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Visual Poetry


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Wrote this for my girlfriend while we were still going out. It's still better than my other poetry so I thought I'd post it. I'm going to post some political poetry soon. The background consists of two of my favorite images as of late merged cheaply with a color overlay. Just something quick and fluid looking.
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[color=gray]I can't seem to find it o-o;;

It just shows this bannerish thing about subscribtion and thats all... I don't think its supposed to be that right?
Tell me if thats the poetry than ill edit this. ^_^;;[/color]
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[size=1][color=darkred]Oooook, no offence to your poetry (which was very sweet, by the way) but it simply took away from the image ^_^;[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=#8b0000]I thought you'd blended the colors perfectly, there was smoothness and yet a rough feel to it. Probably because of the lines going through it. They kept it sharp, so to speak.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=#8b0000]Gorgeous piece. That's all I can say. You hit all the right buttons with this one ^__^[/color][/size]
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Lol, I have no idea what happened to your screen Boo ^_^;

Thanks Mimmi. I was thinking about taking out the poetry and spicing up the background as well because I thought it looked better than anything I've done lately, lol. Took me about 5 minutes to make, but it still looks good. The point was just to make something soft for the poetry though, lol.
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[color=gray]Ah yes, now it works. I dont know what went wrong before neither...

You know what I think of the background already, so I dont have to begin about that ^_^;;
The text was not really an original fonts, not that I can blame you... My art never has original fonts...
Anyhow, the poetry seemed like it was forced rhyming. If you really want to rhyme, rhyme without an actual rhytme, as long as it sounds cool xD

So eh yeah... I guesse thats all I have to say[/color]
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