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Check out my Avatars

Box Hoy

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These are a couple of my avatars that I've created over the past few weeks. I was wondering how I could improve and how they could be rated on a scale of 1-10.

I want to be able to get better and creating these images so I want your most honest comments wheather good or bad. I also would like some advice and some other ways to create avatars besides photoshop and imageready.
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[size=1][color=darkred] Most of those are pretty good but you really need borders on them. New layer, thin black one pixel border. Cap any avatar off. Without borders, avatars look like rubbish I feel. Yours are good...but I always find myself saying the same thing to new designers- you need borders.

As for other ways to make avatars...well, there are heaps of programs out there...it isn't the program though, but what you do with it. As any artist knows, images and effects you use are the thing that matters. Any half decent program with a clever artist can outrank a master program with a lamer artist.[/size][/color]
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