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Usernames and Screen Names


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I have an idea for this MB. You know how on Yahoo! Messenger, you have a login name and a Screen name? Why doesnt the Otaku Boards do that? You would still have the same login name, just a different name on your posts and stuff!
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[font=Arial][size=1][color=darkslateblue]Well, there are a few reasons that this is probably not on OB.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]For one, if this feature was on OB, then many members would probably be changing their usernames/screenames all the time. This would cause confusion and make it difficult for members to know who's who and such.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]If members were allowed to do this, then mass chaos would ensue. It'd be hard to know what user is with what username if he/she was constantly changing the screename. Also, it could get difficult to keep track of who changed their screename to what, etc.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]It would be something that would be very hard to keep under control and to implement, probably.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]I definitely don't approve of the idea of having something like that on OB. I can only imagine what would happen over a few days time of having that kind of feature...[/color][/size][/font]
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Save your creative energy for custom titles; I think I can safely predict that the feature you mentioned won't be implemented anytime soon (assuming such a thing is even feasible). DDG did a good job of explaining why it's so impractical.

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[size=1]OB did have this feature at one point. It lead to much confusion, I can tell you that.

(I only really changed my name once, and it took months for some of my [i]friends[/i] to realize I was the same person.)

Charles periodically changes screen names on request, but it's not very high on his priority list. [/size]
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[color=#707875]There's also the fact that Virtual Bulletin doesn't seem to support the "username/screenname" idea by default. And although we could probably implement that type of feature, I think it would also be more of a security risk. If your username is identical to your "screen name", it becomes harder for you to switch names frequently.

So, Charles and I are happy to change people's names on OB. The main reason that we don't let you guys do it yourselves, is because frequent name changing would cause some big headaches; it's happened before. Nobody knows who anyone else is, and then people want to set up threads where they list the screen names they've had...and it becomes a huge, confusing mess.

We recommend that you carefully consider your name before registering. And then if you really want it changed, we'll do it for you manually.[/color]
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[color=hotpink][size=1]I really didn't even like that feature much on Yahoo. Sure, when I was in chats it was nice to have different versions of my name to mix it up a bit (Kass_Queen_of_Plushies, Kasumi_of_Team_Rocket, lol), but now I've lost touch with all of the friends that I made on there because they just name-changed into oblivion.

Besides, like others have said, it's so confusing when just ONE member changes their username. That's why I'm content to change up my look a bit if I need something different.[/color][/size]
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