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Numb, Theives Trail [this may get a little bloody ^^]


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Oblivious to most of what was going on behind him, Kitcho walked cautously forward, and Poe, now slightly sure that Malcome wouldn't attack him, fluttered around nervously. Mitzo, still putting on a good immitation of affection, clung to Kitcho slightly, and hopped up onto his back at one point.

This left Kitcho a bit dazed, but they kept walking, marveling at the mass of fire-flys around them. "Hey, how old are you anyway?" Mitzo looked at Kitcho's face upside-down, still on his back.

"Er..." He was taken off-guard, "I'm 19..." he said a little shakily. Mitzo thought this over a moment, before declaring she was only 16. [I]That's odd...[/I] Kitcho thought, [I]I thought demons were supposed to live for centuries...[/I]
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Shotoken watched as he followed, and began thinking aboout something.
*thoughts*" At least they can even remember their age. I only know my name and what happened after that day I forgot everything..."*/thoughts*
"Well, this is looking like it's gonna get interesting."
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[SIZE=2][COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Book Antiqua]Mitzo rested and gigled in kitchos ear. She was trying to keep a positive face about her as she thought of her brother. [i]I'm so young. I wonder what Hiro did before i was born. Hes so much older than me. I wonder if i'll live long like him. I hope i never have to see his dieing day. Oh, Slyfer.[/i] Mitzo had a look of dispare cross herface, then she snaped back to reality, and put a happy smile on her face and continued to flirt with Kitcho cunningly.

~~~3 YEARS AGO~~~
[Flash back time!]

Mitzo gigled as she looked around the tree. "Slyfer! I'm going to find you!" She snuck around a large rock and peeked over it. She saw......nothing. But just then, a tall man, with blonde hair, a white tanktop, black leather pants, and Mitzos black tinted eyeglasses, grabbed her off the rock and swng her around. She turned to him and smiled. "Hey! I was suposed to find you silly! not the other way around!" They both laughed and walked through the forest filled mountains. Mitzo smiled. She loved her brother.


Mitzo snapped out of the chain of thought. Kitcho turned to her and asked her what was wrong. "Nothing!" she said putting on a sweet smile. Kitcho shook his head. "No, seriously...whats wrong?" Mitzos self consious rang in her head. [i]Mitzo, tell him. Tell him whats bothering you. Tell him your afraid for your brother.[/i] Mitzo wouldnt. She wouldnt let them know she was weak. She only put on a smile. [i]Tell him Mitzo! Tell him your afraid your brother is dead. Tell him your afraid. Let him know. Let him know Mitzo.[/i] Mitzo smiled and said "Im fine!" The voice rang in her head once more, only her self consious sounded disapointed. [i]Mitzo....[/i] She continued to cling to kitchos back.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=SeaGreen]Mitzo just smiled. "theres always something wrong with me! you'll never find just one thing. Be more sepific with your questions Shotoken! I may be able to answer then." Mitzo continued to walk and turned around and spit at Ottos feet for the helluvit.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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"Something extra's wrong. Come on, please tell me? The thing I do best other then theivery and fighting is helping people with their problems."
Shotoken smiled slightly, his ears suddenly seeming a little softer for some reason.
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[FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=SeaGreen]Mitzo laughed."Ha I say! I laugh! Ha! I laugh again!" She continued to walk. "You'll never crack me open like a nut. Your to much of a goody goody boy." She then hung closer to Kitcho. "Shotoken its none of you busines." She turned towrds him and winked, then she clung onto kitchos arm as she walked.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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Shotoken sighed, his ears seeming harder and the serious expression coming back.
"Dammit, how many times must I fall in love with a beautiful girl only to have her like some other dork? One of these days I'm just gonna hire a whore..."
Shotoken continued walking, considering all the possible ways he could get mitzo to like him.
"Hmm...Maybe if I give her my share of this whole ordeal...I won't need it anyways, I can live without a single cent to my name."
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[FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=SeaGreen]Mitzo sighed and looked down at her feet, walking along. She looked up tot he sky. It was starting to brighten up. Mitzo stoped and turned to look at her group. "I think we better stop here for today. We wont be able to see the trail during the day and the fireflys are here for a week. We'll continue on at nightfall." Mitzo sat down by herself and wached her group. Otto sat down beside Naiko [I think thats the right spelling], Kay and Kitcho sat by themselves and Shotoken sat down beside Mitzo. "Well hello." She said, smiling and setting her mouse out of her pocket to try and find some seeds or grass to chew on. She looked at him and sighed. "Do you think that we'll be able to go on through the week, to find the Fountain of Riches?" Shotoken smiled and nodded. "Yeah. We can." Mitzo sighed and layed back. "Why are you here Mitzo?" He asked her. She closed her eyes. "My brother..." Was all she said before slipping off to sleep.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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Shotoken sighed again and smiled, a very rare thing, even in the presence of a beautiful girl, as the softness in his expression and his ears came back.
"At least you can remember your family..."
Shotoken stood up and looked into the sky, as the talking bird came back and landed on his shoulder.
"So, Shakou, you remember to grab some food and bring it to me?"

shakou: "But of course! I even managed to have a little fun with some cute girls!"

shotoken: "You scare me sometimes, you know that?"

shakou: "Always knew. You want the food or not?"
Shakou used his beak to open a small pack he had on his back, revealing huge amounts of food, and a small bottle filled with a mystery fluid.

shotoken: "I did about half an hour ago, I definately do now."
Shotoken took out a small amount of meat and ate it, along with some bread and the mystery fluid.
"It tastes like cherries this time. Anybody else want some food?"
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Kitcho instantly sat upright. "Hey, Yeah!" food was always welcome. Shotoken tossed him a small loaf of bread, and Kitcho ripped a piece off for Poe.

"So... what's this trail for anyway?" They all stared at him.

"You don't know what's at the end of the thieve's trail?" Otto said surprised.

"So? I've been in the back-allies of a worthless little town all my life, what do you expect?"
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[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][FONT=Century Gothic]Kay sat alone with no one paying to much attension to him. He was still pretty tense around the group for the fact he didnt know any of them. Darc his falcon was scouting around the area which left him pretty much listening to the others talk. He was letting most of the info go in one ear and out the next. Then Kitcho asked about the Theives Trail. "He doesnt even know what the Theives trail is..... we are so screwed"mkay thinks. He decides he can add some information on this topic " The Theives Trail it is a canyon in the desert with imense riches but also imense danger" sart Kay breaking his silence. "It is every theives greatest dream and worst nightmare. With in it it is said to contain a fountain with inmeasurable riches but, it is also said thad a beast guards it and has killed every man who has set foot in it's fountain." Kay finishes his last word coldy. Mitzo then quikly adds "not every woman though, some women have come back ripped to shreds, barely alive. They go into shock if you mention the name Thieves Trail." It is silent for a couple of minutes and then Kay askes hoping to get to know the group more "What are your guys motives for going?"....[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]Mitzo laughed maniacly. She was now out of her slumber. "Who needs motive?" She was a bit giddy, in the fact that she had just woken up and was still tired. She say back as the rest of the group told there reasons. But she wasnt listening. "Hey guys." she said right in the middle of someones explanation. "Stay here okay? i'll be right back." Mitzo stood up and began to run across the desert dirt and sand, leaving a small dust stream in her wake. She returned about an hour later. Nothing in hand, no less equiptment, no more equiptment. Exactly the same as whene she left. Exept she had her twin katanas drawn. She ran back to the group and slid in the dirt, stoping and sitting where she had been before. She then resheath her twin katanas. "Whered you go?" Kitcho asked. Mitzo said. "I just needed to run" And she put on that inocent smile. She got up and sat next to Kay. "Hello." She said with that adorable smile.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Nari smiled at Otto. "I'm from the city of Sapporo... just a small town girl. I'm only half-demon, though... unlike Mitzo there." She twitched her ears, and settled back to walking with him.

When food was passed around, Nari split her portion with Kaze, listening to the others talk about what they'd find at the end of the trail. When Kay asked the group's motives, she and Kaze shared a grin.

"We're out for adventure. Aren't you all?" She gave Otto a sweet smile, then tuned in to the rest of the group's answers.[/FONT]
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[COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]Mitzo made a face to herself of pure discust. Then she muttered something about a goody goody girly girl. Mitzo stood up and walked off to sit by herself. "What would your motive be Mitzo?" Nari asked her. Mitzo looked at her with hate and flame in her eyes. Not only bcause of They way Nari was just swooning over that jerk Otto, but at the question. "Maybe i dont have a motive." She said angerly. "Maybe im just bored?" Mitzo turned her back to the whole group and swayed her tail off the ground and back down, spitting up a bit of dust, every time her tail came down. "Touch-ie" Otto said with sarcasim in his tone.Mitzo just spit on the ground.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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Shotoken watched.
"This could get ugly..."
He stopped watching for a while, calling shakou over and taking some more meat out of the pack, and slowly chewing on it.
"There plenty of food left, just call shakou over if you want it. He can go and get more if need be. Shakou, go back and get my sword. I didn't have a chance to get it."

shakou: "Yes sir!"
Shakou flew off, coming back almost half an hour later, struggling with the gigantic blade and eventually letting it drop in front of shotoken.
"Just how heavy IS that thing?!"

shotoken: "I don't know, 50, maybe a hundred pounds."
Shotoken picked up the blade effortlessly, and sheathed it, locking the straps around it again.
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[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][FONT=Century Gothic]Kay went and sat beside Mitzo. With a smile he askes her "Find anything of interest on your little run?" "No unless you find sand interesting" she says. "Well thats a negative" Kay laughed. Kay then started to look at the rest of the group, Otto and Nari were talking about who knows what, Shotoken was explaining more about the Theives trail to Kitcho. Then his eyes drifted to Mitzo's, He sat there and stared in thought "Her eyes are so innocent but, they have a hint of something deadly....something beautiul" Mitzo snaped at him "What are you looking at!" Kay was suprised about it sudden out burst and then camly replied "Your eyes they are very pretty, they are very easy to get lost in." "Oh, thank you" Mitzo replied with a more calm sounding voice. Kay looked down for a little bit then noticed her katanas. "May i see one of your katana?" he asked politely. Mitzo looks at him then at her katanas and plainly said "sure". She hands him one of them and he slowly un-sheaths the blade. He examines it for a bit and then remarks "A good weapon, good balance alittle light for me though". He then pulls out one of his own katanas and un-sheaths in and hold it up in comparison. His katana has a longer blade, it is also slightly wider. Mizo looks at it and focuses on a symbol near the hilt of the blade. "What's that?" She askes while pointing to the symbol. "It means kage which means shadow in my homeland" He says while looking up at the sky. He hands back her katana and gets up and says "nice talking to you". He walks over to a spot where no one is, sets his equipment down and lays down. He becomes lost in thought.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=2]Mitzo sat there alone and stared at the bright sun. [i]where is Slyfer when you need him?[/i] Mitzo layed down on her side and shifted her weight in the sand. She turned herself multiple times, but couldnt find a comfortable position. She finally turned around to face the group and layed at her stomach and stared at Kitcho. She faced her head down in the sand and blew on the ground. [i]what the hell am i doing?[/i] Mitzo sat up and twitched her tail. She was so restless. She couldnt stand the heat or just standing still. She finally got up and walked off.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
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Shotoken watched mitzo, slowly getting more and more frustated with his own lack of memory.
"I'm coming too."
He got up and walked next to mitzo, occasionally making a mark in the sand with his foot.
"So, why do you need to get away from them for now?"
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Kay watched as Shotoken followed Mitzo off. Just then Dark flew down beside Kay and squaked abit. Kay nodded and thought "Id better go grab a few things while i can". Getting up off the ground he left unnoticed by the rest of the group. He starded running to town. after about an hour he came back with a large bag. He sat down and noticed he had attracted Kitcho's attention. "Whats that?" Kitcho asked. "Ingredients" Kay said now opening the bag. "Food" Kitcho said with a sudden happiness. "No not those kind of ingredients" Kay laughed and he pulled out several bottles with different powders and liquids as well as some strange looking material. Kay begins to mix different ingredients and then starts putting it in the strange material and making little balls. Kitcho watched all this with a puzzled expression. "Whats that?" he finally asked. "Here I'll show you" he said as he picked up one of the small balls. He threw it at Kitcho's feet and when it hit it burst into a large, thick cloud of smoke. "What the...." Kitcho said coughing. The smoke dispersed after about 15 seconds. Kay could now see a slightly angry Kitcho yelling "Why did you do that!?". "That was a smoke bomb, it might come in handy. Kitcho calmed down a kay resumed his mixing. Kay would explain whatever he was making to Kitcho "thats a healing salve....., thats a bomb, thats poison powder..., Flash bomb...." Finally Kay was mixing one last thing. "Whats that?" Kitcho asked with his usual tone. This time Kays face became solemn and he was silent before answering "Its blinding powder.....". "Oh, so it just blids them temporarily?" Kay asked slightally aware of this sudden change in Kay. "No.....it blinds them permanently, it is one of the most guarded secrets of my dojo". Kay finishes making the ball of blinding powder which he places in a bright red ball. "I prefer not using it unless i have too". Kitcho nods and figures he shouldnt ask more and changes the subject........
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[COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=2]Mitzo just kicked the dirt on the ground as she walked next to Shotoken. "I just need a little walk. I can never stay in one position to long." Mitzo looked down at the ground as she said this. Shotoken looked at her sulken face. "Are you alright?" He said, a bit concerned. "I'm fine." She said clamly but somewhat annoyed. Neither of them spoke for a few minutes. Then Shotoken spoke up. "You said you were looking for Numb, The Fountain of Riches because of your brother?" Mitzo looked at the ground and nodded. "Could you explain that a little more please?" Mitzo looked down at the ground as she talked. "My brother, Slyfer, is like my father figure. My parents both dead and all. But he just.....left one day and left a note telling me to come to the Fountain of Riches the next time it was opened. Then soon after I found out my father had disapeared on this trail. So...im just.......coming to get my brother." Mitzo kicked the dirt somemore and walked along.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
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[FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=2]OCC: Please dont make one sentance posts. It kind of is annoying and i probably should warn you all now......Were going to start getting.....disaperances.....^^ lol...

IC: Mitzo looked back to where they had been walking from. "I need to run." She muttered to herself under her breath. "hmm? what was that?" Shotoken asked. Mitzo looked at him. "The sun is setting...maybe we should get back. If they moved off of the trail were all dead. I'm going to run okay?" without waiting for his answer, Mitzo drew her two katanas and ran back to the group. Shotoken waited for a moment then started to walk back. Mitzo slid again and stoped and sat where she had been before. "Hello." She said cheerfully as she smiled to the group. She threw a quick glare at Otto and Nari[damn i can nave remember her name right]. She looked over to Kitcho and smiled. She then stood up and sat beside Kay. "Hello." she said smiling at him. He smiled back, but not quite....as freindly as Mitzo was.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
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Shotoken eventually made it back, too preoccupied to give a crap.
"Well, let's get moving. We should start to see the trail again soon."
As if on cue, the fireflies began to buzz around, creating a trail once more.
"Okay then, we're good to go."
Shotoken smiled slightly, even though anybody could tell it was fake, and grabbed his blade,sheathing it and starting to walk along the trail.
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[FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=2]Mitzo sighed as she walked in the back of the group in the dark. She held her coat closer to her; it was cold. Otto dropped back to see if she was all right. "You okay, shorty?" Mitzo glared at him. "Okay! Okay! I get it!" He ran back up with the others. Mizo ran into otto a few minutes later. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU STOP FOR?!!?!?" She yelled. Everyone had there wepons drawn. Two three headed wolves were standing in there way, Mitzo sighed. After a few minutes Shotoken and Kitco had them killed. They turned around and almost fell over. Otto and kay and Nari turned around to. Mitzo was sitting ontop of another three headed wolf carcus, with about seven other dead wolves laying around. "It took you that long to kill three?" A bit of blood droped from the side of her face. She was drenched in the blood of the beasts. "Well. I may say..." Mitzo stood up and walked through the group to the front. "That you people need a little training in fighting." Mitzo walked further into the trail. The group, although a bit confused, followed.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
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