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I need help with an Eva banner

Guest gendou ikari

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Guest gendou ikari
In case you haven't noticed (the subject name!) I am in dire need of a banner. I have a cool Naruto banner at the moment;however, want an evangelion banner,with good art and a cool picture. I would like it if you just gave it to me, ynow? Well, anyway I would appreciate it greatly and I would love a good Unit 001 pick (or Asuka or Shinji).

For the avatar, I simply want a good pic of Unit 01 holding his progressive knife.
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[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Since you never stated if you'd like any certain text on the banner, I simply added your name on it. Also I didn't add Asuka, cropping her is somewhat hard for me because of her hair.

Other then that, I really like how this banner turned out. Hope that you do too. If you'd like anything changed, or a different banner let me know.

I couldn't really figure out what you meant by "good art." The original artwork you bye within the NGE artwork or a high quality image. With-out further more of my rabling, here's my try.


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