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I noticed alot during my time at the OBs. And one of the biggest things I noticed is that the most members either hate rap, or just don't listen too it. I was wondering for several reason, why this is? And are there any members out there that do like Hip Hop or Rap music? I just wanna discuss it here. Tell me your favorite artists, why you love them so, and who do you dislike?

I am a huge fan of real hip hop music, the lively stuff with a semi-positve message or the funny stuff. My favorite EmCee's are Frog One (THUG soundtrack) J-Live (THUG Sountrack) Quassimoto (THUG Soundtrack), Ludacris, Missy Elliot, Outkast, Jay-Z, Kanye West, Wu Tang Clan, Lloyd Banks (who now has an album of his own), 50 Cent (Banks is better, but I like him okay), and Jin (just a funny guy).

My favorite DJ's are by far the Invisibl Skratch Piklz led by the one and only DJ Q*Bert. They have since disbanded, but they are still the best.

If I were to put all my favorite artists and EmCee's, this list would be quite long, so I'll wait. But, lets discuss hip hop.[/size][/color]
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There's a decent mix of music fans here, I think. In general, I think people seem less receptive to hip hop if they're into rock. Hip hop kids don't seem to hate rock as vehemently for whatever reason. At least based on my experience.

I mostly listen to forms of rock, but I do enjoy some hip hop groups. A lot of it I really just don't enjoy at all, but some surpass that. I liked NERD's first release. It wasn't the best, but it was decent. I want to get their new CD that just came out recently, but I've not gotten around to it.

Otherwise, I like Outkast and Handsome Boy Modeling School. I've liked Outkast for a few years now. Atliens and Aquemini are my favorites from them, although the last couple of releases were excellent as well. I think Handsome Boy Modeling School has a new disc coming out this year, which I'll definitely get. The first release was great, other than those interlude tracks that mostly consisted of people talking. A lot of hip hop albums seem to have that (the collaborative ones especially)... what can you do though.

I also like the small amount of stuff I've heard from Acrobatik... if I even spelled that right.

A leaked copy of Wu Tang's "The Final Chamber" was posted on another site I visit. I figure I'll try that out when I get a chance. Everyone who played it makes it sound like its their best material in years. I know nothing about them really, other than a bunch of people seemed to love them back in high school. We'll see what happens lol.
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[color=green][size=1]Well, WuTang has basically disperessed since ODB was incarcerated. He now goes by Dirt McGirt and is signed with Rockafella Records now. I used to like his stuff and I'd like to get his Album when it is released. WuTang and G-Unit are the only "Gangsta" Rap groups I like, and thats because WuTang was one of the Original's since NWA and G-Unit is probably one of the best out now, especially with Lloyd Banks (who is arguebly better than both 50 Cent and Young Buc) in the group. I'd like to get his solo album.

Now as far as NERD goes, your right, I love them. I love all of there colaberation songs aswell. "Light Yo A-- On Fire" and "Change Clothes" are few of my favorites. I havn't heard Handsome Boy Modeling School, although I've heard of them. I gotta check them out. As far as Outkast goes, I've been a fan since 6th grade when I first heard "The Whole World" off of ''Stankonia" but I've heard some of there early albums and liked those too. "Speakerboxxx/The Love Below" are also excellent albums.

Another new artist I'm sort of moving towards now is J-Kwon. I just like how he raps. I mean, he's no Ludacris or Lloyd Banks, but he is okay and has potential to get better. And I do wish that both Redman and Eric Sermon would release a new album. I havn't heard of them ever since they collabed with each other on "React" in 2001.[/color][/size]
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[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Narrow]Hip. Hip hop. Hiphopanonymous?

I love hip-hop. Tis truly teh shiz. Course... unless you live in Australia you wouldn't have heard of these artists but doesn't hurt to list them.

[B]Hilltop Hoods:[/B]
Are from Adelaide and are completely awesome. Unfortunately it was impossible for me to go to Adelaide Big Day out so I didn't get to see them *sniffle* but that doesn't change the fact that they are awesome. Think... a mix of fictious and experience based lyrics done slightly tongue in cheek.

[B]The Herd:[/B]
Same deal with this group, I couldn't see them at Sydney Big Day Out (living in Brisbane) and I missed them at Livid but they are still awesome. They are a very political conscious group.

[B]Two Up:[/B]
Just funny as. They only have one song and its enough to bring tears to my eyes.

There's more but I'm braindead and you're probably getting bored. Of course, I like Outkast and Jurassic Five and Ugly Duckling as well, but Australian stuff is my preference. It just seems more laid-back and makes censors unecessary because they don't use f**k as rhyme.[/FONT]
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I listen to Hip Hop, as well as some alternative rock. I'm into Linkin Park, and I especially love how they blend rock and rap togehter in one song. The only beef I have with them is that they scream at the end of most of their songs. I know, its a rock touch, but it seems so annoying when im not in the mood to listen to shouting.

I mainly listen to Hip Hop and Rap though, mainly Eminem, and I love the beats of it.
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(think you could type a little smaller?)
I'd like to check those guys out, but my immediate expirience with British rappers kinda turns me off anyone who raps and isn't American or German (they are pretty damn good.) But I learned most of that when I lived in Germany. Maybe Aussie Rappers are better.


I used to like Linkin Park, but I have since noticed that most of there songs are repetitive about the same things over and over. I only like a few of their songs. The only members that I really like are Mike Mizota and Mr. Han. Chester is okay, but he needs to widen his vocab.[/size][/color]
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[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Narrow]Which Britsh rappers HAVE you heard? Cause Dizzy Rascal aint really a good artist to base your entire views off. He has his redeeming qualities, but he is rather, err... odd on that scene. Try The Streets. They're awesome.

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[QUOTE=CrH][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Narrow]Which Britsh rappers HAVE you heard? Cause Dizzy Rascal aint really a good artist to base your entire views off. He has his redeeming qualities, but he is rather, err... odd on that scene. Try The Streets. They're awesome.

I'll try the Streets although I have no clue who I was listening too. But the thick accent just kills me to listen too. Its nothing against ya, but I just don't think rapping like that sounds right. German rappers don't really have much accent when they spit in English, so I don;t see why the British rappers have on.[/color][/size]
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Yeah, I've heard about Wu Tang more or less. They have too many solo careers going on. The Final Chamber is their last release as a group, so I figure I owe it to them to finally get around to listening to their stuff.

I've never liked Linkin Park. Even before the craze. The music just seems to be getting worse too. I find the beats uninteresting and the lyrics just ridiculously melodramatic. It's not for me.
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As I had said too. Their songs are all melancholic and depressing, nothing ever changes in their albums and the only songs I ever really liked were a their first two singles, and Mr. Han's mixes on the albums, which I don't even listen to anymore. There aren't any real good metal/rap bands out there. I mean, Limp Bizkit is okay too me, but ever since they lost their lead guitarist, I've lost interest, and Kid Rock is getting worse and worse, he's pretty much a country rock artist now.

Another point I'd like to bring up is that if anyone here is a fan of Hip Hop DJ's? Like the Invisibl Skratch Piklz, Bullet Proof Space Travelers, Cut Chemist, and several others. Have you even heard of the Skratch Piklz and DJ Q*Bert? Because if you havn't then your missing out big time.

Also, who are some of your favorite older rappers? Like Dr. Dre and Common?

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[quote name='ReFlux][color=green][size=1]I am a huge fan of real hip hop music, the lively stuff with a semi-positve message or the funny stuff. My favorite EmCee's are Frog One (THUG soundtrack) J-Live (THUG Sountrack) Quassimoto (THUG Soundtrack), Ludacris, Missy Elliot, Outkast, Jay-Z, Kanye West, Wu Tang Clan, Lloyd Banks (who now has an album of his own), 50 Cent (Banks is better, but I like him okay), and Jin (just a funny guy).[/size'][/color][/quote]
I haven't heard of Frog One, J-Live, or Quassimoto, but I will check them out ;)
I do like everyone else you named (with the exception of 50 Cent. Overrated, I says).

Most newer and younger artists don't have a feel for older hip-hop, and their songs tend to lack that true spirit. That's why people like Fabolous come off as overly shallow. People like Missy, Jay-Z, and Kanye are either so old that they've been around since old school hip-hop, or they try to bring back a classic & soulful feel to their music.

I recently picked up Kanye West's CD, and it blends the perfect amount of commentary and humor. In fact, even the songs that come off as shallow "money and hos" songs on the surface, are meant to be ironic. His current single, "All Falls Down," even goes as far as to say that people to talk about their money all the time are just insecure. Took me a while to catch that, though-- too busy watching Stacy Dash run in slow-motion. :)

Wu Tang has really been lacking lately. With the exception of Method Man (who is more godly than Jay "Hova" Z in my book), the group's solo projects haven't been that good. Even one of their recent group projects wasn't that good. Like ReFlux said, they've been below par since ODB went to jail. And don't get me started on his recent name-change and move to Rocafella.
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Normally, I don't listen to any hip hop, rap, or anything like that. But recently, I was channel surfing and came across a video from Usher featuring Lil Jon and Ludacris.

I must say, I was very impressed with the execution of the video. It seemed to harken back to when Michael Jackson had a healthy and meaningful music career. In one shot, Usher was dancing in front of a very nifty light/smoke effect. Reminded me a lot of Jackson's one video from a long time ago. The name escapes me. And I was very pleased to see no women jiggling and gyrating. It was very refreshing to see actual dancing in a hip hop video. In fact, as I watched the group dancing, I kept thinking Early Jackson Videos, primarily the Ghosts one.

Another time, on my way home from school, when there was absolutely nothing on any of my regular classic rock stations, I flipped on Q102, just because I needed some music. Eminem's new song featuring D12, I think, was on. Can you tell I have no idea of the specifics of the hip hop genre? lol. But anyway, in an Eminem song, I expected rampant racial and ethnic slurs, sexist statements, etc. But My Band was pretty devoid of them, or maybe I just didn't hear them. If Eminem can keep going in that direction, I think he'll keep his current audience and even gain more respect from other marketshares. I am one of the staunchest critics of his music and messages, and could never find any humor in his previous material. My Band, however, it's funny without being crude. That's a major positive, I think, when it comes to selling records.
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[QUOTE=Manic]I haven't heard of Frog One, J-Live, or Quassimoto, but I will check them out ;)
I do like everyone else you named (with the exception of 50 Cent. Overrated, I says).

Most newer and younger artists don't have a feel for older hip-hop, and their songs tend to lack that true spirit. That's why people like Fabolous come off as overly shallow. People like Missy, Jay-Z, and Kanye are either so old that they've been around since old school hip-hop, or they try to bring back a classic & soulful feel to their music.

I recently picked up Kanye West's CD, and it blends the perfect amount of commentary and humor. In fact, even the songs that come off as shallow "money and hos" songs on the surface, are meant to be ironic. His current single, "All Falls Down," even goes as far as to say that people to talk about their money all the time are just insecure. Took me a while to catch that, though-- too busy watching Stacy Dash run in slow-motion. :)

Wu Tang has really been lacking lately. With the exception of Method Man (who is more godly than Jay "Hova" Z in my book), the group's solo projects haven't been that good. Even one of their recent group projects wasn't that good. Like ReFlux said, they've been below par since ODB went to jail. And don't get me started on his recent name-change and move to Rocafella.[/QUOTE]

1. Thats understandable, seeing as how Quassimoto, J-Live, and Frog One are all underground artist. Thats why there on Tony Hawk's Underground. There very good though. Frog One is alot like Jay-Z (who I think is better than Method) and J-Live is more original, and fresh, while Quassimoto is just... Quassimoto.

2. I think 50 Cent is overated aswell, but I like some of his songs like "Many Men", "PIMP Remix", and "Stunt 101". Most of his others songs I don't really like. Thats why I hold Lloyd Banks in such high regard, because he is better in my eyes, than 50, although he is really the front-man for G-Unit.

And on the other note, that exactly why I like Missy, Outkast, Jay-Z, and Kanye, because they have soul and feeling to their music while also making it fun to listen too.

3. I listened to Kanye's CD on the net for a free sample and I found that I liked only a few of his songs right off the bat, "Threw the Wire" and "All Falls Down" caught me right away, but another song who's title I can't remember really captured me aswell, but the rest of his songs, I didn't really get into right away, but I do plan on buying his album.

4. Well, since Wu Tang has lost alot of its members to other record labels and finacial problems, I don't think they will be getting back together. I mean, maybe Dirt aka ODB will be better off with Rock-a-fella since he will be working with much more talented MC's and Producer's such as Hova and Kanye. But I havn't heard any of the tracks, so only time will tell. (and I think Hova is much better than Method, I think Redman is better.)

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Personally, I normally prefer to listen to hip-hop, though for some reason I listen to rock more, I guess because it's more availableto me.

ip hop is really a great genre, and though peple will say thiungs like "any rap ever played on MTV sucks" and "Aesop Rock is the only Rap that is real music". But truly, in general, Hip Hop is an amazing genre of music.

And there is on such word as "AlternaRap". I've heard it used far too many times, so i want to get that straight.
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[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Well as for myself, all I listen to is rap, hip hop, and soul as well. People like Linkin Park and Nickelback are alright, but I won't buy there CD'S. When they come on MTV I watch them if they have a good message or I can relate. As for groups that act silly like No Doubt (that is the one with Gwene Stephany(sp?), right?) I don't like there videos so I don't normally listen to there songs. In my opinion most of the bands with everyone playing an instrument except for one person (witch is almost all of them. And I'm not talking about backup either I mean a real verse), the lead singers sounds alike. But maybe that because I don't listen to it enough to know the difference.[/COLOR]
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[quote name='Petey']I must say, I was very impressed with the execution of the video. It seemed to harken back to when Michael Jackson had a healthy and meaningful music career. In one shot, Usher was dancing in front of a very nifty light/smoke effect. Reminded me a lot of Jackson's one video from a long time ago. The name escapes me. And I was very pleased to see no women jiggling and gyrating. It was very refreshing to see actual dancing in a hip hop video. In fact, as I watched the group dancing, I kept thinking Early Jackson Videos, primarily the Ghosts one.[/quote]
Usher has a reputation for dancing like Michael Jackson. With the exception of one music video that looked like a "B" action movie ("Nice and Slow"), all of his videos involve choreographed dance sequences.

[quote]Another time, on my way home from school, when there was absolutely nothing on any of my regular classic rock stations, I flipped on Q102, just because I needed some music. Eminem's new song featuring D12, I think, was on. Can you tell I have no idea of the specifics of the hip hop genre? lol. But anyway, in an Eminem song, I expected rampant racial and ethnic slurs, sexist statements, etc. But My Band was pretty devoid of them, or maybe I just didn't hear them. If Eminem can keep going in that direction, I think he'll keep his current audience and even gain more respect from other marketshares. I am one of the staunchest critics of his music and messages, and could never find any humor in his previous material. My Band, however, it's funny without being crude. That's a major positive, I think, when it comes to selling records.[/QUOTE]
You know, Eminem rarely (if ever) releases his more controversial material as singles. You'd actually have to buy one of his CDs to hear some of the stuff people complain about. His singles are usually his more toned-down songs. D12's singles are always silly and relatively inoffensive. I don't know what their other songs usually sound like, though. "My Band" is actually a D12 song; Eminem just happens to be the Justin Timberlake of the group-- be damned if we know who the other members are.
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Kon-Artist, Bizarre, Eminem, Kaniva (I think) and the other members I can't really remember since there not the members I like. There the only four really, that I like. But I used to know them all, but since the left the spot light for so long, I lost track. But D12 is like a more comedic G-Unit x2 to me. They have more silly sounding MC's and lyrics. Thats why I like them just as much as G-Unit. And in the same fashion, G-Unit has a good lead man in 50 Cent, and a better MC in Lloyd Banks, and D12 has the lead man Eminem, and a better MC (to me atleast) Kon-Artist. I would love to get my hands on their album when released.

Another note. Do any of you have an Hip Hop DJ's you prefer?[/color][/size]
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Really, Manic? Neat. I learned something today, lol.

Even though this is oldschool stuff, Big Butts by Sir Mix-A-Lot is an insane song. I happened to catch it on the radio today. He raps so fast that I couldn't make out a significant portion of what he was saying, although since I was driving, I probably wasn't able to pay attention too much. But I did pick-out some...[i]interesting[/i] parts. The song is really catchy and all, but is he singing about [spoiler]anal sex[/spoiler]? I couldn't be sure if I heard what I thought I heard, lol.
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Dude, everyone knows Sir Mix-a-Lot! Here just a small verse:

I like Big Butts and I cannot Lie
You other brotha's can't deny
And when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist
And that round thing in yo face you get sprung
Get it up butt cuz you noticed that butt was stuck
See threw the things she's wearing
I'm hooked and I can't stop staring

Thats like the basic of basic's for any rap fan, dude. And if you want to know someone who spits fast, check out Twista, his record is like thirty words in five seconds. I can barely understand what he says.[/color][/size]
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I presonally do not like hip hop at all but I do like one rap band and that is Insane Clown Posse. I know that alot of people hate them for various reasons but there the closest rap I could find to heavy metal and plus their really funny.

Now come to to think of it, if you consider Gorillaz and Weird Al' Yankovic hip hop then I like a little hip hop. But I'm mostly into the Heavy Metal stuff like System of a Down, Rob Zombie, Powerman 5000, Slipknot, and Coal Chamber.

And I guess now that I think of it I do like a couple of hip hop songs like Imaginary Places of the Tony Hawks Underground. But another song of of Tony Hawks Underground is "I wanna peirce my brain". Does that classify as rock or hip hop?
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"Pierce My Brain" is a total Punk Rock song. In one of my various clicks at school, ICP is the only rap band (along with a little Ludacris) that my freinds listen too. They can't get enough of them and know all of their songs. The only album I've liked of theirs really is the Wizard of the Hood. But I do like the song "Homies" quite a bit.

If you want to here some really good Hip Hop, check out "Cosmic Assasin's", "Braggin' Writes Revisited", and "Blah Blah" those are the best songs on their too me.[/color][/size]
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I recently have been listening to alot more hiphop lately mostly the Shady/Aftermath(Loyd Banks, Eminem,Obie Trice, D12, Busta Rymes, 50 Cent, ect.) crew they have been taking over the hip hop game the past few years. I like Kanye West, Jay-Z, Nas and Mos Def as well. I use to like Wutang Clan but there newest music has been pretty weak. Tupac is someone I can listen to no matter what mood I am in his music just speaks to me he will be forever my favorite rapper.

I am not really into the whole Derty South thing, it just doesnt speak to me. Lil Jon is everywhere now days and its getting pretty annoying. Ludacris is alright he's just not my style of hip hop.
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I personally hate every type of rap/hip hop that I've ever heard. Although rap fans think my excuse for hating that type of music is really lame. It's just that "rap" isn't my kind of music at all. I can't stand to hear some guy singing about "popping a cap up some one's ***** or about raping some women. Bands that I [B]do[/B] like are:

Ill Nino
Killswitch Engage
From Autumn to Ashes
Seven Dust
Powerman 5000
The Blank Theory
Nothing Face
Type O Negative
Led Zepplin
Murder Dolls
The Offspring

The reasons I like these bands is that they're fun to listen to and rock is perfect for relieving stress. Plus, since I'm a guitar player myself, I can definetly respect bands like Metallica, RA, Led Zepplin, ect.
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[COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Narrow]I don't think your excuse is lame. Not at all. I just thought it was the response from a musically sheltered mind. You have some cool bands that you DO like there, but that wasn't the basis of this discussion. None of them are 'hip hop'. And if the only hip hop you've heard is about gangsters and rape you should get out more. There is so many hip hop artists who are in it for the comedy aspect and only 'rap' (hate that term) about women for jokes or serious confessions. Heck, there is even 'rapper's who 'rap' about such mundane things as work (but make it cool as). Gangsters and rape is the prime focus of... well, gansta-rappers (who'd have thought?). Not every hip-hop artist is a gangsta rapper.

And how can a whole genre of music be gay? Are we talking happy or homosexual here? Either way it don't make sense.

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[QUOTE=Albane]I personally hate every type of rap/hip hop that I've ever heard. Although rap fans think my excuse for hating that type of music is really lame. It's just that "rap" isn't my kind of music at all. I can't stand to hear some guy singing about "popping a cap up some one's ***** or about raping some women. See? Rap's just gay in my opinion.

Bands that I [B]do[/B] like are:

Ill Nino
Killswitch Engage
From Autumn to Ashes
Seven Dust
Powerman 5000
The Blank Theory
Nothing Face
Type O Negative
Led Zepplin
Murder Dolls
The Offspring

The reasons I like these bands is that they're fun to listen to and rock is perfect for relieving stress. Plus, since I'm a guitar player myself, I can definetly respect bands like Metallica, RA, Led Zepplin, ect.[/QUOTE]
We respect your not liking hip-hop. It's not your thing, whatever. However, not all rap is about rape or murder. Granted, gangsta rap is what boosted the general genre's popularity during the 1990s. But today, most mainstream rap is more "user friendly." That's like me saying I don't listen to rock because I don't like listening to people whine and complain about their "father issues" constantly. And we all know not all rock is like that, and I even listen to a little of it. But that's for another thread...
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