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Numb, Theives Trail [this may get a little bloody ^^]


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Kitcho lay still a moment, catching his breath. Mitzo had jsut killed nearly a whole pack of the damn things, and it had taken him and Shotoken that long to kill three. It was depressing in a way.

Noticing the group walking away, he quickly hid his knife back in his clothes and ran to catch up. Walking at the back of the group, he wondered what those wolf things had been. It's not every day you see creatures with three heads.

Suddenly, Poe squawked on his shoulder, aparently too frightened or surprised to use human speech. Looking back, ready for the worst, Kitcho saw... nothing. Poe continued his squawking, attracting the attention of the others.

"Shut it Poe!" Kitcho shushed the bird. But Poe didn't let up. Kitcho looked back again to make sure. Still nothing. They had to grab Poe's beak to make him shut up.
A single wolf, two of it's head at it's side, limp, stood up shakily. The air grew dense around it, sending a feeling of dread and hopelessness to anyone around it, of witch there was none. In the darkness, it grew horrible... but they wouldn't see it change. Perhaps not until it was too late.
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[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][FONT=Century Gothic]Kay had just watched the little battle. He had wanted to see how the others fought for awhile. Mitzo puzzled himo because she fought like a ninja fast with deadly percision. As they began to walk Kay walked with Mitzo and asked her "Where did you learn to fight?" "My Brother Sylfer taught me...." Mitzo responded with a twinkle of sadness in her eyes. It is a lot like my Ninjitsu, alittle different but similar". As Kay finished his last word he caught sight of the wounded wolf lunging at Otto he quickly reached to his side and dropped a flash bomb disorienting the wolf as well as the party. After the confusion died Kay had both his katanas buried deep in the wolfs chest. The party looked at him and finally Otto exclaimed "What the hell was that?". "Just a little something that I wipped up before we left, i thought they would be useful." Kay said with a smirk on his face. They then noticed the wolf was slighly different, the eyes were darker and held no fear at all. "I think its best we keep moving" Nari suggests....[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]"I think it's best that we keep moving," Nari suggested, reaching for the wakizashi at her hip. "Otherwise we may end up as food for a mean wolf."

"You sure?" Mitzo gave the cat-girl a look.

"The legends of Numb said that the beasts one encounters on the trail are different... meaner and stronger." Nari pointed out, dropping back a bit to stick nearer to Otto. "So unless you're cool with the idea of being doggie chow, let's keep moving." She menaced the wolf, starting to walk backwards down the trail.

Mitzo blew a bit of hair out of her eyes, looking peeved. "You just want to be closer to Otto," she mumbled...[/FONT]
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[FONT=BookAntiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=SeaGreen]Mitzo picked up her pase abit so she was at the head of the group. She drew her katanas and cleaned them off one at a time. Kitcho cringed when he saw what she was cleaning her swords with. "Mitzo! Do you have to [i]lick[/i] off the blood?" Mitzo stopped and licked her lips. "Probably poisined........hahaha!" Mitzo was laughing at the thought of being poisined by a [i]wolf's[/i] blood. She re sheathed her katanas and shivered. Her coat was soaked with the blood, making her even colder. A howl came from behind them. Mitzo turned around and rolled her eyes. "here we go...again." Mitzo practically fell over at the sight of the beast. "HOLLY ****! IM TO SMALL TO KILL [I]THAT[/I] THING!"[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
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Shotoken watched, his eyes gaining a red and white tint. He slowly clutched his blade, unsheathing it as a strange aura surrounds it.
"Listen, you twisted thing. Touch my friends, and I'll cut you into tiny PIECES!"
Shotoken lunged at the creature in mid-word, holding his blade out and preparing to either chop it up into tiny little chunks or become tiny chunks himself.
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[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][FONT=Century Gothic]Kay turns around looks down at Mitzo then up at a gigantic wolf. "I like the little one much better" kay murmers while looking back at the rest of the group. Shotoken is attacking with his broad sword drawn, Otto is slighly behins them with his metal staff out, Nari had her wakazashi out and Kitcho was staring at his dagger compairing it to the size of the beast an realizing its obsolitness. Kay quickly tosses Kitcho on of his katanas "Use this for a while" he says focusing on the beast. Kay reaches at his side and throws a shuriken hitting the monster in his right eye allowing Shotokens attack to hit. Shotoken plunged his sword deep into the beast but it had little effect and he flung Shotoken out of the way. He was bearing down on the rest of the party it was apparant that he was after the cold and bloody Mitzo. Kitcho looked over at Kay who was fiddleing with the blinding powder. He grasps the ball and runs toward the beast and throws the packet ahead of him unsheaths his sword and jumps ready for a finishing slash. The beast unexpectantly blocks the packed with his forearm sending the cloud of powder toward Kay. "*******" kay things at he tightly shuts his eyes and enters the cloud. He swings down and luckly makes contact with the beast forearm dismembering it. Kay hits the ground hard eyes still shut tight and rolls. He is slow to get up and opens his eyes. He sees the forearm lieing on the ground but realizes that he is also blind out of his right eye......[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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shotoken hacked at the creature until it's other arm was off, and then stabbed the blade straight through the creatures heart, letting go and landing on his feet, then falling over.
"That thing...was big..."
He was unconscious, and probably would be out for half an hour or so.
*inside his head*
A young child is seen killing his parents, his eyes having a red and blue tint to them that glowed birght with each strike, then finally stopped as he realized what he had done.
Shotoken shot up, still on the ground and surrouned by the others.
"What was that...Was it a memory of mine?"
He suddenly fell back to the ground, clenching his eyes tight in pain.
"damn, that thing...got me good..."
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[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][FONT=Century Gothic]Kay looks down at Shotoken "You ok?" he askes. "Im fine but if I'd be more worried about yourself" shotoken says getting up holding his head looking kay strait in the eyes. "I'd forgotten about it". Kays right eye is completally white no iris no pupils or anything. The rest of the Group looks at Kay sympatheticly. Angered by this Kay shouts "I dont want your stupid sympathy" He goes over to his bag and grabs something out of it. He procedes to walk over to Mitzo and hand this object to her "wear this it will be big but it isnt drenched with blood. She nods removes her own coat and putting on his which is more like a robe on her than a coat......[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=SeaGreen]Mitzo slowly walked behind them with her head hung. She carried her own coat in her arms. She fell back to the back of the group. Mitzo sighed and looked up to Kitcho. "Can you say a name for me?" She asked him. He paused for a moment. "uh...yeah, sure." Mitzo slightly smiled then said "can i just here you say "DeSihano Sakin"?" Kitcho repeated the name. "DeSihano Sakin? Whos that?" He asked her. "No one........not really importent." Mitzo took Kays coat off and ran up to him. "Here. Its starting to get warm out." Mitzo handed his coat back to him and wiped a bit of sweat off the side of her face. "Damn its hot!" Otto came up behind her. "Ya know shorty....it is getting kind of warm." Mitzo ran her fingers through her hair, wich was begining to wet with her own sweat. She pulled her tanktop away from her skin to hopefully cool off a bit. Every one was feeling it now. "Its not suposed to be THIS hot is it?" Shotoken asked. "I dont think so." Nari answered. Suddenly the sun began to rise.....quickly. But the fireflies creating there trail did not leave. and within a few minituse, the sun had set again. "Its an illusion." Mitzo said as the sun rose again. The another sun rose and the two suns danced around the sky, then setting again. "Silly tricks." Mitzo let out a deep sigh and the moon came back out and the time flow went back to its original jurisdiction. "Better." She said continuing to walk.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]"Wow... I thought illusions in the desert were only things like oases. That was beautiful." Nari smiled a little, wrapping her arms around herself. Kaze-sama was perched in a curled position on her shoulder. "Too cold. Mrrr..."

The group kept walking, noting new sights which kept appearing to either side of the trail, then disappearing as soon as they came near the firefly border. Small children would run closer to the walk, then cower away as the light touched them. A large octopus reached a tentacle toward Mitzo, then backed away.

"I'm really glad I came on this expedition," Kitcho smiled. Nari and Kaze half-agreed, shivering a little in the desert night air. "L-l-l-l-let's keep m-m-m-moving... we'll warm up faster that way."[/FONT]
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"Is it just me, or are these illusions getting weirder?" Shotoken said, as a two-headed fury creature waddled by.

"Man... youy said it." Kitcho said, watching a small horde of little people with bug wings flutter by. "Poe... go look ahead." The raven gave a little squawk and flew off, carefully avoiding the swarms of fire-flies on each side of the trail.

About a half-hour later, Poe returned, slightly shaken. He perched again on Kitcho's shoulder and straitened himself. Poe turned and spoke into Kitcho's ear, "Much strangness. Danger."
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[FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=2]Mitzo grinned. "I trust a bird. alittle untelling of me but..." Mitzo drew two of the triplit daggers she had hiddned under her coat, and on her equiptment belt. "Lets go then." Mitzo ran ahead of the group. What she didnt notice was the sun, the real one, slghtly rising. "MITZO! stay where you are!" Kitcho yeled. Mitzo stoped dead. "what?!" she yelled, obviously dismayed, back at Kitcho. He ran up to her. "Uh....the sun is rising...you might have gone off the trail." mirzo groaned. "Thats it?" she asked annoyed. Kitcho nodded. Mitzo stood up straight and re-sheathed her daggers. "Well then. Thanks." She sat on the dirt and looked ta the rising sun.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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Shotoken slowly watched, sitting down on a mound of sand.
"In that case, we'll just stay here, right?"
He smirked slightly, leaning back and attempting to fall asleep...
A young child is wandering the streets of some strange town, until... somebody grabbed his arm and forced him into a large building with lots of other kids running around, a few others sitting at tables as an adult showed them things they apparently didn't know...

OOC: I only read the last few posts. I miss anything really big?
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[FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=2]OCC: Nope....you havent missed much.

IC: Mitzo sat in the dust and wagged her tail back and forth, making dust kick up slightly. She layed back and put her arms behind her head. The silence was bugging her. Mitzo turned onto her stomach. "Damnitt why does it have to be so hot out here??" Mitzo rolled over onto her back and brought her hands to her face. Kitcho just looked at her. She sat up and scowled at the dirt. Then she layed back onto the dust and tried to drift off to sleep. after a few minutes she was.

[i]Mitzo slowly walked around in the dark abiss. "Hello?" She yelled into the void of nothingness. A scene finally folded out in front of her. She was sitting on a large rock with her brother. At the time she was about 12. She wached herself look up at her brother and smile. "Sly----yfer?" She asked, sluring the y. Slyfer looked down at her. "Slyfer........how old are you big brother?" She asked leaning her head on his shoulder. Slyfer chuckled and looked down to her. "I'm 671 Mitzo." She sighed and slunched over. "Really? Your old Slyfer." They both laughed and the scene closed as Mitzo woke up to Shotoken getly shaking her awake.[/i]

"Hmm?" She muttered. "Wha?"[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
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Shotoken smiled slightly, everything "softening" yet again.
"Come on, the sun's setting. We've been out for a while."
Shotoken didn't wait for mitzo's inevitable response, merely grabbing his large blade and attaching it to it's complex strap system that allowed it to be released in almost five different ways, as shakou flew onto his shoulder and landed there.
"It's good to go. Come on."
Shotoken held the straps tightly to keep the blade from falling off from it's huge amount of weight, and began to walk, as shakou stared at mitzo, particularly around the... chestial region.
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OOC: hey... that's MY job! lol

IC: "Hey! Wake up kid!" Kay kicked Kitcho lightly. Kitcho sat up sleepily. He was used to not getting much sleep, but this was rediculous.

"Where we goin'?" Everyone rolled their eyes.

"You're pretty stupid when you're not awake, you know that?" Shotoken said, walking ahead of the group. Kitcho just mumbled.

"C'mon you... let's go!" Mitzo jumped onto Kitcho's back, nearly causing him to fall over.

"Do you have to be up there?" He said sleepily.

Mitzo thought a moment... "Yes."
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[FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=SeaGreen]OOC: Is Sakou the falcon thingie?

IC:Mitzo gigled and hopped up onto his shoulder. "Chehe. I dont have to walk now! Your so useful kitcho." Mitzo began to look around to makesure that everyone was there. She reached in her pocket and pulled out the little furry mouse. "Well hello. Youve been sleeping a long time!" She placed the mouse on top of Kitchos head. "HEY!" He said slightly suprised at the little animal on his head. The trail was fully visible now. Suddenly they came to a slpit in the path. "Uh-oh" Mitzo said to herself. "Now wich way?" Nari questioned. Mitzo hoped off of Kitchos shoulder and exameined the two trails. She then pointed down the trail to the right. "This way..." She said walking slowly down the trail. "How are you sure?" Otto asked. Mitzo looked ta him blankly. "Im a fox. I can see in the dark. They both come to the same point. They join a little further down." Mitzo said continuing to walk. "Then why dont we go ths other way?" Asked Kitcho. Mitzo continued to walk. "I think we should save our fighting energy for later on in the trail." They all followed and mitzo soon was all cheery again. Or atleast putting a cheery mask on.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
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OOC: I think your mouse is in a danger zone...

IC: Poe, who had been flying some ways above the group, came swooping down, landing on Kitcho's shoulder. Kitcho mumbled a little greeting to the raven and kept walking.

Unfortunately for Mitzo's mouse, it was still on Kitcho's head. Poe noticed the mouse and looked at it a little strangely. Not to mention a little hungrily. It wasn't often a raven got a chance like this. Poe's head drifted closer and closer to the mouse...


Mitzo smacked Poe off of Kitcho's shoulder, sending him squawking into the air. Mitzo quickly gathered up her mouse and held the frightened rodent in her hands.
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Shotoken watched and laughed slightly, slowing down as shakou((he's a talking bird. I'm thinking of letting him do some more...entertaining things in the future though, so it MIGHT be worth the wait.)) flew up into the air and suddenly fell down again, landing on the ground next to shotoken.

shakou: "Those monsters... They're coming for us! they moved over to this path!!!"

shotoken:"well, you heard the birdy. Let's start the slaughter!
Shotoken unsheathed his blade and held it out, ready to attack anything that got close.
"Who's going to make sure the moronic thing was right?"
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[FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=SeaGreen]Mitzo giggled, unsheathed her twin katanas and began to run down the narow, dark passage way. "Mitzo!" Kitcho yelled, running after her. When He caught up Mitzo had already killed one of the four skeloten like horses standing in there way. She laughed as she jumped around it, slashing at what seemed like random parts. But with those parts of the skeloten gone, it fell to the ground in a heap of bones. Mitzo paused for a moments and looked over to the group who was now unsheathing there wepons. "Two more!" She said as Shotoken and otto joined in the fight.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
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Shotoken hacked at one of them twice with his sword, as it fell to the ground, and the things began forming again.
"Dammit! These things keep forming. Anybody know how to stop them for good, or do we run?!"
He continued hacking, and blocking the occasional attack and dodging a few others.
"Mitzo, got any ideas?"
Shotoken listened for an answer as he continued to hack away, making it a point to keep the things from attacking the others, and throwing a few throwing knives out to keep a few bones away from the things and stall their reformation.
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[FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=SeaGreen]"Damnitt!" Mitzo Yelled as the creature she just destroyed had re-formed. "I've never fu*king fought something thats already dead!" She dropped her katanas and took a few bones by hand, throwing the as far as she could, and repeating with other parts until the beast fell apart. But, like magnets, the bones came back and re formed. "*****!" She yelled as she continued to fight.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Nari reached into a pocket and drew out a small, round object. "Get back!" She hurled it at the approaching creature and ran, throwing herself onto the ground as the object exploded in a burst of light with a bang. She picked herself up and kept running, turning back to note that the creature was temporarily blinded.

"What WAS that?" Shotoken asked, continuing to throw knives at the creature.

"Home-made flash bomb. It should stall them... now I suggest we RUN FOR IT!"[/FONT]
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[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][FONT=Century Gothic]Kay let the other run alittle a head of him he pulled out a small black ball and threw it behind him. The other started to slow down a bit toward the end of the cave. Their panting was upseted by a light followed by a rush of warm air.

"What was that?" Mitzo asked.

"A bomb" laughingly answered Kay.

"Are you stupid you probably closed in the cave" Nari groaned.

"The bomb was small not big enough to damage rock......It could probably break some bones though." Kay laughed a small pillow of smoke escaped the cave.

Kay nodded to Dark and it flew in the cave. Darc returned shortly after squaked abit Kay nodded. The group watched with a look of curiosity in thier eyes.

"Darc says that the bomb shattered two of them two more remain and the passage is undamaged." Kay said with confidence.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=2]OOC: sence when was there a cave?!

IC: Mitzo sat on the ground for a moment. She looked around at her group. She then got up and started to walk towrds the cave, where the trail was leading. Shotoken walked up beside her and the rest of the group followed. "What do you want Shotoken?" She asked slightly annoyed. "What? I just want to walk by you." He said calmly. Mitzo looked up at him for a moment then looked at her feet as she walked. "Fine. I dont mind, but dont bug me." Mitzo said as she spit on the ground. "Bug you? why would i do tha--" Mitzo glared at him. "-Uh. Sorry." They were both quiet for a while after that. When they emerged at the other side of the cave, it was light out and the trail no longer visible. "Great. Now we have to stay in this thing? Sh*it." Mitzo said as she leaned up against the cave wall and closed her eyes.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
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