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The Chaos War


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All was right in the land of Daerthe, no crimes were commited, all the gods were respectfully followed by their Acolytes. No war had taken place for a human lifetime, that is until the Lord of Chaos emerged from the Abyss to rain destruction with his fiendish allys.
The legion of Chaos will stop at nothing until they cleave the head of every hero in Daerthe, Their chaotic king will at last be able to grow to his full power and open the portals of the nine hells to the world and create hell on earth.
A small group of Adventurers are all that stands between Victory and Defeat. When magic is chaotic and Balors rule what will the fate of the world be?
(This is just what happened previously to the war of Chaos)

Within the swirling sludge of the Abyss there were millions of fiends that the mage could bring forth to the world. He may have been only an apprentice to all the other wizards of the order, but he would finally grow to be respected by them by summoning one of the strongest beings of the abyss. The youth began to chant in the language of magic until he screamed out the word of the demon he was to summon.

Within seconds a swirling pillar of grey smoke had appeared with an apparently frail man standing within it. The mage began to talk in a strange tongue which the Lord of Chaos, who had begun to walk around the outside of the summoning circle to search for any defects in the circle.

The mage shouted," I command you to halt". The lord of Chaos did not hear this either for he had found the defect that he knew was there. The mage was good, had worded his chant exactly but he wasn't very pacient. The mage was good, but now he was dead. The lord of Chaos then called forth the balors and Daermons of the Abyss so that they will at last wipe the land free of the weak races.
The story starts in a town called Vandrim and the flames of war are rising, take it away everyone.

OOC: I will change between the evil guys and my guy, ok. so don't be thinking 'what the hell' when I suddenly change to have a different personality.
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Guest Chimaira
chimaira was wandering far from vandarim after he had heard of these fiends which had been brought fourth and searching to destroy all the weaker races which were supposed to be every other race than theirs he waited around for any of the fiends to appear from the darkness until...
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Out of the forest appeared a young elf. The elf, although carrying his late grandfathers bow, didn't look very hostile. In fact he was short of breath.
He looked at chimaira and asked, "Are you friend?"
Chimaira looked at the young elf, "I am friend, i think. What is your name?"
"Kayeka," Replied the elf. "I have been chased here by several unknown creatures. I tried to kill them, but they keep coming."
Noises could be heard coming from within the forest....
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and a fiend crawled out, it was huge, with snarling and gruesome teth, shimmering in the sunlight, and it's breath was horible, the two thought this was going to be diificult, but as they drew there wepons, a man jumped out of the treetops, he had two swords, and he cried as he came down "Now you die!", and the beast was done, it was sliced into two, it's insides sprad all over the floor. The man then withdrew his wapon from combat and looked to the two confused warriors, and said "Be you friend, you liv. Be you Enemy I kill you where you stand!" , the two wariors replied "We be friend, and you?", the warrior smiled and said "I belive you are friend, I believe you are like me, hunting the fiends?", the wariors nodded "Well, I will join you, we must defeat these evils, my name is Starwind, Gene Starwind" , the wariors replied with there names, and the warriors decide to walk off........
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However unbeknown to the adventurers they were being followed at first the fiend was shy having just seen another of its kind slayed the fiend gradually became more courageous until it burst from the forest and took the adventurers by surprise....
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Before the fiend reached the adventures. A voice from a near by bush muttered a few incantations and then yelled "Wind Thrust". The spell hit the fiend right before it struck, knocking it on its back. Chyme revealed himself from the bush and finished the fiend with a quick slash to the neck severing most of the head. As the adventurers turn around to see the elf or though they think. " An Elf" one of the adventures exclaimes. An Elf in the party replies "Half- Elf to be exact." Chyme nods and then he looks over at the Elf and askes" Mind if i join you guys for a while?" The ranger looks at him and answers before the Elf can "if you want, you do not seem to be an enemy." Chyme replies "very well i am Chyme. What are all your names?" A swordsman introduces himself first "Im Starwind, Gene Starwind." The Elf answers next in a polite tone "im Kayeka, pleasure to meet you." The ranger is last to answer " Im Chimaira."Chyme pleasantly answers " nice to meet you all" Chimaira coldly insists that they go and the head of through the forest.
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The Druid watched the adventurers as the passed through the low trees and wondered "Are these the warriors that I have sent for?". Danillo looked back to the corpse of their recent kill and sighed, then leapt from the tree and began to follow the adventurers and find out who they were.
After half an hour, Danillo begen to feel uneasy, knowing that the land once was full of noise but nowdays, it was reduced to whatever else was nearby, a graveyard to the eyes of the living races.

Then his concentration was shattered by a fiend bounding out of the underbrush towards the adventurers that had so easily dispatched it's bretheren. Danillo swore angrily underneath his breath and began casting the Angry bolt spell. The lightning ripped through the copse where the others were standing catching them all by suprise as well. The blast knocked the fiend off it's feet giving one of the warriors, whose name he had happened to catch before hand as Chyme, to plunge his spear through the chest of it. Chimairia spun on his hell and shouted," Who is there and what is thy alliance". Danillo breathed deeply and stepped out of the brush and into their sight.
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Guest Chimaira
"I'll ask once again before i kill you where you stand", danillo replied "i be an ally in these times, anyone against these fiends is an ally" the group then begun to stare at the elf, chimaira then announced "i am chimaira, if you are an ally to us what is your name?" the elf before he replied had seen a fiend behind the group and....
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as the elf was about to warn the adventurers another elf came forth from the forest taking the fiend by surprise, a quick scuffle commenced with the strange elf remaining the victor.upon seeing this chimaira said "more adventurers join our worthy cause i think"danillo replied to this gladly however the strange elf silently turned and headed back to the forest from whence he came
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Danillo called out to the strange elf who took off once the fiend was killed, then dashed into the deep forest after him. The others took a page out of his book and chaswed after the strange elf. Danillo whipped out oner of his schimitars and began cutting a path through the trees, slicing through the thick under-brush easily but slowly. The druid then stopped at a mutilated corpse of a fiend and took a mental note that all they fought were minor fiends not even a Glaberzu or a Tanari. A group of Dwarven mercenerys burst through the underbrush bearing the enjoined fires of the lord of chaos who immediatly bore down on the lone druid. Danillo cast the stoneskin enchatment then rushed out to meet them head on.

Danillos schimitar struck the first dwarves axe and pivoted on his right foot and drove his sword through the unarmoured neck of the second Dwarf lowering the odds to 4-1. Danillos blade once again struck against a dawrfs axe. While he was doing this the short sword of one dwarf dive into his undefended belly.....Only to be repelled by his rock hard skin.
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[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][FONT=Century Gothic]Chyme and the rest of the party followed after the druid through the path he had cut. When they caught up to him he was in battle with dwarven mercinaries. Chyme quickley said an enchantment "Hero's Call". A white light fell on all the mebers of the party. Attack now while your under the spells effect. Chyme ran forward as did Gene and Chimaira while Kayeka started picking enimies off with his bow. Chyme pulled out his dagger and threw it at a dwarf hitting it in the eye. He then ran up and stabbed the dwarf with his spear and grabbed his dagger as the dwarf fell to the ground. He was now standing back to back with the druid. "Glad to see theres more of us here" He says. "Yes but concentrate on the battle at hand we will talk after" the druid remarks. Chyme says "understood" as he starts battleing with another dwarf....[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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After the fight, Gene asked, confused "To where has the elf disappeared?" , Chimaira, who was putting away his blood stained sword said "He must've retreated into the forest durind the skirmish", "Well, this wasn't a total waste, at least we dispatched the enemy" implied kayeka, putting away the arrow which he still had rady at his bow. The warriors then turned to Danillo, and stared....
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Guest Chimaira
so danillo friend of yours, as those words were spoken they had been surrounded by 7 or 8 fiends all the warriors drew there weapons and began to battle the 1st person to attack were kayeka when he drew his bow and shot 1 of them in the eye blinding it for chimaira to slice his opponent in half,chyme casted a spell of protection on all the warriors and proclaimed 'slaughter the fiends' the fiends were dispatched and the warriors after the battle...
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[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][FONT=Century Gothic]The group turned and looked at Danillo, "Ok You seem to know alot mind filling the rest of us in?" Gene askes. Danillo looks at the group carefully and whispers " Come, it is not safe here we will discuss this else where". He beging to walk off into the jungle and motions for the rest of the group to follow. Chyme starts walking but some of the others are a little hesitant. They shortly follow Chyme turns back to them as says "He is one of my order he will not harm or betray us". They continue to walk danillo leading them deeper into the jungle of trees.....[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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Darkness began to fall over the travellers. They took caution through the trees, with danillo and Chyme leading. Cheveri and Kayeka in the centre of the group, and the other two guarding from behind.
The travellers made there were deeper into the forest, taking the winding paths through the overgrowing jungle. Danillo and Chyme stopped suddenly. The rest followed.
"There is a split in the path." danillo called to the group.
"We should agree on a path." said Kayeka. "The jungle is not safe. If we should split, we may not see each other."
"I agree. Which path, then, do we follow?" asked danillo.
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Danillo opted the left path that appeared to be clearer and brighter than the other path. Gene disagreed to this though because it was an ideal location for an ambush, but Chyme disagreed with this because the trees had told him that the path was clear all the way besides a few hawks and Dread Wolves. Kayeka just walked down the path beliving that he could handle a wolf or two. Everyone else just shrugged and followed Kayeka down the left path. What they didn't know is that there some beings that were not detected by the spell and waiting for them.
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Guest Chimaira
Two mossive fiends appeared from beside the trees and attacked kayeka with a massive club, the other warriors ran to help out, dannilo cast a spell of fire at the fiends which appeared to stun them, kayeka was healed from a spell from chyme, then got up and shot two arrows off which caught the fiends in the neck but did absolutely nothing at all, chimaira jumped up and aimed for the hand of th fid closest to him and cut of two of his fingers then was sent straight to the ground by the fiends club all looked bad until....
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Danillo's blade dipped towards the fiends neck only for it to be nearly snapped as the schimitar was repulsed by the thick hide of the Glaberzu then sprung back as the deadly pincers of the great fiend nearly tore his abdomen in half. The smaller of the fiends cast a spell on the Glaberzu that highlighted it in orange flames. Danillo looked puzzled at this the leapt towards it and scored a minor hit on it's shoulder than fell to the ground as shoulder was nearly torn open by something invisble with nasty claws. Danillo shouted " The hell is going on?" then leapt forwards again and plunged his schimitar into the abdomen of the great fiend and once again fell backwards grasping his stomach that had been similarly gutted by the unseen force. Danillo called to the others," I require aid quickly", and collapsed face down into the ground.
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[FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkRed]Chyme quickly muttered an incantation "Stars Light". A white light shone down on Danillo healing his wounds but he remained unconsious.

"Go quickly grab him" Chyme commanded.

The others looked at him he was muttering another spell. "Shattered will", two white balls shot out and entered the beasts head. The balls exited the head now red in color and shattered sending smaller bits of ried light everywhere. The beasts stopped having lost their will to fight. He began chanting another spell as soon as they reached Danillo. As they grabbed him and started heading back.

"Brimstone Inferno" Chyme yelled as th group returned with Danillo's body. Red and black clouds appeared over the two massive creatures. Fire and brimstone began raining down on the fiends exploding on contact. The rain's intensity increased and then stopped as the black coulds diminished. Chyme fell to his knees exausted from his massive use of spells.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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"What shall we do now, our tactics were flawred, and logic repulsed" Gene sounding very un-happy, "He shall be fine, after the night has passed, but we must not move him" said Kayeka, tending to Danillo. The travellers sat round a fire "Are you OK" asked Kayeka to Chyme, "I'll be fine, exhausted by the fight, I just need some rest, how about the head?", said Chyme abit exhausted, "It's nothing, I'll be fine, but will we be safe?" asked Kayeka "THe owls sing a song that proclaims that the woods sleep silently tonight, no fiends will attack" said Gene confidently, "Well, lets sleep" says chyme, yawning straight after, and the travellers slept until morning.
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Danillo woke earlier than the other with a few nasty scars on his body but with no will to rise, so he just fell backwards again and fled into his dreams for the awnsers. When he found the awnser he seeked he reawoke to find Chyme standing over him. "We are to leave soon, are you prepared", Chyme asked. Danillo forced himself to his knees and began to draw a map in the dust and motioned for the others to gather around.

OOC:This is what the map is like.

| ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
| ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
| oooooooooooooooooooooVinagaard Keepoooooooooooooooooooo
| oooooooooooooooooooooooXXXoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
| oooooooooooooooooooooooXXXooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
| ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
| ooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
| oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo O here we areooooooo

Danillo pointed to the top left corner of the map and explained that was the point that they needed to get to, then drew a circle a foot away from Vingaard Keep and said that was where they were. He then went on saying that following the path would be easier han the forest but it would take at least another week or so if they followed the path. He then traced a route through the area he signified as the forest that would cut off a few days from the amount of time it would take.

Danillo pointed at the multiple X's near the center and said that, that area was Vingaard Keep which would make a safe campsite because it was easy to defend and a former stronghold of the Wood Elves."It's your choice where we go but I vote for the forest", Danillo said and stared at each of them in turn.
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