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A Few Photos


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I consider myself a patron to the arts, mainly film and photography seeing as how I can't draw. I only have a few photos on my comp now. I'll try to take more soon though, but for now I can't because I lost the memory stick for my camera.

Here is one of my favorites, it was taken at the exit escalators from the Metro at Dupont Circle in Washington, DC.

I'm tentatively calling it 'Modern Gates'
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Wow - that's a fantastic use of monochrome! This picture certainly makes a wonderful contrast between tones - it could be a stairway to heaven (except for the fact that there are people going in the other direction!), some sort of entry into the world, a frame from a science-fiction film - it's dingy and urbane but pretty - so the contrast between the modern (heh, "modern") and the archaic or mystical ("gates) certainly works to good effect as the title. Great perspective too, and the angle it's taken at really gives a sense of involvement and disorientation - as if an escalator is really something horizontal. That's generally a brilliantly atmospheric piece, and I hope to see some of your other photos when you find your memory stick. ^_^ Well done!
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Thanks a lot. I appreciate it. Here is another one (I'm very low on photos now, must take more) of a simple one that I just edited in photoshop. I'm a novice at it, Dagger helped show me the ropes though.

This really isn't called anything....well, maybe "Testing Testing"
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[size=1]That's the same thing I thought when I saw it! A stairway (escilator (sp?) in and out of heaven (the bad people have to go bye bye).
I don't really know much about photography, but I think this looks really neat. I like the tunnle-ish vision to it due to the roof. very neat.

The 24 hours one is ok. It looks really smudgy and blury-ish, but maybe that's how you want it to look *shrugs* It kinda makes you think what the sign means (even though it probably mean "opened 24 hours a day."). [/size]
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That 24 hour pic just ended up that way lol. I have very few pics on my comp to go by. Here is another one I edited in photoshop. I Kinda like the color on black and white. I forget what the technique is called though.

This one is called "The Exigent Brazen Flag"
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