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Ever thought about suicide?

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[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial] Really in this thread I would like to know who has ever thought about suicide, and why? The reason why is I really like to help people with problems like these, well because I have thought about suicide myself before, but enough about that because I am way over.

In this thread I really want to know have u ever thought about suicide? Why did you think about suicide, and in what way did you plan on commiting suicide? Oh also I don't want to hear about some dumb reson why like oh I moved to a new school and its been two days and I haven't made any friends so I guess I will kill myself. I want to hear real reasons why like, your parents literally hate you, your friends do things to you all the time and it really emotionally hurts you. Also I would like to hear things like you are really depressed you lost or job or something and while you lost your job you girlfriend just broke up with you so your really depressed so you don't know what to do so you think that killing yourself will put you in a better place where you can live in happiness forever.

That is the kind of stuff I want to hear, so remeber no baby stuff alright.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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I think everyone has points in their lives when they don't know why they bother living... I never got too suicidal myself, because I knew my parents loved me and my God loved me, even if life royally sucked at the moment.

It's a rare case indeed where suicide is truly the best option. There's always hope, especially in America. If you ever feel like killing yourself, you need to go talk to someone about it. Someone grown-up and sane.
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Well, I recently stubbed my toe on the door frame this morning when I woke up to take a shower, and I was about to kill myself right then and there, but I figured I should have some breakfast first, and by that time I had forgotten all about it, and so I went on with my day as usual after that.
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[quote name='wrist cutter']Well, I recently stubbed my toe on the door frame this morning when I woke up to take a shower, and I was about to kill myself right then and there, but I figured I should have some breakfast first, and by that time I had forgotten all about it, and so I went on with my day as usual after that.[/quote]

[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]wrist cutter that makes me laugh, hahaha lol. Well don't want to get to far off the subject so ya everyone probably thought about it but never tried, mostly i think they have thought about it so because they want to know what it is like.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]

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[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Several times, I wanted to kill myself because I thought I was in love for the first time in my life and I thought she loved me back. To my suprise she dumped me because she didnt care about me as much as I did her. I started feeling intense emotional pain during this time and found it hard to cope with living. Especially with her dating my friends and constanly telling me she didnt want me. I became a cutter and would cut myself because it made me feel better for some odd reason. I couldnt sleep or eat and I would explode on people for small reasons. I slowly got better with the help of my true friends sticking by me and coming to the eventual realisation that there a 3 billion other women out there and there has to be one out there who loves me.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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I thought about it once when I was 12 I had just graduated and was looking for my dad who promised he'd be there and of course he wasn't. later I found out he didn't come because he was drunk the night before. Then again when we moved from New York and all the Dirt that my dad and that side of my family did came out. Then my relatives (my aunt mainly) came over and tried to lay a guilt trip on me she was asking me why I didn't call them. Now at this point I was really pissed off because I'm like why the hell didn't you call me its been two years and you all of a sudden know where I live.The bad part was my mother wasn't home and I was baby sitting so I had to call her so she could come home and curse out my aunt at that point I thought about suicide but then though it wasn't worth it. It might be just human nature for people to think those thoughs.Death is one thing no one knows about not that any one could tell what its like or any thing.
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[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Gray][SIZE=1]I was thinking about commiting suicide (surprised?). But, whenever I thought of humiliation, my emotions get the best of me and tears came trickling down my cheeks. Humiliation is the last thing I wnated and if I did have that happened to me, suicide would be my only choice.....

I wanted to kill myself in some situation. BUt I thought about it first and resisted the temptation. There's so much to do, especially if you're at my age. So much to live up to, and so much to live for.

Suicide is almost an everyday thing that I think about. I wonder why.....
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Have I thought about suicide? Yes. Have I ever considered killing myself? No. I mean, some guy at my school killed himself recently, but I didn't know him. I thought about suicide after I found out about it, though. Not actually the act itself, but more the concept. I don't believe I've ever gotten to a place in life where I feel so crappy that the thought of my death doesn't conjur visions of my friends and family crying at my funeral, or hating me because I left them or whatever.

The thing is, the only time suicide is really an answer is if you can't see any way out of some horrible situation. And I mean, you've checked all possible escape roots, even jumping out a window.

Maybe I'm biased, or maybe I'm naive. All I know is, when someone commits suicide, the people left behind are torn appart. For example, my mom has some immune system disorder thing called Fibromyalgia (did I spell that right?). She's told me that sometimes she feels so crappy that she considers suicide, but she never goes through with it. Why? Cuz it would hurt me and Dad. and she's right. If she commited suicide, I'd kick, I'd yell, I'd scream, I'd cry, and I'd probably never forgive her.
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I have thought about suicide and then I remember that I'm a Christian. And if I commit suicide, then I'll go to Hell. It's right there in the Bible.

I also realize that it'll hurt the people I love and those who depend on me. Then there's the whole humiliation thing. I consider suicide the coward's way out. Call me an asshole if you want, but that's just how I feel.[/b][/size][/color]
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Guest cloricus
Every one has thought about it, big deal. Most people have useless reasons like the above show, except wrist cutter, I feel your pain; your cyanide is in the mail! :P Hehe.

This is a useless thread and I warn again people posting methods, there are places that are willing to help if you are serious but other than that talking here will not help you much at all.

Have fun all and remember, down the tracks!

EDIT: Sorry just had to... Sublime please tell us this magical line!
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[color=#707875]These "suicide threads" are like a plague. They just never seem to go away.

We really have no way of knowing who is serious and who isn't, which is one problem here. Another problem is that there isn't a huge discussion value here; do we [i]really [/i]need to hear about people's suicidal thoughts? Probably not.

OtakuBoards is a place for entertainment and although we do allow the occasional debate and so on...I'm not sure if I'm willing to permit a discussion that revolves entirely around suicide, especially since we've had so many of these threads in the past.

The main difference between now and then is that now we are far less willing to tolerate pointless or angsty discussion. If anyone is [i]truly [/i]suicidal, I think they know that they should seek professional help, rather than use an anime message board.[/color]
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