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TH is back in business (and without a sig)

Taylor Hewitt

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All I really have is my old blue sig that you have grown tired of and all I really need it something that looks good.

Maybe something blue or green something nice and smooth. It should say TH or Taylor Hewitt not too big but big enough to see. No particular picture please I don't want a pic of some anime I don't even know.

Please and thankyou!
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[color=gray]You made it pretty hard to make a good banner -__-
Now I don't know if you like Gundam or not but it was one of the only anime pics my PC can open lol.

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[font=Arial][size=1][color=darkslateblue]Here's my go at it. It's a pretty simple banner but I hope you like it. ^_^[/color][/size][/font]
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