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Really bad anime.


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[quote name='ScirosDarkblade'] I don't even remember specifically why I hate the Animatrix, only that some of it seemed so unbelievably pointless and nonsensical that I was pissed.[/quote]
[color=#707875]Watch it again, with a little love in your heart. Then maybe you'll understand it. ~_^

Anyway, with my limited experience in anime, I can't say that I've come across a huge crop of awful shows/movies. At the same time, there are very few series/movies that really stand out as being incredible, in my mind.

I must say though, I never understood the fascination with Dragon Ball. I watched two episodes of Dragon Ball Z and I simply couldn't bring myself to watch more.

Although I admit that watching only two episodes doesn't even begin to provide me with a background on the characters and plot, I just found the whole thing to be really juvenile. It was like "talk for five minutes, fight a little, talk for five minutes, fight a little".

The fights themselves looked really silly, especially for an anime. And I found that kind of odd. And the whole thing seemed to revolve around characters trying to improve their fighting skills and such.

Again, I don't claim to be an expert on the series -- or anything even close to it. But even from my limited watching, there was just nothing about it that really grabbed my attention and gave me an incentive to watch more.

I guess this also raises the question as to how much of a series you need to watch before you are really hooked on it. Perhaps it's not reasonable to suggest that a series should hook you in within a couple of episodes.

I know in the case of .hack//SIGN, I was stumbling my way through the first half of the series before it really picked up and did anything worthwhile. While some may say that it's simply a slow anime, I found that this kind of approach was a result of poor pacing and an uninteresting plot. That is a shame, because I think that .hack actually [i]does [/i]have quite an interesting plot -- it just needed to demonstrate more of that earlier on.

So, while I wouldn't say that .hack//SIGN is a bad anime, I would also say that it demands a lot of input from the viewer, in order to really get sucked in. Although, there are various movies/anime like that already (Matrix being one example; brilliant story, but it asks a lot from the audience). Animatrix is gorgeous to watch as a visual piece, but if you see the live-action movies first, you obviously then build a greater understanding of the magic behind the individual Animatrix episodes.

So this is an interesting question. Different series seem to demand different levels of audience participation and involvement, in order to get the most out of them.

For example, I rarely see people who are fence-sitters, when it comes to Dragon Ball. Either they are completely obsessed, or they tend to dislike the series. To me, this suggests that one can't necessarily watch Dragon Ball as a casual viewer; perhaps you have to put in the time and energy to acquire the taste. Or alternatively, Dragon Ball [i]is [/i]as shallow as I suspect, which is why the vast majority of fans are very young. Who knows. It's still something worthy of discussion though, in my opinion.[/color]
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I'm sorry, but I must correct whoever made the statment about Pokemon being for kids. I'm not ENRAGED that they said it, I just need to correct where correction is needed. Maybe the episodes are all alike, but once you get older and watch a bunch of Anime, you will learn to read between the lines for things like sexual innuendo. The reason so many kids enjoy, is because we had the displeasure of 4kids being the editor. If you are still not convinced, may I suggest [url="http://www.pokemopolis.net/"]http://www.pokemopolis.net[/url]?

[b]Astro Boy:[/b] I don't what it is about Astro Boy, but when I first when the manga, I wanted to gag after 60 pages. I tried to keep reading, I really did. But I had to close the book and return all the ones I had checked out of the library back. The ugliness of his face sickened me whenever I looked at it. When the Anime appeared on Cartoon Network, I literally puked. I get sick whenever I think of it....[url="http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001"][img]http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/10/10_2_6.gif[/img][/url]

[b]Dragon Ball Z:[/b] It's okay, but all it really is is fighting and showing off big muscles. Dragon ball GT and the original are MUCH better.

[b]The Big O:[/b] I just can't stand it, sorry to say.

[b]Sailor Moon:[/b] Whoo, am I going to get chewed out for this one. ^_^ I just don't find what's appealing about girls in sailor uniforms. It's just another Magical Girl Anime. I figured a few years later after I officially announced I hated it, to see if the manga was any better. No avail, unfortunately. The manga is filled with hopeless romantic crap, that is just, stupid.

[b]Akira:[/b] I've never seen the series or read the manga, but the movie made me sick. It was all pretty cool until Tetsuo turned into that ugly thing. All those veings every where and stuff, GROSS! The lip and voice aligning was pretty bad too. When someone's mouth was moving, a voice wasn't coming out, and vice-versa. Besides, the next day at school, all I could think about was when Tetsuo turned into the ugly thing. It made me think about pork rinds.

[b]Perfect Blue:[/b] Perfect Blue was a gay, close to hentai movie. I really didn't wanna see that girl naked. I gagged at that movie too. It was too weird for words.
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well the worst anime i've seen are those american impersonations of anime. those shows like totally spies, static shock, teen titans, and a few others i can't remember the names of. i don't know exactly why but those have a notorious reputation for being really crappy, boring shows. but the only real anime that i dislike are the first gundam series, kikaider, and cyborg 009. those three all have really old looking animation. i know moble suit gundam is really from the 70's so thats y it looks old, but the other two are new shows that for some reason were made to look old. i mean my dad saw one of those a while back and now he's stereotyped all anime to have charachters with the same facial structure, no fingers or toes, and oversized eyes and heads. and what makes it worse is that a while back they replaced bebop with kikaider, and though they brought it back i still hold a grudge for that.
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[QUOTE=yusuke sagablac]One of the worst shows are SD Gundom
I'm mean who can stand some little gundom.
I'm mean it really stuped.
It drives me crazy when my nephwe watchs it
:flaming: :twitch: :bash: :nope: :blowup: :nope: :shifty: :angry2: :sick: :flaming: :confused:[/QUOTE]

Please pay more attention to your post quality, matey. I nearly had a heart attack when I saw that enormous string of smilies, and surely you don't mean to tell us (repeatedly!) what a disagreeable person you are. You're permitted to complain about SD Gundam, but next time refer more clearly and coherently to the specific aspects of the show that grate on your nerves.

Mike330, although I appreciate the length and depth of your reply, it wouldn't kill you to use proper capitalization.

Several people have expressed a strong dislike for series with retro artwork (i.e. Astro Boy and Cyborg 009). In my opinion, this is a bit unfair; many of them are based on older manga--such as Tezuka's work--and character design consistency strikes me as being more important than looking modern. Hi no Tori, one of April's best new anime, features both "old looking" artwork and lush, gorgeous, presumably digital animation. It's a true feast for the eyes... Cyborg 009 and Kikaider just can't compare.

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Guest gendou ikari
i know people will go against this and some people may want to kill me but i dont like witch hunter robin,yugioh, pokemon, and gundam wing theyre all so... dull. not enough plot or feeling goes into any of these ,exept robin but i just dont like robin.
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[quote name='gendou ikari']i know people will go against this and some people may want to kill me but i dont like witch hunter robin,yugioh, pokemon, and gundam wing theyre all so... dull. not enough plot or feeling goes into any of these ,exept robin but i just dont like robin.[/quote]
[COLOR=#503F86]Please try and include more detail in your posts, gendou. Really, what you have here is too short and vague; and try and make better use of capitalisation and spacing. It makes things far easier to read.[/COLOR]
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[FONT=Verdana] Ya know what? I just hate...

1. [B]AKIRA[/B] LORDY! it's SO bad! I fell asleep in the first twenty minutes! everybody said it was good, but, AHH! THAT DUDE'S FACE IS BLUE!

2. [B]Metropolis[/B] It's not that bad, but I just DO NOT like it! I like the story and everything, but...it goes so slow! >_< Tekuza's good, but...>_
3. [B]Mermaid Melody Pitchi Pitchi Pitch[/B] AHH! Not good at all. I REALLY DON'T know why girls aged 6-10 (in Japan) like this series. Sure, I laughed at the jokes, but...the anime's just TERRIBLE! The manga's WAY better. GO MANGA!!

I think that's it...maybe there's more? ._.; Ja ne! [/FONT]
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Another really bad anime that i cannot stand is Yu-Gi-Oh, They are card dueling to save the world(The hell did they get this plot from, The makers of Hamtaro or something) Quote- "Your fate will be decided in three turns *Draws a card and plays it*
I swear to god the story is terrible, The characters are annoying at the least and the artwork of them is poor (The monsters are an exception to the artwork rule) and it is so predictable to what happens (Kaiba duels to win the other two egyptian god cards, Tugi duels to save the world, Joey is their as the loudmouthed predictable friend)
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to the person who said IMM Strawberry eggs, Id have to disagree personally because I really like that series (enough to buy it)

As for worst anime in my opinion...Id say puni puni poemy. Its just horrible. Like one big extra length Excel Saga episode 26. Frighteningly twisted and screwed up. I hated it. I like Excel saga though. Othe than that one I personally dontl ike (but I still consider it to be a very exceptionally well done series) is FLCL I just couldnt get into it because of the completely frenetic pace and the style of animation for some reason, but it does have a legion of fans and a lot of people do like it, so its not close to the worst. Honestly Ive only seen a mere 60 anime series and movies so far so I cant really say whats hte worst because Ivel iked almost everything I watched.
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I [i]completely[/i] agree about FLCL. Its production values are incredible, and I actually did perceive some deeper meaning in the show's seemingly nonsensical dialogue. Yet though it has many of the hallmarks of a fascinating (albeit very unconventional) mindf*ck anime, I could not bring myself to enjoy it.

People always describe FLCL as hilarious and bizarre--but personally, I found it to be remarkably unamusing. And despite the fact that bizarre might be a more suitable adjective, I feel as though the series is self-consciously random and frantic rather than genuinely weird (a la Paranoia Agent). The characters are uniformly unlikeable, and regardless of its reputation, the music isn't compelling enough to make me give FLCL a second chance.

This is why I absolutely hate it when fans cite a show's depth, clever allusions, convoluted plot or psychologically twisted characters as sufficient reason to call it "good." Guess what, folks--anime is entertainment. Big O may possess one of the most frustrating, amazing storylines ever created, but that won't make the show's detractors enjoy watching it. Ultimately, you can only judge a series by how much pleasure [i]you[/i] derive from each episode and from the anime as a whole.

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I think the reason Inuyasha gets a little boring after the first one hundreth episode is that the animation suddenly turns sloppy and sketchy, and the series is sort of prolonged WAY too much. I actually am a huge fan of Inuyasha, but those things about it bug me. I think since that manga is going to end about this year or next year, I'm going to stop watchign the anime and just read Takahashi's genius instead. The anime actually goes into more tangents than the manga, probably meant to be fillers or humor episodes, and that makes it even LONGER. But now, back to topic.

Pokemon scares me. I mean, at first it seemed okay and then it went all downhill...
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[QUOTE=Heaven's Cloud][color=indigo]I am a huge fan of Gundam Wing, however, I really dislike every other Gundam series that I have watched. I think that Mobile Suit Gundam is absolutely horrid and I have no idea why so many people like it. G Gundam and SD Gundam are not quite, but close to being equally as horrible. The story lines are just...well just bad.

Another anime that I always found pretty boring was Inu-Yasha. I just never understood why so many people enjoy the show. I guess I always found it very, very mediocre and because the series seems to be endless I found it redundant. A ton of people seem to think it is great because it incorporates humor, romance, and action very frequently. I guess I missed the humor, got tired of the romance, and grew weary of similar recycled action sequences...[/color][/QUOTE]I agree with you. Even though I'm a huge fan of GW I don't like any of the other Gundam series. Inu-Yasha was fairly entertaining to me...for a while. Then it got quite redundant...
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[quote name='Fushigi Rockna']I also didn't care for Blood: The last Vampire (which was actually from the same creators. But even the people who liked Blood, couldn't stand Kai Doh Maru) I dunno, it was okay, but I didn't like the ending. i was expecting.. much more...[/quote]

Blood was downright awfull. A half-minded plot and a non-story. Wasting their whole bugdet on creating the whole movie by computer was the dumbest thing I.G. ever did! I mean what did they accomplish? A 45 min. crapfest that would have looked just as good if it were hand drawn! And to think that they would have the nerve to do it again with Kai Dou Maru! Well I learned my lesson with Blood. I won't be foolish enough to buy their crap again!
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I believe [B]Fooly Cooly [/B] (spelling?) was a dead anime. I was told by a friend to give it a try but after three episodes on Adult Swim, i couldn't watch it anymore.It was pointless...and it always ended with the hand holding the iron.If someone wants to explain the plot...

[B]Pokemon[/B] has lost it's appeal. My sister and I used to record the episodes every afternoon. Once the Joto league started I was bored. Now my brother and sister have also given up on it.

[B]DBZ[/B] is my cousins favorite anime ever so i tried to watch it before we got togther. I couldn't grasp it. There were Dragon Balls and people kept dying then just apperared again.

The other Gundam series (beside GW...I love GW!) just seem pointless to me. :)
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[quote name='MamoruAlpha']Blood was... the dumbest thing I.G. ever did!... I won't be foolish enough to buy their crap again![/quote]Hrm, I won't argue over your dislike of Blood or Kai Doh Maru, but I am not sure you would profitably extend your boycott to Ghost In The Shell: Standalone Complex, which has been fairly riveting for some 32 episodes now. Or Video Girl Ai for that matter...
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[quote name='densuke']Hrm, I won't argue over your dislike of Blood or Kai Doh Maru, but I am not sure you would profitably extend your boycott to Ghost In The Shell: Standalone Complex, which has been fairly riveting for some 32 episodes now. Or Video Girl Ai for that matter...[/quote]

I never saw those two yet, but I have planned to see Ghost in the shell 2: Innocense and the new Appleseed movie, which is all done in CG.
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For me the worst anime I have suffered through was Kai Dou Maru. I picked it up in the used DVD bin at the local video store for $3. Now I know why. I thought the story on the back sounded interesting and figured for $3, the same cost as a rental I would give it a shot. I should have spent that $3 on a Happy Meal, it would have brought me much more happiness!

The story was very slow and seemed to drag the entire time. The washed out animation style I didn't care much for. The characters were just plain boring in my opinion.I wouldn't go as far to say boycott all works by the studio, but it has made me a bit more wary when picking up new animes. Most of the animes I have watched or mangas I have read have come via friend reference. I think I will stick with stuff that comes with a glowing review from those I trust!

This thread has been very interesting to see what others see as really bad animes, some listed are ones I totally agree with while others are ones I like. Oh well, to each their own.
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[QUOTE=Alias Jones]I believe [B]Fooly Cooly [/B] (spelling?) was a dead anime. I was told by a friend to give it a try but after three episodes on Adult Swim, i couldn't watch it anymore.It was pointless...and it always ended with the hand holding the iron.If someone wants to explain the plot...

[B]Pokemon[/B] has lost it's appeal. My sister and I used to record the episodes every afternoon. Once the Joto league started I was bored. Now my brother and sister have also given up on it.

[B]DBZ[/B] is my cousins favorite anime ever so i tried to watch it before we got togther. I couldn't grasp it. There were Dragon Balls and people kept dying then just apperared again.

The other Gundam series (beside GW...I love GW!) just seem pointless to me. :)[/QUOTE]Yes, FLCL was very hard to understand. (I just watched it to pass the time) I didn't understand the plot either. Even though some guys are not fans of the show it is VERY popular. Why? I have no idea... I watched Pokemon for about... 5 episodes then I got tired of it. I never was into DBZ.

In my opinion, another bad anime is Digimon. I watched it for five minutes and I was already sick of it... Of course, this is just my opinion on the matter...
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[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]Afer four episodes, I am tempted to add Trigun to the list.

I'll give it that it's older and totally not my genre, but man. MAN. Talk about dull.

A friend of mine is a huge Trigun buff (he hasn't seen much anime...>_>) and I promised him I'd watch the episodes he lent me, even though I've been doing so rather reluctantly.

It's an interesting concept, if you're aiming for a spoof, but the deal gets old after a while.
Though I do like Vash, Milly and What'shername's outfits (unusual--heh) to an extent, the voices the characters have been strapped with ruin just about everything.

You could say high pitched women and squeaky men or you could say Trigun. The second one's faster. : /

I've been told it picks up, but I'm still waiting...>_>

The music isn't all that great, either. Bleh.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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Guest ScirosDarkblade
Are you watching Trigun subbed or dubbed? Subbed it's not that bad I thought.

If you're waiting for Trigun to "pick up," it will but only in terms of the [i]underlying plot[/i]. The first few episodes of the show are funny and goofy, while the rest is unoriginal lameness if you ask me. If it weren't for the humor, I'd put Trigun on the list of worst animes in a heartbeat.
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[quote name='ScirosDarkblade'] The first few episodes of the show are funny and goofy, while the rest is unoriginal lameness if you ask me. If it weren't for the humor, I'd put Trigun on the list of worst animes in a heartbeat.[/quote]

[COLOR=DarkOrange]Although I admit that I am NOT a fan of [B]Trigun[/B]--I'd like to say that the show itself isn't THAT bad. Similarily, it isn't THAT great either. It's okay, in my opinion.

I dislike running into people who view Trigun as some 'ultimately, insanely, kick-***' show of all shows. Period. They won't even consider other shows! Stubborn.

The artwork isn't terribly great [some of the people look kinda strange and disproportioned].

The setting [Western like] is not so bad. I actually like Westerns ^^;

The only thing that annoyed me about the show was that it was another example of a show that used a commonly recycled theme of: Human vs Nature--humans are lowly parasites that need to be wiped off the planet, stupid digusting and insignificant creatures.

I don't know about you, but I'm just getting a bid tired of digesting such commonly used theme. Been there, done that.

Overall, I wouldn't "Praise" [B]Trigun[/B] as being "totally kick-***" BUT I also wouldn't rate it as being "totally suck-***."

That's all ^^

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Well the major worst anime I think I've seen in my years would have to be Reign. BAsically the story about Alexander the Great being a conquorer and such....the animation is okay and all but I'm not too fond on the storyline. I seriously doubt that everything in there is not historial fact, and one major thing really makes the anime awful.......they all wear cod-peices (EEEWWW)

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[QUOTE=Mage15]Well the major worst anime I think I've seen in my years would have to be Reign. BAsically the story about Alexander the Great being a conquorer and such....the animation is okay and all but I'm not too fond on the storyline. I seriously doubt that everything in there is not historial fact, and one major thing really makes the anime awful.......they all wear cod-peices (EEEWWW)

~Laters[/QUOTE]I agree that Reign sucks...

However, I disagree with some of you about Trigun being a bad anime. I actually liked the show and am planning to get all of the DVD's. Yet, I DO agree with you that Trigun DID get a bit boring after a couple of episodes but I still like it. Of course, like I have said before, everyone has their own opinion...
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I know some anime that really SUCK!!! I don't know about you guys but for me, these are the crappiest.

1. Ghost in the shell: stand alone complex. - It's really boring and I can't seem to get the point of the story.

2. Technolyze - Same as Ghost in the shell S.A.C.; really boring.....

3. Uru Ramu yatsura (Lamu the invader girl) - Now this one is the complete opposite. It's not boring. But it's SO not boring that it gets really pointless and dumb. there's not a single moment which is serious. so its usually corny.
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[COLOR=Navy]I edited your post for spoiler tags. To create these yourself, simply type [spoiler*]text[/spoiler], but without the asterisk.


First of all, lets get this right, when deciding whether anime is good or bad, you have to remember that other people have different tastes and expectations. Your definition of bad may be different to someone else's definition of bad.

Plus, when you judge an anime, judge it for what it is. If its supposed to be a romance, don't accuse it of not being more action focused. My sister said she didn't like a certain drama anime because it wasn't funny enough.

Anyway, what is my opinion?

[B]Sailor Moon[/B] - For some reason I hate this show (that's just my opinion, no offense to Sailor Moon fans). Maybe its because of how the main character is so pure (eeewww gross). It also reminds me of 'Captain Planet' how it has that message thing at the end, I find that really lame.

[B]Astro Boy[/B] - I don't really like this, or anything else done buy Tezuka Osamu (again, no offense, I know he is the god of manga but his style doesn't appeal to me). Mainly its the drawing style that puts me off, its too Mickey Mouse.

[B]Iron Fist Chinmin[/B] - My sister hates this, I have never seen it but maybe someone else has.

[B]Sakura Wars[/B] - After watching the first two videos, I thought 'What the heck is going on?'. It seemed that there were holes in the plot, I mean in one episode, a character leaves to get revenge, in another episode, she appears to be back again with no indication whether she go revenge or not. And the first battle was only reffered to, not shown. I think if they had shown it, it would have been more interesting. I absolutely hate the dub voices. Especially the voice of the so called Chinese girl. I'm Chinese myself and the accent given to the Chinese character was shocking, bad voice, bad pronounciation.

[B]Dagonball Z and GT[/B] - The original Dragonball was good but the later ones, Z and GT, were different. Some people love Z and GT but hate the original. I don't like Z and GT because of how the stories drag on. It drags on so long that if you miss ten episodes, it is still easy to pickup on the storyline because the characters are probably still standing is the same place building up their glow.

And a lit of anime which I dislike because of their predictability is [B]Pokemon[/B] (not the first season though, that was good, plus the games are good), [B]Digimon[/B], [B]YuGiOh[/B], and [B]Hamtaro[/B].

As an [B]Inuyasha[/B] fan (actually, I'm more of a Sesshomaru fan), I know that the series is long, but I am actually looking forward to seeing the newer episodes of Inuyasha. However, when I read the book where [spoiler]Kikyo is killed by Naraku[/spoiler] (sorry if I spoiled it for you) I thought that the series was coming to an end. But then I read another books where Kikyo comes back to life (yet again, and again I'm sorry for the spoilers). My prediction was that when [spoiler]Kikyo died,[/spoiler] the series would soon come to an end, but now that she's alive, it is probably going to go on for another season.
Back to the topic, I know people stopped watching Inuyasha because of its length, but I think the main reason anyone would be put off watching dubbed Inuyasha is the awful voices thay have used. I watch subtitled Inuyasha.

[B]Neon Genesis Evanglion[/B] - Some love it, some hate it, some don't get it. I love it and I understand it, though the final genesis was very confusing and I didn't like it how the first part of the first movie was basically a recap on what happened in the series and the first part of the second movie is the last part of the first movie. I admit, there are times when I just want to slap Shinji and tell him to get a grip. But its all part of the story. If you don't understand the storyline there are many website which can help out, try refering to the red cross book (type in 'red cross book' in a search engine).

Anyway, thats just my opinion. Send comments to [email]roxybudgy@yahoo.com[/email]
If you feels the need to flame me, though I prefer you didn't, send it to [email]roxybudgy@hotmail.com[/email]
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