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Fav Anime???

Guest Kaminikiro

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Guest Kaminikiro
Hiyo pplz wut's ur fave anime i realli dunno wut mine is i think it is Shaman King or Naruto but i only read the manga for naruto but it is pretty kewl
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Welcome to OtakuBoards, Kaminikiro. ^_^

*coughs delicately* You just quadruple-posted in the "parents" topic, and I did [i]not[/i] enjoy scampering to delete every single one of those replies. Before creating another thread, please read OB's [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?][u]rules[/u][/URL]; we absolutely forbid consecutive replies and place a very strong emphasis on coherency.

Because of that, you must avoid over-using AIM acronyms and abbreviations. Here's what your post should have looked like (and even then, I'd have needed to close this thread):

"Hi, everybody. What's your favorite anime? I'm not sure what mine is. I think it might be Shaman King or Naruto. I've only read the Naruto manga, but it is pretty cool."

Not exactly the Great American Novel, but at least its meaning is fairly clear. We do tend to be very strict about favorites topics, mainly because they attract incredible amounts of spam. Unless members explain why they like a certain series, movie or OVA, there's no point in allowing these kinds of discussions (or lack thereof) to continue taking place.

I hope we understand each other. ^_^ Feel free to PM me or one of the other moderators with any questions and concerns.

Thread closed.

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