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Numb, Theives Trail [this may get a little bloody ^^]


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[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][FONT=Century Gothic]OOC: Sorry I thought we were in a cave for some reason :confused: my bad.

IC: Kay wondered what he should do. "This is boring days seem to take forever" he thinks. Kay wondered if it was just him or if time seemed to be different. He looked around and his eyes found Nari who suprisingly wasnt with Otto. He decided that he would go talk to her because he wanted to get to know her alittle more.

"Hey wheres your boyfriend" Kay said jokingly.
"I dunno" replied Nari with a giggle.

After talking for awhile Nari suggested they rest while they can considering the cave was dark and cool. She propped herself up against the wall of the cave and Kay walked over to the opposite wall. "Im not tired but I should rest" he though as sat up against the wall of the cave. As a suprise to him sleep found him but it was an uneasy one....[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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Mitzo sighed and shifted her weight. "If i was by myself it wouldnt take this long. Maybe i better ditch them now. or maybe tonight." She muttered under her breath. "Hmm? what was that?" kitcho asked. "Um...nothing!" Mitzo quickly said, nervous. "uh. Yeah." He said as he went back to sleep. Mitzo sat up and moved a rock around with her finger.
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Nari leaned her head against Kaze's back and nuzzled him, purring softly. She watched Kay doze off, and looked for a moment at Mitzo.

"You know, this would probably take longer if we all split up," she said, softly enough that only Mitzo could hear. A little startled, the girl looked up and moved a bit closer so they could talk in relative privacy.

"What do you mean, it would take longer?"
"Well, if we split up, it would probably take longer to dispose of the creatures that attacked us. Am I right?"
"Yeah, so what?"
"And there's more probability of one or more of us dying in this attempt if we're on our own, individuals. With the group, we can be each other's protection, watching for danger. Safety in numbers, you know?"
"But still..."
"Mitzo." Nari smiled at her a little, being careful not to show teeth. "Please, just stay with the group for a little longer. I think we'll be better off together..." she nodded toward Kay, who was snoring very softly and mumbling in his sleep.
"I'll think about it." Mitzo nodded a little.
Nari stuck out a hand. "Truce?"
Mitzo shook it. "Truce."[/FONT]
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OOC:WHAT THE ****!!!! NOO!!! GAH!!! YOUR RUINING MY CHARECTER PLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYS!.....um....too over reactive.....^^"

IC: Mitzo looked around the inside of the cave. "there we go." she said as she spotted a small ledge sticking out of the wall. She climbed up the wall and slept on the ledge. [i]iits just high enough so that i dont have to see otto's ugly mug.[/i] she thought to herself. Then she settled into her little ledge and slet for the rest of the day.

About an hour later, Kitcho looked up onto the ledge. Mitzo was gone [haha] "Gah! Where--" Kitcho looked around the cave. It was dark enough to see the trail, but he wondered how long she had been gone.
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OOC: yes, we all know Runy is just a bit over-reactive... well... a lot. (believe me... I know.)

IC: Kitcho whistled a little "Hey Mitzo! Where the heck did she go..."

"Hey! Who's the smart-a..."

"Sorry Shotoken..." Kitcho stopped his attempt at trying to yell at Mitzo and walked out of the cave. There were tracks in the sand... light ones, just about Mitzo's weight.

"Hey guys... anyone seen Mitzo?" There came a small round of 'nope's and 'uh-uh's. That can't be good...
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Kay looked at Kitcho "So Mitzo left......Hmmm I think me and Shtoken could catch up to her. Nari could probably to but i dont think it would be wise to thin the group anymore than it is allready"

"She promised me she wouldnt leave" Nari said looking at Kaze.

"Well we should probably get going. I m sure Mitzo is fine but we fdont want to be to far behind if she needs some help.
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shotoken stood up, leaving his sword on the ground.
"I'll probably be back with mitzo. Don't try using that sword if you can't lift at least a hundred pounds. It's pretty damn heavy."
With that, he dashed off after the tracks that looked like mitzo, going faster than what should be possibly while sniffing the air like a dog, and following the path mitzo took perfectly. He eventually caught up, and stopped right next to her.
"Looks like we're sticking together for a while. Either way, running is best no matter what. So, do we wait or keep moving?"
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Mitzo practically fell over. "HEY!" she yelled at him. She stood there with a look of disapointment on her face. "Your not suposed to catch up to me." Mitzo continued to walk. After a few moments of silence, Mitzo stopped him and motioned for him to bend down so she could whisper something to him. He did so. Mitzo turned her head and kissed him. "your a good guy." She said as she turned and walked back, the direction to the group.
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The rest of the "group" sat on the ground, wondering why they were sitting there. "Why the hell are we just sitting here? We should be out looking for Mitzo!" Kitcho stood up.

"Hmph... she's probably fine on her own. But we should go anyway." Otto commented.

"Then let's get the heck outta here!" Kitcho said, running ahead of the group. Everyone got up and left. It waqsn't long before they were slowed down, just as Mitzo had thought they would be, by the numerous fiendish creatures guarding the path.

Just after defeating one such creature, the group pressed on, Kitcho again running ahead... and ran into Shotoken. "What the..." Shotoken turned around to see Kitcho rubbing his head.

Kitcho looked up.. "Oh, hey... where'd Mitzo go? I thought you might have caught up with her by now.."

"I did. She didn't seem to want the company." Kitcho's former slight smile sagged into a frown.
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"And she was heading back your way anyways, so I had figured we'd run back into eachother eventually. Oh well, might as well figured out which way she went."
Shotoken sniffed the air like a dog, noticing mitzo's scent much more quickly, and took off, wishing he had his trademark blade to hack and slash the creatures along the way. He eventually caught up to mitzo, but instead of making his presence known, he slowly watched her from the shadows while following from a distance.
[thoughts] "She's amazing. No telling why she wants to do this, probably just the greed that's driving all of us towards it. Oh well, no big deal. But why the hell did she kiss me like that? No way to tell short of asking her, and that would just seem weird. Guess it's best to just forget about it."[/thoughts]
Shotoken continued following mitzo from a good distance behind, noting the fact that she seemed to be taking a seperate way towards the end of the path, and continued hoping shakou wouldn't pop up for a few more hours.
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