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Making my own comic book...


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I'm making my own comic book and I really want to brag about it,so I posted it here.:p
Here are some of the characters:
Juki Samuke(main character of story)
Austin Mabataki (I have a friend named Austin that wanted to be in it but I changed his last name)
Kitsune (yes,I am fully aware of what it means in Japanese)
Xiao Nong (pronunciation:Shou Nong)
Keiko Nasake /Akumako (shes the devil's daughter)

My story is about a girl named Juki,and one day,an angel falls from the sky..right into her back yard!Then as she gets to know her (the angel,)she finds out that not only is she an angel..she's also the Devil!(The daughter of the Devil,I mean.)So when Keiko says a bad word(s), she turns into Akumako,and wants to send someone to Hell!(Probably rated 13+ for language.)Juki also has 3 sisters:Jeia Samuke,an outlaw who eats human souls(and others),Ishizu Samuke,normal kid,and Nakigoe Samuke,also normal.Juki and Jeia are the only ones in the family who have powers in their family,but Juki doesn't get any until later in the story.Comments please!If you want more,just ask.
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Seems to me like it could turn into another Maharo-Maid, and I'm for it all the way (no ryhme intended). As such, I was wondering about the Parents. How do they fit into all this. Sometimes I notice some Anime and Manga do a severe Deus Ex Machina and say they're off on some business trip. now while this is completely understandable, it is, however, more likely that the Mother will be there atleast. In Japanese society, the mother practically lays her entire life down for the kid. Hence the popularity of the Geisha (long story). Now it can be argued that this is America, and sure the parents can be gone and the kid is alone, but not indefinately. Juki would have to be a Rockafeller or something for that to be understandable. Then there's the issue of school, but I am probably going off on stuff that you have probably already worked out and am now becoming annoying. Sorry. This idea has the works of becoming absolutely great. I look forward to it with horrible anticipation.... and when I say horible, I mean bad...and when I say bad I mean Good.

With all that out of the way, I would like to hear more about the social life of Juki. Is she religious, how many friends does Juki have, what school does she go to (i.e. High School, Middle School, College, Elementary, Boarding, etcetera ad infinitum), and most of all her personality. I've noticed with most people, they don't care about the situation or what's being told to them. They care mostly about the person. How did they get the information, why them and not someone else...so on and so forth. But these little bits of information are easily worked out, and it seems you've already got that much done with the small synopsis that you've provided. Well, I've yammered on long enough....

Now I need some way to leave....hhmmm.....got it..

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I didn't think you would think it was going to be THAT good!I've never read/watched Maharo-Maid,I'll look for that this weekend.Sorry,you will probably have to wait numerous years,I'm not old enough to get it published yet.I'LL NEVER TELL YOU MY AGE THOUGH,NEVER!10-20+ years you will have to wait.Unless I get my own website,then maybe I can subtract that 10 and maybe make it a 5 or an 8! (I might be an assistant before I become a manga artist..but then again,I've been been practicing my drawing skills ever since I was 8 yrs. old,AND I'm the best drawer in my class,AND I've been getting, "Dang Jessica! (my real name) She can draw!" from the boys every day since 4th grade!WAHAHA!Maybe I won't have to be an assistant after all!) I'll post more about this on April the 2nd, (tomorrow) and April the 5th. (Monday)
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*DEFENSE MODE* What? Hey, I'm sorry don't kill me!

*Normal Mode* I just like it because the characters sound, well, pretty much like real characters. And I say characters in the sense I would be laughing a lot. I'm rather biased towards comedies. Oh well, just how I am... As for not being old enough to be published... nuts to that. Just get it out, and who knows, you could be the youngest Mangaka in modern history. Anything's possible not only with Care Bears and Gummybear juice, but with elbow greese and determination. Though I don't know where to find elbow greese, my joints are kind of dry lately...hhhmmm, wonder if Turtle Wax will be a good substitute...
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[QUOTE=Anqueetus]*DEFENSE MODE* What? Hey, I'm sorry don't kill me!

*Normal Mode* I just like it because the characters sound, well, pretty much like real characters. And I say characters in the sense I would be laughing a lot. I'm rather biased towards comedies. Oh well, just how I am... As for not being old enough to be published... nuts to that. Just get it out, and who knows, you could be the youngest Mangaka in modern history. Anything's possible not only with Care Bears and Gummybear juice, but with elbow greese and determination. Though I don't know where to find elbow greese, my joints are kind of dry lately...hhhmmm, wonder if Turtle Wax will be a good substitute...[/QUOTE]

What does any of this have to do with Gummy Bears and elbow grease? :sweat: Anyway,I'm glad you think so,it [I]is[/I] a comedy!Ever since I was 8,I've thought,"Sigh...I want to become ad good as Rumiko Takahashi..." so of course there is plenty of laughs.Rumiko is probably the funniest manga-ka I've ever come by!Not many manga artists have as much of a sense of humor as she does.

[COLOR=Red]EDIT:[/COLOR]Isn't it Maharomantic:Automatic Maiden you were talking about earlier?
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  • 1 month later...
[quote name='Subaru-sama']What does any of this have to do with Gummy Bears and elbow grease?[/quote]

You two lost me...but the story does sound good, and funny. Lots of luck to you...gummy bears and elbow grease? The people you meet on this place! Oh well. At least Im normal :cool: *pets the purple dragon on his left shoulder*
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  • 4 weeks later...
I'm sure you can become a manga artist at the age you are. My sister is 12 and she's already creating one to enter in a publishing contest. Of course if it's the time needed and you're schooling your worried about I can totally understand. I guess I'm not to worried about it myself. Then again I have to make good grades so it doesn't really matter if I'm making a manga or not. Anyways, since I'm ranting on about my life. I was just looking at your prievious post about you being the top drawer in your class. Well same here, and believe me I get that same line you do. Not to mention a lot of other comments, my artwork shown off to teachers and other people by my friends, and a lot of confidence. But seriously, if you really want to become a manga artist and you have the time and skill you should definately go for it and enter the [URL=http://www.tokyopop.com/news/mangatalent/index.php][COLOR=DarkRed]Tokyopop Manga Contest[B] Click Here[/B][/COLOR][/URL]. And if you have faith in yourself, I know you can win. :ball:
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