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Tough Banner??


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Could someone make me a banner from both .HAck//Sign and the .Hack game series please. On the left I would like to have Subaru, Helba, and MAha while on the right I would like to have Balmung, Kite and Skeith. They could be doing a pose or just a face shot, it doesn't matter to me. If its too hard to do then nevermind it then :D

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[color=gray]Hm... i can't really work with more than two pictures.. Three at most if I really have to anyways.
I would love to do it if you could just choose 2 or 3 characters for me to use ^_^;;

While I'm posting anyways... Could you tell me a color you would like it to be?
And what do you want on it qua Text? Only a name, a quote or both?[/color]
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Alright then, couild you add like Subaru, Maha, and BAlmung on the bannerdoing a pose or something like that. Subaru on the left, BAlmung on the right, and Maha in the middle floating or whatever. I dont really knew what color, but can you make it a light color if you pick one.. The text doesn't matter to me as well. Thank you soo very much :D :D :D

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