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What tricks do you use to fake being sick?

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[QUOTE=G.D. Ryoko]When I want to play sick, all I have to do is sit around some dust or smoke and then have an asthma attack. I have pretty bad ones so I can get out of school for a couple of days. But basicly, my parents let me stay home when I want to.
That's such a horrible idea.
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Guest Atticus
[color=Navy][size=1]My parents have always been really easy-going. If I didn't want to go to school, personal reason or whatever, I could just tell them and I could stay. I don't miss often and I guess they see that as a reason to let me every now and again.

Though whenever I was small I once faked sick by putting some of my mom's makeup in the toilet making it look like vomit... Gross, yes. Effective, yes. Though that was when I was in... Second grade? Something like that. So remember, if all else fails, waste money by dumping expensive make-up.[/size][/color]
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  • 3 years later...
I didn't need to I'd just get up get ready then as I was about to leave I'd just refuse to go but you must go to school cause I kind of regret it even though I absolutely hated it I didn't take my GCSE'S and now I want to go to university but am unable to unless I sit my GCSE'S but that would mean going back to school.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Scissorhands
The key is most definitely to START THE NIGHT BEFORE. Act lethargic, barely eat dinner, and say you have a headache and you feel nauseous, and go to bed earlier than you normally would. In the morning, act as if your symptoms have gotten much worse. Don't overdo it with the acting (for instance, don't moan: that is just about the best indicator of faking that there is). Try to avoid temperature taking, but if you're forced, run the thermometer under some hot water until it reaches 100-103 degrees (we don't want to be caught with a 110 degree fever, now do we ? ) If you want, take a purple magic marker and draw on your finger, then take another finger and LIGHTLY smear it under your eye to give the appearance of extreme tiredness. This should be used with caution because there is a fine line between it looking real and it looking unnatural. What I've found to help is act like you really don't want to miss school, but make it clear to your parents that they need to keep you home. As for the rest of the day, make sure you follow through with your "sickness." Lie around, don't get excited or act too happy, don't eat much, and generally just act like you would if you really did have a headache and stomachache.

Goodness that was long, and that's not even half of what I was going to say ^_^
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My parents generally let me stay home when I want too, unless Ive used up all my sick days. When I was in elementary school I used to try and fake sick, but I'm not the best actor, apparently :animesmil . The only method I ever used that really worked was staying up all night before to make myself sleepy, and I look pretty ****** after Ive stayed up all night so it helped convince my parents I was sick.
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Wow I come back today, and I couldn't believe that after 3 years someone dug this back up! Made me kinda happy! Haha

Oh well now that it's been three years I'll guess I'll update with some info on how I do it now!

As scissorhands said its basically key to start with the night before. Barely eat and etc. Well I do that now, and my newest trick to add is if you have any white face paint(such as for Halloween and stuff) or just facial makeup that is lighter then your natural skin color. Very mildly put that on, gives you a nice pail look, mix that with a bit darker makeup(once again very mildly) around the eyes to look like your really tired. I bit of acting like you do when you're normally sick and you're home free!.
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I don't have to pull any stunts except fake a few stomach cramps. I hardly ever miss school or get sick, so when I tell my parents I'm sick, they believe me. Of course it comes with a bit of well played acting... Usually I just have to act lazy and stay in bed. If need be, I'll go to the bathroom and make heaving noises followed by flushing the toilet so my mom can't tell. But I haven't had to do that since I was 10; she just takes my word for it now.

I don't mess with temperatures and all that stuff. Not all sicknesses gives you a fever! That's why I would hate it my parents were the type to say, "No fever. You must not be sick." Luckily my mom works for a medical staffing agency, so she's knowledgable on stomach viruses and such.

Also, I recently developed some serious dizzy spells (no lie) and I had to be checked out of school for them. So now, I use that to my advantage occassionally. Whenever I don't feel like mowing the lawn or whatever, I just pretend that I'm too dizzy to stand up. That way, I don't have to do whatever and I get to sleep all day!
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[color=#b0000b]I skulk around frat row, find some fresh vomit, and send it to my professor in a tupperware.

"I won't be in lecture today, but to prove that I'm [i]really[/i] sick, I'm sending you this token of my sincerity!"

Mmmmmmmm, vomit.[/color]
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[FONT=Arial]I never really fake sick, 'cause I'm a horrible liar. However, if there is something I want to get out of (school, church, etc.) I would actually try to get sick. It never really works on such short notice, though. It saddens me that there aren't any websites with tips on how to contract a cold. :P

Whenever one of my friends got sick, I would beg them to cough on me. Some of them would, some of them would look at me like I was asking for their fingernails or something.

Fortunately for me, I found out that my body is never completely healthy--I just don't notice that I'm sick because I've been this way for a long time. So, I guess if I come in contact with any kind of sick germ, BOOM.

Sometimes, though, I do have to overreact to my sickness, because it wouldn't be so bad otherwise. And if sickness doesn't work..."Uuuugggh, I have really bad cramps :[[ *teartear*"
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