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Are you cool? I'm cool.


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Ok. You guys might not believe me, but I am one of the most popular kids in my school. That's right. I play football (all conference, honorable mention, guard and I'm only 170lbs!), wrestle (2 time regional qualifier), and run track (54.78second 400m dash). By now, you may be asking yourself, "What the crap is this guy talking about, and why the crap is this popular jerk gloating in this anime forum?" Well, I'll tell ya. I'm crazy about anime, and I usually don't gloat in real life. But in essence, I'm really not gloating. I'm just telling the truth. Plus, I have a point. I was wondering if anyone else is really popular in their school (I'm a high school senior, by the way) and likes anime. Oh, and people have to know you like anime. I draw it all the time in my art class. Right now, I'm doing a huge canvas full of Alita from Battle Angle Alita: Last Order. MMM...good manga.

But anyway, is there anyone like me out there? Am I the only Flopjock? Do you people take your girlfriends out on dates that consist mainly on going to the mall to play DDR and then heading over to Borders to check out manga (<- run on)? If you are, do really really nerdy otaku hover over you when you are reading your manga? Do they want to get to know you? Do you just want to explain to them that people who like the same things might not get along with each other? For example, I like cake. You may enjoy cake as well, but you might be the biggest douche in the universe. I don't think we'd be compatible as cake buddies, talking about cake all the time. I forget what I was talking about, but cake sounds good right now. Anyway, give this thread a jingle if you are one of these fellows that I'm talkin' 'bout...Willis.
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[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Well I am popular too, but I am not a jock. I am just one of the funny kids at school that everyone just knows. I haven't done any sports at my school and I really don't plan on doin so, but I might just play baseball my last year of Jr. High. I do like sports alot it is just the people that are on the teams are real jerk offs alot. Well I hope I answered your question[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]

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[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]I am not really that popular I mean I know a little bit of everybody and im cool with a little bit of everyone but im not a jock. I pretty much hang with a group of friends who also like anime and games. But there are people I say whats up to alot,and I am cool with the skaters cause they were my peoples in middle school. I dont go out partying and getting trashed every weekend like most the popular kids do i'd much rather spend my weekends gaming and sleeping.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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Am I popular? I don't know. I'm certainly popular among creative people like myself. I don't really have many enemies anymore (although I've had quite a few in the past). A girl in my sunday school class thought that the proposition of me not getting along with someone was laughable. "You are a really easy person to get along with" she said.

O.k. So I know how to play the game. I know how to get everyone to like me, or at least tolerate my existance. But that doesn't mean that I am someone everyone wants to hang out with. It doesn't mean I am someone people would want to be seen with.

Girls like to be with me, and a lot of girls think I'm amusing, but they don't tend to want to go out with me. I don't play any sports, unless you count my PE class. So am I popular? Among some people, yes, among the general populace, no.

But that's o.k. Many of the 'popular people' I really have nothing in common with. I find them fairly boring. Why would I want to spend my time with them? It's the different, interesting people I like. And I don't need to be adored by millions, if I have a few good friends who like me. Sometimes I wish I had more sex appeal, though. It would be nice to have a girlfriend...

OOOO! I almost forgot! The senior citizens in our church all seem to think I am the greatest! They all love me! OOOO! I'm a huge hit with the junior high kids, too. My sister tells me they dig me! Yeah! OOOO! Babies and toddlers like me, too! Cut out everyone from age 15-50, and I'm the most popular person ever!!! Hooray! :raspberry
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What is your meaning of cool?

Do I have to be an athlete? Do I have to have a crowd of 'popular people' following me around every single second? If that's what your meaning is, then I am not popular.

I try my hardest not to be popular. Though I do have a small group of friends. I just don't want to be a cheerleader and have a bunch of people follow me and act like they are my friends. When, in truth, they want to be just as popular as me.

I hate that. For one, they aren't my true friends. Two, I am a shy person, and I hate large crowds. Three, I like to be unique. I rather have my individualism than be the same as everyone else.

So, popular, I am not. I am rather a computer, and anime geek with my own style. I busy myself with learning all I can about things that matter to me. I would rather continue to snowboard, roller blade, and rock climb than join any school sport. I am not popular and I am glad.
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I'm known, from 2nd grade to 6th grade of this year. Most kids talk to me for advices or smiles. I have some girls that have crush on meh, and some just talk to me. But I'm not popular, I think. I'm not the kind of guy who would win the Student Council position so easily. I'm not with the "Popular" crowd. My friend is in it, but thats as far I'm willing to go. As the "popular" crowd is usually selfish/b****y people.

I made a lot of friends in just 3 days.

[quote name='xander harris']OOOO! Babies and toddlers like me, too! Cut out everyone from age 15-50, and I'm the most popular person ever!!! Hooray! [/quote]

Check out my wicked picture! XD'''''
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I'm not "the popular kid". There's the groups that are popular. I'm within all of them, know them all, but I don't consider myself to be too popular, or anywhere near unpopular, nor do I think everyone likes me. Though I do consider myself to be quite above the middle line, if I was to be put into a category or somethin'.

Honestly, I can't stand anime. I'm mainly here for the gaming and music forums, aswell as the general talk going on around here.
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I'm not saying you have to be an athlete to be cool. I'm just wondering if you guys are well liked in your school and if you get along with everyone, even though you are unique and awesome enough to like anime.

People think to look past the fact that I love anime and still hang out with me, even though the general trend is that anime lovers are unpopular, as shown in this thread. But whateva. I'm conviced that once you get to college, public school crap won't even matter anymore.
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Guest Midnight Rush
I play the sports.. do very well in them and make an A average... But I'm not popular at all. Well not with half the school anyway. The girls love me and the guys hate me... for just that reason lol. I do have some good guy friends though so its not universal. I don't get the little crowd or whatever... maybe because of my icy one liners? But yeah any girl in the school I could get by smiling and asking... easily.
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I was popular. I was a football player, wrestler, and I did martial arts. Studies were there, but not as important as they should have been.

I hung out with everyone, quite simply because like most anyone who joins this board: I'm a geek. One can be a popular geek/jock it's very common. I was into comics, some anime, a LOT of sports (I still have almost 20 UFC events on tape. I don't know how many Pride, King of the Cage, and the occasional Superbrawl I have recorded somewhere at my parents house.) and a MOVIES (I am a huge film buff. History, Creative Writing and Film Appreciation were my favorite classes after all.)
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[color=#0099ff]I am what you popular people call a loner, or a freak. Take your pick. ^_^ I don't give a damn. I don't participate in extracurricular activities, rallies, or any stuff that would be considered fun at school. I do talk to people, but I never stick with a group during breaks and stuff. I just sit in the school library using the computers. Hmm, add that one to the list; nerd. XD It used to bother me, but I've accepted it.[/color]
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In school and college I was well liked by most everyone. At least to my knowledge. I don't think anyone was holding ill feelings towards me. Most of the kids I went to school with I had grown up with so they have known me for years. It really didn't matter what clique you ended up with, you were still friends.

As an adult my friends, family and co-workers see nothing wrong with my love of anime. I think they kind of expect it since my hubby was a film and animation major in college. If we didn't like animation they would probably worry! I think another thing that helps me out was that I don't have the "oh you're weird for liking Japanese animation" feelings towards me since I am Japanese and it kind of makes sense I would like it.

I guess my love of anime had little to nothing to do with my popularity. People liked me for me and the way I treat others, not by hobbies. Jerks will be jerks no matter what group they hang out with. I never understood how some mean people ended up being the "popular" ones. All in all I would have to say I was popular, and still am with my friends and that is all that really matters to me. :)
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Yeah, so I'm pretty popular now too, mainly cause I got arrested in school for doing something on the streets (nothing serious, mainly just involved a few fire crackers ) But every teenager thinks its cool to be arrested, and mine so happened in school, so, thats why. Nothing much, but cool. ^_^
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Excellent point, Transtic Nerve. What is 'cool' anyway? It's entirely a subjective term.

I'd like to make an addendum to my earlier post. I failed to answer SoapyShoes question about Barnes and Noble. The other people I see in the fantasy/manga/rpg isle scare me. They typically don't bathe, and look at me with scary, hollow eyes. You meet some freaky people in comic book stores, too. I always get a kick out of the weirdos who can't seem to decide if they are goths or punks, and dress in a bizzare sort of hybrid way. They are obviously on drugs of some kind.

I feel sorry for anyone who thinks getting arrested is cool. But it's true that it sometimes increases people's popularity... I really don't get that.
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[quote name='Xander Harris']The other people I see in the fantasy/manga/rpg isle scare me. They typically don't bathe, and look at me with scary, hollow eyes. You meet some freaky people in comic book stores, too. I always get a kick out of the weirdos who can't seem to decide if they are goths or punks, and dress in a bizzare sort of hybrid way.[/quote]

Xander that is so true. I think those of us who love anime get this bad reputation from those otakus who have HOBO (Horrible Otaku Body Odor). They are the people other people remember standing in the fantasy/manga/rpg isle. I look too, well, preppy to be put into long term memory. But that HOBO is something that does cause a lasting memory!

There was the other point brought up by Transtic Nerve about "cool" and popularity. I was in sports, band, school activities like dances and stuff. I was popular, people knew who I was and were friendly to me. But I don't know if that is "cool". Some people think hurting animals is "cool" and I definately don't think it is.

Perhaps someones coolness is all dependant upon what their opinion of cool is.

Therefore, I am the coolest Panda in the world!
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[quote name='HOTpage2004']Yeah, so I'm pretty popular now too, mainly cause I got arrested in school for doing something on the streets (nothing serious, mainly just involved a few fire crackers ) But every teenager thinks its cool to be arrested, and mine so happened in school, so, thats why. Nothing much, but cool. ^_^[/quote]

Yeah.... so cool to be arrested.... is it also cool to be thrown in jail and be raped by some guy who's been in there for 30 years? Sounds to me like it's not cool at all to be arrested, in fact it's pretty f-ing stupid.

And just for the fact, when I was a teenager, I didn't think it was cool to be arrested. I guess that shows how much you actually know.
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Esoteric. That?s About all I?ve to say about popularity or being "cool". I sincerely suggest anyone who is truly concerned about their social status in any sort of education environment follow these instructions:
1)Locate ***
2)Remove Head.
Popularity is not the key to success, neither is being "cool". The coolest people I know are those who don?t really give a damn about how the majority of people perceive them. In order to be cool you have to piss off a lot of people. By the way, no one is going to care if you were voted homecoming queen when you reach college. As I grow up and understand more and more about the way people act, I?ve come to understand that the less pretense you put on anyone or any situation, the greater you?ll enjoy your life. The more and more you try to characterize yourself as a "something", the more you?ll be restricted to the wayward glances of the critical eye. High school is brutal. Kids will hate you for no other reason than to have someone to hate. The sooner you relish the fact that someone hates you, and put that behind you, the sooner you?ll be free to explore and define the person you want to be. Unless you are a movie star, rock star, or highly respected public figure; you really aren?t that popular at all and whatever social success you worked [I]so hard[/I] to accomplish is infinitesimal compared to a good best friend.

Get your priorities straight before you waste away what could be some great years of your life.
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I made the Varsity basketball team while i was in the 10 grade. One of only two underclassman to make the cut. I quit after the first week on the team though, to be in the school play. why did I do this you might ask?" in the dressing room with the hotes half naked girls in all the grades V. the boys lockerroom, I chouse was easyer then you might think." well making the team at a young age got me in with all the upper classman guys. being in the play got me in with all the upper classman girls. I was a very populer 10 grader.now i am in the 11 grade and about to be a 12 grader. everybody knows and likes me." I think its mastly my british accent."
I also have a really hot girlfriend. Hear is her pic.

[color=darkred] Improve your spelling now. I'm beginning to doubt that you even [i]attend[/i] the school from which you draw your above claims. ~Drix [/color]
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[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]What the hell kind of thread is this?!


In life, I follow the basic principle of, "But, Mom, geeks don't do drugs!" I don't play sports, I don't pay attention in class, I don't do my homework, I don't pick fights, I don't ignore/insult people because every one else does, and I don't get in trouble.

I don't think any one holds any grudges against me, but that isn't saying every one is my friend. I'm not "popular" by any twisted set of standards.

Things that are not cool:

-getting arrested
-smoking or doing any other kind of non-medicinal drug (for non-medical reasons, in reference to the last subject mentioned)
-revolving around grades
-being serious about everything (or more than one or two things, for that matter)
-trying to be the next Brian Warren @_@
-being any kind of bully

I may be twelve years old, but most of my classmates are fourteen. I think I'm allowed to say that I, as a teenager, find most people's impressions of The Thing To Do a load of bullcrap.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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"Cool" is just an opinion and anyone can be cool but, Cool in today's society means being the in of the group which everyone loves. I am in the same class as Godel and from what we have seen in our school is this group of girls with purses that all match their pants and their p*mp, *stab* *kick* *Pucca-ed*. They are probabally considered cool but that is only my opinion.
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[COLOR=magenta][SIZE=1]Cool is a word. Why it's used to describe a person, I know not, but I do know that it means nothing. You can see a person as cool if you want or you don't have to if you wish not. Most kids think that it's anyone that can get a girl/boyfriend, get into a fight, do drugs and get drunk, smoke, wear a purse that matches their outfit, and is an athletic person. All which I think are pathetic excuses to hang around with someone. And in a person's eye as mine, it's just anyone who can run around and be ignorant and rude to others who they themselves think is "cool." Poor simple-minded creatures.

That's why I prefer to be with the others who aren't considered "cool." They make a lot more sense and like you for your personality and beliefs. Or you could just call them the geeks, nerds, outcasts, loners, weirdos, freaks, etc. Though the only time I'm considered away from that area is when I write a depressing poem and people stalk me for a copy.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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