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Assassin Rebirth [R:May contain sexual content,language,and violence]


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Any place left for a warrior ?
Name : Asim Harith .
Age : 26 .
Gender : Male .
Origin : Iraq .
Side : Fighter .
Style : Kick boxing , Karate , and Ikedo . He learned them from his travels through the orient .
Weapon(s) : Two silver Scimitars , on his back a very deadly one handed straight Arabian sword and a small silver circle shield , that is very sharp edged , and has a long chain attached to it . An extremely long and durable whip with a spiked tip , a curved dagger with a massive blade , and a lot of poisonous throwing knives . He carries the antidote for their poison with him . ( He wields his blades with an Arabian fencing style for daggers , and one handed swords ) .
Appearance : A tall , and muscular man , he is about 6 ft 5 in height . He has black eyes , brownish hair . Wears a prestigious black and white turban with a very strange design of a falcon on it . He also wears a chain mail , a pair of chain gauntlets , a pair of black baggy trousers , with black leather boots , and a durable hooded cloak .
Personality : A man of chivalry , and honor . He is an adventurer , a risk taker , goes where the wind takes him , a bit moody , but generally speaks nothing , but the truth . Hates liars , and deceivers . He knows no mercy when it comes to a sword fight . A very calm and expressionless person he is , controls his rage . Quiet and always in the dark analysing , and thinking . He is annoyed by people who lose control of their emotions , and thinks of them as foolish , he also dislikes the irresponsible . He takes responsibility for his mistakes , and actions . He is an extremely great warrior .
Bio : He has ventured through the seven deserts , wandered through out the continents , at last fate has brought him to Japan , the country of conflicts at the time . He has led soldiers through the bloodiest of battles , saw many of his friends die in front of him , their ghosts haunt him day and night , enemies , friends the vision of their deaths stuck in his mind . He found Japan to be the perfect place to end his living nightmare , his past simply vanishes when he is in a battle , so he will not stop fighting , until he kills his inner demons , or they kill him , so when he heard of the assassination attempt of the Japanese warlord , and his demand for warriors to defend him . He thought to himself why not ? , he has nothing else to fill his need for war , and blood . He will fight this through to the end .
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[size=1][color=#999999][B]Name:[/B] Suzaku, her real name is unknown

[B]Age:[/B] 17

[B]Gender:[/B] Female

[B]Appearance:[/B] See attachment- She also wears a black cloak that has the emblem of two crescent moons with a star in the middle, her eyes are also silver and they change according to her moods.

[B]Side:[/B] Assassin


[B]Fighting Style:[/B] She uses an art of ninjitsu but has transformed it so that she is able to become almost cat-like, Anyo, and has mastered in Tae-Kwon-Do, learned a bit of Wushu, Aikido, and Kempo, but mostly uses her "shadow art", Tae-Kwon-Do, and Anyo.

[B]Weapon:[/B] Suzaku uses two ranges of weapons, close and long. Her close range weapons are her twin silver dual fans that are laced with an unknown amount of elements of venoms and poisons, a pair of leathered sais, and twin traditional katanas with engravings of a phoenix near the tip of the blade. Her long range consists of crossbow that is placed on her upper wrist and blowdarts with poisoned darts. She also has two poisoned kanzashis that she keeps in her hair. She is immune to poison. She will also battle hand-to-hand.

[B]Personality:[/B] Suzaku's life had created her to become a emotionless assassin who seeks out revenge on those who's lives had caused them pain.


I will get the personality and Bio up later.[/size][/color]
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First of all, I don't care who started what or whatever, but there are conversations that need to stick to Private Messages....as Arcadia has already stated. You should know better. If you have issues with someone or with what was said, take it up in PMs.

Secondly...my character:

[b]Name:[/b] Anzu Oniekuyo

[b]Age[/b]: 17

[b] Gender:[/b] Female

[b]Appearance[/b]: [url=http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=atsukoishida&image=11] Yansi[/url]

[b]Organization[/b]: Assassin

[b]Origin[/b]: Japan

[b]Fighting techniques[/b]:

[b][u] Moubu (Blinding Dance)[/b][/u]- Anzu is known for her stunning and ellusive beauty. It is said that here eyes have captured her opponent's vision to fight with just a bat of an eye. Her delicate smile and graceful paper fans conjoin in an inticing (sp?) dance. Mezmorized and consumed with their empty lust, the opponent's ability to battle drastically deminishes, giving Yansi the opportunity to rush the opponent and deliver a deathly attack with her piercing katana. Blinding Dance is an anctent tradition passed down throught generations of Anzu's family. The dance was originally performed for an emperor's succession to power. Legend has it that Yansi's grandmother captured the heart of the young emperor, Ishitu Yojo, with this dance. Soon, a love sparked between them, which was strictly forbidden because Ishitu was Emperor and Yansi's grandmother, Aoni, was a poor village peddler. Ishitu did not care, he was blinded with Aoni's beauty and defied his people for her love. For this, the people turned on Ishitu and murdered him. Not long after, they seized Aoni and cursed her for her seductive dance. The hatred was so strong with the people, that the curse was to pass from Aoni's daughter, and to her daughter, and so on.

[b][u]Shakuenka (Blazing Petals)[/b][/u]- Petals represent happiness, kindness, a sense of childish innocense. A peace of the moment, a petal will fall. A start of a new, a petal will graze the cheek to rid the face of tears. But a petal is only as good as the flower it feeds from. Yansi, the flower; her katana, the petal. Hand-in-hand, Yansi and katana, a flower of rich color and power. (the attack's name) is used only with the pedal, the katana. It is a relaxed and fluid style of fighting with the blade. Hands relaxed, barely grasping the hilt, mixed with Anzu's smooth, graceful movements. Her eyes remain soft and innocent, her smile is kind and small. Intimidating? No. Breathtaking? Yes. Almost like dance, Yansi flows over the ground, confusing her opponent with her movements and gorgeous physic, catching them off guard at the precise moment. From here, a blaze of attacks from the whisping petal, flashes of burning sparks set from the sleek steel of the katana. This style usually follows (Blinding Dance) or previously before. It all depends on how Anzu is feeling, whether to make a brutal attack..or to torture her opponent with her body.


[b][u] Shakuentou (Fire's Blade)[/b][/u]- 2 and a half feet in lenth, crafted of stainless steel, small grooves on either side of the blade, light weight and extremely durable. The katana was "given" to Anzu at the age of 13. It belonged to her master/fiance, Hito Sanuske. Hito used the blade to protect Yansi, and in a futile attempt, she used it to protect him. Unfortunately, his wounds were mortal and he died in Yansi's arms. In his last request, he asked Anzu to protect it and use it as he had taught her. She did, and she has never lost a fight with the Fire's Blade. She keeps the katana concealed in her kimono robes, in an ivory casing and on her right hip. The hilt is ivory with gold inlays. On the base of the metal is a crest that Hito had etched, a dragon and paper fans. The dragon represented his pride, and the fans represented his love for Yansi. All of her anger does not reflect through her face, attitude, or movements, but within the blade itself. Her attacks are so fierce and fast, the blade heats up as if it had been set on fire. Hence the name.

[b][u]Musha (The Warrior)[/b][/u]- A 10 inch, crecsent moon-shaped blade, made from the same metal as the katana, attatched to a small, yet indestructable chain. Characters and inscriptions of honor and pride, protection and strength are etched into the blade for Yansi to remember what she is fighting for.[b] Hono[/b]r, for her family. [b]Pride[/b] in herself. [b] Protection[/b] a vow she promised to her love. and [b]Strength[/b], to provide motivation to continue killing.

[b]Personality[/b]: Anzui, bold, quiet, strong, smart and beautiful. She has a sweetness to her face, yet, inside she is cunning and ruthless. She doesn't take kindly to men, for the most part, and despises the female race. Strange she may seem, not wanting to belong to woman, nor wanting to be man. It is hard to tell what she's thinking for she keeps her emotions and thoughts to herself. Trust is something she has not developed and keeps to herself. She "hunts" alone, and prefers to stay that way

[b]Bio[/b]: The years following the downfall of Hirogashi's empire had struck the lands to drought and baron fields of neglected crops. "Productivity" was a word only the elders knew. Anzu was born in this time of depression and misery. Nonetheless, her childhood was happy. Her parents, Kasuko and Chinta, labored hours upon hours to give her that happiness. They, of only a few families, owned one of the most rare of cash, cattle. An industry that was small, but rich in trade. Kasuko and Chinta often traded their animals for other means of food or money, only to have it taken away by communism and the local thugs. Anzu, fortunately, being so young, had no cares or worries about financial disputes. She played normal child's games, got into some mischief, as would children do.

Until one cold winter's night, Anzu's father was out on a trade and had not returned in days. Chinta, with Anzu, took to the night to search for her husband, only to find him dead. Anzu stared confused as the snow began to whisp harshly. Clashing of swords, shouts of men, Chinta took Anzu in her arms and fled back towards the village. To her dismay, the men that had attacked her husband were quickly catching up. She hid her seven year old daughter in a hollowed out tree and drew upon her blade. Anzu watched in horror as the men visciously and mercilessly beat her mother down and rape her. Anzu screamed with rage and ran at the men, in hopes to save her mother. Futile efforts of a child, the men overpowered Anzu, raping and beating her as well. Laying lifeless, Anzu was forced to watch her mother being decapitated. One man grabbed Anzu by her hair and picked her off of the ground, readying his blade.

A scream cracked the brittle, winter breeze. A scream of no human nor animal. A scream of steel, slicing through the air, only to soar straight through the man's hand, lodging him to the tree. Anzu fell to the ground and scrambled back towards her mother, a splash of bright red blood on the piercing white snow stopped Anzu in her tracks. She tried to stand up, but her feet felt of lead. Without realizing, a tall, broad figure gently lifted Anzu to her feet. A man, young and strong. His black hair danced in the wind, brushing across a face that held one expression...death. Anzu respected him and begged for him to teach her to fight. Hesitantly, he agreed. His name was Hito Sanuske.

Years pass, and Anzu grows strong and older. She is now thirteen, Hito of twenty and four. Spring, such a wonderful season. To see the cherry blossoms in full bloom, the smell of wildflowers, and the sounds of a bustling community of birds and animals. It was on this day that Hito realized Anzu's true potential. Alone, Anzu practiced swordsmenship along with Moubu. Hito became enchanted with Anzu's graceful movements and the soft accents of her body, becoming Anzu's first victim. It was on this day Hito asked Anzu as his wife.

The wedding day, Hito found himself in a duel with a friend of the men he killed years before. Unfortunately, the man was stronger than Hito, killing him in front of the bride in white. Hito's blood soiled Anzu's pure white kimono. She knelt beside her love, promising that she would fight for him, never to love again until she had rectified his death. Picking up Hito's blade, Anzu charged the man who had slain the only thing she had left. With one slash, Anzu gutted the man from naval to chin.

Her heart filled with hatred and vengence, yet never allowing her emotions to show. Soon a lust grew within Anzu. The lust to kill, for blood, for the agonizing screams from her helpless opponents. Four years down the road Anzu came upon a job. One that would allow her to feed her lust with profit. She would become an assassin, one of the most feared and well-known. [/color][/i][/size]
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[size=1][color=darkred]O_o; Wow now we have lots of assassins more then fighters. The assassins outnumber the fighters by four! Either I can wait four more peopel to sign up as fighters or I can just start without the even number of sides. If you have something to say to me, just PM me. Don't want to take conversations in here for it might get closed. Alrighty then.[/color][/size]
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I'll sign up if that's okay with you. As a true warrior not a stalker of shadows!

Name: Taro Shinjuku
Age: 37
Sex: Male

apperance: Wears an eyepatch, and always wears traditional samurai battle armor. He has a scar where his eye was taken out accidently by a fishhook when he was a kid.. but he says it was because of a bar fight. Has a darker complexion and a huge build with all muscle and no tone. His full head of hair is starting to gray on the sides and he wears a tatoo of a naked woman on his left bicep

height: 6'5"
weight: 240 lbs.

Organization: Fighter
Origin: Japan

Fighting techniques: Self taught defensive warrior. Skilled in beating the crap out of things with his bare hands. He uses a lot of Judo based grapples and combines them with some joint locking he learned from his father. He is extremely quick for his size and has enough power to knock out a mule in one swing.

Weapons: (I've noticed too many katana's)
His own bare hands

Personality: A happy go lucky guy who happens to be a storyteller. His sense of humor is only matched by his raw power. He can talk trash and make smart-*** comments like the best of them. But when he is stuck in the heat of battle people don't want to fight him since he goes for a wound rather than an instant kill.

Jokes are one of his favorite pastimes, as well as prostitutes and drinking. He's an every man who loves his Saki and loose women. Who wouldn't want to hang with this guy?


Son to a fisherman who also did some theatre to help pay for his sickly mother's medical bills. Taro worked his *** off every day with his father, thus he also had a really healthy diet of meat... and a lot of it which helped him become much stronger than anyone else in his village.

After a few years his mother died.. leaving father and son devastated at the loss. Taro started to train with his father in how to fight while teaching himself some techniques as well. Eventually he joined the theatre as well and bought a No-datchi which he trained with for years, his skills grew as he saw duels between masters of a katana and he emulated them perfectly and easily on his horse cutting blade.

When his father died Taro lost his innocence and joined as a mercenary. Quickly killing and going berserk in battle he became a man to be feared in combat. One day after leaving a whore house (I'm not sure if he has any diseases by this point so don't ask.) he was hired by the lord for protection.

There, that should work.
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Name:Aoi Mitsurgi

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Appearance: Aoi is 5 feet, 7 inches tall with shoulder length auburn hair and hazle eyes. She usually wears black shorts and a half opened black leather jacket. (She's not against using her body to get what she wants).

Side: Assassin


Fighting Style: Judo, karate, kungfu

Weapon: twin marasumei, daggers, body paint (you'll see how this is a weapon later)

Personality: Aoi is sort of a punk. She only cares about herself and her pleasure, she would kill her whole family if that meant she could become rich. She's not a very nice girl...and she's a little on the "wild" side...

Bio: Aoi loves to kill, she has no reason, it's just one of her hobbies. One moment she could be a serious opponent and the next she would be portraying herself as a total goddess.
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Guest Edge Mstr Ninja
I want to know if i can be submitted. if so here is the characters info. it is kind of bland a quick job i threw together in about half an hour tops. id appreciate it. thank you

Name: Tatsumi Yoshimitsu Azuma but known as Master Ninja Edge

Age: 23

Appearance: 5' 10" and weighs approx. 165lbs. well built and very limber. shoulder length silver hair and sapphirre blue eyes that can peirce even the strongest persons soul and extremely beatiful. wears complete standard ninja attire which covers light weight chain mail. has bracers on each arm that are made of okanawa steel. rarely uncovers his face for people to see. when in public and not on duty he wears complete kimono attire that is white and has red cherry blossoms on it.

Side: Assassin (with certain motives)

Origin: a well kept secret for only members of the Azuma Ninja Clan know where it is.

Fighting Styles:
Martial Arts: Ninjitsu (Ninpo the higher form of Ninjitsu), Iaido, Daito Ryu Aiki Bujutsu, Shorinji Kempo, Shintaido, and Naganata

Sword Arts: Kenjutsu, Kendo, Iaijutsu. Uses all three families of the sword art styles: Muso ("empty"), Kage ("shadow"), and Shinto ("new sword") styles.

Weapons: Master of all weapons. for the true ninja know that anything can be deadly if used properly. carries on him as regular equipment and prefers:

地獄の永遠の炎の剣 (Sword of Hell's Eternal Flame): a katana with a 35" blade, that was forged long long ago from the fang of a black dragon by demons in the pits of hell. it holds a mysterious power that only a few have ever been able to handle. it chooses it's weilder. it is one of the 7 sacred swords of the Azuma Ninja Clan with magical properties. Tatsumi was discovered at a young age to be able to weild the sword, the first to be able to do so in 300 years. it is his to weild until he dies or the sword chooses another.

Shurikens: poisen tipped and explosive tipped ones. the poisen tips are standard four point while the exploding are single.

Tetsu-Bishi (caltrops)


Ashiko: spikes on the bottow of his shoes that have mutiple uses but can be used for fighting.

Fukiya (blowgun): made from bamboo and given to him by his father. has an elaborate dog demon engraved on it.

Kaganawa (grappling hook): mainly used to get to unaccessable areas but can be used as an effective weapon.

Personality: a fun lovable young man who gets along with everybody. always trys to make people feel better and thinks of the well beings of others before his own. when on the job he is serious and a natural leader but prefers to do missions alone for others tend slow him down. patient, responsible and for his age wise. his beauty and personallity attracts many women but his heart belongs to one (any lady who wants to take this role can assume it).

Bio: High up in the secluded areas of Japan, a small villiage of ninja thrive. This is the Azuma. The Azuma are a well known clan with a high reputation, for it is known to cross blades with an Azuma usually means death.Born into the family of the masters of the Azuma Ninja Clan, Tatsumi was trained from birth the ways of the ninja. Loved by his parents (Utesemi and Kagami) and village very much, Tatsumi was given gifts at birth, all bearing the same design of a dog-like demon.

At the age of three he made his way into the shrine of the Azuma. There inside stood the stands for seven different katanas. Three were in the hands of Azuma ninjas chosen by the swords. The seven swords were:

地獄の永遠の炎の剣 (Sword of Hell's Eternal Flame): a katana with a 35" blade, that was forged long long ago from the fang of a black dragon by demons in the pits of hell.

天の憤りの剣 (Sword of Heavens Wrath): A katana with a 35" blade, forged from the fang of a white dragon by angels in the heavens. made to slay the evil in the world.

水強さの剣 (Sword of Waters Strength): A 40" blade, forged from the fang of a water dragon. the sword posseses the power to control water.

地球の衝撃の剣 (Sword of Earths Shock): a 37" blade, forged from the bones of an ancient earth demon. shakes the earth when stabbed into the ground.

電光の衝撃の剣 (Sword of Lightning's Shock): A 36" blade forged from the fang of a thunder dragon. the blade flows with electricity and can launch it out when in the hands of its master.

風圧の剣 (Sword of the Wind's Blast): A 32" blade forged from the fang of an air dragon. sends a blast of air with hurricane force when swung properly by its weilder.

生命の接触の剣 (Sword of Life's Touch): A 30" blade given to the Azuma Clan by a Mysterioous man with a Heavenly glow. The man didn't tell of the origin. Can bring fallen people back to life and extends the life of the one who weilds it.

As Tatsumi approached the sacred swords he was drawn to The Sword of Hell's Eternal Flame. before anyone could stop the young boy he picked it up. his father noticed his son had picked it up without injury which meant that the sword chose Tatsumi to weild it. Three in the Lineage of Azuma now weild a sacred sword, Utesemi, Tatsumi's older brother Kazuya, and now Tatsumi. The other sacred sword that was weilded was weilded by Yoko Mitsurugi who was less than a year older than Tatsumi. Utesemi weilded The Sword of Earths Shock, Kazuya weilded The Sword of Waters Strength, and young Yoko weilded The Sword of Life's Touch.

when Tatsumi was 21 he was on a mission that waas extremely dangerous and almost impossible, when a suprise attack happened. all of the ninja's he was with were slayed. this awoke a power inside of Tatsumi unlocking the power of his Blade. with this sight the ambushers tried to flee but it was a hopeless attempt, for Tatsumi slaughtered all 30 of them in a single stroke of his blade. upon returning to the village he saw smoke. running to the village he saw it was his house. quickly he ran into the shrine and picked up the Sword of the Wind's Blast and with one swing put the fire out. he then collapsed because he couldnt weild this sword. getting back to health he learned the ninja's who attacked had killed his father and stole The Sword of Heaven's Wrath. Tatsumi Swore to avenge his father and wipe out the clan that did the attack. he would also get The Sword of Heaven's Wrath. his brother assumed leadership of the village. Tatsumi set out to carry out his promise...
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