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Halo Rumors

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:eek: Ok this thread is for all the Halo rumors. I have heard plenty of Halo rumors but are they true, or are they fake? We may never know, but some of you may have done these rumors and they happened to be true. :eek:

Ok I have one Halo rumor, but I am not sure if it is true or not because me and my friends have called a lot of gaming stores and about 50/50 say they are false and true, so if you know if a rumor is true or not reply to this and tell us the rumors you have heard.

Ok the rumor is if you get a tank on one of the bases of Blood Gulch then emailed the creators with several pictures from all kinds of angles then you would recieve 10 of Bungiees hottest games.

So if you know any rumors or have the answer to some rumors please reply.

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that rumor stinks as much as this board does, Bungie havent even made 10 hot games, nor would they give away 10 games to any one who could get this tank, because i doubt they have the money to give away 10 free games to an unlimited amount of people (as you never specified how many people were allowed to enter). Also why would they not officially anounce it? Gamefaqs.com would of said something about it and so would of IGN/Gamespot.
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I don't really know where this thread can go. Halo is two years old already, why would it still have active rumors? Perhaps Halo 2, but you're not even talking about that game.

Calling games stores does nothing. They'll tell you anything to get you off the line if you're wasting their time. They don't just hire game experts, you know. I can't tell you how many times I've seen them right out lie to customers. Back when PS2 first came out, the clerk was naming games off for it that were owned by Nintendo. They'll say anything.
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