thought that we may get the next attack,if infact there was one. Infact, during the black out in August there were a few people (my mom told me this) who were convinced it was another terrorist attack.

I guess you could always try to go with the theory that only the paranoid survive, but what fun is that? Nobody really enjoys themselves much when they feel the constant urge to look over their shoulders, plus it makes your neck hurt. That fact alone should make you stop after a bit.

However, I don't really know what to say to allieviate such fears since atacks in my neck of the woods are quite rare and you have a better chance of being slashed at TinsleTown by some nut job than a plane crash. But, take my two cents as you will.

Merry Part[/color]
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  • 3 weeks later...
Well I live in Australia which is situated quite close to many countries where there has been recorded terrorist activites. I have always been a bit paranoid ever since the Bali bombings which a relative of mine died in. This is proved because when they peformed the Terrrorist drills in Werribee I whipped into a frenzy and I mean a frenzy because I thought that bad people( or holy warriors) had attacked.
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My father's boss's son was killed in the 9/11 attack, so I was kinda hit with it too bcuz I knew the guy. I live in Illinois, though, and there haven't been any attacks around here, although everyone thinks that the terrorists are gonna go after the Sears tower or the Hancock building, but that's all but died down. Myself, sometimes I lay in bed and think at night about the attacks and then I remember the fear that I felt on that day of 9/11, so I can relate to all you fearfuls. Fortunately, I have things that distract me from that horrible fear, but no matter what, it comes back. So, I can't really say that I'm not scared of another attack. but I'm not paranoid or looking over my shoulder all the time. If an attack happens close to me and I'm killed, I would be scared and sad, but then I'd be joining all the ledgends in heaven. I'm sorry, I would type more, but this topic is starting to make me cry, so I'll end it here.
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