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A boring moment.....


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[size=1][color=#999999]I am bored at the moment and just wanted to do something, so, I created this Thread. Perhaps it will stay, perhaps not. Who knows? But, I created this thread for the reason of...I have no idea.

Let's see...what shall we do with this thread? Maybe we can just talk randomly or perhaps use this thread as....I'VE GOT IT!!!! We shall use this thread to write about our anger, or whatever. I don't know. I'm just here to write how bored I am.

I cannot believe my OB brother and sister got married. My goodness. How strange my family is. Oh well, oh wait. Now, I'm the single one. It just means that I get to have more fun than they do. MOahahahah! *sigh*[/size][/color]
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What's the deal with these "bored" threads? This is the second one I've dealt with tonight. Instead of creating pointless discussions on OtakuBoards you should channel your energy and create clearly thought out, cohesive discussions. Let's be realistic here, you're not going to happen upon a satisfying and enjoyable discussion on here by falling into the habit o fputting up threads with no substance. Challenge yourself a bit. Up the quality value.

What I see here is simply myOtaku or AIM fodder, not appropriate content for the forums. Let's keep that distinction in mind from now on.
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