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They Might be Giants


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This is simply the craziest band of all time. Well, you can hardly call them a band, as it's only two guys. But anyway, whoelse has heard any of their songs? You may have heard one and not realized it, as they aren't that well known I believe. They verge on parodies, but most of what they do is... shall we say, original.

OK, so they're jsut weird, but they arre very good! I think they started in the 80's. One song you might have heard, but may not regcognize, is Istanbul (not Constantinople) witch is simply hilarious.

"Now it's Istanbul, no Constantinople,
Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople,

Even old New York,
was once new Amsterdam,
Why they changed it I can't say,
people just like it better that way,

Why Constantinople got the works,
That's nobody's business but the Turks."

You really have to hear it to laugh at it... you can search for it (and more of their songs) on windows media player, and other things I would imagine.
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TMBG is one of my favorite bands. My Siamese cat is named Ana Ng, which is my favorite They Might Be Giants song. "Her voice is a backwards record, it's like a whirlpool and it never ends."

A song they have done that some of you may recognize is the theme song to the show Malcolm in the Middle. Some of their other more popular songs are "Don't Let Start", (She's A) Hotel Detective, Birdhouse in Your Soul, Istanbul (Not Constantinople) and Particle Man.

If you are interested in the band they have recently released a DVD called "Giagantic: A Tale of Two Johns". It has interviews and some of their videos on it. It is a definite must see for any TMBG fan.

The very last concert I went to was a TMBG concert in Seattle, Washington. It was so much fun since it was in a smaller venue. I did get to scream "I love you John!" and John Linnell said "I love you too." Mind you my husband was there with me, and lucky for me his name is also John. LOL

They definately have a unique sound and style. They do have a Dial-A-Song number which you can call and it will play a song for you. There is no charge for it if you are in New York. Otherwise it is a long distance charge. It is really hard to get though since it is only one line. It is totally worth it since you can hear what their concert schedule is and sometimes they have songs they haven't released yet. Very cool.

If anyone wants to chat about TMBG be sure to PM me. I have My favorite quote listed in myO...which is also the title I put on this post!

"Memo to myself, do the dumb things I gotta do, touch the puppet head..."
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I've only ever heard one of their song(besides the Malcom in the Middle theme) and it was very.....weird. All they kept saying was "Robots on parade, Robots on parade." or something like that.

I'm not saying that I don't like them, it's just that they're very...well...weird. I'll make a note of it to listen to more of them.[/b][/size][/color]
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I don't really have much exposure to They Might Be Giants. Just the Malcolm in the Middle theme song and that one episode of Tiny Toon Adventures where they use a couple of their songs in music videos. That episode was pretty funny, I must say. Istanbul (not Constantinople) was one of those songs, I believe. The other one...well, I'm guessing it was called Particle Man, I don't really remember if that is what it was really called lol. Funny videos, though.

Other than that, my experience with TMBG is nil.
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[size=1]Heheh, Panda. I love that song; it's addicting.

My friend Dave started laughing hysterically when I was at his house last summer; he was listening to "Why Does the Sun Shine?" That's what got me interested in them--anyone who would sing a scientific song about why the sun shines is okay in my book. And it's a [i]funny[/i] song.

The sun is a mass of incandescent gas
A gigantic nuclear furnace!
Where hydrogen is built into helium
At a temperature of millions of degrees.

Actually, I think they didn't write that; they got it from an old educational science record or something. I think. I've heard the other version, and it's just as funny.

It's incredibly dorky. I love it. *lopsided grin* I get such a kick out of their songs.

"Here's hoping you don't become a robot! (Clang, clang) Whoops! Too late."[/size]
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Well, glad to know somebody else has heard of them ^^. A friend of mine has several burned CDs full of TMBG, including the 'mini tracks'. Who's heard of those? They're what will really get you laughing after hearing the other songs a dozen times.

"I found a new friend,
Underneath my pillow."

And that's it. A whole set of tiny songs like that, usual no longer than a few seconds. Wacky, ain't it?

[quote]I did get to scream "I love you John!" and John Linnell said "I love you too." Mind you my husband was there with me, and lucky for me his name is also John. LOL[/quote]
That's hilarious! We need more stories like that one... lol.

"Triangle man, triangle man, triangle man hates particle man,
They have a fight, triangle wins, triangle man, triangle man."
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[QUOTE=Panda]The very last concert I went to was a TMBG concert in Seattle, Washington. It was so much fun since it was in a smaller venue. I did get to scream "I love you John!" and John Linnell said "I love you too." Mind you my husband was there with me, and lucky for me his name is also John. LOL


[color=darkviolet]I can't get away with that, my husband's name is Lincoln :confused: and altho my brother's name is John, he'd freak out. :laugh:


I first heard of TMBG on Tiny Toons when they did those strange cartoons.

Later I met my friend Amanda who is like a TMBG freak. So I learned more about it, including some of the stories behind the songs.

One of my favorite songs is Whistling in the Dark.
" A woman came up to me and said I'd like to poison your mind
with wrong ideas that appeal to you tho I am not unkind..."
"A man came up to me and said I'd like to change your mind,
By hitting it with a rock he said, tho I am not unkind..."

You're not the Boss of me is definately one that gets stuck in your head, I sing it in the shower.

And for some off the beaten path reason, Sapphire bullets of Pure Love (I think that's the right title) has a part in it with a prothstetic forehead. And that reminds me of Taiki Kou from Sailor Moon Stars, but I'm just a freak, so don't mind me.

I'm so glad someone put this thread up

Okay, story. Well, it's not a very good one, but my friends and I once drove from Rochester to Syracuse playing nothing but TMBG and singing at the tops of our lungs. Peopleon the thruway stared at us and when we got to the BAldwinsville exit the tollbooth lady wanted to know what we were on. Amanda told her Pixie Stix[/color]
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