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Comedy Central Presents: 100 Greatest Stand-Ups


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I watched most of the first part of this ongoing list yesterday, but I missed some in the beginning and some at the ending, so if someone knows the list so far or is able to track down the list from Part One (because I wasn't able to do so), then I'd be very appreciative.

If you don't know by now, Comedy Central has started one of those "top 100" list shows that everyone loves so much. This list, however, if I am understanding correctly, was chosen [i]entirely[/i] by comedians and not in conjunction with some lame magazine.

Just like any other list, there will probably be people that we're glad to see on the list, people we wish were higher up on the list and people that we're left wondering how the hell [i]anyone[/i] can find them funny. From what I saw, there weren't any of the last option, since pretty much everyone that was on the list from what I saw I found to be funny.

My favorite from yesterday was definitely Norm MacDonald, who I think should actually be a bit higher up on the list (Part Two, at least). He has the Christopher Walken effect - he can make you laugh by saying just about anything. Plus, he has that really, really dry humor and I find that to be pretty funny.

I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of the parts because I actually think that this could turn out to be a decent top 100 list and, believe me, that's a very rare occurance. The middle is what I'm most curious to see, since you know comedians like Bob Hope, George Carlin and Richard Pryor are going to be near the top (and deservedly so). The middle of the list is the real question mark, heh.

So, if you're watching this five-part series, who are you looking forward to seeing make the list? Did you think Part One's list was good or just a load of garbage? And who do you think will be ranked as the number one stand-up of all time?
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Guest ScirosDarkblade
Well, I haven't watched it and I probably won't because I know I'll disagree with so much of it. But I predict that they'll put Seinfeld in the top 10, and Cosby in the top 5. That's all I'm gonna say. Cosby might even end up being first or second, and that'll piss me off because I don't find him too amusing, but whatever. ... I wonder, do they count Billy Crystal and Robin Williams and stuff, because they're okay standups but much better [i]comedians[/i].
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The list so far is as follows:

100. Gallagher
99. Janeane Garofalo
98. Louis C.K.
97. Sandra Burnheart
96. Joey Bishop
95. Andrew Dice Clay
94. David Allen Grier
93. George Wallace
92. Louis Anderson
91. Jim Breuer
90. Dana Carvey
89. Kevin James
88. Paula Poundstone
87. Brette Butler
86. Jay Mohr
85. David Cross
84. Drew Carrey
83. Norm McDonald
82. Howie Mandell
81. Dick Gregory
80. Bobby Slayton
79. Dom Irrerra
78. Sedric the Entertainer
77. Paul Reiser
76. Robert Schimmer
75. Eddie Izzard
74. Paul Rodriguez
73. Elaine Boosler
72. Bernie Mac
71. Red Buttons
70. Wanda Sykes
69. Pat Cooper
68. Dave Attel
67. Kevin Pollock
66. Sheley Burman
65. Sinbad
64. Richard Belzer
63. Jackie Mason
62. Eddie Griffin
61. Bobcat Golthwait

There are few people who make me laugh with everything they say.... so far those people are Wanda Sykes, Paula Poundstone, and Eddie Izzard. I think all three of them should have been way higher than they are.

People who I expect to see high up whom I really like... Margaret Cho, George Carlin (whom I believe will be #1 or #2)

It seems they don't soley focus on the stand up of the comedians as much as just them and what they've done. Take Eddie Griffin.... I've seen liek one stand up with him and more movies. They didn't even clip him when they mentioned him. Robin Williams has great stand ups. He's so much better in a stand up than he is in movies. Billy Crystal, Cosby, and Seinfield I don't like, but have a feeling they will be ranked high

One person I'd also like to see ranked is Mitch Hedberg.
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Thanks for putting up the list as it is so far, Transtic ^_^

[quote name='Transtic Nerve']It seems they don't soley focus on the stand up of the comedians as much as just them and what they've done.[/quote]

Yeah, I was thinking that, too, while I was watching Part Two yesterday. I've never even [i]seen[/i] Eddie Griffin do standup, though that's probably how he got his start.

I was also glad to see Louis C.K. on the list, though I wish he were a bit higher. He's a funny guy. Sinbad was pretty much the big disappointment for me...he's funny, at times, but he's not funny enough to even [i]be on this list[/i], much less be ranked #65.

And I could live with George Carlin being ranked #1 - he's hilarious every time I see him.

EDIT: And, from what I saw yesterday, Denis Leary is only going to be in Part Three...blah. He's top 25 material, [i]at least[/i].
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Leary, #50. He got screwed. Royally. I echo what Mike has said: "He's top 25 material, [i]at least[/i]."

Leary is a comic that really gave the whole comedian's industry a wake-up call. He's certainly one of the most in-your-face comics I've ever seen, and while other comics give me an occasional chuckle here and there when I catch their acts, Leary [i]consistently[/i] puts me in stitches. So, I understand these are professional comics giving their input, but for [spoiler]Lewis Black and Denis Leary (both in-your-face presentations) to only claim #51 and 50[/spoiler], respectively, there has to be something wrong here.

I certainly would never place Tim Allen (#49) over Leary or Black, even by one spot. Gottfried doesn't really belong on the list anywhere, if you ask me. His humor comes out of...grating annoying-ness. Not my idea of a fun time.

Dana Carvey should have at least been in the top 50.

So far, I'm only mildly impressed with the choices.

Gallagher certainly is #100, though; I agree with that. He's funny to a point, but his act relies on props and really nothing more.
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I pretty much agree with Petey. It's kind of sickening to think that [i]Joan Rivers[/i] of all people was ranked ahead of people like Denis Leary, Lewis Black, Norm MacDonald, Wanda Sykes, Dana Carvey and just about every other comic on that list that is infinitely funnier than Joan Rivers could ever hope to be (and, for the record, I've seen some of her older stuff, too - that's not funny, either). And Dave Chappelle was only one spot above her. Ick.

It was only a matter of time before this list managed to screw itself.
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Guest ScirosDarkblade
That's why I don't even watch things like this anymore. They're just ridiculous. It's like reading those "100 best games of all time" list and finding Madden 2004 on the #3 spot just because the dumbasses writing the article were obviously playing the game at the time. And finding "the Zelda series" as #1, so conveniently leaving ten spots in the top 25 open for crappier games.

Anyway, Lewis Black should definitely have been in the top 30 at least. He is hilarious. Has Mitch Hedberg appeared yet? You know, if Black is that low I'm afraid Hedberg might not be mentioned at all, and that's just B.S.
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For those of you who missed it, heres the list from tthe last two nights. 60-21:

60. Jeff Foxworthy
59. Gilbert Gottfreid
58. Larry Miller
57. Richard Jeni
56. Colin Quinn
55. Allan King
54. D.L. Hughley
53. David Brenner
52. Damon Waynes
51. Lewis Black
50. Denis Leary
49. Freddy Prinze
48. Tim Allen
47. Henny Youngman
46. Adam Sandler
45. Richard Lewis
44. Joan Rivers
43. Dave Chappelle
42. Flip Wilson
41. John Stewart
40. Mort Sahl
39. Billy Crystal
38. Bill Mahr
37. Martin Lawrence
36. Jim Carey
35. Phyllis Diller
34. Buddy Hacket
33. Andy Kaufman
32. Albert Brooks
31. George Burns
30. Garry Shandling
29. Milton Burrow
28. Jack Benny
27. Jay Leno
26. Ray Romano
25. Bobe Hope
24. Redd Foxx
23. Steven Wright
22. Robert Klein
21. Dennis Miller

Anyway, most of you have to remember that stand up has been around for a long time, longer than you've been alive. There are tons and tons of comics you've probably never heard of. The reason why Lewis Black and Leary were only ranked 50 and 51 is because they have a limited comedy routine and are still fairly new, obviously not as new as others, but newer compared to Flip Wilson, Joan Rivers, Henny Youngman and Freddy Pinze, just to name a few from Wednesday's show.... They are also angry comics... thats pretty much it. The top comics will probably be comics who are very versatile. Probably also smart comics, although I'm sure we'll see some goofy ones along the way.

Hedberg has yet to be mentioned. I also doubt he'll be listed, but you never know.

Ranking stand up is like ranking every movie ever made.... there is just so much to chose from and there too many genres that appeal to certain people over the others. I bet the top comic will be soley stand up, meaning probably no TV or movie stuff, or limited TV and movie stuff, very versatile in their act, and probably someone who has been around a long time and who is highly respected among the comics of today and of their time.

I also wonder if Carrot Top will be mentioned....

Joan Rivers is funny. I don't care what you think of her now, in her time she was absolutely hillarious. And most stand ups are Jewish.... I should convert and become famous lol.

Bob Hope got mentioned tonight. I was rather surprised to see him listed this early.

Looks like the top 20 will consist of the following people among others:
David Letterman
Eddie Murphy
Rodney Dangerfield
Steve Martin
Chris Rock
Woody Allen
Ellen Degeneres
Bill Cosby
Rosanne Barr
Richard Pryor
Jerry Seinfeld
George Carlin

So who will be #1? I am willing to bet it'll George Carlin or Jerry Seinfeld, even though I don't like him. I dunno how David Letterman could be ranked higher than Jay Leno...
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[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Dave Chappelle only made 43, wow I thought he'd be atleast in the top 20. No ones stand up has ever made me laugh as hard as Dave Chappelles HBO special. I cant believe that Billy Chrystal was higher then him he has never made me more then chuckle. I dont really agree with there lest but I doubt anyone will 100% agree with it. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
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I was also surprised to see Bob Hope listed this early.

I enjoy both Jerry Seinfeld and George Carlin, but I think that George Carlin would make a better number one than Seinfeld. Seinfeld's stand-up routine is funny, but George Carlin is on a whole different level when it comes to stand-up. I could easily see him being the number one stand-up of all time.
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100. Gallagher
99. Janeane Garofalo
98. Louis C.K.
97. Sandra Burnheart
96. Joey Bishop
95. Andrew Dice Clay
94. David Allen Grier
93. George Wallace
92. Louis Anderson
91. Jim Breuer
90. Dana Carvey
89. Kevin James
88. Paula Poundstone
87. Brette Butler
86. Jay Mohr
85. David Cross
84. Drew Carrey
83. Norm McDonald
82. Howie Mandell
81. Dick Gregory
80. Bobby Slayton
79. Dom Irrerra
78. Sedric the Entertainer
77. Paul Reiser
76. Robert Schimmer
75. Eddie Izzard
74. Paul Rodriguez
73. Elaine Boosler
72. Bernie Mac
71. Red Buttons
70. Wanda Sykes
69. Pat Cooper
68. Dave Attel
67. Kevin Pollock
66. Sheley Burman
65. Sinbad
64. Richard Belzer
63. Jackie Mason
62. Eddie Griffin
61. Bobcat Golthwait
60. Jeff Foxworthy
59. Gilbert Gottfreid
58. Larry Miller
57. Richard Jeni
56. Colin Quinn
55. Allan King
54. D.L. Hughley
53. David Brenner
52. Damon Waynes
51. Lewis Black
50. Denis Leary
49. Freddy Prinze
48. Tim Allen
47. Henny Youngman
46. Adam Sandler
45. Richard Lewis
44. Joan Rivers
43. Dave Chappelle
42. Flip Wilson
41. John Stewart
40. Mort Sahl
39. Billy Crystal
38. Bill Mahr
37. Martin Lawrence
36. Jim Carey
35. Phyllis Diller
34. Buddy Hacket
33. Andy Kaufman
32. Albert Brooks
31. George Burns
30. Garry Shandling
29. Milton Burrow
28. Jack Benny
27. Jay Leno
26. Ray Romano
25. Bobe Hope
24. Redd Foxx
23. Steven Wright
22. Robert Klein
21. Dennis Miller
20. Sam Kennison
19. Bill Hicks
18. Jonathan Winters
17. Don Ricoles
16. Ellen Degeneres
15. David Letterman
14. Bob Newheart
13. Robin Williams
12. Jerry Seinfeld
11. Johnny Carson
10. Eddie Murphy
09. Roseanne Barr
08. Bill Cosby
07. Rodney Dangerfield
06. Steve Martin
05. Chris Rock
04. Woody Allen
03. Lenny Bruce
02. George Carlin
01. Richard Pryor

The final top 100.

I think the top 10 were deserving of their respective positions.
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JAY LENO OUTRANKED ANDY KAUFMAN AND BUDDY HACKETT??? God, Jay Leno is such a tool. That's an insult to the institution of comedy itself. He shouldn't have even been in the same list as those two... or any of the other comics, for that matter

I think Dave Chappelle and Dave Attell should have been ranked higher... or lower... They should have been ranked better than they were.

Do you think that all those comics sitting in the deli actually chose the winners or did they just discuss them? In any case: The judges did a horrible job. [/b][/size][/color]
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