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BTK...."Bind, Torture, Kill" is back...


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[FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkGreen]Have any of you ever heard of BTK? He was serial killer back in the 70s in little old Wichita, KS. He disappeared back in '79. Everyone thought the case would simply go unsolved. He was compared to Jack the Ripper of London. Well, the Wichita police recently got a letter from "Bill Thomas Killman" admitting to the murder of a woman in 1986. He had a copy of her driver's license, the only thing that had been missing at the crime scene, as well as pictures of the scene which had been messed up by EMS when they arrived to try to revive the strangled woman. Here's the creepy thing: at the time, I was a year old, and my family had just moved into a new house. Two weeks after we moved in, that woman killed in the house right behind ours....her son was left alive, a 2 year old sleeping in the next room. If he'd chosen the house only one street over, the strangled woman would have been my mom, and the sleeping baby would have been me.
Anyway...*shudders* If anyone else has done research on this serial killer, let me know. I could give you info directly from our local papers.[/font][/color]
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...this happened next to you? And you still live there?! I'd be too scared to stay within fifty miles of the city. How are they so sure that the letter is from him? It could have been sent from some punk kid as a joke...*questions everything*

Do you know if the case is recorded on crimelibrary.com?
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[size=1][color=darkred][quote name='Artemis']He had a copy of her driver's license, the only thing that had been missing at the crime scene[/quote]

[quote name='Starshine']How are they so sure that the letter is from him? It could have been sent from some punk kid as a joke[/quote]

That explain it?

Anyway, that is a pretty scary thought. Can't say that I've ever heard of him, but yeah.

You're lucky. Unless of course, it wasn't a random attack in which case...yeah. Still must be pretty scary. At least you weren't old enough to understand at the time.[/color][/size]
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Back in the seventies, all of BTK's murders were on the opposite side of town. That's why everyone was really surprised to find that the one right next to me was him. (Of course, it could be that a different murderer is trying to play off of BTK's fame. Supposedly, though, the police are sure it's the same guy.) We lived in that same house for 6 years. The one we live in now is only a few blocks away. I haven't heard of any other violent crime in our neighborhood since the '86 murder. Most of it is on the side of town where BTK's original murders were.
I'll see if his case is on crimelibrary.com
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Guest cloricus
[quote name='Artemis][FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkGreen]If he'd chosen the house only one street over, the strangled woman would have been my mom, and the sleeping baby would have been me.[/font'][/color][/quote]Or he never would have killed the woman in the first place and it's all your families fault for not moving into that house. Don't you just love it when history is non-linear?
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[b]by Cloricus[/b]
[quote]Or he never would have killed the woman in the first place and it's all your families fault for not moving into that house. Don't you just love it when history is non-linear?[/quote]
Um...sure? yeah.

Anyway, here's the article from crimelibrary. The Wichita Eagle may have more.
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[color=darkviolet]Well, that's an interesting tidbit of information. In my neck of NY we have Jeffery Dommer/or is that had? and then TImothy McVay lived South of us. My dad went to elemntary school with the hillside strangler, but we never had something like what you had.

Oh well, the closest I have is my 12th grade english teacher, his neice was one of only two children that Dommer murdered. The rest were prostitutes.

My mom's older sister had a brush with death tho-almost like a Final Destination experiance (without the train and the hanger and the other stuff) She was supossed to fly to Seattle back in the 80's but she missed her connecting flight and the flight she missed crashed.[/color]
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Dahmer is from Wisconsin and all of his murders took place there... so I have no clue what you're talking about. He also killed a fair share of men and I don't think they were all prostitutes. You must be thinking of someone else.
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[quote name='Semjaza Azazel']Dahmer is from Wisconsin and all of his murders took place there... so I have no clue what you're talking about. He also killed a fair share of men and I don't think they were all prostitutes. You must be thinking of someone else.[/quote]

[color=darkviolet] There's a chance I could be wrong. I thought there was some serial killer in NY that went by the same name. I could always ask my mom or something.

I try not to think on that stuff it's too creepy.

But like always, there's a chance I could be wrong-though if I'm not...then tehre's two dudes like that along with the Stephen Bianci who was one of teh Hill side strangelers.[/color]
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[color=green]I was in Wichita this week, Art... it was all over the news. I didn't really pay attention to what they said was in the letter, but I was rather shocked to hear about it.

From what I understand he was a rather gruesome guy. Having the fitting name of Bind, Kill, Torture. Rather self-eplanatory, really. He's been laying low for 25 years. What broughthim out in this manner is a local band, actually. They have a song entitled "BTK's My Dad" or something like it. It was mentioned in the letter. I'm rather curious about the song, I wish I could remember what band did it.[/color]
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Holy cow, that's not only scary it's creepy. O_o I'd be scared to death if I was one of your parents at the time. (then again, killers don't tend to strike a house right across from one they just killed somebody in. A bit too predictable..)

But why would the killer send in that letter? Is is guilty or something? Or does he just want to get attention and be in the spotlight? *creeped out*

Jack the Ripper... oh god... the way that man killed... it was scary...
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[QUOTE=Fushigi Rockna]
Jack the Ripper... oh god... the way that man killed... it was scary...[/QUOTE]

[color=darkviolet] I have to agree with you there Fushigi. The guy was really messed up. I heard somewhere he killed prostitutes in Whitechaple by slitting their throats after he...well you know. Nobody can figure out who he was tho.

As for the BTK, their talking about him now on NBC Nightly News. I guess he's finally shown up again. The cops think they're catch him this time.[/color]
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[QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet] I have to agree with you there Fushigi. The guy was really messed up. I heard somewhere he killed prostitutes in Whitechaple by slitting their throats after he...well you know. Nobody can figure out who he was tho.
A friend of mine once tried to convince me he killed women by sticking his knife right up... "there" but of course, that's a bit stupid.

What he used to do was nutilate (am I spelling that right?) people, chopping them up. That's why he was called 'Jack the Ripper' cause the victims looks like they had been 'ripped apart'. His last victim was the worse case ever, a big bloody mess, so horrible, they couldn't even tell who she was. Then he just disappeared. O_O It's just scary... That way of killing has always scared me. :(
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If I lived anywhere near BTK, I'd move. I don't care, I'd be way too scared. I heard on the news that he made a reappearance because in the local newspaper, they had an article about the anniversary of one of his killings. (Either the first or the last one, I forget.)

Ugh, I can't take this scary talk.
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[size=1][color=#2F4F4F]The above link is to the pinnacle site of Ripper information. On the above page there is an assumed, and widely accepted, way that The Ripper killed his victims (Under [b]Evidence[/b]). Just thought some of you would like to know for sure considering the mention of Jack The Ripper.

I'm not exactly sure the exact question of this thread, but I have never heard of the BTK murders before.
If you would be so kind as to present some of the information your local papers have, I'd appreciate it. They sound interesting, and since I'm a Ripper freak I'd very much like to compare the two murderers.[/size][/color]
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If you want to know more information regarding crimes, dont forget the Freedom of Information Act.

You can go directly to the FBI for files and data on various cases. Its actually pretty trippy, what a person can find out legally. And pretty useful when state jurisdiction files run dry.
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