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Really bad anime.


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[color=darkviolet]I have to jump on the Super Milk Chan haters wagon. I honestly believe I could conceive better anime drunk than that load of tripe. Yet those people are raking in the cash while I have to call welfare tomorrow. Life is so unfair!

Ahem. I also agree with InuYasha slowly and surely becoming sub standard anime. Sure it was exciting for a while-pent up anger, sexual frustration (yes,I picked up on that) InuYasha and Sesshomaru showing how much they need therapy. The monsters, getting the jewel shards. But after a while it just seems so recycled. For Miroku's sake just find Naraku (okay they did already it's all done!) and get it done with. :mad:

I also didn't care much for Pretear either. It could just mean I need to watch the whole thing again, or I just didn't like it. No I did not.[/color]
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I've already posted here before, but I do recall another anime that I remember to be really bad. I can't remember the name of it, since I watched it in anime club almost four years ago, but I can try to describe it.

Let's see.. I think there were like, three girls who fought evil.. I'm pretty sure I'm not mixing this up with something else, but I might be. I know that there was definitely this one really short guy with red hair, or something, that lived in their house and seemed like he was from the stone age, and would run around everywhere being incredibly annoying. In the end, it was so bad that we just had to take it out and watch something else instead. lol

I can't say I'm too eager to know the title to begin with, but if anyone does know it, it would help me to warn others. :p
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Man, I must have a different idea of what "really bad" is. To me, something doesn't outright suck just because it isn't for me. I don't care for Trigun, but I don't think it's really bad. Same goes for a lot of things, anime or not.

I like Super Milk Chan. The whole point of it, to me, is only to be watched when you're super messed up and/or up way later than your body wants to allow. Hence its time slot. If people approach it expecting anything else, of course they're going to hate it. It doesn't really offer much more.

As for the bad... The one that comes to mind is Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei, which was released as Digital Devil. It makes no sense in any remote capacity. Shallow characters, pointless motivations, completely random inclusions. If it wasn't for the games (which are based on novels, like this anime) I'd think everything about it was completely crap.
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I really have to agree with Generic NPC #3, There are a lot of series' that i'll watch just the first episode, or even just part of the first episode and never go back to it again. Though i really don't think they i could label them "Really bad anime" because pretty much every anime has it's legion of followers whom the series was made for, and some may just not appeal to me or be able to hold my attention for long enough. A few examples of these would be:

Full Metal Alchemist, i honestly gave this series a shot but a lot of the concepts and characters just don't seem all that interesting to me.

One Piece, to me this series just looks overly goofy.

Bleach, im probably the biggest fan of the manga that you'll find. But the anime really disappointed me, it really doesn't have the same Kubotite touch that the manga has. i got up to about episode 16 before i just couldnt take it anymore.

InuYasha, like FMA i tried to give this series a shot, but the storyline and characters all seemed fairly bland to me.

Also i actually watched Super Milk Chan a few times on adult swim and i actually thought it was pretty funny. It's different from other anime, and im definately not gonna go out and buy it or anything. But i wouldnt consider it as bad as so many people are saying.
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[QUOTE=QuincyArcher]I really have to agree with Generic NPC #3, There are a lot of series' that i'll watch just the first episode, or even just part of the first episode and never go back to it again. Though i really don't think they i could label them "Really bad anime" because pretty much every anime has it's legion of followers whom the series was made for, and some may just not appeal to me or be able to hold my attention for long enough. A few examples of these would be:

Full Metal Alchemist, i honestly gave this series a shot but a lot of the concepts and characters just don't seem all that interesting to me.

One Piece, to me this series just looks overly goofy.

Bleach, im probably the biggest fan of the manga that you'll find. But the anime really disappointed me, it really doesn't have the same Kubotite touch that the manga has. i got up to about episode 16 before i just couldnt take it anymore.

InuYasha, like FMA i tried to give this series a shot, but the storyline and characters all seemed fairly bland to me.

Also i actually watched Super Milk Chan a few times on adult swim and i actually thought it was pretty funny. It's different from other anime, and im definately not gonna go out and buy it or anything. But i wouldnt consider it as bad as so many people are saying.[/QUOTE]

[SIZE=1]I'm incredibly surprised at this. FMA is an amazing anime. After watching the entire series I fell in love with the characters and the idea, seemingly abstract at first, work well. There is some loopholes involved but it can only be expected with such a complex storyline. I think its a great show, and its success proves so.

One Piece is not my favorite anime, but it has lots of potential. It has good action and fun characters. I thought I wouldn't like it at all after seeing the trailers and such. However, after really watching it I enjoyed it. It has lots of comic relief as well. Although it looks sort of funny and abstract, its actually not bad and you should give it a chance.

Inuyasha is one of the most successful animes out there, and I don't really see how it could be even mentioned in a thread about terrible animes. The story, although incredibly complex as well, moves along quite smoothly. The characters are amazing, from the docile Kaoru to the cold-hearted villain Sesshoumaru. They develop really good as well. The fights are great and it offers a lot of action as well as one of the best love tales I've seen in any anime. I think its quite good.

One anime I don't enjoy, however, would be Zatch Bell. I've watched it and given it an adequate chance, at least from my POV, and it has yet to impress me. The characters are boring, and some are just plain boring. They try to liven the show up a bit with the battling, but a lot of it is tedious and unexciting.[/SIZE]
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[quote name='Kamuro][size=1']I'm incredibly surprised at this. FMA is an amazing anime. After watching the entire series I fell in love with the characters and the idea, seemingly abstract at first, work well. There is some loopholes involved but it can only be expected with such a complex storyline. I think its a great show, and its success proves so.[/quote][/size]
[color=#503f86]Everything's a matter of opinion. Sometimes when you're so enamoured with something it can be hard to believe that others don't feel the same way about it that you do- I have that sometimes with the music I like. It lifts me up so much that I fail to see how some people can just shrug it off, and at the same time I can't understand how some music becomes so popular when I hate it so passionately. I'd challenge anyone to find something that absolutely everyone liked.

Flint the Time Detective is an anime I can't stand. Whether it can actually be called 'bad' is subject to opinion, but it's not something I can get on with. Very kiddie, and not even in a cute and loveable way. It's full of clichees and rather grating morals, not to mention the main character's an annoyingly loud-mouthed caveman with a hammer for a dad (o_o). The dubbing wasn't exactly inspiring, either.

I also dislike all of the Dragonball series (OMFG heretic). Generally speaking, any animes with old-style animation doesn't appeal to me, much less ones with overly-muscular men beating the snot out of each other for reasons I could never really fathom. I've watched a few episodes, and I still don't like it. Judging by its widespread popularity I can't call it 'bad', but in my personal definition that's what it'd be just because it caters to tastes that don't fulfil me.[/color]
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When it comes to bad animes, i don't think we should list all the animes we don't actually like. Well, the "goodness" and the "badness" of things is of course open to arguments, yet for the plots, drawings and the characters, one of the animes that i can really state as bad was the one in which a school girl (who seals evil spirits) being a reencarnation of Joan of Arc or something. Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne was the title i guess. It was the second time i've seen Joan of Arc was being used, the first being the witchblade. Even though i liked witchblade (not the TV version, not avaiable in my country), the anime was really annoying.
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[QUOTE=Solo Tremaine][/size]
[color=#503f86]Generally speaking, any animes with old-style animation doesn't appeal to me[/color][/QUOTE]

Um, there's a difference between old-style animation and bad animation. Very few animes have the simple visual charm of something like, say, Castle of Cagliostro or Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind. Dragonball has bad animation, but you can't attribute lack of quality to age.
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Guest Solo
Well Ihaven't seen that many I haven't liked except Ztch Bell that is by far the dumbest anime ever created on the face of the earth.They do the same thing every time.The spells on that show never change.They had 1 interesting episode.It was about a little girl and that was pretty stupid.They drawings aren't all that good either.I hate how it's drawn.The people drawing that stuff need to be slapped.I also didn't like the Animatrix because it was confusing but the animation was pretty good.
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[quote name='EVA Unit 100']Um, there's a difference between old-style animation and bad animation. Very few animes have the simple visual charm of something like, say, Castle of Cagliostro or Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind. Dragonball has bad animation, but you can't attribute lack of quality to age.[/quote][COLOR=#503F86]Yes, but what I mean is that the older styles don't appeal to me, or at least I've not seen one yet that has. I understand Miyazaki's animations have stayed pretty much the same since the earlier movies, but I [i]personally[/i] don't like watching the older animes because on the whole it's not a style I find particularly pleasing. I don't mean to say that all old anime lacks charm, detail and sophistication- I never even meant to hint at that. It's just not something I can get on with.[/COLOR]
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Guest katanagirl
i saw super milk chan and i was like, 'is this supposed to be anime or is this another american rip off?? *coughteentitans and that totallyspiescrap*but seeing as it ended up on this forum for bad animes, i guess so.

i cannot STAND dragonball GT. what in the world did they do to gohan!?!?!?!? they ripped him apart! :animecry: and stupid pan who's like chichi's clone. it's psychotic. and dont get me started on trunks' pants. they're so....high....*twitch* i hate that show very, very,very, much.

dragonballZ, the only part of the show i liked was the cell saga and the parts with radditz when gohan was a wee little thing. he was so kawaii *_* after the cell saga things got ridiculously redundant and what in the h-e-double hockey stix was that buu thing? it was insane. and what with the ending?? goku flies off with some uub (buu spelled backwards. not too ingenious toriyama. cmon what does that sound like? :animeshy: ) and it....ends....only to be picked up and thrashed around by gt :animeangr

pokemon was the coolest thing for me when i was seven. i got up each morning at 6 to watch it and the lack of sleep was totally worth it. now...well all the bad points have been pretty much covered. so no need to go too in depth there.

hamtaro-honestly, how many hours of talking hamsters can one endure?? will somebody please beat me if i ever decide to like that show.

let us not forget the american rip offs! such as: avatar- nick's attempt to catch up with the popularity of CN. first couple eps were ok for me. i thought it was gonna be ok. wow was i wrong. the whole thing has left my interests. teen titans-my non anime appreciating family thinks this is anime. my little bro will have it on and they're like 'is this your japanime stuff?' wow that irritates me. the eps with raven are fun tho bc it's so light hearted and happy go lucky most of the time, then there's, 'i was born to destroy the world. mwah aha hahaha' it's just like someone with extreme mood swings. totally spies-the awfullness speaks for itself
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Guest juzzam
I personally think One Piece is bad, Ive only realy seen the edited version on Toonami, but it was horrible. As I am a big fan of pirates I was looking forward to this, but I was extremely disapointed. I found the story was really corny and the characters all had stupid designs (man made out of rubber, clown that can fire his limbs at people, e.t.c). The best thing about it was that guy with 3 katanas.
I also hate stuff like Yugi-Oh, Pokemon, Dragonball Z, Beyblade, e.t.c.
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[quote name='katanagirl']let us not forget the american rip offs! such as: avatar- nick's attempt to catch up with the popularity of CN. first couple eps were ok for me. i thought it was gonna be ok. wow was i wrong. the whole thing has left my interests.[/quote]

Avatar isn't an American show. It is a Korean show made for American audiences. And considering people consider Korean stuff like Sky Blue "anime", that makes Avatar anime and not a rip-off.

And it isn't fair to call American shows "anime rip-offs". Tezuka was inspired by American stuff, and since anime is a word that applies to many styles of art, nothing can be considered a rip-off of anime. Some shows can be rip-offs of other specific shows, but you can't rip-off an entire medium. If anime was something you could actually rip-off as a whole, how could you rip off this...






And this...


At the exact same time?
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Guest katanagirl
good....gravy....have you even looked at the credits for avatar?!?!?! they are all american names!!! very american!!! geez! the creator's name and i quote, is Mike DiMartino!!! check out [url]www.tvtome.com[/url] if you will and you can see for yourself.

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I haven't seen anything painfully awful for a while now, but I fondly remember [b]Futakoi[/b] (not Futakoi Alternative) as something I just couldn't stand to watch. Despite its fanservice-y concept, it tried to go for the cute angle--and failed horribly, I might add. The male lead is a wretch. And all the technical aspects (music, animation, etc.) are pretty blah.

[QUOTE=katanagirl]good....gravy....have you even looked at the credits for avatar?!?!?! they are all american names!!! very american!!! geez! the creator's name and i quote, is Mike DiMartino!!! check out [url]www.tvtome.com[/url] if you will and you can see for yourself.

Try not to get carried away, okay? :animesigh

He was most likely referring to the fact that the show's animation is done in Korea. At least that's what I'm assuming.

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[quote name='Dagger']He was most likely referring to the fact that the show's animation is done in Korea. At least that's what I'm assuming.[/quote]

Actually, the show is also directed, storyboarded, and composed there. The creator and the writers are American, but that's it. That puts it on the same level as The Animatrix, which had some Asian and some American people working on it. So if you consider The Animatrix anime (which I assume most of you do) and you consider Korean cartoons anime, it is only right to call Avatar anime.
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Gotcha. Personally, I'm not even sure what I consider anime--for me it's more of a "I know it when I see it" thing than a category I can describe specifically. There are even some examples of Japanese animation that I wouldn't necessarily lump alongside anime, which implies a visual definition--but it's obvious that even with certain shared elements, there's a lot more visual diversity out there (in anime as well as in animation in general) than most people think. So I dunno. Although I guess this is really a subject for another thread. :animeswea

[quote name='Generic NPC #3']Man, I must have a different idea of what "really bad" is. To me, something doesn't outright suck just because it isn't for me. I don't care for Trigun, but I don't think it's really bad. Same goes for a lot of things, anime or not.[/quote]
With most anime, I can kind of tell why others would like it. Mahoromatic isn't exactly my cup of tea, but I can think of reasons that people might buy it. I just don't cotton to "maid" series in general, personally.

Yet there are also times when I encounter a show or movie that makes me wonder how someone could possibly enjoy it [i]without[/i] admitting that it sucks. Liking a series because it's a guilty pleasure (for whatever reason) is normal and all, but I am sometimes baffled at how people try to seriously defend so-and-so as groundbreaking entertainment or a brilliant work of art.

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I think the worst anime ive seen on tv had too be case closed and lupin the 3rd. Im just not into that whole detective stuff i find it boring especially in an anime .Lupin though has his funny moments sometimes.
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[quote name='Dagger]Yet there are also times when I encounter a show or movie that makes me wonder how someone could possibly enjoy it [i]without[/i'] admitting that it sucks. Liking a series because it's a guilty pleasure (for whatever reason) is normal and all, but I am sometimes baffled at how people try to seriously defend so-and-so as groundbreaking entertainment or a brilliant work of art.[/quote]
Yeah, totally. I wasn't referring to situations such as that because, let's face it, some things really just are not very good no matter how objective I'm trying to be. However, a lot of the examples in here are more along the lines of "I don't like the theme this show has so it's freaking awful!!!" I don't see how that works.

As for the "It's made in some Asian country, so it can count as anime!" argument, I don't know. A vast majority of animation is not done in the US anymore. It has become increasingly difficult to really say what should be what in that regard. To me the most important aspect is where the premise and designs originated from. When animation is generally outsourced because major US companies are basically just [i]cheap[/i], I'm not exactly sure why it should be considered anything other than what it is.
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Dang. This forum has so much critizing, I just can't thiink what anime is bad. What a minute...X. Yeah, the X movie was so senseless, I don't want to try to read the manga of it.

And may the light of Aether serves you well! (I hope) :sleep:
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[QUOTE=KKKEEENNN3]Dang. This forum has so much critizing, I just can't thiink what anime is bad. What a minute...X. Yeah, the X movie was so senseless, I don't want to try to read the manga of it.

And may the light of Aether serves you well! (I hope) :sleep:[/QUOTE]

This thread is about crappy anime... of course there's criticizing. What else is there gonna be? "I hate Super Milk Chan, but other people might not so I'm gonna refrain from ranting about it." That would make this thread pretty pointless.

On topic, Ikkitousen isn't terrible (I liked the setting and the characters and what the show was about), but for an anime that revolves around fights, they could really work on the fight scenes. Somebody gets suplexed on the floor and a shockwave is sent out that shatters the windows? And when the suplexed person gets up, she's covered in blood? That's just corny.

Of course, I've only seen the first DVD, so maybe it gets better... (the early fight scenes in Berserk sucked almost as bad)
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PLEASE TEACHER has to be worse than any anime i have ever seen! The storyline is so stupid and the charcters get really annoying......the runner up has to be weiss kruez. Its a shame really because it had a great story and some of the guys were so hot. Anyways the music stunk, the dialogue was so cheesy, and the missions were really random (in a stupid way) Other than that i have been pretty lucky. :catgirl:
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Guest chinkilla666
FLCL really gets on my nerves. It was funny the first time but abymore after that is just stupid.

Another bad show is Dragon Ball GT. It is the equilavent of a chopped piece of meat.
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