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Are you cool? I'm cool.


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I agree i'm a geek and a nerd who doesn't need to think about what's cool and what's not. Cool is an idea and might be a marketing sheme to get people to buy stuff.

Shallow people scare me...and if you have got something important to say you are not shallow
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[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Arial][B]Matter of opinon. [/B]

Sure you might think your cool.

Your friends might think your cool.
Matter of opinon.[/B]

I dont play sports. I'm orginal. I'm funny. I'm honest. Im a friendly guy. I have alot of friends who care. I'm not a trouble maker. I don't use drugs (often). Im active and like to do alot of things. I don't judge.

It's those things that build up to being a cool person in my [B]opinon[/B]

Cool is a sterotype and I don't put sterotypes on people.
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Dang. I sure did get a lot of angsty teenage feedback in this thread. But it is true. Cool is relative, just like time or beauty.

Don't worry about doin' your homework, Godel...but at least pay attention so you can do good on the tests, like me. Homework is for squares! Like pants!
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O.O, thats a lot of posts in short time span.

[quote name='HOTpage2004']Yeah, so I'm pretty popular now too, mainly cause I got arrested in school for doing something on the streets (nothing serious, mainly just involved a few fire crackers ) But every teenager thinks its cool to be arrested, and mine so happened in school, so, thats why. Nothing much, but cool. ^_^[/quote]

Is it cool to be drinking and driving? Is it cool that your parents are worried about you? Is it cool that you get gangbanged by prisoners? I don't think so. Go smoke some crack, maybe you'll be even COOLER when you're sentenced to 10 years in jail or worse.

[quote name='SoapyShoes']Don't worry about doin' your homework, Godel...but at least pay attention so you can do good on the tests, like me. Homework is for squares! Like pants![/quote]

Squares?......... And dude, are you one of those people who wear LOOONG shorts that goes to their ankles?
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[quote name='HOTpage2004']Yeah, so I'm pretty popular now too, mainly cause I got arrested in school for doing something on the streets (nothing serious, mainly just involved a few fire crackers ) But every teenager thinks its cool to be arrested, and mine so happened in school, so, thats why. Nothing much, but cool. ^_^[/quote]

[color=darkviolet]I must be seriously advancing in years if I didn't know teenagers thought it was [i]cool[/i] to get arrested and stuff. Gods, where has the time gone? When I was a teenager it was just cool to talk about getting drunk and high at your friend's party, now you actually have to have the pictures and the blood test to prove it. :eek: What are kids coming to these days? *pulls out wheelchair and putters around* Man it keeps escalating, may kids will have to wear flak jackets to school to look 'cool'

I was just not popular in high school, unless you count the vote about the ugly shoes, so I'd rather spend my money on riding equipment than Prada. Vertex costs more than Prada anyway :P

As for cool, well there was the time that the school had no heat and everyone was really cool. Especially the ones who forgot their jackets.

I never cared for being popular or anything. I think that sometimes when you're popular people automatically want to be your friends because they want to be name droppers. Oh, yeah, and the whole rumor about being a lesbian kind of made me swear off popular people. It's so annoying when nuns offer to pray for you to stop being something you're not! :flaming:

Oh, sorry for teh repetition, it's late and I should go to bed.[/color]
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[quote name='G/S/B Master']Squares?......... And dude, are you one of those people who wear LOOONG shorts that goes to their ankles?[/quote]

Nah. I just run around pantsless and ask people if there's a breeze in here. I do go to Hot Topic every once in a while to pick up gaming paraphernalia.
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[color=deeppink][size=1]The 'posses' in which some of my best friends are in are considered to be the most popular in school, but there's only a few of them I consider to be cool. Just because they're popular doesn't mean they're cool, but it doesn't mean they're all snobby and fake, either. I don't try to be popular or go out of my way to be 'unique'. I think it's just a bonus if you become popular for a lot of people liking you for who you are.

Oh, and by the way, getting arrested is [b]not[/b] cool. It just makes you look trashy, just like when someone uses like, five cuss words in every sentence and sags down to their knees. - .-;

And honestly, I think some people are taking 'popular' people to be all like, 'Oh, I'm too cool to talk to people like [i]you[/i]'. That's not always the case. 'Popular' people are popular for a reason, and it's not just how rich/pretty they are to be [b]truly[/b] popular. And no, they don't all buy from Abercrombie (etc). In fact, it seems like Hot Topic is getting to be more chichè than Gap. ...Not to mention just as/possibly more expensive. (A shirt there is at least $18). Just be yourself and don't try too hard to be 'cool' or a 'loner'. Besides, people know fakes when they see one- except they know better than to say it to their face.


*walks off*[/color][/size]
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I'm pretty popular at my small town Juniour High. I have alot of freinds, everyone knows my name, I do well with girls, I get complements, I play basket ball with the hip hop crowd (which my best freind is in) and I hang with goof around with the skaters/punks (who my other two best freinds are in). I hang with everyone and everyone pretty much likes me except the "preppy crowd" at school, and even then, my girl freind, and two of my ex-girl freinds belong to that group. Its mainly the guys that dislike me.

I mean, I don't like to gloat or lie myself, so I don't. I'm just telling to truth. I'm only really popular with the punks/skater and the hip hop/black kids cuz that mainly what I am. The Hip Hop Punk Nerd. I love anime, I love to draw and write, I love to rap, I love to play basketball, I love too dance, I love to just good off, I love martial arts, I love philosophy, and everyone know's that who I am, and I guess they like me because I don't try to act like anyone other than myself.[/color][/size]
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[size=1][color=darkred]Am I cool? Ask someone else.

Am I popular? Reasonably so, I think.

Ancient Romans viewed themselves through others eyes. Your own opnion of yourself is influenced greatly by how others see you. I'd say not much has changed. I used to be...fairly unpopular, and a loner and...just there. Now, I have made an effort, and I am liked if not loved ~_^.

I'm not rich, not incredibly cool or fashion-oriented. But if you just...participate and be open with people [to an extent] then you can have more friends and...whatever.

I am rambling. I don't know if people consider me cool, but I would say I am reasonably well liked.[/size][/color]
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[QUOTE=Godelsensei][COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]What the hell kind of thread is this?!


[color=orange][size=1] Well put. I'd have to say that this is one of the most egotistical threads I have probably ever seen on OB, let alone on various other message boards.

It just oh [i]so [/i]warms our hearts that you feel good about yourself, it really does, but the fact that you're going to toot your horn to people you barely know and/ or don't give a crap if you're on a football team or not is really just quite sad.

With that said, I'm totally cool. [/color][/size]
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That's kinda funny that you actually read the thread, then. Have I ticked you off that much that you had to reply in a sarcastic way that hurts peoples feelings? I am confused why you even posted if you don't like the thread this much. I was just wondering if people were in the same boat as me, and you turned it around as me tooting my horn, as you put. T_T

Aparently, people do care about what I have to say if I have a thread that's three pages long.

It's surprising that I can evoke such emotions out of people.
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[color=darkblue]This thread should have been titled differently.

I wouldn't say that I was so much popular in high school as notorious. People were kind of intimidated by me, I think. I hung out with the popular kids alot, though, because of sports/clubs and such. They were always trying to "save me from myself."

As for cool, now... for the most part, I'm really cool. But there are these rare occassions where I get drunk and, oh lord, the **** does hit the fan. Very uncool then.[/color]
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This shall be the only post you shall here from me on this topic.

I don't know and I don't care if I'm cool. All I know is that every girl I know and have met think I'm cute....I a damn goth. I go around with black clothes and spikes, and that's cute? Now if that word actually got me anywhere, say a girlfriend, then I wouldn't be bothered by it so much but....it's not.
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[quote name='Darius_Stomu']I a damn goth. I go around with black clothes and spikes, and that's cute? Now if that word actually got me anywhere, say a girlfriend, then I wouldn't be bothered by it so much but....it's not.[/quote]

[color=darkviolet]*Pinches Darius Stormu's cheeks* How cute!

Coolness is in the eye of the beholder to me. I think with my jeans, shirts and whatever else I'm pretty cool for an old lady. But some people may not think so.

My brother thinks he's cool with his obnoxiously loud rap music, Black and milds and clothes that could house the poor, but I think that's just overdone and stupid.

Hotpage thinks he's cool with a criminal record. Most of us think that's one of the stupidest things to be proud of.

The point is that everybody's perspective is different so no two poeple can actually be considered cool for the same reasons.

As for being popular. Popularity only lasts as long as high school so enjoy it while you can.[/color]
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Me I am not cool I am not anything I try to stay out of the popular and noticed scene I take an alternative from my classmates in the 9th grade and beyond at our highschool I hate schoolspirit never liked it and hang out with my own group of friends some who are outcasts and just like to be by themselves like me. When I get to school I act diffrent around the people at school than I do with my real friends so the other stupid freshmen will leave me alone they are so immature and idiotic I act like I like the school and like I have fun around them when I barely can tolerate most of them any kind of student or teacher.
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Eh, I'm a little surprised that this thread hasn't been locked yet. I've purposefully avoided replying up until now because I've always considered this sophomoric discussion little more than a thinly veiled attempt for SoapyShoes to revel in his own self proclaimed greatness. In retrospect, I knew his self centeredness would be answered by some pretty entertaining anecdotes with a side of reality check, so I allowed it to continue. Now, [i]well[/i], we have SoapyShoes and Heezay littering the thread with spammy replies and that not only makes this thread chauvinistic--it puts it on the "going nowhere fast" track.

Let's face it, the coolest people usually aren't consumed with their own greatness. They don't believe in the legend of their own self image so much so that they see themselves as cooler than anyone else possibly could. When one becomes the biggest fan of their own hype, they generally aren't someone I'd label as "cool."

[quote][b]If you are, do really really nerdy otaku hover over you when you are reading your manga? Do they want to get to know you? Do you just want to explain to them that people who like the same things might not get along with each other? For example, I like cake. You may enjoy cake as well, but you might be the biggest douche in the universe. I don't think we'd be compatible as cake buddies, talking about cake all the time. I forget what I was talking about, but cake sounds good right now. Anyway, give this thread a jingle if you are one of these fellows that I'm talkin' 'bout...Willis.[/b][/quote]Actually I highly doubt the other cake lover occupies the position of "biggest douche in the universe" but that's another story. What we have here is a problem where you immediately label people based on social groups and appearance. You superficially disregard people who share similar interests with you. You *probably* would get along with them but you're too shallow to even attempt to get to know them past the most basic of stereotypes. Whereas your cake example is a broad example that speaks nothing of personality, enjoying manga is a niche that indicates these people probably aren't as different from you as you'd like to imagine. Usually friendly common bonds, such as shared interests are the suitable foundations for friendship.

But, I digress. I shouldn't be throwing in my two cents in at this point because my personal dissatisfaction with your attitude and shallowness has no bearing on my decision to close the thread.

Rather, it's your inability to post within your own thread in accordance to our rules that has motivated me to put this to rest. I also doubt you're grasping much of what you could be learning here so that too marks the end of this.
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