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Digimon: Second Generation!


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OOC: Havent posted because i havent had anything to post...

She watched wishing it was her and her partner out kicking so monster butt... She itched to leap out and fight anyways but a hand on her shoulder kept her from moving. She glanced upwards to see who it was but suddenly felt and saw no one... She shrugged at the thought of going crazy and glanced downwards at Biyomon who looked like she wanted to fight almost as bad.

"We will get another turn Biyo... We will... and we will Win!" Emily cheered, "Kick those monsters butt guys!" She cheered everyone else on.

"You bet!" Biyomon agreed, "Dont let those jerks push you around!"

Again Emily felt someones hand on her shoulder again as if to comforot or perhaps prepare to hold her back. She looked again yet no one was there... She shook her head and tried to keep her thoughts on the battle and not on going crazy.
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[B][I][COLOR=Navy]Aurumon charged at Kirk, but SnowAgumon headbutted him out of the way. Kirk watched as both Digimon tummbled to the ground. Kirk looked horrified. He gripped his fist. He didn't want to see his partner lose.

"Come on SnowAgumon," Kirk said as he seemed to cheer, "Show feathers-for-brains who's the boss." SnowAgumon pushed himself up, but Aurumon was already heading back at Kirk. Kirk looked took a step backward and fell on his backside. The angray little bird was still coming at him. Kirk said something under his breath and his Digivice started to glow.

"SnowAgumon Digivolve too.........," SnowAgumon said as he started to grow in size, "IceGraymon!" A huge ice blue dinosaur with dark blue strips and a dark blue head pieace appeared where SnowAgumon was. Aurumon stopped his attack on Kirk and toward the huge dino. A sweat drop appeared on the side of his head.

"Whoa," Kirk said as he stummbled to his feet, "I thought dinosaurs were exstincted." IceGraymon snorted as his tail swished back and forth. A cold breeze followed IceGraymon's snort. Aurumon looked really scared. He started to fly away.

"Not so fast," IceGraymon said as the inside of his mouth started to glow blue, "ICE FLAME!" Aurumon was suddenly engulfed in a blue flame. He Digitized before he even hit the ground. IceGraymon let out a puff of cold air and De-Digivolved. Kirk quickly ran up to SnowAgumon and hugged him.

"Way to go buddy," Kirk said as he started rubbing SnowAgumon on his head, "Now lets hope Jace and Shonakimon have the same luck." Kirk looked over at the battle between Shonakimon and Apemon. Shonakimon looked like he was having trouble, but Kirk knew he probbly had some sort of plan.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
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  • 2 weeks later...
[B][I][COLOR=teal]OOC: ShadowSword asked me to move this along. We weren't making much progress. I'm also going to start the next fight.

"All right," Daina said as DemiDevimon put the campfire out by flapping his wings, "I'm really sick and tired of getting attacked. When's it going to stop. It's driving crazy." DemiDevimon looked up at his partner. She was paceing back and forth with her hands in her hair. DemiDevimon let out a sigh and flew to Daina's shoulder.

"You should get used to it," DemiDevimon said with a smirk, "You're going to run into more evil Digimon and more battles." Daina stopped paceing and glared at her Digimon. A sweat drop appeared on the side of DemiDevimon's face.

"I don't care," Daina said exstremly loud, "Those two battles last night were close. Too close for my liking. I also didn't like that Withmon chick either from before. I can't do this." DemiDevimon shook his head as Kirk walked up to Daina. Daina turned a slight red color as Kirk looked at her.

"We're moving out now," Kirk said as he looked at Daina, "Do you plan on joining us?" Daina started to get a tad annoyed. She may have liked Kirk, but the whole leader thing was getting on her last nerve.

"I'm tired of you giving all the orders Goggle Boy," Daina said as she crossed her arms, "Why don't you give me a chance you hog." Kirk looked a little shocked. He let out a sigh and stepped aside.

"Fine," Kirk said wiith another sigh, "you lead the group Ms. know-it-all." Daina glared at Kirk and marched to the head of the group. Kirk looked down at SnowAgumon. SnowAgumon shrugged his shoulders.

A little later, the group could see the edge of Fire Road. Daina looked really excited. She started running with the rest of the group. Every suddenly stopped and turned around. A strange Digimon had just popped up in front of Maria. Floramon was trying to protect her.

"Hello Digidestined," The Digimon said, "I'm Digmon and I'm here to Destroy you. I'll start with pinky here." Maria took a step backward and fell. Floramon quickly ran in front of Maria. She was going to protect her no matter what.

Your turn Maria. I'm not quiet sure of Digmon's attacks. Try to battle without the attacks. LOL[/COLOR][/I][/B]
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*is on the comp*This site is boring.*looks up.hh what is that.A pop up flashes in front of me.whah.Cliks.It says"get you digmon here. then i hear a voice, and says
Voice:Its your destiney.
Me huh.*clicks on pop up.
* the screen flashes with a blinding light. And faint.I wake up And see some kind of monster and a digital man.
the monster;Hello.Hi there.

Alright what do i do now.introduce me into the story a bit.like say what jenia says and stuff.
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[COLOR=Magenta][I]Maria looked a little horrified as Digmon started to get closer to her. Floramon had a really evil glare on her face.

"RAIN OF POLLEN," Floamon yelled as yellow powder came out of her flower like hands. Digmon just shook the attack off and hit Floramon. Floramon flew backward and landed next to Maria. Maria looked as if she was going to cry.

"No Floramon," Maria said as a tear trickled down her cheek, "please wake up." Floramon's eyes opened and she started to glow as one of Maria's tears hit her. Digmon took a slight step backward.

"Floramon Digivolve too........," Floramon said as she glowed with a green light, "GreenPucchiemon." Maria looked amazed as a cute fairy type Digimon floated in front of her. She looked absolutely amazed.

"I'm I supposed to be scared," Digmon said as he glared at GreenPucchiemon. GreenPucchiemon returned the glare. Digmon was scared and he knew it. He took another step backward.

"I would be if I were you," GreenPucchiemon said as her finger lit up, "HEAVY BEAM!" Digmon tried to run, but goy hit with GreenPucchiemon's attack anyhow. Maria clapped for joy as Digmon digitized and GreenPucchiemon De-Digivolved back into Floramon.

"Yea," Maria said as she hugged Floramon, "You're the best Floramon." Floramon slightly smiled. Kirk crossed his arms and started tapping his foot.

We're almost to Fire Road," Kirk said as he turned and started walking, "Let's continue so we CAN get there." Everyone shook thier heads and followed Kirk. Maria stuck her tounge out and then followed.[/I][/COLOR]
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[B][I][COLOR=Navy]OOC: Ok, I'm going to introduce Kyoober's character and her Digimon, Salamon.

The group of ten soon stummbled on to a brick red road. The tempture seemed to quickly raise. Everyone seemed to suddenly break out into a sweat.

"This place is too hot for words," Kirk said as he fanned himself. The group agreed with a slow nod of thier heads.

"Do you ten need a AC," Gennai's voice said out of no where, "ormaybe a new friend. Whatever it is, you ten look beat." Everyone stopped and started looking around. A hologram of Gennai suddenly appeared in front of them. A sweat drop appeared on the side of everyone's face. Daina took a step foward.

"Listen here you," Daina said as DemiDevimon started flipping his wings, "I thought you were going to talk to us when we got to the village. This doesn't look like a village to me. Besides, I'm tired of playing games. Why don't you give us a stright answer." A sweat drop appeared on the side of DemiDevimon's and Kirk's face. Kirk quickly put his hand over Daina's mouth and pulled her up against him. Both him and her turned slightly red.

"I'm so sorry," Gennai said as he ran his fingers through his brown hair, "but something came up. I have a new friend for you to met. Her name is Rikku and she's a Digidestined just like you. Her Digimon is Salamon. I'll transport her over to you guys now. I will talk to you in the village later. Bye." Daina looked highly steamed as the hologram of Gennai disappeared and a young girl suddenly appeared in it's place. She had a dog looking Digimon standing next to her. She looked slightly confused. Terren took a step foward.

"Are you Rikku and Salamon," Terren asked with a slight smile. The girl jumped at hearing her name, but Salamon smiled. Dorumon ginned slightly at Salamon.

"Yes," the girl said with slightly scared voice, "Who are you?" Kirk dropped his hand off Daina's neck, but didn't move his arm. Daina grabbed his arm and looked at Rikku.

"I'm Terren," Terren said as he started rubbing Dorumon's head, "and this is my Digimon, Dorumon." Dorumon nodded. Rikku and Salamon nodded back.

"I'm Maria," Maria said as she bumped Terren out of the way, "My Digimon's name is Floramon." Floramon gave a wave with her flower hand.

"Welcome to the party," James said as he brushed his hair aside, "I'm James and this cute little bunny is Lopmon." Lopmon waved an ear from James' head.

"Hello," Yuki said from right behind James, "I'm Yuki and this black furball is BlackGabumon." BlackGabumon waved slightly.

"Hi there," Carrie said with a bright smile, "I'm Carrie and this sourpuss is Renamon." Renamon gave Carrie a slight glare and then waved at Rikku and Salamon.

"Hey there," Amika said as Gomamon popped over her head, "I'm Amika and this goofy little guy is Gomamon." Gomamon gave Rikku a goofy smile.

"Hello," Emily said as Biyomon hopped next to her, "I'm Emily and the cute bird that totally clashs with my outfit is Biyomon." Biyomon turned slightly red from embaressment and waved at Rikku.

"I'm Daina," Daina said without moving from where she was, "and the evil little thing on the ground in front of me is DemiDevimon." DemiDevimon waved his wing.

"And last but not least," Kirk said as he moved his arm to Daina's back, "I'm Kirk and my partner is SnowAgumon." SnowAgumon smiled and waved.

"It was nice to meet you all," Rikku said as she bent over and picked Salamon up, "Now what do we do?" The whole group smiled nervously. Rikku blinked a few times.

"I guess we should just move on," Kirk said as he started to walk ahead. Daina cleared her throat and stepped up next to Kirk. Everyone else followed closely.

OOC: Whoever hasn't Digivolved to the Champion level can start thier own battle. I'm tired right now. :yawns and walks away:[/COLOR][/I][/B]
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[I][COLOR=Green]"Man," James said as he started to put his sunglasses over his eyes, "I could really use a fan right about now." Lopmon heard James and streatched her ears out.

"How's that," Lopmon asked with a smile. James smiled back as he looked up at Lopmon.

"That's great," James said as he opened the collar to his shirt slightly, "That helps alot Lopmon. Thanks!" Lopmon smiled and nodded. She was happy if James was happy.

"Why couldn't we go through a river or something," Daina complained as DemiDevimon fanned himself with his wings. Everyone let out a groan. James shook his head and suddenly stopped. Lopmon looked down at him.

"What's wrong James," Lopmon asked. James didn't answer. He was looking around. He didn't know what was going on. Something was out there, but what was it.

"Wahahaha," a voice laughed from close by, "It seems like you know I'm here." James step aside out of seer instinct. Suddenly a fire ball hit right where he was standing. James slid a few inches backward and when down on one knee. Lopmon jumped off his head and started at a firey figure that was apporching. Everyone else stopped and turned around. They all looked horrified as the firey figure came into view.

"Oh no," Salamon said with a gasp, "that's Meramon. His Fire ball, Roaring flame, and Magma blast attacks can be perrty painful." James didn't like the sound of that. He tried to stand up, but another fire ball came toward him making him fall on his backside. Lopmon gasped and sarted to glow along with James' Digivice. James started rubbing his head as he looked at Lopmon.

"Lopmon Digivolve too...........," Lopmon said as she started to get a little bigger, "Rabbitmon." James took his sunglasses off and stared at the pink and white bunny that was in front of him. A sweat drop suddenly appeared on the side of his face. Meramon started laughing.

"Oh yeah," Meramon said with a chuckle, "what are you going to do small stuff? Are you going to kill me with your cuteness." Rabbitmon didn't look too happy and James looked totally embaressed. James put his hand to his face as he put his sunglasses back on his head.

"I can do alot," Rabbitmon said as she jumped into the air, "CARROT BOMBER!" Meramon didn't like that too much. Little carrot shaped bombs were coming stright for him. He tried to run away, but the bombs were heat activated. They exsploded as soon as they got near him. Mermon was set off balance and the rest of the bombs blew up on him.

"Nice work Rabbitmon," James said as he stummbled over to Rabbitmon. Rabbitmon smiled and De-Digivolved.

"Thank you," Lopmon said with a smile. James smiled back and picked Lopmon up. Lopmon quickly jumped to his head.

"Alright," Kirk said as he streatched, "let's move on. Maybe we won't get into anymore fights before we get into the village." Everyone let out a sigh and started walking again. They all just hoped that they got off Fire Road and fast.[/COLOR][/I]
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