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Assassin Rebirth


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[size=1][color=navy]Maboroshi watched the fleeing figure with slight annoyance, yet with slight amusement at the same time. He did not, in truth, really care too much about Oda's life. It was the money he cared about, and since money could be obtained by other means, Oda's safety was nowhere near his concerns. He smirked softly, then looked at what Anzu supposedly thought was his blade. It was, to be honest, nothing more than one of the bamboo spears that rained down upon Anzu just moments before. Genjutsu was truly a useful art.

"Tsugi ni autoki... kana... (The next time we meet...)"

Again, Maboroshi stared off in the direction to which Anzu ran off, and briefly considered blasting his way through with Kijutsu. He thought better of it, especially since he drained a fair amount from his stored Ki during his training. Any more, and it could make it harder for him in the process of killing Ino. Speaking of which...

"Soro soro ikuka... (Better get going...)"

He did promise Oda, for a fair amount of money of course, to bring Ino's head back, or at the very least, mince Ino into itty bitty pieces. Best to be off. Maboroshi sheathed his blade carefully, then with another amused look at the bamboo impaled on the ground, walked off calmly towards Ino's castle.

OOC: Don't pull my character into combat just yet please. PM me if you want to, but not without my permission.[/size][/color]
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OOC: Wow, there must be something about me that screams "Ignore me!!" ;)


Just as he was about to throw another attack, Gen felt a breath of air push by, and suddenly found himself behind Ayami; he watched as she seemed to float past him, leaving him only her back. Time picked up again, and she seemed to swoop up from the ground, her hooked pike gleaming in her pale hand. Enishi's blade came down, only to be met by the graceful resistance of the calm, collected girl.

[I]Sshiing![/I] It was the dance of blades, thin metal colliding against each other in the silver strokes of death. As one hand reflected Enishi's persistent blade, Ayami's other hand quickly drew her wakizashi out of its sheath, gliding forward to take a sweep at his abdomen. Her blade slid through the cloth; it was cold against his skin, and Enishi quickly deflected with his own blade before it went any deeper. Only his lightning-fast reaction saved him from disembowlment.

The two different weapons in her hands confused him for a moment; they were so out of touch with each other. But he forgot how unusual it was; his concentration was focused completely on Ayami as she spun out another attack. Even with the two unconnected weapons, her skill at wielding them was aweing, for they worked in complete harmony with each other, while still holding a dangerous independence. It lent a distorting sense of random activity, and Enishi had to work hard to keep his mind focused.

She uttered her first words, the lilting voice distracting him, "You are Kobayashi, Enishi?" The distraction almost proved fatal, but a mistake in her footwork alerted him to the hooked pike that tried to twist his sword out of his hands.

With a light flick and push, Enishi successfully battled away the silver pike, only to find that her wakizashi had come dangerously close to his throat. He only barely knocked her wrist away, and attempted to force the blade out of her hands. But she deftly rose into the air, stepping onto his knee to twist her body away. She turned to face him again, "Answer me!"

His eyes narrowed, following her snaking form, "Yes, I am that which you call me. Who are you?"

"You don't need to know." Ayami's reply was short and curt, frost curling around the edges. "Why do you seek to kill Lord Ishiguro?"

She expected a reply; it did not come as quickly as she seeked. Slightly angered, she hastened to drive the answer forth, a flurry as she drove her attack on. The furious use of energy cost her; she stumbled as the dizziness returned. She clumsily blocked Enishi's blade with a messy swipe, but it wasn't enough; his sword sliced open her shoulder wound again. Hissing in pain, she leapt back, watching as Enishi's sword emerged with a line of blood on the blade.

It was his turn to press forward, "Give me your name, girl."

Ayami's answer was merely her fierce glare, and she clenched her teeth as she forced her arm to carry her weapon. She stumbled again, but managed to save herself by pushing off of his defending sword, and she slid back, trying to gain distance. Enishi pursued, intent upon his floundering prey; even he had noticed the signs that she was failing... He raised his sword, and she drew nigh, her lip set in determination as she prepared to defend herself.

A blow came to Enishi's side, knocking him away. Quickly flipping himself upright, he turned to see the warrior that he had neglected.

Ayami breathed, "...Gen..." A line of blood ran down her arm, dripping onto the floor. Nausea hit her once more, and darkness blurred her vision for a moment. Striving for breath, she squinted until her eyes cleared. Gen moved in front of her, wordless. But all she could think of in her mind was failure. [I]I...failed...to kill him[/I]. And even as Gen raised his fists to take his part in the battle, all she could feel was the guilt and anger weighing down her soul. She pushed herself upright, taking a stance beside Gen.

He muttered to her, "Ayami, stay -"

"Silence." Her tone conveyed total authority; Gen said nothing to argue. Enishi narrowed his eyes, examining each of them as they prepared to engage him once more. And once again, Ayami locked eyes with him as she looked down the hooked pike towards her foe. Her blood dripped to the floor.

OOC: Ack! Shadowofdeath, I don't think that's going to work. I wasn't even in the hall anymore - I'm facing off with Enishi where he burst in, and Gen joined me. Not to mention, the poison was put in by the traitor doctor, which Ayami already figure out, so...yeah. ^_^;; Although...perhaps you could follow my blood trail to the room where I was, and then to where Enishi, Gen, and Ayami are fighting? Just a thought...
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OC: Hell, if he wants to fight I'm game. I can't say either of us would walk away happy... but I'll fight him.


Taro's iron grip held the assassin's hand still clutching the kamatari he carried. "Why are you here?" was all that escaped his lips as he squeezed harder. The sound of bone cracking and a muffled scream could be heard.

"You are too cowardly to bite your own tounge, and you have no weapons to kill yourself. Now you will tell me what I want to know or else..." the whistle of steel cutting through the air alerted the one-eyed giant of an attack from behind. FOrcing the hand of his captor forwards he blocked the blade of the other ninja, but the force of the blow sent shockwaves of pain down the downed assassin's crushed hand.

Taro dropped the killer and drew his no-datchi, swinging with a speed and grace seen only with a katana. His opponent jumped backwards to attempt and dodge the oncoming blade, the quick thinking of the mercenary however got the better of the assassin as his hand let go of the hilt and forced itself into an open hand punch he learned from Gen... only it had more power than his friend could ever put into such a move.

The assassin's eye widened as his solar plexus was smashed with the force of a kicking bull. He couldn't feel his legs as shock set into his body, vomiting as soon as he hit the ground he looked up at his opponent and desperatly searched for his own blade only to find his disorientation was too great and he could barely make out simple shapes.

Taro grabbed him by the front of his gi and threw him against the wall, his dark eye seemed to look right through the ninja. "Who is your boss?"

No answer came from the ninja, which forced Taro to to send a headbutt to his chest cracking some ribs. A weak groan echoed from the disoriented and groggy assassin. He obviously wasn't ready for war, he was a fool like all assassins when caught. "Tell me. I won't ask you again." was the only thing the giant mercenary spoke before a shuriken shot into the ninja's skull.

Taro turned and smirked at the three obviously inexperianced assassins. "I may not be one of you." Taro smiled as he slowly walked toward the ninja's. "But I do know if you wish to be a good assassin, the best thing to do is not be SEEN!"

Taro rushed into action his giant blade in tow as he forced the ninja to seperate rather than work in a group as they all jumped out of the way of the charging bull. His eye gleamed with pleasure as he fought them. The cutting of air and the clashing of japanese steel was heard as a battle came on. Shooting a kick from his left Taro sent the assassin with the kama's flying backwards into a wooden support shaft of the castle. A crack was heard but was unknown to be the wood or the assaliants skull as he fell to the ground and blood came pouring from his ears and mouth.

A shout of vengence came behind him, Taro reeled and shot out his free hand, grabing the assassin by the skull and heaving him off the ground only to slam him down at powerful speed. The echo of the loud slam shot through the floor as a giant indentation was left on the hardwood floor of the castle. The ninja couldn't feel anything past his chest as he screamed for mercy... only to recieve none as Taro ran toward the last.

Perhaps the smartest of the group the assassin took out a smoke grenade and hurled it to the ground before escaping. Leaving a cursing Taro running after him... and listening to the sounds of battle outside, and a shout from Ayame and Gen..
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The man ran towards the source of the loud noises that disturbed the silence . He went down a corridor near the east wing , and saw trails of smoke . He went in following the movement . Deep , and thick was the smoke in that passage way . Asim soon came out the other side , as he caught a glimpse of Taro running after the assassins .
He followed , as he drew his Scimitar , and dagger .

Reaching a large ceremonial chamber , Asim saw Taro crushing the group of raiding assassins with his fist , and No- Dachi , but two assassins hurled at him from behind , and the giant warrior was already fighting the three in front him .
Asim sent both dagger , and sword flying swiftly across the room , turning and whirling in the air , the dagger got one of them in the neck , impaling him to the wall , and the sword took the other’s head , and stopped by thrusting itself in the wooden wall .

Asim then charged with his bare hands , his powerful Karate attacks flung the assassins in the air half broken or dead .

Two assassins then lunged at him , he grabbed the nearest from the wrist , and flipped him on his back , he used the assassin’s blade to stab the other assassin that came jumping in the stomach . The fallen assassin then got his neck broken , with a punch from Asim .

Another attacked , so Asim kicked his sword away , and delivered an array of severe punches to the assassin’s chest , braking his ribcage .
Then he performed a round house kick to the assassin’s face which broke his neck , and beat him against the wall .

An assassin dashed with a murderous force , Asim attacked him with an upward punch to the stomach , followed by an elbow to the chin .
He then delivered a straight drop kick to the top of the assassin’s head , which sent a breaking shock to his spinal cord , killing him instantly .
He felt one last assassin coming from behind , so he jumped up with a spiral spinning kick , which violently twisted the man’s neck to break point , and flung the assassin in the air .

Asim landed with a Karate stance , as he breathed out .
He saw that Taro was handling the others , with devastating bone breaking throws , and punches from his powerful fists .
He was like a wave that swept through the assassins , destroying every last one of them .

Asim slowly walked to his blades one pinned to the wall , and the other stuck in a dead assassin’s neck , and pulled them out , as he watched the giant wreak havoc .
A short while until Taro finished the last of the raiding assassins by breaking his back , with his fist .

“Thanks for the help , though I could have done this on my own “ Taro laughed out .
“ No problem “ Asim said .
“ Where is Gen ? “ Asim asked .
“ I was looking for him having heard sounds of clashing steel in the east wing , that’s when these dogs attacked “ Taro answered .
“ Then let us see what is going on there “ Asim , as he ran towards the east wing , followed by Taro .

They reached the place after a short while , and there they saw Gen , and Ayami fighting a strange assassin .
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"There are few instances when I am truely inraged, and get angry, assassin." Gen muttered to him from afar. "And this is one of those instances" Gen said, looking over to the injured Ayami, barely able to stand upright due to the emence amount of poison in her system.

"Well, then use it!" the assassin yelled rushing quick at Gen with his blade, laughing insanely as he ruhsed towards Gen. He cut tried cutting down at a whistling speed on Gen, but his body stopped and his face rose with suprise and anger when he saw that Gen had clapped his hands down on the blade. His hands were dripping with blood as he quickly twisted it and kicked Enishi in the rib cage with amazing force.

"Don't underestimate me assassin. You say I use no weapon, but my body is the grandest weapon that could suit me." Gen said to the slowly recovering assassin as he rose from the ground shakily. He lifted down his mask shortly to spit out the blood in his mouth. Gen began to perform a strang, flowing form with his hands and then he took a low lying stance with his arms covering his upper body and his hands reached out like a claw. "Tiger Style of Southern Fist.... Come at me..." Gen said smoothly to the assassin across the room. Ayami was watching from afar, waiting for a moment to strike. Gen found it a bit of a liablility for her to be there, she was far too injured to fight effectively, and if it kept on in thi fashion, she may have to be protected... The assassin burst into a sprint at Gen with his Dachi forward. Gen readied himself....[/color][/size]
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[size=1][color=darkred]Enishi slahed downard at clumsily Gen. Gen was able to dodge Enishi's clumsy attack. Enishi then jumped back.

"Heh, heh... You, scum, are quite strong." Enishi laughed, as he sheathed his sword.

"Draw your sword...You'll need it." Gen said smirking. Enishi snorted.

"You underestimate me to much, Sukazuma." Enishi then started to laugh maniacally, as his shoulders started to bounce up and down as he laughed. He then stopped and glared at the girl. "Her name, Sukazuma... You said her name... Would it happen to be...Ayami?"

"Why would you want to know?" Scoffed Gen as he got into his fighting stance. Enishi, thought for a moment...The name was very familiar.

"Ayami....That name...it's.." Enishi mumbled, and had flashback of his past. Finally, the [i]whole[/i] name came out. The name [i]Ayami[/i]. Enishi's eyes widened as he stared at the girl. His body was frozen with shock. He started to shake.

"Enishi sensei!" A familiar voice came within the distance. Enishi's body came unfrozen, he whipped around. A boy entered the castle, he stopped in the doorway to regain his stamina. "Enishi sensei!" It was Taka. "Enishi sensei are you ok?" Yelled Taka as he saw the wound in Enishi's hip.

"I'm fine Taka, but...What the hell do you think your doing?" Enishi yelled as he walked toward Taka. "I told you to go home!" Enishi punched Taka which knocked him out of the castle's doorway onto a gaurds corpse. Gen wasn't into his fighting stance for he was in shock that Enishi punched a young child.

"Enishi sensei..." Taka said quite quietly.

[i]Nows my chance...To finally kill him.[/i] Ayami thought to herself. She stood, and walked to the door way to see Enishi beat the child. Ayami lifted her pike and aimed for Enishi's back, and let it slide out of her hand as she throw it. Taka noticed the pike.

"Enishi sensei look out!" Taka shouted. Enishi whipped around. The pike was coming to fast so Enishi just stood there. A splash of blood spurted onto the dirt. Both the dirt and blood merged. Enishi fell to his knees to catch the fallen [i]Taka[/i].

"Taka..." Enishi said quite slowly and quiet. Half of the pikes blade was driven into Enishi's stomach. Enishi pulled out the pike from Taka's stomach, to get the pikes blade out of his own stomach. "A pike is not ment for throwing...You should know." Enishi said looking at Taka's face one last time. He then layed his corpse on the ground. "I'll leave you his corpse to bury." Enishi stood up, blood seeped through his vest. "Gen..." Gen looked at Enishi then felt a sharp pain in his stomach. A kunai had been thrown at Gen's stomach. "I"ll come back for that." Enishi narrowed his eyes toward Ayami.
"It's finally nice to see you again Ayami." Enishi whipped around and started to walk out the gate then his walking turned into a sprint. "I'll come back stronger, Gen." Enishi shouted.

OOC: Sorry Cyriel, ReFlux, I ended the fight early! Sorry, sorry.[/color][/size]
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[size=1][color=#999999][B]OOC:[/B] Wow, Sorry I am late. But, I had writer's block. And I wasn't really keeping up with what people wrote. ^_^;;. But, I am here and so, I shall write!

[i]Suzaku stood on the high branches of an overlooking tree that overlooked within the walls. She could see two corpses and a man sprinting towards the gate. She also the weapons of a kunai and a pike. Smiling to herself, Suzaku jumped from the tree she stood on and landed silently onto the ground. She looked around to see if anyone had seen her and saw no one and heard no one.

Standing up, Suzaku heard the drawings of a carriage and she smiled as she thought of another victim. With her mastery of her shadow art, Suzaku silently sprinted towards the main road and hid herself behind a tree. She could see that a woman sat in the carriage, it was a woman she wanted revenge on. She smirked to herself and readied her crossbow that sat upon her wrist. When the carriage stopped, she held out her hand and aimed carefully so that she could not miss. Suzaku placed her hand on the trigger and let the arrow fly towards the woman.

With a grunt, the woman was pierced in the side and she began to bleed. Chuckling to herself, Suzaku looked as the carriageman leaped out of his seat and ran to his mistress. He began to shout and tried to pull his mistress out. Suzaku thought to herself as she watched her victim die from her poisoned arrow.[/i]

["Good bye, sweet lady. I hope you have a beautiful afterlife."]

[i]Suzaku disappeared into the shadows of the forest and ran through the woods in search of the man she saw.[/size][/color][/i]
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Guest Midnight Rush
OOC: I'm like totally lost, so I think I'll kill off my dude like I always do when I get confused.


The Ro-ken-jin was in a part of the castle he didn't recognize. He was odd, smelling of uncooked food and covered in shelves.

"This must be the ******* storage area!" He said. "Man I am lost."

As he walked along he tripped and fell backwards, landing on the point of the Leiko-ro. And so ends the nasty murdering romantic bastard named Yoshi Todamodohitishiaka.
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[size=1][i][color=DarkSlateGray][b]OOC: Undefeated, seeing as how you are a memeber and I know you've been here a while, I think you'd know better than to write short posts. If you can't think of much to write, then please refrain from writting small posts.[/b]


"Well, that was interesting..'' Anzu looked over her shoulder for a brief second.

As if it had appeared out of nowhere, a heavy, oak gate put an abrupt halt in Anzu's full run. She stammered back several feet, shaking her fist at her ignorance. From behind this massive piece of wood, shouts and the sound of ruffling armor began grow into a roaring rage. Anzu grinned, leaping on top of the castle wall.

"Up there!! An assassin!! Attack!" Arrows began to fill the sky, soaring fiercly at Anzu.

"Heh," she reached into her robes, withdrawing her paper fans. Whispering incantations slowly and almost silently, Anzu brought her fans into the air and swooped them down. The extravagent force of the wind produced snapped every arrow in half.

"What the.." the men stopped firing their worthless arrows.

"Fools, you are already dead," Anzu chuckled lightly, raising her paper fans and jumping down to the dirt, fanning the area.

A cloud of dust floated around the men, Anzu fanned faster creating a suffecating atmosphere. The men coughed and gagged, franticaly searching for an escape. A lioness Anzu appeared to be, prowling on the men, decapitating and mauling them with her blade and sickle. The once dirt cloud slowly made a drastic transition to a rain, but not of dirt, but of blood.

"That takes care of that.." Anzu smiled and sheathed her weapons and fans.

Cautiously, Anzu scanned the area of the castle. Hiding in the shadows from more guards. Another noise jolted Anzu to attention. It was a loud clatter from some yards behind her. She edged her way closer towards the direction in which the sound came, careful not to make any noise herself. Katana drawn, Anzu's eyes quickly adjusted to see a figure. He stood, swearing and mumbling. The man spun around, throwing a clay pot. Anzu unsheathed her blade and sliced the clay in half.

"Assassin.." the man's voice rode along the warming breeze.[/color][/size][/i]
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OOC: Its cool, Hatake

Gen shook in pain as he yanked the kunai from his own stomache. He then clasped his stomache to stop the small amount of blood flow. He looked up furiously. "That coward!" he yelled in anger at Enishi, who had fled from their battle. Gen then looked over to Mistress Zeng, who had a strange and bewildered expression on her face. "That man.... you know him well?" Gen asked in a straight forward way.

"More than you know, Gen." she said solemnly and then followed up with a smile.

"I won't ask from were.... but I hope he means nothing important to you. Because... he will be dying by my hands..." Gen said with a snarl as he looked down.

Mistress Zeng was left with a blank expression on her face and her eyes lowered a bit...

OOC: Sorry for the short post.[/color][/size]
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Taro burst into the courtyard his blade ready as he looked at Gen and Ayame. His eye stopped burning from the fury of battle as he looked on his friend and employer.

"Look at your hands. You're a damn fool Gen, get some guards or something." Taro sighed. "And you could have at least called out for assistance. These men do not fight honorably and you know that."

His eye looked to Ayame. "Great, both of you are injured. I don't know what the hell is wrong with you two." Taro whispered as he shook his head and sheathed the no-datchi held in his grip.

"Come on. Let's get you two patched up. You're lucky they are only minor wounds."
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[size=1][color=darkred]Enishi continued running, his clothing bloodstained. [i]Taka, idiot, I told him to go home..[/i]
Enishi then dropped to his knees and hands. He started to panted quite harshly.

"Too much blood loss..." He said quite weakly. He tried to stop the bleeding but he couldn't. "Gen, I'll kill you next time... With only these legs of mine." Enishi then fainted and collasped on the ground. When Enishi awoke, he heard the crackling of a fire. He also saw a girl, much younger then him. He shook his head to focus his vision. "Who, the hell are you; State your name." He asked in his still weak voice. He then tried to sit up but the pain in his stomach made him lay back down again.

"My name... Just call me Suzaku." The girl said.

"Suzaku, what is your purpose in this area?"

"I'm an assassin."

Enishi eyes widened and started to think about Taka.

"Go back home."

Suzaku stayed silent.

"You'll die. There already was a boy whom was younger then you...Who already died." Enishi stared at the girl.

OOC: It's ok Reflux, Sorry for not posting so much.[/color][/size]
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For once, Ayami felt a sense of relief. The assassin was gone... The assassin...she knew him. From somewhere. But...she couldn't quite remember; all that she knew was that she recognized him. Somehow. And he knew her. But how? She shook her head, following Taro back with Gen, but then stopped.

The metallic scent of blood seemed to rush down with the light rain. She stopped, and then walked back slowly to the open door... And stepped outside. She looked at her pale skin for a moment, almost unable to believe what she was seeing.... It was raining. Raining [I]blood[/I]. Dust clouded the air, and disfigured any movement that she thoughts she might see. "Merciful gods...who has the power to turn water to blood?"

Suddenly, shouting cut into the clouds of dust, and Ayami immediately ran towards the sound, her bare feet sloshing through the bloody mud. Her kimono became soaked again, weighing down on her body. Some of the dirt cleared, and she saw a carriage appear. Next to it was a man and a woman. She quickly identified the man as a servant; she had seen him before, silent, quick to obey. He looked at her with terrified eyes, and then looked down at the body of the woman that lay on his lap.

Her breath caught in her throat. She stood, still as stone for a moment. [I]Mother?[/I] The woman's identity was unmistakable - the fine kimono, the expensive makeup washing off in the rain, the hands of a courtesan. The pale shadow of death had already claimed her, and blood pooled under her, mixing slowly with the wet dirt and water. Ayami fell to the ground, her hands hovering over her mother's body. Her voice forced itself out, harsh, "How - how -"

The servant answered, rushed and confused, "Someone - there was an assassin - an arrow -"

Looking, Ayami found the arrow, deep in her mother's side. Gently pulling it out, it relinquished the body of flesh with a soft cascade of blood. She looked at the tip, and then her mother. [I]Poison-tipped. But...what was my mother doing out here? What...?[/I] Suddenly, the painful realization hit her - her mother had been fleeing, in secret. Leaving Ishiguro and Ayami here. Ayami bowed her head... [I]And...an assassin?[/I] Her head snapped up, her eyes wide. [I]...Enishi.[/I] She thought of the body still laying inside the castle, the one that he had called Taka. [I]So...I took Taka from you...and you in turn took my mother. Fine, it's just. But...next time we meet, your head is mine, Enishi.[/I] She broke the arrow in half, throwing the pieces away from her. Blood still rained down, and suddenly she felt wild, dangerous.

She threw herself up and away from the servant who was still holding her dead mother, her sodden kimono almost tripping her. She ran, more mud splattering onto the cloth. Blood ran down her arm; her wakizashi, in its sheath, banged into her thigh as she raced away.

Back down the familiar path, through the familiar trees which she had passed every morning here.... To the shrine.
The monk was nowhere in sight; she threw open the doors, not caring that muddy water and blood splashed the floor as she stepped in, her chest heaving from her half-sobs and tortured breath. She threw herself down on the chilled floor, the statues looking down on her with unseeing eyes.

She moaned into the floor, her voice muffled as she held out her arms, palms upturned. "What is it you want? Why...why can you not just let me go? Let my spirit go free...let me find enlightenment. What have I done to deserve this? Blood! Everywhere! My life is covered in blood...I'm so tired... Please, let me go. Do not hold me in this tortured life any longer - I will do anything else in my next life! But don't hold me here... "

Ayami choked out her sobs, trying to keep them silent. She tore away the hem of her heavy kimono, until it came down to her knees. The cloth was saturated with bloody mud, stiff with it, and it stained the floor of the shrine. She threw it at the statues' feet. "Do you see?? This is what my life is! This is it! Please...please...do not do this to me anymore... I cannot take it..." She bowed her head to the floor again, her eyes closed as tears tried to flow out, her chest heaving in silent sobs.

And then...she turned, hair flying out behind her. Her wakizashi was already drawn, its blade gleaming in her hand. A dark figure stood in the doorway of the shrine, the profile outlined by the light rain and dusk.

Ayami's eyes narrowed... "...who are you?"

OOC: I know that I made some mistakes of info, such as Enishi didn't kill the lady; it was actually Suzaku. HOwever, Ayami doesn't know that... ;) And who is the mysterious, shadowy figure? We'll find out...in the next post! wheee! :wigout:
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[size=1][color=#999999][i]Suzaku had seen the death of the boy and she knew the troubles that could come up against her and yet she did not care for anything that he had said. She looked to the man and did not know his name.[/i]

"I have told you my name. Now, I would like to know yours."

[i]The man held his stomach and looked to Suzaku. He sighed.[/i] "My name is Enishi. And you say you are an assassin?"

"Yes. My family has a long line of assassins, except....I am the only female."

"Hmm? Is that so?" [i]Enishi listened intently to Suzaku.[/i]

[i]Suzaku nodded.[/i] "Everyone told me that this was a game far too dangerous for me and yet I did not listen to them. I wanted to know the thrill, the danger, the breath-taking life that my brothers, cousins, uncles, grandfathers, and father had experience before me." [i]She sighed and looked to the sky.[/i] "I defied my father and ran from my home. They expect me to become a house wife and take care of a man that care little for me. Like hell, I would. I will not throw myself at the feet of a man who disrespects my family. I will let no one slander my family's good name. I would die for my family."

"Seems like you have a strong will."

"More or less. The life as an assassin is better than being a house wife, I admit. It also lets me be who I truly am." [i]Suzaku sighed once more before looking to Enishi.[/i] "Enough about me. I was there when the boy was killed."

[i]What Suzaku had said had brought Enishi to her attention. He was listening intently and he held his stomach as he breathed lightly, so as not to let the anger pour out of his body. He held his stomach as he thought of the boy. He closed his eyes and opened them to see the embers of the fire crackling and Suzaku's face. Her silver eyes were serious and silent. They said nothing and everything all at once.[/size][/color][/i]
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[size=1][color=navy]Maboroshi stood at the entrance of the shrine, peering in quietly. As luck would have it, it seemed as if most of the elite guards of Ino were more of less occupied, probably by the other assassins hired by Oda. He took little heed of the question presented to him by the female figure inside. He just wanted to get the job done over with, so if Ino was not in the shrine, he had no business there. He sighed slightly, then out of boredom, looked over at the female.

She was, to be put simply, a mess. Aside from the fact that her entire clothing was soaked by mud, blood, and other undesirable substances, she also seemed to be rather unstable in terms of emotion. Maboroshi smiled softly, watching her unsteady hands point the wakizashi towards him. What was it that she asked him?

"...who are you?"

A fairly ordinary question, something that one hears quite often in the job of assassination. Maboroshi's smile stayed, not in a mocking way but in an earnest way to show some degree of respect, and bowed softly.

"My name matters not. I seek Ino. My gratitude goes to you if you would only tell me where he is."

Her eyes widened for a moment. Apparently, she came to the realization that he was the same as the others that came before him. An assassin out to hunt down Ino's head. Her grip tightened on the wakizashi, and her eyes slowly returned from that of frenzied sorrow to the calm combatant.

"Leave now. I am in no mood to be trifled with by another of you lowly dogs sent to kill Master Ino."

Her voice was calm again, the heavy heaving of sobs he witnessed just moments before had completely disappeared. Maboroshi scratched his head, still retaining the smile, and laughed softly.

"Sorry, but I really can't leave without killing Ino. I was payed a rather hefty sum to put my skills to use, and I never go against my word."

Her eyes blazed slightly. No doubt, his comment about how he was payed to kill seemed to have aggravated her.

"You are indeed a lowly dog then. Revenge I may be able to understand, but killing for money ... is the same as a dog."

Maboroshi smiled softly, amused at what he saw as naive ignorance.

"Whatever suits you. But I really must get going."

He turned around to leave, when a whistling sound from behind was heard for a moment, followed by a portion of his cloth being torn off as a few shurikens grazed his clothing. He stopped for a moment, then turned around again, this time his hand resting lightly upon his kotou.

"Fine fine..."[/size][/color]
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His mind was in a state of chaos , his head was spinning . The lack of defense of the castle , and the continuos bloodshed were making him see that these soldiers were not really fit to fight the assassins at the moment . There was only so much that he and the warriors can do , so they needed time to think up a plan , and gather their strength .

He cursed , as he walked back , and forth through his chamber . Then he remembered one of the assassins telling him that Lord Ino had eyes , and ears in the region through the houses of the so called madams .
He decided to take the initiative , and behead the serpent , instead of killing the little snakes . He would now seek out this Lord Ino , and take his head , to at least weaken the assassins , and break their attack .
He knew that there was a bit of rashness in his decision , but he wanted to do this no matter what the cost . He was angered by the recent attacks , and how easily they were conducted , how could these assassins pass so easily through the castle ? , he thought to himself .

The castle would not last much longer . The warriors needed time to gather their strength for a real attack , for he knew that these raids were nothing next to the real charge that was in the works by the assassins .
He took his cloak , and went to the stables to get his horse . Walking in the rain of blood , he felt a great battle coming , he almost smelled the blood that was about to stain his steel .
The only one who was informed of this plan was Lord Oda .

He smiled , as he entered the damp stables . He looked into his horse’s eyes , a war bred animal it was used to the smell of blood , and the loud clash of steel .
“ Come on Naizek …. “ He whispered in the steed’s ear , as he pulled it from it’s bridle .
He then made his way to the main gates .
“ Open the gates “ He muttered .
And as the guard was opening the gate Taro came .
“ Where are you going ? “ He thundered .
“ Ask Oda ! “ Asim said .
With these words he rode off into the muddy path heading towards the town . It was night , and with rain the streets were empty , only torches from the house of Madame Kaiyumi were faintly lighting the place . She was a known woman , and her house was a very famous place , but no one knew what she looked like .

Asim dismounted his horse , and tied it to a nearby wooden pole , and as he was approaching the structure he heard sounds , and voices of women coming out of the place .

He kicked the door open , there were two guards behind it .
“ Where do think you are going ? … “ One of them muttered , as he pulled his blade in front of him .
Asim twisted his hand , breaking it , then knocked him against a wall , and knocked the other out with a hit from his elbow to the man’s nose .
There was another door in front of him , he also kicked it open .
He saw many rooms on the sides of a long corridor , leading to a staircase .
He took the staircase up .
There in front of him was a large door guarded by three guards that were half
drunk . He casually approached them , and knocked one out after the other , he threw the last one through the door , and walked in behind him .

Behind it was green eyed girl , her hair was brown , and her features were half Japanese . She was dressed in a black Kimono that contrasted with her pale skin . She was quite beautiful . Sitting on a silken pillow , combing her hair with an ivory comb , she did not get up .
“ Where is Kaiyumi ? “ He asked .
“ You are speaking to her “ She answered calmly .
He was a bit surprised , she was not what he expected , and she was too young for such a vile job .

“ You are Kaiyumi ? ‘ He asked again .
“ Yes , what do you want ? , speak quickly if want , my guards will come , and slay you in a matter of minutes stranger “ She said in the same calm tone .
“ Not if I can help it “ He murmured .
“ You will now tell me where your lord Ino is “ He muttered .
“ I have not heard of such a name before “ She said , as she quietly got up .
“ Do not waste my time girl , speak now , or I will beat the words out of you “ He said , as pushed her on the wall , and placed his scimitar on her neck .
“ You are not like other men , I see that you have restrained yourself with anger , and guilt , you seem quite troubled “ She said .

The guards came in then .
“ Leave her now “ One shouted .
“ If you wish them to stay alive , I suggest you tell them to go “ He said .
“ I tend to think that you are the one that is going to die “ She said .
“ Very well “ He said , as he turned around .
There were four guards . The first approached trying to stab Asim , with a lung using his spear .
The warrior caught the spear , cut it in half , then he kicked the man against the wall , and threw the metal spike at his neck , plunging it’s sharp head in the guard’s neck .

The other two leaped at him with there blades gleaming in the candlelight , he blocked both blades with the Scimitar , thrusting the blades back , then he quickly drew his dagger , slashing both guards in the stomach , then kicking them both with a continuous circular motion .
One was left , he wielded a large , and hefty pole , with a big iron ball at it’s end . The man was large , and he towered over Asim , although the warrior was tall .
His bulk weapon swayed , and dropped left and right smashing the surroundings . Asim evaded with quick shuffles , and leaps .

Then in the right moment , he found the opportunity to strike , so he did with a cross slash , from both sword , and dagger in the giant’s face .
“ Now speak girl “ He muttered , as he turned facing the girl .
She was surprised , but also a bit impressed . Her green eyes burned strangely , as she gazed at the desert warrior .
“ I said speak “ He murmured , as his fist was tightened around the girl’s smooth neck.
“ If I tell you I’ll be dead before dawn “ She said , with a chuckle .
“ If you don’t tell me you will die now ! “ He said .
“ I don’t think you can kill a girl “ She said .
“ Do not test my patience ! “ He muttered , as he tightened his fist even harder on her neck .

She felt pain , but then he loosened his grip .
“ He lives in an abandoned fortress in the middle of the forest , there is a path leading there from east of the town “ She said .
He then let her go , and turned around getting out of the place without a word , leaving the destruction behind him .
He went back to his horse , and followed Kaiyumi’s instructions . He somehow knew that she was not lying .

Travelling through the dark forest , he felt some unseen eyes watching him , then they were suddenly gone . He then tied his horse to a tree .
He could now see the main gates of the castle . There were very few guards , but he decided to enter in a stealthily manner , using his enemy’s weapon against him .
He used his whip to get over the wall , then moved silently to the main building .

He was not noticed by anyone , as he moved through the castle to the upper area , he found chamber there which seemed to be the leader’s room .

He carefully moved the slide door open . There was a dark man there , sitting in front of a table , and writing , under the lantern light .
“ Ino ? “ Asim hissed .

The man quickly turned around , his eyes widened from the surprise , but Asim sensed no fear from the man .
“ Yes , I am him “ He said .
“ It seems your dogs have left you defenseless. You will die now “ Asim said , as he drew the scimitar with his left hand .
“ I am not weak enough to need their help “ The other said , while pulling a large
Katana from it’s sheath .

They moved around carefully , then they stopped like lions waiting to attack .
“ This will end with one move “ Ino said .
Then like two blazes of lightning they attacked each other , although Ino was a bit old he was still a great swordsman .
They stood still giving their backs to each other , after a quite moment Ino fell down dead from a large wound in the chest .

Asim had a minor cut in his shoulder . He wiped the blood from his blade , then sheathed it .
Just when he was about to get out , an assassin came in .
“ Intruder ! “ He shouted .

Asim quickly silenced him with a slash , then he ran down through the corridors , killing anyone in sight .
When he reached the courtyard it was filled with assassins , but still he dashed through , slashing relentlessly . It was a storm of blazing steel , and red rain of blood .
He broke out of the castle leaving countless slashed , or beheaded corpses behind him.

Running to his tied steed with a group of assassins on his trail , he was like a phantom moving through the shadows .
At last he reached the horse , and just when got on it , he heard three faint whistles of traveling darts .

They were not at him , but at an assassin , who was up in the tree Asim had tied his horse to . Getting ready to attack .
He fell down dead , and the other two darts were two other assassins , coming
Asim’s way . They were also killed .

Then a dark , and lean hooded figure , came down from a tree crouching .
“ Please take me with you “ It was a woman’s voice .
“ What !? “ Asim surprised .
The woman removed the hood , and it was Kaiyumi .
“ What do you think you are doing ? “ He asked .
“ Just take me with you , I saved your life , repay me by granting me this favor that I ask of you “ She said , still crouching .

“ Get up ! “ He muttered .
“ Do you have a horse ? “ He asked .
“ Yes , I’ll get it “ She said , as she brought it from a nearby tree .
“ Come , you will explain yourself on the way , and then I will decide , if you are to come with me or not “ He said .
Then they started ride back , towards Oda’s castle .
Although he killed Ino , he knew that Enishi would sooner or later come for revenge leading the assassins , or perhaps by himself .

O.O.C : Kaiyumi can be played by a player , if anyone wants to , after Hatake’s approval of course , but the player has to be a girl .
Kaiyumi’s weapons , and …. Etc , you can probably be posted in the Assassin Rebirth sign up forum by the player . If no one signs up for the next few posts , I'll make her an NPC , then just kill her or something .
Contact Hatake first if you are interested to get his OK , then contact me . Sorry if the post is too long .
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[size=1][color=darkred]OOC: LOL, Asim...I'm a dudette..In other words a girl, but...Meh I'm always mistake. Well anyways. About Kaiyumi, I will not allow this, because I don't [i]think[/i] anybody would want to be two characters.And if they do they will have to PM instead of posting in the thread. Plus, if we need someone new it's kinda to late for them to start since we're kinda at the begging/middle. Well, besides that, I'm sorry that I kinda haven't posted in a long time. XP, I died. Oh yes, Metatron... Ino is Leader of Assassins.. and Oda is the guys Assassins are trying to kill.


Enishi stared at Suzaku, and sighed.

"That boy, was an idiot."

"Was he...Your son?"

"No! Not at all! If he were my son, he'd be smarter and listen to my orders." Enishi said almost yelling.

"Was he, important to you..?"

"No, but I was to him." Everything fell silent. "I must get going."

"Where are you going?" Suzaku asked.

"Home..." Enishi replied as quiet winces were muffled by the bandages around his mouth.

"Who was that girl.. Who tried to kill you..? And why did she want to kill you?" Suzaku stared at Enishi.

"That girl..." Enishi thought for a moment then spoke. "That girl..I've known since childhood. I'm trying to kill her father." Enishi said as he bowed his head.

"Why?" Suzaku asked quite concerned.

"You don't need to know that." Enishi said quite harshly.[/color][/size]
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[size=1][color=#999999][i]Suzaku scoffed and began to toy with fire. She then could see that Enishi was in no position to leave where he was, let alone go back home. She could let him leave, but then again if he did, he would only possibly get ambushed by those who lived in the forest area and maybe even injure himself further. She did not know what to do with the man.[/i]

"Sit down before you hurt yourself again. Your injuries are too severe for you to go back home. You need at least a few days rest before you are able to leave. And even so, you do not know these woods like I do."

"I don't, do I? What's so special about these woods?" [i]Enishi asked with a harsh tone.[/i]

"Nothing special. Just that, I know these woods like the palm of my hand and you do now know where to go. But, if you wish to leave, then leave. No one's stopping you."

[i]Enishi picked up his things and winced as he did.[/i] "That is exactly what I am doing. Well, then...farewell, child."

"Have a nice trip, Enishi." [i]She saw Enishi walking off and she whispered to herself.[/i] "He's not going to make it. His injury will either let him fail or the forest assassins will. Instead, let's follow. See what he does."

[i]Suzaku gathered her belongings and washed away the fire. She breathed in the air and put her cloak over her. She hid her face and she ran to a tree and climbed it with ease. She then began to dip into the shadows and follow Enishi with silence and stealth.[/i][/size][/color]
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Riding through the silver clouded horizon , Asim and Kaiyumi , pushed their steeds to the very limitation of their speeds .
Then they slowed down when they reached the outskirts of the town .

“ Now why did come after me ? “ Asim asked .
“ I found you to be a great warrior , and I wanted vengeance upon Ino , and his sick hordes “ She said .
“ But don’t you spy for him ? “ He asked .
“ Yes , but I was not a spy for that disgusting beast my whole life . I was the only one left alive , after a murderous raid that his assassins carried out on a village that me , and my family were at . My father was a European merchant , that did a bit of exploration as well , he married my mother a Japanese woman from that village , and stayed there . I can still smell the blood that was on the hands one of the assassin that took some pity on me , and kept me alive . Afterwards I was taken by this man to the assassins’ fortress . He kept me hidden for a month , he secretly took good care of me . Until … “ She said , then paused .

“ Until what ? “ Asim asked .
“ Until one of Ino’s dogs found me , and took me to Ino . He asked for the one who brought me , the man came , and as soon as he did , he was pinned down by five arrows , from Ino’s guards , but still he fought , but there was no chance for him , h was left to rot in the courtyard to rot like a dead animal . Then Ino found me to be helpful , I spoke the language of the foreign merchants , and I knew a bit of Japanese , so he employed me . I was only ten years old , when he made me work in that disgusting place , that you sought me at , then he started to train me in the arts of his assassins . He thought of it as a long term investment , that bastard ! “ She said , as a tear came down her smooth ivory cheek .
“ So why me ? “ He asked .
“ You are different , when I saw the hellish flame in your eyes , as you held me . I knew that you hated Ino , and his kind as much as I did for one reason or another “ She said , while she was wiping the tear of her face .
“ Where I am going there is only death , go and get a new life somewhere else “ He said .

“ No , I will go with you … “ She said .
“ Because no matter where I go , I’ll be dead in a matter of a day or two , word will spread out of my treachery , and the assassins loyal to Ino will hunt me down , with you at least I can die an honorable death fighting the ones I despise in broad daylight , and not in the cold shadows “ She said .

Suddenly she noticed a movement . An assassin in the near woods behind Asim was taking aim at him , with bow , and arrow . He somehow followed them from the castle .
“ Look out ! “ She cried , as she jumped from her horse knocking Asim down from his steed , just when the arrow was released , from the assassin’s bow .

The arrow struck one of her lungs , it was a fatal wound .
“ No ! “ Asim shouted .
He carried her , and went behind an old broken stone wall that there stood as a ruin , to take cover from the shower of arrows .
“ Damn it ! , why did you come here “ He muttered , with a great regretful tone in his voice .
“ I had my wish , I will now leave this wretched land at last … I thank you … for such … a glorious moment … “ She said , as her beautiful eyes stared at Asim . She was going through a lot of pain .

Then she passed away , Asim gently shut her eyes with his fingers . This scene awakened a fierce storm of anger , and rage from long forgotten past . The vision of many friends that died in front of his eyes , and now Kaiyumi , his heart was starting to pound faster .
He could not hold the anger within his soul anymore , as he roared like raging lion . Laying her down on the soft green grass , he got ready to finish off the assassin .
“ You will pay for this ! “ He muttered , as he charged at the assassin who came down to see where Asim, and Kaiyumi were .
The assassin sent three arrows flying at Asim , but the warrior violently smashed them with his Scimitar .

The assassin threw his bow , and drew his blade . He tried to attack Asim , but the attack was useless , for Asim’s speed , and force were too great .
Asim’s blade rendered through the assassins flesh , the warrior split the assassin in half with a great hammering slash , which struck like a blazing bolt of lightning .
Asim looked down , at the mutilated corpse with hateful eyes , as the rain washed the dripping blood off his blade , then he turned back , and walked at Kaiyumi .

He picked up , a small shovel from his saddle , and started to dig , after a short while he stopped digging , then he placed Kaiyumi in the pit . He took one final glance at her beautiful face , and released a deep sigh of sorrow , and pain .
After he completed burying her , he marked her grave with a few stones he found lying about .
He took a vow to destroy all the assassins , and end their era in this region .
Then he got back on his horse , after setting Kaiyumi’s steed free .
He rode on through the town , and back to Oda’s castle .
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The shadow seemed to turn, hand laid gently upon his weapon. His voice was so gentle, so polite as he spoke to her. So how was it that despite his quiet presence, she felt so...uneasy?

She breathed slowly, trying to calm herself. Her fingers curled and uncurled, an effort to dispel the slight chill that invaded her limbs. She felt slow, sluggish, and yet...her blood was burning. She was covered in a light, cold sweat as she stood, watching Maboroshi's unexistent movements. The mud on the kimono cracked as she straightened her form - some of it had fallen off in soggy chunks as she had thrown the silent shurikens.

Her wakizashi was already up, drawn in a loud cacophany that disturbed the gentle sounds of rain. Ayami winced; why did it sound so raucous in her ears? A headache was already forming; she could feel the blood pulsing in her temples, and trying to keep her vision focused on the graceful form of her opponent was an effort. As she took a few steps, feeling the floor with her bare feet, her arm started to feel sore, the wound tightening as the blood tried to congeal and stop the flow. Her skin was cold, her fingers felt dead, but her blood was so warm, and her head felt like it was rushing with the mad, hot rage she had felt when she threw the shuriken.

But she gripped the wakizashi only more tightly; her knuckles were white from the effort, and she unconsciously bit her lip in determination. [I]That...dog. How dare he come to me, in this place, asking me where to find my father? How...dare he...[/I] She felt the pulsing rage draw up beneath her again, and her limbs warmed at the silent call for blood. His blood. [I]I will take his blood; he will die here.[/I] But even as she made the first move, her steps balanced at a wary pace, her uneasiness grew... And it made her angry. [I]Who is he, that can cause my body to feel...uncertainty?[/I] Her anger made her fly; she leapt into attack, watching the statues of gods rush past her drawn blade through the corner of her eye.
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[size=1][color=darkred]Many hours of walking Enishi had become tired and weak. It was because of the wound in his side. He fell to his knees. He muttered. He heard a twig snap.

"Aw..Common you damn forest bandits...I mean...You can do better..." Enishi laughed as he narrowed his head toward a tree. "Come out..All of you." Men walked out of the shadows crowded around Enishi with grins and smirks. Enishi just laughed.

"You, old man. What are you doing? This part of the woods is our territory, better run back...Or else." Said one bandit with his annoying scratchy voice.

Enishi scoffed. "I'm not [i]that[/i] old. Kid. Just shut up, your voice..It's annoying." Enishi glared at the whacky man. The bandit's mouth dropped. The others just giggled like girls, and snickered.

"Just shut up! All of you!" The bandit narrowed his eyes at Enishi. "Now you old man! Will die!"

Enishi rolled his eyes. "I'm not an old man. If I were, I'd be much weaker than you." Enishi laughed.

"Shut up! Just watch you are weaker then me!" The bandit ran at Enishi with a dagger. He then felt something enter his stomach and come out the back. Enishi had thrust his sword into the bandits stomach. Enishi laughed.

"Don't you cowards....Like the taste, smell, and look of blood?" Enishi pulled out the sword and kicked the corpse making it skid to the other side. "Now, tell me... What the name your weak group is...?" Enishi heard foot steps, each step sounded different.He narrowed his eyes to the left, then to the right then narrowed his eyes to the bandits. "So that, my group of assassins...Can obliterate you." Assassins then dropped out of trees and jumped out of bushes and stood behind Enishi.

"Please! Spare us!" The bandits started to cower. The dropped to their knees and clasped their hands together while they bowed their heads. "Forgive us!"

"Forgive you? Hah, I can only laugh at that." Enishi then started to laugh. "But you see...To me...The weak shall die... And the strong, oh yes, the strong shall live." Enishi limped over to the bandits. "And you are the weak." Enishi smirked under his bandages. "Destroy them...Tatsu." Enishi signaled for the assassin to attack as he walked back to the other three.

He collasped after a few steps. His companions caught him before he hit the ground. Enishi then pointed at a tree.

"There's a girl... Who's been following me... Her name is.. Suzaku.. Bring her to the village." Enishi whispeared. Tatsu, the assassin which had finished his job slaying the bandits was covered in blood.

"I shall get her for you, Enishi." Tatsu then dissapeared, he then reappeared behind Suzaku, the girl Enishi had met before. Suzaku turned around, but before she could do anything she was knocked out. Tatsu threw her on his shoulder then walked over to Enishi. The rest of Enishi's companions helped Enishi and guided him.

Soon they came to the village gate. Assassin's pushed it open. Ino came out of his hut.

"Enishi! Baka! What were you doing?"

"I was gonna kill Oda but it seems. I couldn't."

"Enishi, where's Taka?"

"He's dead."

"Who's that girl?"

"Her name, is Suzaku. She'll be staying with me. We don't need another young'n to die." Enishi signaled Tatsu to follow Enishi to his home. Tatsu then placed Suzaku on Enishi's bed. Enishi just sat against the wall. Arms folded, and his hand clutching his side.[/color][/size]
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[size=1][color=#999999][i]Suzaku groaned as she slowly opened her eyes. She blinked a few times before realizing that she was not in the woods, but in the home of someone. She sat up quickly and she had felt a rush of blood swarming her head and felt a bit woozy. She held her head as she looked around the room slowly. She then realized that Enishi had been standing by the wall, watching her.

Getting out of the bed, Suzaku checked herself to see if her weapons were taken. It seemed as though Enishi did not want Suzaku to wake and hold a sword against his throat, yet he was capable of killing off a man. She crossed her arms as she looked to Enishi in silence.[/i]

"Alright. Where are my weapons? I demand them back this instant, Enishi."

[i]Chuckling, Enishi got off of the wall and walked to Suzaku. He held onto her shoulder and she looked to it. She was about to remove it, but knew it would cause a problem, seeing that this was his home. She sighed. Enishi then led Suzaku out of his home, to the outside of his village.[/i]

"I'm still waiting for my weapons, Enishi. Where are they?"

"Just a moment. Tatsu."

[i]Suddenly, an assassin wearing a dark colored shirt that was covered with shoulder armor and gloves. He also had a black bandana that covered the lower part of his face. He had a black cloak that hung on his back and a selection of weapons that were at his side. His eyes were mysterious and the color of the dark ocean. His hair was wild yet tamed. He looked to be about the age of 18, perhaps 19, and he seemed as though he had been with Enishi for a while. He then bowed to Enishi and looked to the two who stood before him.

Suzaku could not help but look at his eyes. They were intruigingly beautiful. She had never seen eyes like his. Something about them had made her think. She was abruptly interrupted by Enishi's cough.[/i]

"Tatsu, the weapons. Where did you put them?"

"It's in the chest inside the weaponry."

[i]Enishi nodded and he had left. He turned to Suzaku who seemed to be still looking at him as he left. Enishi sighed and coughed again to get her attention. She turned to him.[/i]

"The weaponry is this way, Suzaku. Follow me."

[i]The man led Suzaku into the weaponry and as they walked into it, she was amazed at the different styles of weapons that hung on the walls and were laid out. Enishi then stopped walking and opened a chest. He had thrown Suzaku's katanas, crossbow, silver dual fans, and sais to the ground. She picked them up and placed them where they should be. She sighed and felt her hair and felt tha the kanzashi was still in it. She smiled and twirled her sais around before putting them back in. She loved the feel of her weapons for they made her feel comfortable and safe, well even being without one, she was still safe, but it was a home away from home sort of thing for her.

Walking out of the weaponry, Suzaku fitted everything in and she then realized that someone had shot an arrow at her. She quickly lifted a hand into the air and had caught the end before it reached her. She looked up to see who it was and saw that it was a child, no younger than 13. She groaned and broke the arrow. Enishi stepped out and saw the broken pieces.[/size][/color][/i]
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[size=1][color=darkred]OOC: Don't die on me yet! If you did I'd cry! No no I'm just kiddin' common guys and gals don't quit just yet!

Enishi looked at Suzaku. Then he just ignored the peices.

"You, you'll stay with me.." Enishi said as he grasped Suzaku's wrist and harshly pulled her. Suzaku pulled her hand away.


"Because, you'll be safe."

"I can take care of myself, Enishi.."

Enishi grunted. And narrowed his eyes toward hers.

"You won't be to safe...Here, those damned fighters for Oda could come here. And you'll lose, and die like Taka. Taka only saw me as a father. And not a teacher. Tatsu...Is Taka's brother. His sensei was me. Do you know how many innocent people Tatsu had killed?" Suzaku shook her head. "He kills about one-hundred innocences a week. And about ten of our tagets. Now, Tatsu...Is a son to me. Unlike Taka, Tatsu wanted to learn from me. Taka just wanted me to play father with him. Tatsu was the first to run away from his home and a long came the idiot Taka." Enishi stopped his yelling.

Tatsu appeared near his sensei and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Enishi-sensei...Is my little brother...Truly dead..?" Enishi gave a slight nod. Tatsu just looked at the ground, but then looked up. Not one single tear was shed, or not one whimper. "Suzaku, I would recommend you stay with Enishi-Sensei... And become a student of his, if he's gotten me this strong...He'll get you stronger then you alredy are.." Tatsu turned so his back faced both of them. He turned his head and stared at Suzaku with his dashing eyes, then winked and walked away.[/color][/size]
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? Open the gates! ? He muttered.
The guard opened the gates without questioning, for he recognized the warrior.
Asim rode in through the gates to the stables, where put his horse to rest.

He walked in the bloody rain, the sound of splashing rain drops had deafened his tired ears, and his face was shaded by the hood on his head. The darkness hid his grin of anger, he was still enraged by the recent events, but then he took a deep breath, and calmed down. He did not like it when anger, or hate took over him, he considered them to cloud a person?s judgement.

Continuing to the interior of the castle, his boots slightly splashed in the shallow puddles of water, and blood. He made his way to Oda?s chamber where he heard Taro, and Gen discussing some matter with the Shogun.
Asim slid the door aside, and stood grimly. He did not enter , as if a gaunt phantom from the underworld , he lingered at the entrance , then he pulled back the hood from his head , revealing a dead stare from his pitch black eyes , that burned through the shadows .

?Is it done? ? Oda asked, with a bit of hesitation.
?Yes, Ino is dead ?Asim answered with a grim tone.
?It will take them a little while to gather their forces. The death of their master has left them in state of confusion, but they will come for vengeance I am sure of it ?He continued.
?And then? ? Oda asked.
?Then they will die! ? Asim calmly muttered, in an expressionless stare of anger.
Then without a word he left, shutting the door, and walking down the candle lit corridors.

The area was calm, he only heard the sound of his boots pounding against the wooden floor, and the faint sound of rain drops tapping on the surfaces of the roof tops. He went out in the rain again; he felt that something was amiss.
He looked about him, but found no troubling thing; he thought it was only his mind deceiving him after a long day of tiresome events.
He then decided to take a walk to the temple, and then head back to his quarters, but as he got closer to the destination, he sensed a disturbing movement in the area, so he quickened his paces, and put his hand on the grip of his blade.
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She waited, breath coming out in slight puffs in the chill, damp atmosphere of the shrine. Her hands were cold as they gripped her wakizashi. Both hands were holding the blade - her failing strength forced her to. In her mind, she cursed the strange assassin who she was no longer able to see.

"Come out! Come out and meet my blade! Perhaps then, you can die with a sliver of honor to your name, you low dog," she said angrily. No answer, except for a muffled, quiet laugh that was barely audible in the constant rainfall. Ayami seethed inside, but also kept up her guard, cautiously making her way around the small shrine. Her body was still covered in blood, but this time, hers was also there. Dozens of slashes, not deep, had been inflicted on her body, and they bled, trickling and pooling, leaving their mark in her bare footsteps. Her blade was tinged with blood, but only the slightest, smallest line possible. Her one lucky blow. To his dozen or so.

[I]Can I last much longer?[/I] Ayami grimaced at the thought, and then silently berated herself. [I]I must last. I cannot let some low-life such as he to kill my father. Not for money. Not for... Not for anything.[/I] But the question remained: how long could she continue? She was injured, not badly, but enough, and if even her wakizashi was growing heavy for her to hold, then she was becoming continally exhausted. Her body kept changing in feeling, first growing overly warm, and then chilled to the bone - she guessed fever, or the continuing after-effects of the poison. Add on top of that that this strange assassin was...making her very worried. His skill with the blade surpassed hers, she knew. He was using techniques that she could not interpret, understand, and had only barely blocked them. His blade had left its mark on her already, and the shallow incisions were still running with watery blood.

She coughed, and then again, her breath catching in her throat. [I]No...why is this happening to me now? Not now... Must the gods always be against me? Do they always side with my opponents? Even this poison I have not overcome yet![/I] Her frustration and anger overcame her - she slashed out with her blade, severing the heads of several of the statues. They fell to the floor, her blade rushing in a mad fury at those things in life which had failed her. She was crying openly now, sobbing her frustration as even then, the eyes of the gods seemed to watch her with a mocking solemnity, an open contempt. She turned, surveying the damage, clenching her teeth.

"D*** you! Come out! Come out and fight me if you have a shred of decency at all!" she cried, lashing out at yet another statue. Then she stilled, chest heaving with emotion, as she tried to find Maboroshi. [I]How am I going to find him? How am I going to defeat him?[/I] She knew...she knew now she couldn't trust herself. Her emotions were at fever-pitch, and only distracted her in combat. Her eyes already deceived her, the fever affecting her sight, confusing her awareness. Too much of her blood had been drawn; it smothered her sense of smell, and only added to the cold feeling of death that was overcoming her. Her body was failing her, and she feared that her mind was going as well. [I]I...I... I must beat him. I cannot let him pass me[/I].

"D*** you dog! Show yourself to me!" Her eyes blazed, and the hot tears burned her cheeks as they coursed down. She screamed in frustration, venting on the remains of the statues that now littered the small shrine. She no longer even looked to see if he was coming at all - her mind was quickly retreating into its depths, trying to protect itself from the blood and death that covered her.

The shadows hid her opponent, who watched with interest, and slight amusement. His hand lightly touched his wound - a small scratch that had scathed his body, drawing only a thin, barely visible line of blood. His own blade was more heavily tainted. But now as he watched her, he wondered to himself, musing over the possibilities. [I]Should I just end this creature's suffering?[/I]

And then her glittering, fevered eyes fell on him, whether out of pure hallucination or some sort of half-demented instinct. Her foot instantly hit the floor, and she hurdled towards him, propelled by her crazed emotions, and desperate soul. She whispered something - he read it off the shape of her mouth as she swept back with her blade - "Die."
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