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Really bad anime.


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Aaaaghh! Sailor Moon! I can't stand that one! That was the first anime/manga I was ever introduced to, and it took an infuriatingly long time to rid my mind of its influences.

Actually, I have more complaints about the manga than the anime. Takeuchi just sort of gave up on things like "form" and "effort" after a while, so that everyone makes the exact same face, everyone is stick-thin and evidently requires no shading, and since most of them seem to be ethereally transparent, it is not necessary to finish the lines of their hands/legs. (Which are grossly thin and would be less likely to support their weight than a Barbie doll's.)

I say all of this as someone who has experience in storywriting and manga-creating; it's all hard to do, but you should always put your best work into it. Takeuchi did for a while, but once she got popular, it didn't even matter how repetitive the plot/slapped together the artwork. People bought it anyway. I don't get that.
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Azumanga Daioh *ducks heavy objects thrown at her head*.

Oldschool 80's stuff, with that really heavy-handed artstyle. I don't like it at all.

Harem-animes. Y'know Geekboy gets a harem of chicks/alien/robot housekeeper. I hate them with a passion. Tenchi Muyo is the king of them, and therefore my most hated.

I really don't like previous Gundam series. Sure, they were great for some nice doujins, but I found they were pretty sub-standard generally. SEED isn't too bad, but I don't like it a lot.
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Guest BloodLust
Oh man! Ronin Warriors! The worst! I hate the old anime..some are good but that one was just bad! Argh! I hate hate hate hate it! So old...and crappy.. :flaming: Grr! The story line was bad..the animation..was horrible..I can go on forever!
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[quote]I really don't like previous Gundam series. Sure, they were great for some nice doujins, but I found they were pretty sub-standard generally. SEED isn't too bad, but I don't like it a lot.[/quote]

I'd have to disagree, the problem is that the ideas and concepts from past gundam series have been used and recycled in countless other (newer) anime series thus like most people (my-self included) you probably saw some of these series that borrowed concepts from the original Gundam series before you saw the older Gundam series thus the originality of the franchise didn't come across as hard. :rolleyes:

Anyway not trying to downtalk your opinion but that's just what I think...

... Ahh the every so lovable DBZ disscussion :rolleyes:... The anime has sub-par animation, a repetitive plot line, drags on WAY to long and lacks is full of similar character designs. It's really an anime I do not like anymore, but it's still not the worse anime out there either. If the fight scenes had been condensed and more thought was put into a coherent story line instead of doing the same thing over and over again DBZ might actually have been quite good.

As for another really bad anime that i've seen (entirely) i'd have to name Samurai Deeper Kyo. The series starts out with an interesting concept and starts to get good near the end but then kills it self with stupid plot twists and hundreds of unexplained events. For a newer anime the animation is not that good and there is also an abundance of still shots with voice overs which really does nothing but detract from the anime itself. From what i've read the anime is also a super watered down version of the manga (thus explaining why some events seemed random and out of place) but it really could have and I wish it was a lot better. *Kyo's real body is one of the coolest character designs that I have seen though and Kyoshiro's simple character design is pretty pimped as well.*
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  • 1 month later...
Guest NaturalBlue
I have to say that SD Gundam is the most horrid one I've ever seen. I for one don't like to watch little chibi gundam suits running around. It has stupid dialog, characters and all around boring (I hope I'm not offending anyone.) I like animes with real people and plots. I couldn't even sit through five minutes on SD Gundam. So, on my scale from one to ten it ranks negative five.
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  • 5 months later...
[QUOTE=Japan_86]How many episodes did you actually watch? Keitaro getting beat up is just a bit of humor. Also, it shows how the interaction of the characters develop and it reveals more and more of the character's personalities. If you watched the entire series, or read all of the manga, then you would understand what the purpose is, and everything.

ive read the entire Love hina manga(unfortunatly) and i still think that theres no point to it. I read it all during the summer because my cousin had it and i had nothing better to do. I remember being very frustrated with the characters, the main plot of the story is basically keitaro trips and pulls down naru's pants, keitaro falls into naru's breasts or keitaro walks in on naru dressing or in the bath. The characters joy for beating up keitaro also added to my frustration, it seemed keitaro was always being blamed for something and therefor was kicked or punched for it. I personally dont like this anime although others might, the only good thing i would say about it is that its well drawn.
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[quote name='Shadow Wolf][b]Sailor Moon:[/b'] Whoo, am I going to get chewed out for this one. ^_^ I just don't find what's appealing about girls in sailor uniforms. It's just another Magical Girl Anime. I figured a few years later after I officially announced I hated it, to see if the manga was any better. No avail, unfortunately. The manga is filled with hopeless romantic crap, that is just, stupid.[/quote][size=1]It's not just "another Magical girl Anime." It's [i]the[/i] Magical Girl Anime. Heh.

[quote name='Mike330']well the worst anime i've seen are those american impersonations of anime. those shows like totally spies, static shock, teen titans, and a few others i can't remember the names of. i don't know exactly why but those have a notorious reputation for being really crappy, boring shows. [/quote]You think so? I don't watch a lot of TV, but what I saw of [i]Teen Titans[/i] and [i]Static Shock[/i], I really enjoyed. I didn't think they were boring or "crappy" at all.

[quote name='mckaylyn']A few pointless animes are: DBZ, Pokemon, and of course Digimon. Although some may not even consider them anime, sadly they are, and have graced us with their presence. How fortunate :rolleyes:[/quote]Is Digimon really that bad? *laughs softly* The third season, in particular, is generally accepted as very well written and executed. Sure, they all have a bit much of the "faith and love will get you through anything," but even real life is like that on occasion.

another one bites the dust,
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I really hate DBZ and Petie Princess Yucie! Yuck! First of all in DBZ the same thing happens over and over again. Second of all in Petie Princess Yucie...It's about princesses of all things!!!! No blood guts and killing people! Just not my cup of tea.
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[quote name='XxDARKAYNxX]I really hate DBZ and Petie Princess Yucie! Yuck! First of all in DBZ the same thing happens over and over again. Second of all in Petie Princess Yucie...It's about princesses of all things!!!! No blood guts and killing people! [b']Just not my cup of tea.[/b][/quote]

But there is a significant difference between a bad anime and an anime that just isn't one's cup of tea. Of course it can be difficult to decide which shows belong in which category, but nevertheless, it's a distinction that should be made. For example, despite my strong personal dislike of Gundam SEED, I can sort of understand why people enjoy the show. I [i]can't[/i] understand why anyone would enjoy the Nadia movie.

The Nadia movie! Now there's a good one. The TV series is brilliant (barring the island and Africa episodes, which deserve to be burned). It recovered magnificently from an awful filler arc, got right back on track and ended with a bang. Once I finished drying my eyes after the heart-warming final episode, which was perfect in pretty much every aspect imaginable, I immediately popped in the movie, eager for more Nadia. Oh, what a mistake. I found myself facing an onslaught of bad characterization, poor production values and the worst plot since... well, I don't even want to think about that. Bleh.

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[color=#811C3A]I think that the worst anime I've seen in recent times would be [b]Grenadier[/b]. I only saw the first episode, but that really turned me off. lol

I'm not even sure if I should sit here and go into an in-depth critique of it. I'll say one thing that probably sums up my total dislike of the show:

[spoiler]Reloading by heaving your breasts and having ammo come out from your cleavage? Everyone say it with me, "What the [i]hell?![/i]"[/spoiler][/color]
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[QUOTE=James][color=#811C3A]I think that the worst anime I've seen in recent times would be [b]Grenadier[/b]. I only saw the first episode, but that really turned me off. lol

I'm not even sure if I should sit here and go into an in-depth critique of it. I'll say one thing that probably sums up my total dislike of the show:

[spoiler]Reloading by heaving your breasts and having ammo come out from your cleavage? Everyone say it with me, "What the [i]hell?![/i]"[/spoiler][/color][/QUOTE]

Hahaha, that sounds a bit like something one would see in Sunabozu (another recent show which does an awful job of mixing fanservice and guns). I saw some early screenshots of Grenadier and decided to stay far, far away. :p

However, even Sunabozu looks great next to [b]Kannaduki no Miko[/b]. Kannaduki no Miko is unintentionally funny--but even the cheesiness (not to mention cheesecake) is too cringe-inducing to be enjoyable. I just don't understand how people are able to take this anime seriously. It combines the worst qualities of Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito and every mediocre mecha anime ever made. It's also, in my opinion, strong evidence that shoujo-ai aimed at women is almost always monumentally better than shoujo-ai aimed at men.

At first I was convinced that KnM was meant to be a parody, because the idea that its characters were supposed to be realistic completely boggled my mind. But either way, it ended up being more pathetic than amusing. You know it's a bad sign when the main plot revolves around a shoujo-ai love triangle, and you end up rooting for the guy.

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Guest Mystical p-chan
The one I think is most utterly disturbing is FLCL. Am I wrong? I makes hardly any sense, if there ever was any sense in it to begin with. >.<;; Weird....
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@ Heaven's Cloud: :( Why must you hate 0079? It's a pretty good anime considering its age. On the other hand, I can't understand why people like Wing so much. Everything in Wing, except Endless Waltz, has failed to impress me.

Mine would be Turn A. The storyline (so far) is plain. My opinion may change when I've seen more of it. SD Gundam is also the most horrible thing ever and is nothing compared to the UC's SD Gundam.
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[quote name=''[SKY KEEPER]'']Mine would be Turn A. The storyline (so far) is plain. My opinion may change when I've seen more of it. SD Gundam is also the most horrible thing ever and is nothing compared to the UC's SD Gundam.[/quote]

As someone who has a fondness for mecha anime but generally dislikes Gundam stuff, I've really enjoyed Turn A. Of course, I haven't seen too much of it either. The characters, artwork and premise together appeal to me in a way that other Gundam series have simply failed to. Yet compared to SEED, Wing and even Zeta, Turn A Gundam just doesn't get too much love. :(

On topic... I don't know if I've watched enough Naruto to call it "really bad," but I do have trouble understanding why so many people assert that it's the best shounen action anime of all time or whatever. Oh, well. This is a case of "different strokes for different folks," I guess.

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i like anime but therew one that i really didnt like. i 4get wat its called, but it was about a guy who meets an older woman and they fight w/a guy w/HUGE eyebrows. and they fight w/guitars that they pull out of their chins. i thot it was weird and the story line was 2 weird that i didnt understand. it used 2 show on adult swim. either b4 or after big o.

[COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Please refrain from using abbreviations in future- wherever possible, type words out in full. It looks much nicer, heh. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
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[quote name='aznpennywatcher']i like anime but therew one that i really didnt like. i 4get wat its called, but it was about a guy who meets an older woman and they fight w/a guy w/HUGE eyebrows. and they fight w/guitars that they pull out of their chins. i thot it was weird and the story line was 2 weird that i didnt understand. it used 2 show on adult swim. either b4 or after big o.[/quote]

The anime you are thinking of is FLCL. And I'd say it's one of the better animes out there. It's weird, but if you watch all 6 episodes in order there is actually a deeper plot beneath the madness. More plot than another wierd anime like, say, Super Milk-Chan, and I'd even go to say it has a better plot than Inu-Yasha (don't get me wrong, Inu-Yasha is a decent show, but it's plot just goes on forever and ever while FLCL has a definate beginning, middle, and end). Besides, even without the plot the show still isn't terrible due to the parodies and amazing artwork and music.

The worst anime ever is Fighting Foodons by far. How could anyone even think up that abomination?
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[color=deeppink][size=1][b]First of all, in defense of Sailor Moon, DBZ, Ronin Warriors, and Gundam Wing.[/b]

Both Sailor Moon and DBZ were milked past the point of no return, and horribly mutated through dubbing and editing. Yet, I still love them. They are what got me into anime, and DBZ and Sailor Moon posters will always have special places on my walls. I still watch the first few of the DBZ sagas uncut, which aren't that bad, as well as my Sailor Moon movies. Goku and Serena are classics for me.

Ronin Warriors was a great show. The animation wasn't fantastic, but it was typical of the time period it was made in. They didn't kill it by dragging it out, it had an original plot line (especially during the time it came out) which I really loved, and interesting characters that I thought got developed nicely. It remains one of my favorite animes to this day.

Gundam Wing appealed to me because it wasn't ALL about the mecha aspect. The characters had depth (they did, and anyone who wants to get into a debate about it, I dare you to start a thread,) and the plot was interesting and actually seemed to have a theme that made you think. I don't much care for what model or type or what weapons a certain gundam has (I think that's typically a guy thing), but give me good characters, plot, and animation, and I'm a happy bunny.

Now. For mindless bashing. (Just kidding.)

One anime that just bored me to tears was [b]Full Metal Panic[/b]. I had heard good things about it, so I was excited when I got the opportunity to watch it. However, although the animation was fine, the characters were absolutely obnoxious. The girl (C-something I think, she had blue hair) was snotty and stupid, and the guy assigned to 'protect' her didn't seem to have any personality at all.

I only watched the first few episodes though, so perhaps I'm not giving it a fair chance. Oh well.

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I'm surprised someone thought Ronin Warriors was bad(Bloodlust), maybe compared to anime now it's not as good, but bad? You didn't even give any good reasons why, you need to flesh out your arguement a little bit better before you say you can "go on forever".

No surprise people hate DB and Sailor Moon, but heck they've been milked for so long of course it's gonna happen, heh. I'll always be a fan.

Now for what I think was bad:

Did anyone see Knights of the Zodiac? I never thought I could hate an anime, but this one's just plain bad. Was the terrible dubbing on purpose? I was annoyed by the dubbing so much, I tried to sit through the first few episodes, but I couldn't because of the dubbing. The storyline confused me and the dialogue was really lame. Something I thought that was weird about it was it's hype, this anime receieve a lot of hype and it doesn't seem to deliver at all. Maybe the subtitled version is better...

This is the only really bad anime I could think of maybe I'll add more if I think of any.
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[QUOTE=Dagger IX1]In my opinion, any show with more than 60 or 70 episodes is more than likely to be crap. A number of people have already complained about Dragonball Z, Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho and even the uber-popular Naruto. I can't say I blame them... all of these series suffer from what I call Kenshin syndrome. Despite the fact that they're marketed as action anime, their animation is usually sub-par--or, if it starts out well, eventually begins to degrade and become frighteningly erratic. Their combat sequences tend to be very long and often involve more talking, flash-backs, and poor artwork than actual fighting.

The reason I prefer Yu Yu Hakusho to other lengthy shows is that most of its battles are relatively fast-paced and rarely last more than an episode or two. During the Dark Tournament saga, many episodes contain multiple fights; others are simply devoted to comedy and character development.

But even YYH is far from problem-free..... I find it ironic that these kinds of anime are generally the most popular.


I'd also argue that the Japanese version of One Piece would be up there with YYH as a lengthy show that's good throughout though it isn't perfect. Other than that, I agree with you 100% (Naruto and Inu-Yasha at this point only have few good episodes, and DBZ has been milked so much and gotten so stale that I commonly reffer to DBGT as "the half-hour commercial break between YYH and Kenshin").

Another anime I strongly dispise is Wedding Peach. Granted, I'm not a fan of any magical girl anime that I've seen (the one show I occasionally watch that comes close to the genre is PPG, and that is fits under the title of "campy superhero action/comedy spoof with little girls" rather than "magical girl show"), but this show is just devoid of quality in any way possible. The lamest script ever, painful-to-watch characters, lots of rip-offs, just plain crappyness. I never understood how this got any fanbase whatsoever, and it's fanbase must be very desperate to watch this show (no offense if it actually has fans around here).
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[size=1][color=orange]I am enjoying reading everyone's posts lol, it's interesting to see peoples' likes and dislikes over anime..

For me, it's really hard for me to ever dislike anime, because I have never come across the other hundreds of animes out there you all are talking about. Some are the first time I have ever heard them. I just watch the crap on OnDemand and AS, hell I'm not gonna say I'm a "#1 Anime Fan." Sure, I don't know many because I don't go out and look for any. I don't actually know where to find any, besides looking on the internet and looking at different plotlines that may suit my interest.

Anyway, I'll put my anime dislikes now..

[b]Pretear:[/b] My sister loves this show, I don't really know how. I first watched it, I wasn't too really interested. Something about it, I just don't like it. It may be the girl herself. (Main character of the story, I don't know what her name is.) I don't know, I just don't find myself enjoying the show.

[b]Full Metal Panic:[/b]...I don't even remember how the show went, really. I forgot the thing, all I know is that I really don't like it at all. It just freaking ticked me off.

[b]SD Gundam and all the others:[/b] I don't like giant robot animes in the first place, so all the others pretty much bore me really bad. The closest ones to touch my heart are Gundam Wing and Gundam SEED. Otherwise, pretty much I don't watch any giant robot animes.

[b]And all the other on-going animes that should finally stop airing.:[/b]Yeah, you know what I'm talking about. Pokemon, for example. I'm not going to go on, they were explained earlier.

Also, I admit, I am slowly, losing my interest in InuYasha. I'm only on an episode they last aired on AS (The Panther Demon Tribe One) and I'm already losing interest. It may be because of all the people who continuously say 'I Love InuYasha' and the rabid fanfictions when they make theirselves a character and they fall in love with the characters. I guess I've seen it so much it doesn't appeal to me as much anymore.
I still like the anime very much although, although, I admit. I know I'll keep watching it though, because I am in love with the music. -_-[/size][/color]
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Anyone see the anime "Rain?" Well if you have please agree with me and say it sucked! It was a disgrace to AdultSwim I say a disgrace! :mad: It's story line was horrible and those artists were obviously on crack or something. It had absoulotly no point at all.
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[QUOTE=Heaven's Cloud][color=indigo]
Another anime that I always found pretty boring was Inu-Yasha. I just never understood why so many people enjoy the show. I guess I always found it very, very mediocre and because the series seems to be endless I found it redundant. A ton of people seem to think it is great because it incorporates humor, romance, and action very frequently. I guess I missed the humor, got tired of the romance, and grew weary of similar recycled action sequences...[/color][/QUOTE]

[COLOR=PURPLE][FONT=ARIAL]yeah after watching inu-yasha until the 100s eps. it starts to repeat some actions in the beggining of inuyasha. it is also very endless, i heard that it is even over 150 eps! or i dont know. but i've always wonder "when the hell will inuyasha end?" however, it never seems to end, therefore i stopped watching the anime. the only time i would ever watch this show is when sesshoumaru appears on the screen. lol.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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pokemon would be more interesting if they didnt try and throw morales in them. 'lets all be friends' 'catch it, dont hurt it!' and whats the deal with them not dying? most things ive heard of, you fight to the 'death', or to 'k.o.', not to the 'fainted' good for a while, both the shows and the games, i admit i was obsessed a few months after it came out, but it just got too damn repetitive. some of the voices were annoying too.

digimon shares some of my quirks with the pokemon tv show. too many morales, not enuff violence. oh, wait, yeah they did have violence. ...oh yeah, the digivolve scenes that took up 3/4ths of the episodes, THATS what ticked me off.

dragonball z, for a very quick summary go to [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][Link removed][/COLOR][/SIZE] and to to the bottom of the page to the link 'zim acts out dbz'

inuyashsa, repeated scenes, winey kagome, 140+ episodes, it gets old

even though im a major fan of the manga, azumanga daioh the anime just sucks. i think the tried unsucessfully to pull a garfield in the manner of taking sunday comic style manga and converting it into a show(and i hope that made sence)

mobile suit gundam, for some reason, i just didnt like it.

SD gundam 3 words: WHAT THE ****!!! chibi style cell shaded mobile suits a gundam show does not make. end of story.

end of commentary.

[COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Please don't link to sites with illegal mp3 downloads. -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
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