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[SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Now I know this movie has been out for awhile, but lets talk about it anyways. I remember seeing the previews for it on TV a couple years ago, and sometimes I would have to turn the channel because even the commercials made me jumpy. When I finally saw the movie I was terrified. For someone whos scared of E.T, Signs was the most heart pounding movie ever. The music plays a big role in the suspence and the freakiness. The credits still make me nervous, even after seeing the movie 20 times. I can think of 6 major parts which made me leap off the couch.

1. When the father looks out the window and sees the alien on the roof.
2. Glimse of Aliens leg in the corn field.
3. The footage of a alien at the spanish boys birthday party.
4. Aliens fingers reach out from under door.
5. Alien grabs boys face in the basement of the house.
6. You see the aliens reflection in the tv when the father pulls it out.

I'll be honest with you. Sitting here typeing about it has even made me a bit jump. I have a thing about aliens and bigfoot. Those are two of the freakiest.[/FONT][/SIZE]
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[SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]I really enjoyed Signs it made me jump several times as well. My favorite scene has to be the one at the birthday party, it made my jaw drop. I love all of the movies that are by M. Night Shymalan. Unbreakable was by far my favorite but thats only because it reunited Sam Jackson and Bruce Willis ( Die Hard With a Vengece, Pulp Fiction). The Sixth Sense was great as well, Halle Jolle Osmand was really convincing in his role as the little kid, I really felt sorry for him and his mother and the suprise ending was also a jaw dropper.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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Eh. Signs was okay. It was suspenseful, I'll give it that, but it didn't really make me jump or anything. Really, you're just beat over the head with every single theme and plot device that the movie wants you to know about. It gets really annoying after a while lol.

Although, [spoiler]the fact that the aliens die because of water makes sense, especially if it's Californian water they touched. I would die if I touched that crap, too.[/spoiler]
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[size=1]I was severely disappointed in that movie. I went in there fully expecting a decent alien sci-fi film and ended up with a "keep the faith alive" message grotesquely beaten into a sci-fi plot. The movie had nothing going for it except the suspense. They could not even make the final alien look real.

If I would have known beforehand that "signs" was meant as in "Signs from Heaven" instead of "Signs from outer space," then I would not have gone to see it. There are some things that just do not mix; religion and science being one of them.[/size]
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I saw the movie 7 times in theatres! I was soo interested in the movie. Truthfully I don't know why.. The movie is alright but the aliens are so easily graphic and I find it soo funny. After seeing it so many times in theatres, I never watched it on Video or DVD. If they made the graphic of the alien better and didn't make it look like a man in a suit, then it would be even better.
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[QUOTE=PiroMunkie][size=1]I was severely disappointed in that movie. I went in there fully expecting a decent alien sci-fi film and ended up with a "keep the faith alive" message grotesquely beaten into a sci-fi plot. The movie had nothing going for it except the suspense. They could not even make the final alien look real.

If I would have known beforehand that "signs" was meant as in "Signs from Heaven" instead of "Signs from outer space," then I would not have gone to see it. There are some things that just do not mix; religion and science being one of them.[/size][/QUOTE]

You have to understand that M. Night Shyamalan doesn't create normal movies. Just the fact Signs was made by him should have clued anyone in that this movie was not going to be a typical sci-fi movie and that it would be something different, new, and very unique. After all he did Sixth Sense and Unbreakable before that.

Shyamalan has a new movie coming out called "The Village" and I'm interested in seeing it.
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[color=#707875]I found Sixth Sense and Unbreakable to be pretty cool movies. But Signs...eh.

For me, the movie was great up until the end. Here is a guy, on his front lawn or whatever...rediscovering his religion, whilst there are aliens invading the country.

I mean, I can understand that a man may rediscover something like this during a very extreme/trying period in his life, but it just felt kind of silly to me. At the end it was like "Oh...that's all."

That's how I felt, anyway.

In general though, I think that the film itself was a pretty strong piece of cinematic work. The various "alien encounters" were handled very well; there were some truly great moments there. It's just a shame that the movie ended in such a way...I found it to be a let down, given what the rest of the film represented.

And considering the beautiful twist at the end of The Sixth Sense in particular, perhaps I expected more from Signs. Maybe I was judging it based on something else, I'm not quite sure.[/color]
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[quote name='PiroMunkie][size=1'] There are some things that just do not mix; religion and science being one of them.[/size][/quote]

[color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Don't tell the Christian Scientists. ^__^

Anyway, I liked Signs. 'Aliens invade the Earth' has been done many, many differenr ways, but I thought the focus on a single man in a single small town was a good choice, because, if aliens did invade, most of us would be, in fact, just watching from the sidelines.

Intertwining faith into the film was not a bad thing, in my opinion; it made the film unique. I don't see how someone has a religious reawakening during a trying, stressful and historic time is that unbelievable. When an event like that ocurrs, the average person focuses inward, rather than outward, and sees the events at how they affect their own lives.

Some of the conversations the townspeople have during the invasion reminded my bvaguely of conversatons I had with a few people on/around 9/11. That was creepy.

As for the ending, I enjoyed it. [spoiler]The fact that all the seemingly odd, out of place details of the movie came together for a single purpose was a great touch; I enjoy movies where 'it all ties into the end'.

As for the last scene, with Mel Gibson getting up and putting on his pristly attire, that was perfect, in my eyes. Not only did it provide a nice sense of completion, considering how it resembled the opening scene, but, when you consider what happened, that scene was really all you needed. In a single scene, you got the entire point of the movie, and it fit perfectly with with the transition of Gibson's character.[/spoiler]

The movie also had some hilarious bits sprinkled in, particularly the scene with the girl at the drugstore, and just about any scene with Mel Gibson's brother.[/color][/font][/size]
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When signs first came out, I thought it would be really good. Until the end of the movie, it is pretty good and creepy (not really) but the end could have been better. I actually found it funny. Just like i found it funny in Scary Movie 3 when they make fun of the movie!
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As lots of you have already said, the suspense was genrealy the best part of the movie. It was kind of interesting how they could scare you so much by showing the alien in plain view in the birthday scene... you know, it just strolls across the screen, but you're already so ready for it to jump at your face, that it scares you anyway.

Again like you guys have said, the ending was a little disappointing... I was expecting it to end when they all came out of the basement and the aliens had all left and blah blah blah, we're all saved, blah blah. Seeing one of the aliens in plain view just ruined the rest of the movie, when they could have left their appearance a mystery except for the little pieces you get earlier. However, it was a very interesting idea to have all those "useless" conditions coem together in the end... though it seemed kind of good when I first saw it, it doesn't seem as... good now.

So that's all... good movie over all, semi-crappy ending.
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I bought the movie the day it came out because I got so freaked out in the theaters after I saw it that I had to see it again.
At first I thought it was going to be about monsters and stuff when the commercials were on but when i saw it it was the most terrifying movie I ever saw next to the Ring.

The most terrifying part was the spanish boys party when the alein walkes out of the bushes. That was freakish.
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Signs is a GREAT movie. Ever since I first saw the previews I knew it would be great. It scared the begeezes(sp.) out of me the first time though. I remember going home and going straight to my computer to look up things about aliens, :laugh: Then I spent the whole night just sleeping on and off making sure my blinds were down on my windows so I wouldn't see an alien on the roof, and to make sure no hands were underneath my door. :rolleyes:

I love this movie. And even today, it still scares me. Like the other day I was watching it, and I knew when all the parts that would make me jump were, and I still jumped crazily. But yes great movie, I love it.
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