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How did you learn about sex?(Parental Advisory)


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How did you learn about sex? If someone told you then who? Did you want to learn?

I feel that today my generation is learning from TV or school about sex. Most peoples families avoid talking about it, and don't enjoy talking about it. My family is different. They encourage the your interest and make you into little sex machine at the young age of 12.

Today my dad took my little sister to the zoo and I already knew what was going to happen. He always arranges with the zoo manager to set up a little viewing in the Spring when the animals will be in heat. Then he lets the animals do the rest, while he holds your eyes open and makes you watch the animals go at it. He enjoys it so much.

My mom has a equally vicious way and no its not the birds and the bees. She will unlock the premium channels and let curiosity take over. The instant I changed to Playboy my mom would know and come down and make you watch hours upon hours with her.
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TV doesn't teach you anything about sex. I finally learned in 6th grade what was required of me in order to procreate. Before then, I was sort of mystified as to how babies came about. I knew it was from sex - but before then I just thought sex was taking off your clothes and lots of rubbing and kissing. Didn't realize it was anything else, because after all, they never show more than that on TV.
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My parents sat down with me when I was 9 I think. We had the talk, about how many holes women have and what they do, and what I do with my penis (or "thing," as it was called at the time). This wasn't much of a shock to me, because I'd seen nude girls before, my age and adults. They gave me a slightly descriptive talk, but it was still [i]very[/i] vague.

The rest, I learned from watching pornography and taking words out of context that I heard used at school, as you said. I was still learning some things until about a year ago (I was 14), which is pretty late, but at least I know, lol. My mom was going to get me a Playboy magazine for Christmas, but thankfully my dad didn't let her, because that would have been extremely odd.
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Wow! The ways you guys find out were rather odd. Me, well, I found out in the 5th grade at school. So yeah...nothing too drastic. Though I knew a lot of this before because of my curiosity around the house, and my mom telling.
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Your family is obviously a lot different to mine HF.

Geez. Anyway, I picked up most of it...around I suppose. You just seem to pick up a lot of stuff. When I was... 10-11, maybe even 12, I'm not sure, my mum brought home a book and one of those animated videos. I think I'd already had Sex-Ed in Year 6 by then, so I knew most of it.

As for porn magazines, or sex videos. Hell, my mum would probably rather slit her wrists than do that. Very....against that sort of thing she is. [i]Very[/i].

Anyway, thats how I found out. School, friends, mum.[/color][/size]
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Well, during my elementary years (I was homeschooled) I was reading a biology book. While innocently flipping through the pages I came across a chapter on human procreation. See, I knew about eggs and sperm before that, I just assumed that when a mommy and a daddy were asleep in the same bed, the sperm climbed out and went over to the mommy. Simple enough, right? So anyway, I was reading this science book, and all of a sudden I was like 'Yuck! They do WHAT!?! EWWWWWW!" So yeah, a scientist told me. Although I don't think anything could be weirder than watching hours of porn with your mom, Hell's Fire...
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The first and only sex talk I ever had with my mother was "Sex is the most beutiful thing in the world, just don't do it until you're married." I was five.

At some point in my childhood I thought sex was all about rolling around in bed and making out. Then I found out that the penis goes inside the vagina and was like, "woah!" O_O

And then after that my sister took a human sexuality class and she decided she'd teach me everything she learned. I read her text books, she told me things, explained my questions. I think in comparison to most kids my age I know quite a bit about sex. Not just the dirty stuff, but the technical aspect of it too. I know everything I need to know so that I can make smart decisions and not get screwed over.
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[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]My older brother took sex ed in middle school at the time I was about 6 or 7 and he told me everything he learned. So I knew of sex a a very early age, which is probabally why im so weird. I really didnt react that much. I mean my parents made sure I knew th names of female and male genitals at a early age so I wouldnt go around saying we-we or something. What he told me just made things fall into place, everything made more sense. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
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[QUOTE=Hells Fire][b]How did you learn about sex? If someone told you then who? Did you want to learn?[/b]

[b]I feel that today my generation is learning from TV or school about sex. Most peoples families avoid talking about it, and don't enjoy talking about it. My family is different. They encourage the your interest and make you into little sex machine at the young age of 12.[/b]

[b]Today my dad took my little sister to the zoo and I already knew what was going to happen. He always arranges with the zoo manager to set up a little viewing in the Spring when the animals will be in heat. Then he lets the animals do the rest, while he holds your eyes open and makes you watch the animals go at it. He enjoys it so much. [/b][/quote]I thought this was strange. Yes, your father's morbid fetish for animal sex was most peculiar, but people have produced stranger material on the Internet.


I let it slide. After all, the subtleties of the Discover Channel may not be enough to whet one's appetite for animal porn. Nothing, however, could prepare me for this:

[quote][b]My mom has a equally vicious way and no its not the birds and the bees. She will unlock the premium channels and let curiosity take over. The instant I changed to Playboy my mom would know and come down and make you watch hours upon hours with her.[/b][/QUOTE][i]This [/i]is terminally disturbing and would probably have a negative effect on my sexualaity.

To address the topic, I first learned about sex in elementary school. They didn't waste any time explaining to us, in vivid detail, the reproduction process. It wasn't freaky monkey sex, but it sufficed. heh

Television and peers were both useful tools for learning about sex as well, and helped me avoid any uncomfortable conversations with adult family members.
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I learned about the biological aspect of sex in the fifth grade due to a highly hilarious animated video. The boy's video had a little cartoon penis. It wasn't a mascot or anything. It was more of a cross section.*ouch*

I don't know what the girl's video had. They were told not to tell. The boys were too, but we couldn't resist. It was just so friggin' funny.

Then we were given a stick of deodorant and acne medication and all that crap. That was a little embarassing.

Oddly enough, I learned about the pornographic side of sex before the biological. I was a 10 year old porn addict. haha. Not really, but I had seen enough to know what the whole deal was. But, we won't go into detail. I might bet banned.

My first practical experience with sex was a giant disaster altogether. But I won't go into detail...too emabarassing. All-in-all, much more than meets the eye when it comes to sex. Did that sound dirty?
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Guest cloricus
Just around, friends, school.

School teaches you very little, just the theory, nothing practical and really everything just leaves you to find out yourself or through talking to friends.
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[color=teal]This is a funny story.

I actually didn't know a thing about sex until I was fifteen. I actually thought anything sexual in my mind would send me straight to hell, so I refused to get giddy when I saw anything sexually-related.

My boyfriend verbally explained some aspects of sex to me, and all of my misconceptions went away. It was the weirdest conversation I've ever had in my life.[/color]
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[quote name='wrist cutter']I knew it was from sex - but before then I just thought sex was taking off your clothes and lots of rubbing and kissing. Didn't realize it was anything else, because after all, they never show more than that on TV.[/quote]
[SIZE=1]Pretty much.

We had a "Sex Education" class in fifth grade that didn't explain anything...except, perhaps, to bring "female sanitary items" to school so we wouldn't embarrass our teachers. (All of the 5th through 8th grade teachers were male.) We were also told that if we ever needed to "talk" to anyone, the fourth grade teacher (whom I disliked) and another woman were available.

As for sex itself...I looked it up in an old World Book encyclopedia in sixth grade, where it was explained in a dorky, if relatively informative, way.[/SIZE]
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I had my first introduction to "how things work" by growing up on a farm. Didn't really talk about it with my parents, but I knew that the boy and girl animals doing certain acts resulted in babies. I knew there wasn't a stork that brought babies to their mothers.

As for actual education, I would have to say it was in 5th grade at the Mother/Daughter Tea when they took all the girls aside and you learned about your reproductive system. It was a bit embarrassing to go to since your mom had to be there. We watched a movie and they showed us all the different hygene products. After that they talked about pregnancy and the mechanics of how that happened.

To this day I have never had the traditional "Birds and Bees" talk with my parents. I guess after you get married your parents figure you don't need that talk. :rolleyes:
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[color=hotpink][size=1]Well, I really don't remember where exactly or how exactly I learned, but it HAD to have been somewhere between first and fourth grade. See, I used to live in this trailor park and there were a lot of kids out there that were about my age. They were considered the "bad" kids because they were always trying to talk about and I GUESS to have sex. They were the kids that when you played truth or dare, if you said dare they always made you hump something. You know who I'm talking about. Anywho, so one day I'm walking around the way and they are all at this one little boy's house on a gazeebo type thing. And they were taunted me, yelling "You're a VIRGIN!" in that crazy sing-song way that kids do. And I was like "SO!" and truth be told, I had no freaking idea what a virgin was, lol.

At some point in time while I lived there, me and a friend of mine stole my dad's porn magazines (I think he kept them in the bathroom, seriously, lol) and we would always look at them. I kept them hid under my bed in my room (well, I shared this room with my sisters) and one day my mom found them. I think I blamed it on my younger sister, who had to have been in second grade at the time. But yeah, I was pretty messed up, lol.

And for some reason, I grew up not wanting to have sex until I was married.[/color][/size]
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Well, I remember the whole hygene, and puberty thing at school, but they didn't really talk about sex when we had it. My mom talked about sex with me, but didn't really explain how it worked and all that...just kinda 'don't do it till your married' kind of thing. I think I probably gained most of my knowledge during middle school from friends because I was REALLY naive about that kind of thing. By high school I knew how it worked and stuff, but I don't remember the specific occasion on which that knowledge was revealed to me.
>>On a slightly humurous note...in kindgergarten I thought sex was illegal, and when someone told me that my parents had to have done it for me to be born I was shocked. I think its funny. :laugh:
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:o I learned about sex from a few things. First, in school and the whole sex-ed thing. Then some of my friends talked about it.The girls in my class were having sex at a very young age. My parents never did "the talk", which i'm glad for. I also learned about sex from *cough*porn*cough*. You might laugh at me for this, but i'm still a virgin and i'm 16 years old. I've never had a girlfriend. :o Although, that is still not as strange as Hells Fires story, lol.
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[color=indigo]Oh my God, you have no idea how much I would love to forget how I learned about sex. Ok, it all started when an old friend of mine when I was about say 9 or 10 years old invited me over to his house with his and his cousin (another friend of mine) to watch a 'special' video. And when you're a kid you're always happy to go to your friend's house. So I go over there and only me and my two friends are in the house alone. So he pops in the tape and and start laughing their butts off, so i'm thinking this movie's gonna be good if they're laughing as hard as they were. As the movie starts it gives off that boring scenery where they talk for about 15 minutes and then we all know what happens then, hardcore nudity!! My eyes widened and they stayed like that for the rest of the movie. After that we ended up watching 3 other tapes like that. (seems fun huh?)[/color]

[color=indigo]Ok so I get home and i'm still in shock and I wouldn't talk for a week (not even to my parents). Sooner or later one night I got the courage to ask my parents about what I saw and if they ever did the same thing. I walk to their room and open the door...(i don't even want to say what I saw next). The next morning I still didn't talk even when my parents asked me if I was feeling ok about last night. About a week later I found out that my mom requested that my teacher teach us about sex education, what's more embarassing is that my teacher said that we should thank me and my mom for this and my classmates just hated me after watching two movies about male and female sex organs. So yea that's what happened and I still hate the fact that i learned sex that way and ended up being hated by my friends for the rest of the school year.[/color]
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Want to hear a story that just recently happened well i mean it was over spring break but recently figured it out.

A kid at my school had this HOT girl call sorta drunk, inviting her self over two yrs younger. The guy said wanna do stuff (She knew what he ment) She said ok the have sex donwstairs. Twice. And the girl is proud of it telling everyone. and now everyone thnks she is a slut. He brags about it now and then saying the did hard and stuff i dont know. this girl wasnt at school for the rest of the week b/c she was at coart for be milested in fith greade now 7th. And IM best freinds with her brother who makes fun of her sister for it because she is going to get her *** whooped when the mom finds out. two days later the mom gets ans "Anomyunus" email for a teacher at are school who figured out. The mom goes to the kids hous BANG BANG BANG. then the guy who had sex with girl looks through the window see that its her (luckily her parents werent home) goes up stairs and gets his brother to tell her that she istn their. goes to school the nxt day to go to the office. The vice principle said to think with your other "HEAD" lol next you thinking of doing any thing. gets back to class and goes to next period and the teacher pulls him out into the hall way and starts bitching him out saying what were you thinking and all this stuff ( "I had To blow my nose" just like every one else). after that it still is going on but ill keep you up dated as it goes on.

I learn about sex buy talking about it we did ht eMOVIE along time ago with that. and me my freinds talk about it and also the ocasional PORN and No im not an addict. thats how i figured out about sex. The story by the way is true
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[color=#002E55]Well, sex education in England normally happens at around Year 4 (when you're about 9-10 years old); and then takes place once again in year 6 (when you're about 10-11 years old). It normally involves a bunch of naked people running around doing something stupid and the video kindly zooms in on various unmentionables and tells you about them. Hence, I learned a horrendous amount about sex in a short space of time via a video that made it seem like people made babies by playing naked volleyball with their children. That was, of course, until the more 'advanced' sex education took place in year 6, which left me with a year of wondering if my parents played much volleyball anymore. Ahem.

To be honest I only think someone [i]really[/i] learns about sex when they grow up and it starts to get brought up in conversation a lot by horny, seemingly undersexed teenage friends. Unless, of course, someone really pays attention to the nude volleyball.[/color]
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Damn, we never had Sex Ed here. Probably because I live in the Bible Belt.

I learned about sex when I was the ripe old age of 3. No kidding. My dad would rent porn and he didn't care if I sat in the living room and watched it. I didn't really understand what was going on. I just thought sex was a bunch of moaning and white blood from a snake hitting a woman.

My dad was very vague in his explanations. Things didn't become clear to me until about Sixth grade.
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[quote name='Fate']My boyfriend verbally explained some aspects of sex to me, and all of my misconceptions went away. It was the weirdest conversation I've ever had in my life.[/quote][b][size=1][color=darkgreen]

I completely forgot about the time I have to explain sex to my very, very naive girlfriend. My face got red every time I saw her for a week. It got me wondering if she was thinking about sex with me, but I was still fairly young at the time. So, I just avoided the subject altogether until we broke up a few months later.

But, the questions she asked led me to belive that she'd been told that she would die and go to hell the instant she even though about sex. What are parents telling their kids these days? She actually thought that you got pregnant by "french" kissing. lol :tasty: :laugh:

Now that I look back on it....it was friggin' hilarious.[/b][/size][/color]
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[size=1][color=darkblue]I learned about it by myself. That's what I do with about everything. I just happened to hear a little hustle and bustle in my parent's bedroom when I was four. >> But that didn't really do anything to my mind. I really started to learn about it when I was around the ages of 9 and 10. I was interested in the books that have a lot of sexual content and I still normally pick up those book every once in awhile. But I learned a lot of it by reading and friends. So, really, it is easy to learn for yourself. I have always been a sheltered person within my family. It's when I finally got out into the real world and made weird friends when I wasn't that same sheltered person my family still thinks I am.
That pretty much wraps up how I found out about sex. Whoo! Exciting, no?

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