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Digimon: The Descendents


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[font=Arial][size=1][color=darkslateblue]Hmm...well, since not everyone is in the Digi World, I'm just going to make it the next day in my post, ok everyone? Good. Oh, and when you post next, please try and get your character into the Digi World and in the same place, I want to introduce the DIB's to your characters...[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]Kayla groggily woke up the next day. The sun was shining on her face and it was bothering her. She pulled the covers off of her and slowly stood up, only to fall to the floor seconds later. She'd forgotten all about her knee and was now in excrutiating pain. Overnight, the knee had seemingly gotten worse and shew as experiencing more pain now than she had at the game while running on it.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]Dagu suddenly woke up and jumped off the bed. He landed near Kayla and looked up at her with worry filled eyes. "Don't look at me like that, I'll be fine." she angrily yelled at him. He backed off and bounded under the bed, emerging seconds later with Kayla's metal lockbox. He pushed it towards her with big, round, puppy dog eyes.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]Kayla frowned. "You want to go the Digital World, eh?" Dagu jumped up and down excitedly. Kayla smirked. She picked up the lockbox and opened it up. She removed the discs she had grabbed the other day and picked up her sleek black Digivice. "Dagu, be a good Digimon and turn on my computer, would you?" she requested in her fake cheeriness. Dagu jumped over to the computer's CPU and hit the 'On' button.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]While waiting for the computer to start up, Kayla stared at her Digivice. She hadn't actually looked at it closely in ages. It didn't look like much but she knew that it could do a lot when activated. She also knew that with her slight modifications, she was able to track DIB's with it, and that, even without modifications, it could track down other Digivice owners and other Digimon.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]It was also a valuable source of information, being able to tell her about most Digimon and their attacks. It enabled her to be able to know the exact way to defeat any Digimon she and Dagu happened to come into contact with. Dagu approached her and bumped her leg to inform her that the computer was started up and ready to go.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]Kayla pushed herself up and limped over to the computer desk where she stuck the discs into her pocket, picked up Dagu and held her Digivice near the moniter of the computer. "Digi Port, open!" she yelled and the two were instantly transported to the Digital World.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]Remember, in your next post, have like, your characters meet somewhere or something in the real world and then go to the Digital World together.[/color][/size][/font]
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[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=teal] Melissa and Viximon snored peacefully as Melissa's alarm went off. Melissa yawned and stretched out her arm to hit the snooze button when she fell forward. Melissa groggily got up and walked to the shower. When she got out she created her agenda for the day. "Go to the park and practice both guitar and soccer. Make a couple bucks on the street. Go to the DigiWorld and train Renamon. Work under the slavedriver. Eat dinner. Go to bed. There, that sounds a bout good." She said to Viximon, who was still asleep. "Can't blame her. She had a rough day yesterday." Melissa said quietly. She combed her hair quickly and raced to the park with her guitar case and her soccer ball.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#008080][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#008080]After she was done there, she took her guitar case and went down to the busiest corner in town. She tuned her guitar and started playing, and after about a half hour she recieved about fifty dollars. She was about to pack up when one boy stood there, looking at her. Melissa glared at him. "What Taro?" She asked as she finished packing up. Taro decided that even though she had already been degrated enough, he'd throw the soccer game back in her face. "Yeah, thanks for losing, Melissa. Now Kayla's team is going to go to the Championships instead of us. So much for the Hurricane's star player!" He said. Melissa stood up.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#008080][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#008080]"Don't you dare make fun of Kayla! Her team beat us fair and square and they deserve to go. I'd love to see you try and stand up to their team, Taro!" Melissa yelled. "Yeah? Well lets settle this in the Digital World! My Digimon against yours!" He said. Melissa glared at him. "You're on! Meet me there, I'll go get Viximon!" She said, running off in the direction of her house, carrying her guitar case with her. Melissa grabbed Viximon, still sleeping. "Wake up!" she yelled. Viximon groggily woke up. "We're fighting Taro!" She said angrily as she picked up her DigiVice."DigiPort open!" She said.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#008080][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#008080]When she arrived, Taro and Dragamon were waiting for her and Reanmon. "Alright Taro! Get ready to get beat!" She yelled as Renamon stepped forward. "Yeah right! In your dreams!" He shouted back as Dragamon stepped forward as well. The two started fighting as Taro and Melissa yelled insults at each other.[/color][/size][/font]
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"Dragamon! Show her what you can do!" yelled Taro. "Besides, her Digimon probably won't be able to block it, just like SHE can't!"
Dragamon jumped up and, with a cry of "Black Pepper!", shot a dark blue ball of fire at the fox Digimon. Renamon dodged, and ran up to the smaller rookie, knocking him into the air with a kick.
"At least my Digimon doesn't go out with one kick!" Melissa yelled.
Dragamon landed in a crouch, and swiftly recovered, moving in and raking his claws across the fox's stomach. The dragon tilted his head up, and fired a Black Pepper blast straight at Renamon's chin.
"At least mine makes a better forward!"
Renamon phased before she could hit the ground, appearing behind Dragamon.
"Diamond Storm!" Renamon said, firing the hail of energy shards.
Dragamon quickly blocked, but was knocked back by the assault.
"Hah! Bet your Digimon can't do that!" said Melissa, smirking.
"No!" yelled Taro. "But he can do this!"
Dragamon took to the air, lifting off with powerful wing strokes.
"Black Pepper Storm!" roared the flying Dragon.
Dragamon reared back his head, and shot a massive blast of flames. He followed up with at least a dozen other blasts, much smaller, but still powerful.
The blasts left a large cloud of smoke surrounding the area. Taro and Melissa coughed from the smoke, and it began to clear...
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  • 2 weeks later...
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=teal]As the dust cleared, Melissa heard her Digivice ring. It suprisingly, it doubled as a communicator. It was Kayla. Melissa put the Digivice to her face. "Yeah? What? I'm a bit busy with Taro." She said. Kayla scowled. "Hurry up and get here. We've got buisness to attend to." She ordered. Melissa nodded. "Yes, your Majesty." Melissa joked. Kayla glared at her but 'hung up.' Melissa called Renamon. "We've got orders, Renamon. We gotta go!" She yelled. Then she remembered Taro. "I'll be back to kick your butt later, Taro. Tell all your dorky friends I said hi." She said. It was her usual remark after meeting with Taro. Her and Renamon ran from the battlefield and to the base.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#008080]-------------[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#008080]Yeah its short, i just want to get this moving.[/color][/size][/font]
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[font=Arial][size=1][color=darkslateblue]Kayla clipped her Digivice back onto her belt. "She's about as useful as a box of rocks..." she mumbled and looked back up to her large map of the Digital World. "Computer, tell me the Digidestined currently in the DigiWorld, please." she calmly commanded.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Courier New][size=1][color=yellowgreen][color=yellowgreen]"Digidestined currently in the Digital World are one Taro Kamiya and one Melissa Ishida."[/color] [font=Arial][color=darkslateblue]The computer responded and put different colored blips on the map where the two were.[/color][/font][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]"Hmm...I thought that more of them might be in the DigiWorld, but, maybe to get there attention, I should cause a little mayhem..." Kayla grinned mischievously and called forth Dagu.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]He ran into the room and stumbled in front of her. "Yes, Master?" she stared down at him with a slight gleam. "Send out instructions to Greymon, Angemon, Birdramon, Gatomon, Exveemon, Aquilamon, and Gargomon to attack and then lead the Digidestined to Digitamamon's resturant. That is where we will 'meet' them." Kayla smirked and Dagu ran from the room.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]Kayla turned her map off and climbed from her chair. She left the control room and wandered through the halls down to the 'music' room. She stared around the almost empty room before sitting down behind her drum set and proceeding to practice a song that she was fond of.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]Yes, post post post, I want to get this moving people.[/color][/size][/font]
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[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=teal]Melissa ran through the doors, behind Renamon. They had ran about a mile after abandoning their battle. She heard a drum set playing. She quickly ran int othe lab and got out her guitar. She had always kept her second one there in case she was bored. She put the strap over her shoulder and ran towards the drums.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#008080][/color][/size][/font]
[color=#008080][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1]Melissa listened a moment, caught onto the rythm, and started playing a tune that went with Kayla's beat. Soon they stopped. "That sounded cool. I've been thinking about starting a band. Want to join?" Melissa asked. Kayla glared at her. "Now's not the time. We have to [color=teal]rendezvous wit hthe other Digidestined." She said. Melissa sighed. "Why do I even bother?" She muttered.[/color][/size][/font][/color]
[color=#008080][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][/size][/font][/color]
[color=#008080][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1]"We'll be meeting up with him at Digitamon's restuarunt. I've sent seven Digimon to lure him there." Kayla explained. "Alright. I can deal with Taro, since we were in the middle of a fight when you called me. Sprisingly it was caused by you. Please don't ask for details." Melissa said. Kayla gave her a strange look. "Taro should be halfway there by now. Let's get going so we aren't late." She ordered.
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[font=Arial][size=1][color=darkslateblue]Kayla led Dagu, Melissa, and Renamon through multiple hallways, down several flights of steps and finally out a back entrance. Once outside, the four were caught in an onslaught of sand and wind. A small dust storm was blowing outside in the hot, dry desert. The small particles of sand stung every inch of skin that wasn't covered.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]Kayla ignored the small grains' stinging, pulled on her sunglasses and continued on, through the desert. Melissa looked down and noticed Kayla's limp. "How's that knee doing Kayla?" she asked. Kayla stopped where she was and spoke to Melissa, not bothering to turn around. "My knee is fine, Melissa. It's none of your concern even if it wasn't fine." she spat out and walked on.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]Melissa looked worriedly after her and turned to Dagu who hadn't made any attempt at catching up to Kayla. "Dagu--" Dagu interupted her. "I wouldn't worry about her, Melissa. If she says she's fine then she probably is..." he mumbled and then ran to catch up to Kayla.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]Soon, the group made it out of the dust storm and walked into a forest.[/color][/size][/font]
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OOC: This event occurs during the fight between Renamon and Dragomon, okay?

Lisa awoke in an alarm. She forgot to set her clock and due to that, she woke up at 2:00 PM.

"Hey, Gummymon. Wake up! We overslept!"
"Unnngggg....too early. Five more minutes."
"Arrrgggg...alright, you asked for it!"

Lisa picked up her In Training Digimon and dumped her into a sink full of ice cold water. Gummymon awoke instantaneously.

"You wouldnt wake up, so I woke ya up."

Lisa gave Gummymon a little smile as they soon were laughing.

After they ate breakfast, which was a quick one due to oversleeping, Lisa decided to call Tanya and Emily and ask if they'd like to have a little training session is the Digital World. They both said yes and said that they'd meet each other at Emilys house in an half hour.

As Lisa walked up to Emilys house, she spotted Tanya up at the door with Devimon.

"Hey Tan!"
"Oh. Hey, Lisa. Guess your just in time, eh?"
"Yup. Have you knocked yet?"
"Mmmmhmmm. Emily should be coming any minute now."

Just as Tanya said that, Emily opened the door for Lisa and Tanya to step inside. Gummymon and Devimon came inside also.

"So, you want to go now, girls?" Emily asked.
"Sure." Tanya and Lisa said at the same time.
"Alright then. To the Digital World!"

Emily walked up to her computer with Salamon beside her, and the two other girls and their Digimon with them behind her. Lisa stared at Emilys hair thinking, 'I wish I had hair like that...'.

"Digiport open!"

Suddenly, the three girls where thrusted into the computer screen and appeared on the otherside, into the Digital World. Gummymon was now YamiGatomon, Salamon was now Gatomon, with Devimon staying the same.

"So, shall we start or what?" Lisa asked.
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Someone finally threw me back into the story!!!

Emily looked down at BlackGatomon and smiled at her friend, "Its been a while since i have seen you in the form..."

"Yeah well its because I cant hold this form very long in the real world.... I go back to Salamon."

"True..." Emily smiled, she then got still and her face seemed to be staring off into space.


Everyone was dressed in black... The box was shiney and polished... The silver color on the handles reflected the light while the polish on the wood surface had reflections of everyone close enough. Salamon watched sadly from the nearby bushes. The funeral was almost finished and Emily said and did nothing. Her father was drunk and decided to drive home... It ended in horror.

Emily didnt care have much thought about. She hated him for leaving and she hated him for always drinking. It was a strange day. Her mother hadnt even showed up. On the way home Emily carried Salamon. Emily looked angry.

"Whats the matter Emily?" Salamon asked.

"I Hate him..." Was all she said...

Salamon shook her head, "You shouldnt..."

[center]~ End Flashback ~ [/center]

"Yo emily... Wake up.. Emily to digiworld...digi world to emily." Black gatomon poked her with a claw.

"Hmm what? Oh sorry... Just thinking."

Lisa shook her head, "Spacing out? Are you guys read?"


"The lets go..."
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Taro and Dragamon raced across the desert sands towards Digitamamon's restaurant, chased by a large, mind-controlled Tyrannomon. Kayla's plan was working perfectly.

"Big monster...big monster...big monster...big monster!!!!" he screamed, between puffs of breath. Dragamon was slightly behind him, flapping his wings for all his worth.

Suddenly, Taro stopped, spinning around to face the large Dinosaur Digimon.

"Wait! Why run...when we can fight!" he said, whipping out his Digivice. "Dragamon, digivolve!"

Dragamon grinned and jumped into the air, with a cry of, "Dragamon Digivolve to...Ryumon!"

The massive blue dragon hovered in the air, staring down the Tyrannomon. The tow were roughly the same size, but Ryumon seemed much more intimidating.

"Ryumon, blast him!"

"Right, T! Dark Nova!" Ryumon reared back its head, and shot a large blue orb of flames right at the Tyrannomon. The Dinosaur countered the blast with a jet of flames, the pushed back the Nova.

"Uh, uh," said Taro, shaking his finger patronizingly. "Bad, bad Dino!"

Ryumon chuckled low, and whipped Tyrannomon in the throat with its tail, making the Dinosaur lose focus and be struck by the Dark Nova. The Tyrannomon, sensing defeat, ran past Taro and Ryumon, headed straight towards the restaurant.

"Not so fast!" yelled Taro, jumping on Ryumon as the dragon swooped by. The duo soared after Tyrannomon, not knowing the trap they were heading into.
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[font=Arial][size=1][color=darkslateblue]Kayla, Melissa, Dagu and Renamon walked slowly through the forest. As Kayla passed Digimon, they scampered off into the dark shadows that the tall trees of the forest created. Kayla smirked at what everything she was doing had done to the Digimon who weren't infected. All Digimon feared her and all Digimon obeyed her.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]Except the Digidestined's Digimon, but that would all change. Soon enough, when she initiated that part of the plan.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]Soon the group entered a clearing in the forest where there was a small lake and resturant. "Ah, Digitamamon's Resturant." Kayla announced as the group walked up to the resturant. The four entered and were approached by Digitamamon.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]"What do you wish, Master?" it asked, under the spell of Kayla's DIB's. Kayla smiled. "Digitamamon, some Digidestined will be dropping by soon. If you could be so kind to get some kind of," Kayla looked at her Digivice to see the time. "Mid-Afternon snack ready for them, it would be greatly appreciated." she explained. Digitamamon walked off into the kitchen and food could be heard being made.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]Kayla walked to a table in the far back of the resturant. Dagu quickly followed and sat down next to Kayla. Melissa looked at Renamon nervously and sat down at a table near the door with her.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]Remember...nobody should know that Melissa's in league with Kayla so treat her as if she was just a regular Digidestined, ok? Oh, and nobody mention that they notice my character in the resturant or something. She'll be 'observing' the Digidestined until they've all arrived at the resturant, then she'll make her entrance.[/color][/size][/font]
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