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Really bad anime.


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Guest IchigoAi
Since I don't really watch anime I dislike, I can't remember what anime I hated =.=. So I'll just point out one anime first. Please don't flame me..

[B]Ranma 1/2[/B]
I can't seem to understand why others love this anime. Yeah, it is funny, but the style of humour got boring. I mean, the same erm, shirtless girls with perverted guys/monsters, flying to the sky scenes..etc. It seemed as if the author was trying to make it longer and longer by repititive plots, you get what I mean don't you?
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I felt rather let down by Pita Ten. As expected, it started off in a flurry of fluff and cuteness. I figured that the show would get interesting once all of the main characters were introduced; I had heard that the manga on which it was based is pretty dark, so I wasn't terribly worried by all the cloying sweetness and sap. Yet thirteen episodes in, Pita Ten had gone absolutely nowhere. The same jokes were re-used over and over and over, to the point that I could pretty much predict every single thing which would happen in the course of any given episode. Predictable series aren't inherently bad just by virtue of being predictable, but in this case I found it extremely annoying.

More obviously shounen than, say, A Little Snow Fairy Sugar (also based on a manga by Koge Donbo), Pita Ten completely lacks Sugar's gentle charm. It was difficult to get through and so unrewarding that I eventually stopped watching it altogether.

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[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkRed]I have to admit that [B]Inuyasha[/B] is getting pretty boring...

Kagome and Inuyasha get mad at each other, she runs back home, and he gets all ticked off and won't speak to anyone...kind of annoying y'know. And that endless "fight" with Naraku...*sigh*

I also read the ending for myself while checking in on Newtype Magazine.

*Spoiler* [I]I still think it sucks that Inuyasha loses his humanity...but oh well...serves the cocky idiot right...it's what he wanted after all.[/I] *Spoiler end*

[B]Yu Yu Hakusho[/B] is not the worst anime I've seen and I've enjoyed some episodes. It's not like Dragon Ball Z in the fact that the most important battles last for five episodes or more like Dagger mentioned, which is good.

What makes me upset about it is the fact that crazy obsessed fangirls online try to "claim the boys". How ridiculous could that be? They're just drawings...I mean...it's amazing, they really need to get a hold of themselves.[/COLOR][/FONT]
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[B]Appleseed[/B] was bad. I saw it a while ago, so I really don't remember. I just remember that the characters lacked, the animation wasn't my style and it bored me.

I didn't like the [B]Revolutionary Girl Utena Movie [/B] either. The series was okay (okay, I'm just in love with Miki and that kept me kinda interested), but... the movie just seemed pointless

[B]Dragonball [/B] was horrible. Horrible artwork, horrible characterization, horrible storylines, just horrible.

[B]Dragonball Z[/B] lacked until Cell came in my opinion. Of course, that was also when I started watching the uncut version. And personally, I'd rather have watched Trunks' alternate reality and from his pov rather then Goku's or whatever. His was just more interesting. More intense. Less hope. The Trunks special was amazing, I wish they just lengthened that and made that the series instead.

[B]Neon Genesis Evangelion[/B]. I have watched all of it, in case anyone will ask. I got most of it. I was going fine. And then that one guy came in and was hitting on Shinji in the shower? And Shinji liked him and then he was an angel and.. just.. whaaa? I mean, I got the storyline and all but.. just.. why was Shinji so screwed up? Personal opinion here, but Shinji seemed really screwed up. And those last 2 episodes made me feel like I was actually going insane. I mean, I was literally cradling myself and sobbing for no reason at all. And I'm not someone who does stuff like that often. What the heck did that thing do to my head? It's either brilliant or mad and I just.. didn't like it.

I really don't keep track of the gundams, but I loved [B]08th MS Team[/B], [B]Gundam Wing[/B], and [B]Gundam Seed [/B] and kind of liked [B]Mobile Suit Gundam[/B]. Everything else, I absolutely dispised. I like human relationship stories more then fighting and fighting so a lot of the series I just was bored.

[B]Pokemon[/B] is okay in Japanese. In English? Just.. no. Indigo League was really good, I'll grant that. I like the battles and all, but only when they're not so predictable (oh with that, I actually liked the Orange Islands season). And when someone was finally going to join the group that I actually LIKED, she backed out (that was that Sakura or whatever girl with the Eevee). Wow, I really don't watch a lot of that but it sounds like I do.

[B]Lupin the Third[/B]. But I can't really judge cause I've only seen a couple episodes and that was on Adult Swim.

[B]Excel Saga [/B] was a real let-down for me. I guess its not really that bad, but I just didn't find it all that funny to me. Just a bunch of bad puns.

[B]FLCL[/B] seemed pointless. It was okay, but rather pointless (which, pointless is like a lot of the cartoons here in the states so that can't really be good)

And, that's really all that I don't like.

Btw, I have to disagree a bit with[B] Digimon[/B]. Its actually not that bad. I actually have liked every season of it that I've seen. The dubbed version kind of lacks, but I like the Japanese version a lot more (there's actual blood in the Japanese version. At least in the episodes I saw, that Terriermon thing literally clawed that Rika's digimons eyes. So, whether there is blood normally or not, I definitely noticed a lot of action gone in the dubbed version). But opinions are opinions. Just thought I'd let those that think Digimons bad because of a lack of action, that its not the actual show, just the American editors that dumb it down for little kids
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[QUOTE=Jung-Woo][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkRed]
What makes me upset about it is the fact that crazy obsessed fangirls online try to "claim the boys". How ridiculous could that be? They're just drawings...I mean...it's amazing, they really need to get a hold of themselves.[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE]

Lol. That's actually the same thing with other animes you know, not just in YYH. It's pretty the same thing with girls and other things too like artists, singers and crushes. You can't really take that away from young girls.

Anyway, I think I posted in this thread already but I think there is no bad anime. Sure, some have ugly drawings while some have plotless or repeating storylines but all of them are enjoyable to a certain degree. Take Dragonball Z for example. I hate the animation so much but I was forced to watch some episodes (as requested by a friend because she won't be able to see it) and I did enjoy it somehow. Ranma 1/2 was good for the relaxing humor it gives. Shinchan was quite humorous to, lol.

Err... that or I just haven't seen a really really bad anime.
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[quote name='Kimmy][B]Neon Genesis Evangelion[/B']. I have watched all of it, in case anyone will ask. I got most of it. I was going fine. And then that one guy came in and was hitting on Shinji in the shower? And Shinji liked him and then he was an angel and.. just.. whaaa? I mean, I got the storyline and all but.. just.. why was Shinji so screwed up? Personal opinion here, but Shinji seemed really screwed up. And those last 2 episodes made me feel like I was actually going insane. I mean, I was literally cradling myself and sobbing for no reason at all. And I'm not someone who does stuff like that often. What the heck did that thing do to my head? It's either brilliant or mad and I just.. didn't like it.[/quote]

So 3 episodes can automatically make a 26 episode series bad? The ending(s) of Evangelion admittedly stink (though I haven't played the video game, so that might be good), but the rest of the series is amazing. Ultimately I'm hoping you think the ending is one of the worst animes but not the series itself because bad episodes do not make a bad anime. Out of the 340 episodes of The Simpsons, I'd wager that apporximately 75 of them are bad, but the majority of the series is still a classic. Kenshin's third season was an absolute disgrace, but that doesn't change the awesomeness of the original 2. Evangelion having bad episodes doesn't make it a bad series.

[QUOTE]I really don't keep track of the gundams, but I loved [B]08th MS Team[/B], [B]Gundam Wing[/B], and [B]Gundam Seed [/B] and kind of liked [B]Mobile Suit Gundam[/B]. Everything else, I absolutely dispised. I like human relationship stories more then fighting and fighting so a lot of the series I just was bored.[/QUOTE]

You are talking about the ones on American TV, right? Zeta Gundam is another series that focuses on human relationships (if not for that, many of the big Gundam battles wouldn't even occur) and is up there with SEED and the original series. However, it won't get on American TV at this point, so either spend a lot on the DVD boxset or download to see it.

[QUOTE][B]FLCL[/B] seemed pointless. It was okay, but rather pointless (which, pointless is like a lot of the cartoons here in the states so that can't really be good)[/QUOTE]

OK, so all American cartoons just HAVE to be bad? Seriously, if not for American cartoons, Tezuka's works wouldn't exist, and if Tezuka's works didn't exist, anime wouldn't exist! If you want proof of good American animation, look at shows like Futurama or Samurai Jack, movies like The Incredibles or Return of the Joker! They're works of genius, no doubting that, and they do have a point. Heck, even something like Spongebob has a point, even if that point is just simply to be funny. Just because something is American doesn't change its quality. If something resembles something American it doesn't change its quality (and I'd argue there was a point to FLCL, although that is another story).
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[font=Arial Black][size=1][color=#483d8b]Yu Yu Hakusho: [font=Arial]In the beginning this show was really cool but after everyone began to watch it and I'd go to forums and stuff about Anime, including this one when the Yu Yu Hakusho forum was up in v6, all I'd hear is 'OMG! HIEI IS LIKE SO TOTALLY HOT!!!!!' or 'Kurama is liek so dreamy!!!' and stuff like that. That kind of stuff irritates me. The show also really began to get boring after I noticed how they seem to do a lot of the same stuff in each show as well, search for demons, find demons, fight demons, kill demons, etc, etc.[/font][/color][/size][/font]

okay, the thing about yu yu hakusho is a) the cartoon network edited version sucks endlessly and b) that's all a lot of people see. i do have to agree that it does get boring, and repetitive. i also hate the fans who only talk about who's hotter and who's in love with who.
however, i try not to let fans deter me from what i like. i stuck with yu yu and i really enjoy it. my question to you is: have you seen that final saga? i have. i bought the series online over a year ago, and the last saga is awesome. it's a little rushed, almost, but it also doesn't drag on endlessly. plus, this is where you learn more about the characters' pasts.
i'm not trying to convince you to like the show, but i'd just like to know what you have seen. the show doesn't really get very good until towards the end of the sensui arc.
oh, and HIEI'S SOOOO HOT!!!!!! (hee hee, just kidding)
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I never did get hooked on DBZ because of three things. 1) Why would someone go around searching For Some Balls when they could do better things, I don't care if your trying to save the earth, You could do something else beside's tryying to find some balls. 2) Some of the people on DBZ look really stupid. For instance, what's his name Piccolo? Well he's green and purple, and he has horns coming out of his head. And Goku looks really dumb, he's needs some better clothes and a new hair cut. 3) Finally there is no plot to DBZ, It makes no sense to go around trying to find balls for powers. That's the most dumbest thing I have ever heard of. Oh by the way. Real Bout High School Is Not A bad Anime show. :flaming:
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I agree with a lot of people here. Digimon and zoids tried to be new spinoffs of themselves after the first season and really sucked. Yu-Gi-Oh is a great Anime and manga, If the sensors didn't butcher it. I hate DBGT even though I love DB/Z. They took the story out of Toriyama's hands and screwed it. What good is action with a pitiful reason? Inu500, there is a plot. DBZ is about living in a screwed up world and making it along. It's a metaphor for life. The characters in DBZ(for the most part at least) Have no jobs and no monetary worries. And yet they still face problems that beat the crap out of them. They just feel it on the outside.
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[quote name='EVA Unit 100']So 3 episodes can automatically make a 26 episode series bad? The ending(s) of Evangelion admittedly stink (though I haven't played the video game, so that might be good), but the rest of the series is amazing. Ultimately I'm hoping you think the ending is one of the worst animes but not the series itself because bad episodes do not make a bad anime. Out of the 340 episodes of The Simpsons, I'd wager that apporximately 75 of them are bad, but the majority of the series is still a classic. Kenshin's third season was an absolute disgrace, but that doesn't change the awesomeness of the original 2. Evangelion having bad episodes doesn't make it a bad series.[/quote]
Well... I guess you're right. It's been a while since I've seen it, and I really don't hate an anime, so I just picked the ones that appealed to me the least. But the fact that I chose to keep watching it to the end must mean that I liked it just a little right? I think I was just being picky and wanted some definite answers to what happened in the end.

[QUOTE]You are talking about the ones on American TV, right? Zeta Gundam is another series that focuses on human relationships (if not for that, many of the big Gundam battles wouldn't even occur) and is up there with SEED and the original series. However, it won't get on American TV at this point, so either spend a lot on the DVD boxset or download to see it.[/QUOTE]
Actually, now that I'm thinking of it I should've thought about it before I posted. All the series that I said I liked were the ones I've seen in Japanese so.. I just wasn't thinking XP But, I'll check out Zeta! Thanks for telling me about it ^-^;

[QUOTE]OK, so all American cartoons just HAVE to be bad? Seriously, if not for American cartoons, Tezuka's works wouldn't exist, and if Tezuka's works didn't exist, anime wouldn't exist! If you want proof of good American animation, look at shows like Futurama or Samurai Jack, movies like The Incredibles or Return of the Joker! They're works of genius, no doubting that, and they do have a point. Heck, even something like Spongebob has a point, even if that point is just simply to be funny. Just because something is American doesn't change its quality. If something resembles something American it doesn't change its quality (and I'd argue there was a point to FLCL, although that is another story).[/QUOTE]
Jeez, I must've been in a bad mood or critical last night or tired or SOMETHING cause believe me, I usually can't pick out the negative things that easily. I've never really watched Samurai Jack, but I do agree the rest of those are.. well, okay in my eyes. And I do love most Disney movies and... well, X-Men Evolution ^-^;;;; I'll admit, I love X-Men Evolution. Oh yeah. I just went back and looked at my post and I did say "a lot of American cartoons" not all.. so.. ^-^;;;; And about Spongebob... well, I won't even go there otherwise I'll probably get in whatever mood I was in last night XD But as for a point to FLCL, it was just too wacky for me. Now that I'm thinking clearly I do remember some serious points. Its just most of the series I was like "Cat ears? What.. Why? Where'd that guitar even come from? A springed boxing glove? Whaaaa?"

So... I gotta apologize if I seemed extremely critical about anything. I SWEAR I'm usually not that harsh XD
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[quote name='Morpheus']I agree with a lot of people here. Digimon and zoids tried to be new spinoffs of themselves after the first season and really sucked.[/quote] [COLOR=#503F86]I'd really have to disagree with you here. The third series of Digimon was by far the best in terms of the writing of the characters and the way the plot developed. I liked it far more than the other two seasons because it wasn't always trying for a digivolution gimmick and focussed more on what the story should really be about. At times there was a 'monster of the day' formula to it, but on the whole the characters were far more enjoyable to watch.

Zoids: Chaotic Century and Guardian Force were the best Zoids series, in my opinion. Although the very ending of GF lacked a little imagination, I still found it incredibly enjoyable.[/COLOR]
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Guest valeyard
The worst anime ever made was Kimba the White Lion. It SUCKED, SUCKED, SUCKED. And I will hate Buckey the talking antelope until the day I die. :flaming:
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[color=darkviolet]What about Comic party? I just didn't like it. I watched one episode of it I think I paid $7/50 to watch it too. And I just didn't care for it.

Maybe I should try to watch it again since i usually do that before making a final judgement on an anime. but i don't think I'll pay for it like i did last time.[/color]
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Saint Beast is basically a stinking pile of tripe. Its animation is pathetic. The artwork veers from acceptable to overly colorful and crude. The seiyuu all seem strangely miscast, and the shounen-ai innuendo is so obviously empty fanservice that it seems almost offensive. Oh, and the plot (or lack thereof) sucks. This show deserves to burn; thank goodness that it's only six episodes long.

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[quote name='icexfire']i would think cat soup or hello kitty on acid as my friends have called cat soup...it was funny yet really stupid i dont even think it was all anime...the makers of it must of been on crack or really out of it.... :p :love: :tasty:[/quote]
I see what you are saying, but this anime is marketed towards kids. That means that maybe it wont be as good for you. Just in the same way that you dont like Barney, but kids do.
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I had an interesting conversation with my friend today. Wait, no, let me rephrase that.. It was rather stupid, and was more of an argument. He seems to think that since we're Americans, we have no right to say whether or not certain anime are bad, which came up when I started looking through this thread in computer class. O_o Alright, I can understand translation issues to a certain extent, and would be able to see what he's saying if this was, say, voice actors. But then he goes off and points out anime that was mentioned in here that he thinks are good. Wait a minute, but we're not Japanese, how can we be "rightful judges" as you were explaining before? It's hypocritical and rather ridiculous, I think. Repetitive story lines, little to no character development, dull plot.. are these the fault of bringing from Japan to America? Of course not. It's a very elitist attitude, too, like "oh, we can't judge movies because we don't make them." I'm not the only one that feels this way, right? Eh, but he's full of pride and likes to argue. He even went on to say that he is somehow more of an anime pro than me and that I'm some sort of poser; maybe he was just in a really bitchy mood today for some reason.

But anyway, onto the bad anime. [b]New Cutey Honey[/b]. This is the first anime that popped into my mind, because I remember how much it left an impression when I watched it on On Demand. The whole corny-ness was through the roof, and the only point seemed to be to show the chick naked when she transformed. Everything about it seemed lame, from character designs to fighting some dark bad guy. I'm really not sure how it's possible to consider liking it. O.o

I'd also like the mention the cliche for bad anime: [b]Dragonball Z[/b]. :p I mean, sure, it was addicting when I was in middle school, and the plot really held me then, but when you look at it today.. it really is incredibly tedious and didn't exactly do anything too exciting. Not to mention that making the characters so strong that they can snap their fingers and destroy the planet was a move that made it really.. out there, and not in the good way.

One thing that I will agree with my friend about is that some of these choices throughout the thread are based on opinions because you don't really care for the anime, but others might. I have my own, of course, and it's not so much that it's [i]bad,[/i] but I don't like it. That doesn't mean that anime doesn't have the ability to not be good, however. Some of these that I don't like include Gundam (too political for my tastes), Last Exile (not a fan of the futuristic-with-muskets setting), s.CRY.ed (not quite serious, but not quite humorous, since a lot of the jokes I saw were kind of corny), Hellsing (didn't like the whole English-anime theme going and some stuff could have been pulled off better), and Samurai Deeper Kyo (don't like all the demons). It's not that they're bad, necessarily, but I don't like them, heh.

[quote name='Kimmy][b]Neon Genesis Evangelion[/b']. I have watched all of it, in case anyone will ask. I got most of it. I was going fine. And then that one guy came in and was hitting on Shinji in the shower? And Shinji liked him and then he was an angel and.. just.. whaaa? I mean, I got the storyline and all but.. just.. why was Shinji so screwed up? Personal opinion here, but Shinji seemed really screwed up. And those last 2 episodes made me feel like I was actually going insane. I mean, I was literally cradling myself and sobbing for no reason at all. And I'm not someone who does stuff like that often. What the heck did that thing do to my head? It's either brilliant or mad and I just.. didn't like it.[/quote]You say you understood it, but based on what you and others who don't like it say, I don't think you completely do. The guy "hitting on Shinji in the shower" was Kaworu, who admittedly did like him, but not in a sexual way, I don't think. Angels really don't have the ability to love someone in that context, I believe, so it was more that he simply wanted to get closer to Shinji. Shinji's feelings didn't really show any signs of true affection for Kaworu, either, and as you saw in the rest of the series he's very insecure, so he was eager to latch onto someone who cared about him, and that person turned out to be the final angel. Why was Shinji "screwed up", you ask? How could someone possibly have a nervous breakdown when given the responsibility to save the world, one wonders? The fact that he was introverted and self-conscious didn't help matters, either, and the end of the series was a time for him and the rest of the pilots to come to terms with themselves, which was a continuous theme in the show.
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  • 3 months later...
[COLOR=Navy][B]Ninja Resurrection (Makai Tensho)[/B]

I've never seen an anime so despicable in my life. This is not a sequel to Ninja Scroll but rather a sequel to Gundam Wing: Ancient Japan. Seriously, this anime takes place in 1614 Japan where the Tokugawa Shogunate slaughters countless of innocent Christians. The difference, the ninjas here are crazy, they have shotguns with grapplin' hooks, rocket launchers that belong in Halo 2, & rocket-propelled mecha suits that would make Rocketman proud. :sick:

What is the point of NR? The marketing company wanted to make you think it was a Ninja Scroll sequel, they used the name Jubei and they used great animation. Which can only lead to, "money-laundering." :animeangr

Everything in this OVA was just pointless. NR has more plot-holes than the bullet-riddled walls in a Terminator movie. Overall, I would give this a -10 out of 10. This is so bad that a dumpter would decay. :faint:
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One anime I thought was really crappy was this one called Dragon Knight. It was really cheesy and seemed like it tried to have some hentai in it. That really didnt work at all and neither did anything else. The hero basically had to save this land consisting only of women and defeat the evil guy in charge. All the "action" was dumb as all he had to do was swing his sword once to dispatch almost all of his opponents.
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Even the mention of this name makes me uneasy...Reign the Conqueror...The guys looked like girls and their revealing outfits almost made them look like they were wearing thongs *blech* And the girls looked like guys with their huge muscles and all...I couldn't follow along with the plot either...I'm so glad Cartoon Network took it off the air, and I hope they never put it back on
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I don't like Lupin the III or Super Milk Chan, those are stupid to the power of 1000. I hate them. Another anime I thought it was mediocre was the OVA of Blue Seed, they didn't stick to the original story and that annoyed me completely. Another anime I didn't like or for that matter even understood was Castle in the Sky, I know it was a movie but I didn't get it!
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the worst anime i have ever sen huh? I must say i really hated mobile suit gundam. i mean i respect it for what it is but it bores the bejesus out of me.

I also got bored to death with metroplois. i think it took me like a few weeks to watch it. I would come back and forth at diffrent intervals.

Betterman, don't get me started on this neverending stupidity. Just seems like the entire thing was pintless anyway.

Queen Emeraldas, i just got bored out of my mind. I think what it is i really am not a fan of that type of animation. I mean animes with really round bodies and stuff liek that. Thats the same reason i didn't like Kikaider at first. But the anime was so good i saw beyond the design and fell in love with it.

i didn't think fooly cooly was the greatest thing in the world ever. Unlike everyone else that i know.
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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest RosePetaldoll
okay one of the worst animes has got to be pokemon. i mean i used to love it when i was little but no it's sooo stupid ieman where's brock and misty? :animeangr what's with the new out fit on ash? it's gotten way out of hand and needed to end a long time ago. what movie just came out? like pokemon 6billion? it's gotten soo bad! :animesigh
another bad anime (not manga) was sailor moon. i loved the anime until they got a new girl to do the voice of sailor moon so in the later episodes she sounded like a bad opera singer! :animeangr it ruined it! but i still ADORE the anime! :catgirl:
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I'm going to go with the generic option and say Super Milk Chan! I watched a fair amount of it, and I never laughed, not once. I was even tired and pumped full of suger one time, and I'll laugh at almost anything when I'm like that. A little girl saying "You dumbass!" does not equal comedy. Besides that, the animation is terrible. I don't care if it was intentional or not, I hate that drawing style.
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I agree with you about Super Milk Chan, it was pointless. There was nothing that it succeeded in. The one thing it set out to do, be humourus, it failed miserably. As for others, nothing really. I seem to have a more open mind when it comes to anime I like (ie I have lower standerds thaan most of the people here) I remember hating Reign much, but it was so long ago, and I paid so little attention to it, I've forgotten. Thats it for me.
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