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Really bad anime.


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[color=firebrick] In all respect, I haven't seen the actual 'uncut' DBZ and Sailormoon anime, but the dubbed ones are horrible. I still have some respect for DBZ because it was the first thing that actually got me into anime. Sort of like a stepping stone of some sort...a [b]lot[/b] of people have gotten into anime by DBZ and Sailormoon, actually. *shrugs*

I don't want to start a giant debate here, but I'd just like to address some of the answers to this thread. Neon Genesis Evangelion is usually a split anime- either people hate it or like it. [to the extent of my knowledge, at least] The same could go for .hack//SIGN, I guess. Most of the people I've talked to who don't like NGE is because they see the show as some 14-year-old who gets on their nerves and talks half the episode anyway, not to include the fact that there's barely enough action to suit their tastes and the psychological mumbo-jumbo isn't that appealling to them. [And they always complain about the ending, of couse. :P] Same for .hack//SIGN. Less action than Evangelion, slow, more deeper meanings, etc. [No, Azure, I'm not trying to insult the anime.] I was just wondering if the people who don't like either of the two shows don't like them because of those reasons.

P.S. Call me too-defending, but I have to spit this out. The ending of the Evangelion TV series is absolutely perfect for the anime. A lot of people point fingers at GAINAX and claim that they put together the two last episodes so quickly and sloppily that they hardly even worked on it. [People say End of Evangelion was Hideaki's way to saying 'Fu** you' to those fans] I mean, these same people say that Evangelion mainly revolved around psychological themes and philosophy, and they didn't expect an ending like that? I mean...the last two episodes are perfect to me. The anime was not about the Angels or the Evas, it was simply about Shinji and his interactions with other people. [/end rant][/color]
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[color=darkviolet]I have seen the original version of SailorMoon. In fact I've seen pretty much every season in the original version. I just haven't seen #67 199 and most of the original version of SuperS. I've seen the Movies, I saw one of the specials and Ami's first love. I'm pretty well informed. I like the voices better in the original anyway. (Megumi Ogata rocks as both Petz and Haruka and Keiko Han did very well as Beryl the first season.)

However after a whie in both the dub and the sub the plot lines get old. How many times can the villains come to Tokyo and not expect to run into Sailor Moon? I think I can understand the Dark Kingdom since they wanted the guginshu (silver crystal) But Ali and An could have planted their mikoji somewhere else right? And Dead Moon, everyone should have just gone to vegas for that whole series. Besides, Kae Araki scares me as ChibiUsa.

Yes, ChibiUsa. When she came in the show scared me. After a while, I began to try and figure out why ChibiUsa had such an infatuation with the guy who's her father even into SuperS . I finally came to the conclusion that it's due to the fact that she feels she always has to compete with her mother even to the point of trying to be with the guy who's her daddy.

As for DBZ, I have a copy of the manga in Korean, does that count as seeing something besides the North American dub? Okay wel I tried. *shrugs* I hardly watched the show. Probably since fighting guys grate on my nerves. But I did manage to try and understand Vegetta.

I feel the reason this Saiyan guy acts teh way he does is because so much was expected of him as a child and yet someone who he thought was beneath him ended up better than him. So he set out to kill the guy. I feel he suffers from some deeply embeded issues which still refuse to surface even after he had a child himself. It could also do with the fact that his name means vegatable.

Oh as for the fighting Mecca not being realistic, they come through my neighborhood every night and put on ballet recitals. [/color]
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KAI DOH MARU!!! OH GOD!!! You think the titles you listed are horrible?! Wait till you see Kai Doh Maru! UGH. Waste of 30 canadian dollars!!!
Basically it was as confusing as heck. None of it made sense. Its plot was also very bland and stupid. 3D animation was in use, and I mean BAD 3D animation. You think it'd have beautiful art by the cover, but nope, the art was horrid. Too much work was put into the backgrounds (which are decent. They're not beautiful but they're okay.) Lastly it was too short. It was just... horrible.

I also didn't care for Blood: The last Vampire (which was actually from the same creators. But even the people who liked Blood, couldn't stand Kai Doh Maru) I dunno, it was okay, but I didn't like the ending. i was expecting.. much more...
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i have to say that i completely agree with Maladjusted, Evangelion is by far my favorite anime......and it has gotten alot of rebuff for the endings considering one crowd hated the first ending and the other crowd hated the second ending. it is a perfect way to represent the world in the end by one choice and if people had seen both endings they would understand the point that even thought he was told to change it and created End of Eva the sub plot lies within shinji's courses through the anime

as for terrible animes:

i hate any anime like pokemon, i find it is mass produced excriment that should have died out long ago but for some reason became as popular as the hula hoop in the 80's

one anime that i did particulary dislike was the Shadow Skill movie. it was like watching someone play a video game. as well the gratuitious nudity that is portrayed on the box is a ploy to catch

coupled with the the fact it had no story to put to its name it was 46 minutes of my life wasted.

i also hate Prince of Tennis, damn drama animes......its like watching a soap opera about tennis
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Guest Goldenazriel
[b]originally posted by maladjusted:[/b]

[i]"Dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun DUUUN![/i]

[i]May I present to you Final Fantasy Unlimited? So bad that it was [/i]

[i]canceled in Japan [the land of Hello Kitty vibrators, everyone.] and it [/i]

[i]just plain sucks. The use this really bad CG scene over and over and [/i]

[i]over and over again [maybe FOUR TIMES in one episode?] and after the [/i]

[i]first two episodes you get the impression that the creators of the [/i]

[i]anime were on drugs or something that was impairing their judgement."[/i]

I know what you mean, when I watched it I spent most of my time either wandering what the writers were on or staring at Kumo. It was fun to laugh at and that was about all it was worth. I just hope Final Fantasy: Advent Children is much beter than Unlimited or the Spirits Within!

[b]originally posted by ReFlux:[/b]

[i]"And when I say realistic, I mean that the MSG UC series actually gives [/i]

[i]thorough explanation of how MS work, why they were made, and pretty [/i]

[i]much how they were made. I mean, people can actually grasp "This kidna [/i]

[i]stuff could happen" in MSG, but with GW, there all super robots who can [/i]

[i]run faster than space ship taking off, have indestructable out and [/i]

[i]insides, and crap like that." [/i]

I am a big fan of [i]most[/i] of the gundam franchise. First of all I like Gundam Wing but even I can admit to how unbelievable and some times unexplainable the mechs could be. Besides the unfortunate apperance of one of the most annoying characters (in my opinion) in all of Gundam history, Relena Peacecraft, the story was slow in some parts along with the sometimes unexplainable behavior of the characters. I also love how they conveniently forget to explain the miraculous "upgrades" if you will of the gundams between the series and Endless Waltz.

There are few Gundam shows I dislike, that being said I could never understand the appeal of G Gundam or SD Gundam. The mecha in both shows were laughable. In G Gundam all the mech were so stereotypically designed for each country, not to mention the stupid plot and the individual battle based episode in the tournament like setting. SD Gundam makes me wonder at the stupidity of people who will watch anything. this show isn't even worthwile for a six year old to watch.

More Bad Anime:

alot of people are probably going to want to stone me for my opinions on a few of the more popular series I dislike, but please refrain! :)

Tekken the anime: *Shudder* so bad it is indescribable by words alone. enough said.

Saiyuki: I have fumed about this series to friends and strangers alike for about a year now. My first exposure to Saiyuki was when I recieved the first episode for free with an issue of Newtype. I'm glad I didn't pay for it. As soon as I poped in the disk the bad animation hit me like an anvil. The chars. look weird and out of proportion to me and the perspectives are all wrong. I forced myself to watch the entire episode in the hopes that it would get better. no such luck. Cookie cutter character stereotypes and plotline, also throw in there bad english dubbing. *shudder* never again!

Rurouni Kenshin: This isn't nessicarily bad it's more like over-rated. Many people have hyped up kenshin and don't get me wrong the plot's not bad and the character development is okay. I enjoy the characters with the exception of Kaoru (she's the type of whiny, weak, female character I try to shy away from). It just get's repetative by the 50th or 60th episode. I have given it a try, compared the TV series, movie, OVA's, and Manga and have come to this conclusion. I feel that by watching the TV series I'd be wasting a huge chunk of my time. I absolutley LOVE the Samuri X OVA's and find the kenshin manga enjoyable.

About the only other thing I can think of off the top of my head is the whole genre to which anime like Love Hina belong. I just don't enjoy watching these types.

and I noticed Naruto was being discussed and I absolutley adore the series (anime and manga) the only thing I would change is the [spoiler]death of Haku.[/spoiler] I always manage to pick minor chars. as my favorites.

Don't worry my friends there will be plenty of bad anime to assult your minds, now and in the future
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Another one of my problems with Gundam Wing is the fact that one, The Death Scyhte's laser scythe can operate underwater, which isn't explained, two, the Gundam Heavyarms has so much ammo that it would explode into a glorious fire ball if shot once, and never does, and three, most of all, the Wing Gundam and its Buster Cannon, which is hard to pull off with a giant space fleet cruiser, the Wing can fire it several times and take a bit of damage, whereas, it would be torn to shreds in its first blast.

And I must agree with you on also G Gundam (which is a novelty watch for me. I just love that Sai Saishi) and SD Gundam (which I hate completely). Also, with Tekken, that was a horrible movie with bad animation, bad story line, and almost nothing to do with the game.
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In my opinion, any show with more than 60 or 70 episodes is more than likely to be crap. A number of people have already complained about Dragonball Z, Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho and even the uber-popular Naruto. I can't say I blame them... all of these series suffer from what I call Kenshin syndrome. Despite the fact that they're marketed as action anime, their animation is usually sub-par--or, if it starts out well, eventually begins to degrade and become frighteningly erratic. Their combat sequences tend to be very long and often involve more talking, flash-backs, and poor artwork than actual fighting.

The reason I prefer Yu Yu Hakusho to other lengthy shows is that most of its battles are relatively fast-paced and rarely last more than an episode or two. During the Dark Tournament saga, many episodes contain multiple fights; others are simply devoted to comedy and character development.

But even YYH is far from problem-free..... I find it ironic that these kinds of anime are generally the most popular.

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[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]*nod nod*

It's sad, really. The Naruto anime has really begun to spiral downhill. Things are not looking up.

My favourite episodes were 63 and 64--the action scenes are amazing in those. Really. It's like they got an extra million in budget or something.

I hate how great manga can be given a negative image through poor animation. Series-milking is something I loath.@_@[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[color=darkviolet]I didn't really like the OVA of Vampire Princess MIyu either. I never understood what was going on and I watched 6 consecutive episodes.

It made my head hurt to watch the 2nd episode but I kept thinking it might get better.

Another one I didn't really like was Sakura Diaries. The plot was a bit crazy for me. A girl is in love with her cousin. Her cousin is posing as a student from Tokyo U but he's really trying to pass the entrance exams and then the guy gets a crush on a female student.

Whatever. Incest frightens me-even with CHibiUsa.[/color]
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[QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman]I didn't really like the OVA of Vampire Princess MIyu either. I never understood what was going on and I watched 6 consecutive episodes.

It made my head hurt to watch the 2nd episode but I kept thinking it might get better.

Another one I didn't really like was Sakura Diaries. The plot was a bit crazy for me. A girl is in love with her cousin. Her cousin is posing as a student from Tokyo U but he's really trying to pass the entrance exams and then the guy gets a crush on a female student.

Whatever. Incest frightens me-even with CHibiUsa.[/QUOTE]In Japan cousins are allowed to marry. I find incest themes a bit much at times myself but I didn't think Sakura Diaries was extreme as the cousins in question were not very well acquainted at the beginning of the series.

Miyu in Vampire Princess Miyu has the ability to induce delusional states in people. [SPOILER]She does this to the boyfriend, and that is why he is blissed out in the second episode. The reason she does this is because she deems him too weak to live with the truth of what has happened to his girlfriend. Miyu also wishes to do this to the possessed girl introduced in the first episode but is hindered by the spiritualist.

Miyu finds humans contemptible because they are often self-deluded or unwilling to face reality.[/SPOILER]

Some people (including myself) consider VPM OAV one of the best OAVs ever made - not that OAVs are always that great. On the other hand the TV series suffers from some monumentally bad artwork in the later episodes.

[quote name='Dagger IX1']In my opinion, any show with more than 60 or 70 episodes is more than likely to be crap.[/quote] I can't really consider long series horrible just because they are long, but I hardly ever consider them great either. Even 52 episodes are usually too much for a series. The only long series I ever saw which managed not to sag in the middle was Card Captor Sakura.

It seems that people who enjoy long series enjoy settling down with something familiar week after week. They enjoy their favorite characters so much that they will happily watch them do pretty much anything. This is my understanding based on some conversations I have had with long-series fans. I would also say that for any long series I watched I was definitely enjoying the characters a lot.
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In my oppinion...it would have to be Yu-Gi-Oh...*Takes out a sheild and block several attacks from his friend who's throwing rotten vegetables at him...*Anyways, it takes a good ONE episode for them to put down a card! And when they do activate something, it's all "You cannot stop the power of my (Insert monster name here)! I shall obliterate you!" And it REALLY bothers me that the one card I like, the one cards that has extreme power, Exodia, the Forbidden One...IS ONLY SEEN ONCE OUT OF ALL THE EPISODES I"M FORCED TO WATCH EVERY MORNING WHEN I WAKE UP! Sure, Kaida (or whatever his name is) gets UBEWD out nearly every episode and wipes his opponents away, while Yuji gets ONE episode with the strongest monster! One god damn episode with only 10 seconds of my favorite monster in the series! And dpn't get me started with the God cards. Those are just to....GAH....I don't mind Obilisk. He, I can tolerate cause he's usable if he was a legal card. Slyfer isn't so bad either...but Ra is just annoying...maybe cause I don't like the color gold...who knows? I just know, I HATE Yu-gi-oh. Wasted a good amount of my monetary earnings on that series. In turn, I've wasted a good portion of my teen-hood.
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Ugh . . . Black Jack. Or is it BlackJack? Whatever. Not really worth it. It's supposed to be a classic or something, but it's just . . . ugh. I don't know if there are more of these things (I saw the movie with "the surgeon with the hands of god" on it), but I don't want to see any more. Movies should be pretty much self-contained for the uninformed, but they off no explanation anywhere in the plot for where Blackie got his multi-colored [I]face[/I]--it's got stitches going down the middle of it. Why wouldn't you explain this? He's the only character in the entire movie that looks unique, and when I say unique, I mean it in a very bad way. [I]He's got skunk hair[/I].

The plot was really stupid, too. It might have been a good idea at one point, but it was ruined. Boring. Blah.

It actually rivaled a live-action (haha, action, right) movie that I saw on Turner Classics; titled: "Frogs." Guess what it was about, right?

Well, there wasn't a frog in it. Ever. It was about "frogs" (which were actually toads--they couldn't convince frogs to do anything this stupid) taking over a southern manor and scaring and/or killing everyone there. Spooky . . . not. They really managed to murder an old guy. How?

By jumping on him, of course. Oh, and croaking. Can't forget the deadly croaking.

Anyway, I also really can't stand those shows like Digimon/Yu-gi-oh/whatever. I do like Pokemon from time to time--because it's silly enough so that you aren't expected to take it seriously. The other shows, they really think you're going to have a heartfelt connection with these characters, and there's little real humor. Pokemon can be funny. (Jesse and James are hilarious. Wobbuffet.)
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[COLOR=Navy]Welcome to OtakuBoards! ^_^ Just letting you know that I merged your replies, since OB's rules don't permit double-posting.[/COLOR]

[QUOTE]I dispise the DBZ anime. The manga is great, though not the [I]most[/I] brilliant thing to ever be conceived by humanity. The art is awesome.
But the anime just dropped all of that. It sucked the life out of Toriyama's series, and milked it beyond what is under any circumstances acceptable.

I didn't like the Kenshin add-on movie. You know, the one with the train scene at the begining? I felt it was entirely predictable, boring, and that it was an embarrasment to the series.

I never liked PMK, either, but I wont say anything bad about it while Skippedry and others lurk. *watches back carefull*
[color=red][size=1]I have to agree on the DBZ matter. The characters look the same. All of the guys; Goku, Vegeta, Gohan... have these big muscles! Another thing about the anime that I dislike, is that they always seem to be fighting! I don't mind fighting, but its so boring... its like this "oh he hit him in the face! woh! he punched him in the gut! oh wow then he kicked him!..." and it goes on and on!

Well those were the cons, I have to admit, the anime is hilarious but if you compared it with really detailed ((not soo much as in muscles)) anime like ((Im tryin to refrain myself from saying YYH)) ... Rurouni Kenshin/Samurai X, DBZ would be out of its league ((at least I think so)) That has fighting, not with fists but hey, its still fighting. In Samurai X the Characters are well drawn and animated. There is a lot of detail in the characters. So thats why I like it.
I like anime that I relate to or something that has really happened. I can relate to Yusuke, he is kinda like how some kids really act, soo its fun to watch him. And the era in which the anime Samurai X takes place, is a real thing ((or.. it [I]was[/I] )).

I dont know if I made any sense, usually I don't. If anyone can understand what I [I]just[/I] said, then I give you one of these.. ----> [/color][/size]:D

[quote=Dagger IX1]In my opinion, any show with more than 60 or 70 episodes is more than likely to be crap. A number of people have already complained about Dragonball Z, Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho and even the uber-popular Naruto. I can't say I blame them... all of these series suffer from what I call Kenshin syndrome. Despite the fact that they're marketed as action anime, their animation is usually sub-par--or, if it starts out well, eventually begins to degrade and become frighteningly erratic. Their combat sequences tend to be very long and often involve more talking, flash-backs, and poor artwork than actual fighting.

The reason I prefer Yu Yu Hakusho to other lengthy shows is that most of its battles are relatively fast-paced and rarely last more than an episode or two. During the Dark Tournament saga, many episodes contain multiple fights; others are simply devoted to comedy and character development.

But even YYH is far from problem-free..... I find it ironic that these kinds of anime are generally the most popular.


*nodds head* Even though I like Yu Yu Hakusho, I do agree that it has many problems to over come. The dubbs are great, I think FUNimation does a good job in making the English dubb better than the Japanese original. But still, due to YYH's long series, Im constantly running out of money.

Another anime that I dislike has to be Sailor Moon. I don't even know how many episodes there are! There has to be nothing I hate more than corny scripts in anime. Serena and the Sailor Scouts are constantly talking about love and peace and yada yada, it gets kinda old.

I have no clue how SM fans can keep up with the series and still love the corny script! Well... Im not about to go figure it out. And like Dagger, "I find it ironic that these kinds of anime are generally the most popular"
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[quote name='densuke']In Japan cousins are allowed to marry. I find incest themes a bit much at times myself but I didn't think Sakura Diaries was extreme as the cousins in question were not very well acquainted at the beginning of the series.[/quote]

[color=darkviolet]In many states throughout the United States including New York cousins are allowed to marry. Heck, FDR and Elenore were 3rd cousins

My point was just that I didn't really get the whole plot except for the guy's cousin wanting him.[/color]
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[COLOR=DarkOrange]When I watch anime, I usually investigate the show before hand so that I don't end up wasting my time and my money.

There have been two anime that have fallen into my "regret purchases."

[B]Rurouni Kenshin, the Movie[/B]: I think this was already mentioned somewhere. My main issue with this movie was that is was just plain slow! And way too many flashbacks for my tastes.

Lastly [B]Rurouni Kenshin, very last OVA[/B]: Yes is was pretty. BUT content-wise it was absolutely horrid. What the hell?!? Every single aspect of that OVA was out of character WITH every character. Yes. I have condemned that OVA. To me, it's just blasphamous. :flaming:

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[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrange]Perfect Blue. Wow, it was just soo.. hard to understand. I like movies with some suspense in them and whatnot, but it was just insane how confusing it got. It was one and a half hours of my life I will NEVER EVER get back. Concept was original. I didn't think the art was all that well done, in the sense that to me, it wasn't really an "anime" style, but that's probably just me. You think you know whats going on, then BAM. You feel like you just got slapped upside the head with a wet fish. There were also a few parts which I thought were.. uncomfortable? Maybe unnecessary. Probably because I'm just 13, but honestly, you can do without some of that stuff. *cough* Anyways, overall I never really did get it. At the end apparently it allll made sense.. Except it didn't. Maybe one day someone who saw the movie, and got it, can explain who exactly did what, and why.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New][QUOTE=Monkey_Orange][COLOR=DarkOrange]

Lastly [B]Rurouni Kenshin, very last OVA[/B]: Yes is was pretty. BUT content-wise it was absolutely horrid. What the hell?!? Every single aspect of that OVA was out of character WITH every character. Yes. I have condemned that OVA. To me, it's just blasphamous. :flaming:


Ahem. Well, here we have some one who has [i]clearly[/i] failed to read the Rurouni Kenshin manga.
Actually, the OVA was pretty much perfect, in my opinion. I was only dissapointed it didn't include [Spoiler]Kaoru's innitial death[/Spoiler]. That was just [i]too[/i] depressing for words--I couldn't read the damn manga because I was crying so much. T_T (I mean, I couldn't see properly through the tears... : / )

Well, there you have it. Monkey, go out and read the manga, laugh, cry, get depressed. Then rewatch the OVA. I guarentee you will love it. u_u[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[QUOTE=Godelsensei][COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]
Ahem. Well, here we have some one who has clearly failed to read the Rurouni Kenshin manga.

Well, there you have it. Monkey, go out and read the manga, laugh, cry, get depressed. Then rewatch the OVA. I guarentee you will love it. u_u[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]

[COLOR=DarkOrange]Nope. I've read the entire manga--all the way up to volume 28 ^^ To me, THAT is the only ending. Anything else afterwards is bad. So I guess I just plainly disapprove of how the mangaka finishes the story--whether via manga or anime. Again, the ending is just out ot character with every character. You, having read the entire manga, should be able to see this. So yes, while the last OVA may be true to manga, it remains untrue to the story.[/COLOR]
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[quote name='CoLoR_Me_EviL][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrange]Perfect Blue. Wow, it was just soo.. hard to understand. I like movies with some suspense in them and whatnot, but it was just insane how confusing it got. It was one and a half hours of my life I will NEVER EVER get back. Concept was original. I didn't think the art was all that well done, in the sense that to me, it wasn't really an "anime" style, but that's probably just me. You think you know whats going on, then BAM. You feel like you just got slapped upside the head with a wet fish. There were also a few parts which I thought were.. uncomfortable? Maybe unnecessary. Probably because I'm just 13, but honestly, you can do without some of that stuff. *cough* Anyways, overall I never really did get it. At the end apparently it allll made sense.. Except it didn't. Maybe one day someone who saw the movie, and got it, can explain who exactly did what, and why.[/COLOR'][/SIZE][/quote]
I got Perfect Blue when I was like 12 turning 13 soon and i understood it. In fact it's one of my favorites.
And it's not really an anime to begin with. It's just an animated film of a really great book. *wants that book so bad* The only way they could do everything that happened in the book was by making it animated.
I've also watched it a lot of times back when I first got it. So i like understand it perfectly now. I watched it again a couple months ago and I really enjoyed it cause I'm 2 years older now.

Okay, I'm gonna explain it for you:
basically Mima is of course a singer with a lot of fans. her seemingly #1 fan is the demented and deranged man, Mr. Me-Mania (the ugly guy) Then there's Rumi, who i suppose we can say is Mima's managaer and best friend. Rumi used to be a singer herself and misses those days. So, she lives HER life through Mima's.
Anyways when Mima decides to be an actress it greatly upsets Rumi and Mr. Me-Mania. Rumi and Me-Mania somehow met (Me-Mania was a security guard at the concert. I think Rumi gave him that job as a bribe cause then he could be by Mima). They kinda teamed up against Mima, Rumi calling herself the real Mima, and me-Mania believing her and helping her. After Mima did the rape scene they both fell into insanity I think. they wnated her to pay i guess.
In the meantime, Mima's losing it. She's going insane. She's actually being stalked you see and that's driving her crazy. the soap opera she's in starts potraying her life and that just adds to it. She starts having illusions and Rumi begins to add on to it too...
Then everyone who is ruining Mima's name is being killed by Me-Mania and Rumi. Later on they focus on Mima herself.
Yeah, it's a bit hard to explain, but once you get it, you get it.
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[QUOTE=Fushigi Rockna]I got Perfect Blue when I was like 12 turning 13 soon and i understood it. In fact it's one of my favorites.
And it's not really an anime to begin with. It's just an animated film of a really great book. *wants that book so bad* The only way they could do everything that happened in the book was by making it animated.
I've also watched it a lot of times back when I first got it. So i like understand it perfectly now. I watched it again a couple months ago and I really enjoyed it cause I'm 2 years older now.

Okay, I'm gonna explain it for you:
basically Mima is of course a singer with a lot of fans. her seemingly #1 fan is the demented and deranged man, Mr. Me-Mania (the ugly guy) Then there's Rumi, who i suppose we can say is Mima's managaer and best friend. Rumi used to be a singer herself and misses those days. So, she lives HER life through Mima's.
Anyways when Mima decides to be an actress it greatly upsets Rumi and Mr. Me-Mania. Rumi and Me-Mania somehow met (Me-Mania was a security guard at the concert. I think Rumi gave him that job as a bribe cause then he could be by Mima). They kinda teamed up against Mima, Rumi calling herself the real Mima, and me-Mania believing her and helping her. After Mima did the rape scene they both fell into insanity I think. they wnated her to pay i guess.
In the meantime, Mima's losing it. She's going insane. She's actually being stalked you see and that's driving her crazy. the soap opera she's in starts potraying her life and that just adds to it. She starts having illusions and Rumi begins to add on to it too...
Then everyone who is ruining Mima's name is being killed by Me-Mania and Rumi. Later on they focus on Mima herself.
Yeah, it's a bit hard to explain, but once you get it, you get it.[/QUOTE]

[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrange]Okay it makes more sense now. I think what threw me off was that I wasn't sure if she was hallucinating and going crazy or not. Because she saw pop idol mima, and she was like.. skipping and jumping from lightposts and whatnot and then at the end it was Rumi and I was like what, is Rumi magical? So she was going crazy AND being stalked. Alrighty, I can grasp it now. =)[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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I happen to think that King of Bandits Jing was, well, just bad. I can't even become enthusiastic enough about it to hate it. It was as though Jing, the main character, was _determined_ to be the epitome of the overcliched antihero. No distinguishing deviations from stereotype, standard rebellious attitude (and occupation. Would someone _please_ explain to me why burglary is a proffession attractive enough to have at least one representative in every manga/anime?) with inexplicable underlying compassion... He even had the standard mildly-firightening, incomprehensible black-brown 'hero hair' that protruded at every imaginable angle (but, much to my dismay, somehow managed not to maim his token greedy, womanizing animal sidekick/weapon). The storyline was a rather random series of weakly-connected journeys on Jing's part, most inspired by the consistent, if overly recurring, drive to steal some treasure or other (after, of course, he risked his life to protect the obligatory inspid and generally interchangable female character that predictably, if not plausibly, appeared into each episode). The art, possibly the least of the series' problems, was a bit too surreal for me, although it occasionally provided very innovatve backdrops for suspiciously familiar episodes to play out upon. Overall, it may be one of the most unoriginal series I've ever watched.
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[QUOTE=Dagger IX1]In my opinion, any show with more than 60 or 70 episodes is more than likely to be crap.

Well, they start to have 'filler' episodes. I think that if you were to take these so-called 'filler' episodes out of several different series it would make them much more enjoyable. The one I'm thinking of right now is Sailor Moon. It was an amazing series, I think it might have been even better though I had only watched the first 3 episodes of every season and the lsat 3 episodes of every season.

My vote for the worst anime I have ever seen definately goes to Narutaru, PlanetES (or whatever it's called), and Wedding Peach. I would rather watch some sick hybrid of the Roseanne show and American Gladiators than watch any of these.
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Love Hina-OK somepople might not agree w/ me but I though there was no point to this show waht so ever..you couldnt even go an episode with or a bath scence or Keitaro getting his face stuck in Naru's chest- I guess Im a little bit biased because I dislike most shounen romance animes like Video Girl Ai and Oh my Goddess..but this was just really bad.[/QUOTE]

How many episodes did you actually watch? Keitaro getting beat up is just a bit of humor. Also, it shows how the interaction of the characters develop and it reveals more and more of the character's personalities. If you watched the entire series, or read all of the manga, then you would understand what the purpose is, and everything.

[QUOTE]Evangelion- so this is the "classic" anime...>.> call me shallow but I did not understand this anime at all..it was so pointless and Shiji made me want to poke out my eyes with a fork..the ending was very horrible too exspecially the TV version the movie was Ok.[/QUOTE]

Again with the question, how many episodes did you watch of this anime? If you only watch one episode, yes it would be a bit hard to understand. Though the truth is, the more episodes you watch, the easier the pieces fit together. It is not very hard to understand this anime. I would understand you not being able to understand an anime like Serial Experiments Lain, but not with this anime. The story of Neon Genesis Evangelion is pretty straight forward.

The only anime that I can think of at the moment that isn't really good is SD Gundam. I feel that it makes the other Gundam series out there look bad. Though it is funny at some parts, it doesn't really make me want to watch it again and again, or not even to go as far as to obsess over.
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Guest ScirosDarkblade
Ouch. Love Hina and Neon Genesis Evangelion are probably my favorite anime series (though NGE could stand some serious revision for the sake of a cohesive plot, and Love Hina needed closure like in the manga).

I'll tell you what I really hate though -- The Animatrix. Sure, not all of it is anime, but some of it is, and I hate pretty much all of it. I guess I don't mind the haunted house one so much (the directing is neat), and the samurai one has great sound effects, but overall it's just painful to watch. It's such a shame that some talented directors wasted their time on an idea as faulty as the Matrix. I don't even remember specifically why I hate the Animatrix, only that some of it seemed so unbelievably pointless and nonsensical that I was pissed.
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Guest yusuke sagablac
One of the worst shows are SD Gundom
I'm mean who can stand some little gundom.
I'm mean it really stuped.
It drives me crazy when my nephwe watchs it
:flaming: :twitch: :bash: :nope: :blowup: :nope: :shifty: :angry2: :sick: :flaming: :confused:
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