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does any body like my Peach Banner?


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[COLOR=DarkOrange]Now first off i want every body to know I made this on Windows Paint so the bluring is not my fault but I think for my first banner (with no help) I did OK....

so if I could get some pointers on how to make a blur-free Banner and how i'm saposed to add a border i would be happy :babble: :D


the banner is in my sig (yeah i'm talking about [I]that[/I] one....)[/COLOR]
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[FONT=Arial][COLOR=Indigo]Well it's "just peachy". I would suggest a boarder, but other than that I dont know what to say. I mean I've never used MS paint so I don't know how much you can really acomplish with it. Remember the boarder though.[/COLOR][/FONT]
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[size=1][color=darkred]Thats pretty good for a first banner in Paint. It actually looks pretty good. I'd recommend a thin black border around it though. If you really want to produce top-notch banners I'd recommend you get another program though. Even Microsoft PictureIt works better than Paint. For now though, it looks really good, but would be completed by a thin black outline border.[/size][/color]
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[COLOR=DarkOrange]Ok... I made some modifications... acually i did it all over again but anyhoo...

this is what it[U][I] looked [/I][/U] like


and now this is what it lookes like...


like the changes??

and one question how do you do thumbnails?

i would make them thumbnails but i don't know how..[/COLOR]
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[size=1][color=darkred]That looks much better now. The thumbnails are just created when you attatch something to your message. For example, if you click on the reply button on the left, underneath the last post, then it will take you to a reply page. Underneath the text box is something saying "Manage Attatchments". Click on this and you can upload stuff to OB, and it will appear as a thumbnail in your message. If you do that, then when you click on it, it will appear bigger. Only people logged in to OB can see it though, so it can be good for hosting your OB banners from. Can only be used on OB though ~_^[/size][/color]
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[COLOR="#004a6f"]I think it's [I]really[/I] good! If you can do this with paint, then who knows how good you would be with photoshop! My only suggestion is to smooth out the background and the edges of the text, unless you did it on purpose to obtain a "fuzzy peach" effect to go along with your theme.[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=DarkOrange]I really can't do any thing about that because when I save my images on ms Paint as JPGs or GIFs they get mega blurry so I just made all JPGs because there less blurry...

but hey, if it lookes like a fuzzy Peach theme then its all good :D

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I think it looks really good now with the boarder on it. It just gives it a bit more of a finished looked to it. It makes it stand out a bit more than without the boarder.I think you did an excellent job for your first banner. Like Chabichou said, if you did this good with Paint who knows how well you would do with Photoshop!

Keep up the good work. :D
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[size=1]If you save it as a .gif, it should be okay, fuzziness-wise.

Those are some cute pictures you have. I would remove the little floating one, though; it seems out of place there.

The black border makes it look more professional. ^_^[/size]
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