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HellBoy or Walking Tall?

G/S/B Master

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I don't know which one to pick. I'm going to the movie tommorrow (short time span to choose) and I need a response before the day ends. Which is better? HellBoy or The Rock Walking Tall? With your decision, tell me why?
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Guest ScirosDarkblade
Well, if you want a stupid action flick with some humor here and there and a couple of memorable characters, go watch Hellboy. If you want to get yourself pissed off so you can turn into The Hulk and go on a rampage, go watch Walking Tall. That's all I can really tell you. I haven't watched Walking Tall, though. Something to do with the Rock walking around with a 2x4 not doing much of anything other than bashing heads. The only person I allow to have such little depth in action movies is Van Damme. He's a licenced idiot.
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