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What kinds of books do you like to read?


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[font=Verdana][size=1]My forté in literature is more so fiction than anything else, I prefer to read fiction more often that fact, although I usually have my school history books finished before Christmas, which is about the only area in which fact is more interesting that fiction. In terms of actual fiction genres though I'm a very big fan of Science Fiction though I have tended to stick with more established and trusted series such as Star Wars or Star Trek, the main reasons for this would be that my local library doesn't stock much Sci-Fi literature anymore and my local book store has followed in a similar move.[/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=1]In saying that though I've read quite a bit (maybe 25%) of the Expanded Universe of Star Wars and eagerly await the next installment of The New Jedi Order series even though it's been written by many different authors. Though the New Jedi Order series is interesting they aren't my personal favourite E.U. novels, I personally found the novel [b]The New Rebellion[/b] by [b]Kristine Katheryn Rusch[/b] to be my favourite in terms of reading pleasure and sheer inabililty to stop reading before I had finished it. In terms of Star Trek I've only had a chance to read a small bit of the E.U. mainly DS9 based although I have to say that I found [b]The 34th Rule[/b] co-written by [b]Armin Shimerman[/b] to be an interesting read. [/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=1]At the moment though I'm rereading a series that caught my eye when I first began to the the New Jedi Order series, it's called the [b]Saga of the Seven Suns[/b] and is written by Sci-Fi novelist [b]Kevin J. Anderson[/b]. I bought the first book (currently there are only two out) simply because it was on sale in a book shop I happened to be visited when I was staying with relations. I also bought the latest book in the NJO series and gave little though to [b]The Hidden Empire[/b] until I had finished the NJO book, however when I first began reading it I realised that I was onto something very good. I was so taken by the book I read and read and read until I was finished and there was no more to read, as I was browsing though the notes and previews at the end of the book I noticed that a sequel [b]A Forest of Stars[/b] had been finished already so I surfed the Net to find out more. I was staying with my grandmother for a little vacation about 7 or 8 months I managed to pick up the sequel although it was more expensive at ?24.99 but still worth every cent. I found it to be even better than the first and would recommend the series to any Sci-Fi reader.[/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=1]Other than Sci-Fi I had read the entire Harry Potter series (yes a 17 year old who's read Harry Potter) although I didn't much care for the latest book (I found Harry to be an irritating little child in most of it) and over all I think the series had been declining in quality. I've read the Lord of the Rings entirely including the Hobbit and loved ever page of the series although the language could be a bit hard to read at in some parts of it.[/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=1]I've read much much more than detailed here but it's late and this is really the most recent material I've been reading.[/size][/font]
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