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Teen Titans: Slade's Army


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[size=1][color=#999999][B]OOC:[/B] Has everyone forgotten about Talisman? She is still at the club you know. So, wait...Raven, Aqualad, and Speedy are fighting Falcon, while Starfire and Robin fight Razorblade and Blackfire, and Terra, Beastboy, and Cyborg fight other people? So confusing.

[i]Talisman stood when she had felt a sharp pain within her mind. Raven was angered and she was in fear, two deadly combinations that cause her to lose her concentration. She also felt that Robin was angered as well. There seemed to be mixed emotions all around her. She then felt someone's powers being in use. It was a different power that she had never felt before.

Closing her eyes, Talisman concentrated on getting the point of place where the power was in use and she teleported herself there. She ended up in a place where 4 Titans fought against a metallic winged...something. There was insanity, anger, fear, and great power through the air. Talisman looked to who the Titans were and saw that Raven, Terra, Aqualad- whom she knew as Waterboy, and Speedy. She then saw that the winged person flew with a speed far faster than anyone's she had ever seen and when it did, this thing nearly struck at Talisman. She hid behind a broken wall and changed her sweater into her cloak and stepped out into the open.

Raven had seen Talisman and tried to concentrate on getting to speak to her, but the piercing of the screech was still echoing in her head. Talisman could see the pain. The winged person had seen that he had another playmate, but what he did not realize was that Talisman was no ordinary fighter.[/i]

"Look! Another playmate! Are you here to play with Falcon? Falcon likes friends and he likes to make them feel..." [i]He dove towards Talisman who stood there with no fear. He then tried to cut Talisman.[/i] "[i]welcome[/i]." [i]Falcon rose into the air once more and looked to Talisman. Blood dripped from her arm, yet she stood there with a smirk on her face.[/i] "What's this? You don't cry? You don't yell? This is no fun for Falcon."

[i]Talisman still smirked at Falcon as he hovered in the air. She then closed her eyes and held out her bloody left arm towards Falcon. She concentrated onto his mind and tried to enter it. It was hard to get into it at first, but once she did, she was able to grasp onto something within his mind. This made Falcon lose control of his power to hover in the air.[/size][/color][/i]
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OOC: Sorry for being out so long, couldn't log-on yesterday.

The club was not a full on battlefeild, the Teen Titans v.s. Slade's Army....everything was so outragious. When BEast Boy looked to the side Raven and Talisman had been in a rigerous battle with Falcon accompanied by Aqualad and Speedy. Out of no where Blackfire came into the scene released by someone named Razorblade, Starfire and Robin were gonna handle those two. Terra was already in battle with Dr. Light, and when BB looked to his right Chi Boy wa getting jumpped by the H.I.V.E members Jinx, Gizmo, and Mammoth. So Beast Boy decided to lend him a hand there, when he did arrive on the scene Chi Boy was already mad as anything.

"Oh look, another victim to play with" Mammoth snorted as he punched his fist against his other hand. Gizmo just laughed there while Jinx was bobbing her head sideways like a broken doll. Chi Boy looked at BB and then back at the other three.

"I think I can handle them" he stated

"Your nuts, besided we work like a team remember...even though your not on ours officially we still work together" Beast boy replied, he quickly changed into a lepord and got ready to fight.

"Here kitty, kitty" Jinx smiled as she started to cast her hex's at the two. Once it his the roof above them it sarted to collaps on them, but both moved out of the way before it could. Gizmo got into his spider mode and tried to strike Chi Boy with one of his metal legs. Mamoth was occupied trying to catch Beast Boy who was running around everywhere while trying to avoid any of Jinx's hex spells that she fired. Before he could act BB was cought by the legs and pile-drived on the ground by Mammoth, BB quickly got out of his form after the impact to rubbed his head. He was feeling a bit dizzy afterwards, Chi Boy saw what happened and ran towards Mammoth until he was shot down by Gizmo's lasers on the back of his little computer pack. Once he hit the wall he landed on the floor fast, before he had a chance to get up Jinx did her hex's again and made the ceiling collaps on top of him. Beast Boy dodged Mammoths punch and went over to the pile of rubble and started to dig Chi Boy out, once he found him he was out cold. the other three were comming close until Cyborg shot his plasma cannon at them at once.

"Get him to higher ground" He commanded, BB picked him up and headed towards the stares where Terra was fighting Dr.Light.

"Payback time" Cyborg said as he started to sprink towards Mammoth with his blaster armed and ready.

*Hope thats ok ReFlux :D *
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[color=gray][size=1][i]"This starts to look like a moshpit."[/i] Kiting was still standing on the same spot as when the battle began. He was almost about to leave the battle field when he saw a hovering girl in deep concentration while Falcon was about to collapse to the ground. The sight of Falcon being practically taken over by this strange girl worked on his nerves. [I]"Slade's pride and hope is just being owned by a girl we don't even know of. I don't think this will work positive on his ego.[/i] Oh well, I guesse I?ll help him out for once." The last he said out loud while picking up a piece of rock lying on the ground near his foot. Without aiming, he tossed it towards the girl, who lost her concentration and let Falcon's mind go.
"You tried to take over Falcon's mind. Falcon doesn't like people who take over his mind." Falcon let out while flying towards Talisman at high speed, sending her through a wall.
All the people had fled from the club, except for the news reporters. One of them was walking up to Kiting, who had just turned around.
"Hello. Could you tell us what is happening here?"
"If you really want to know it. Slade send a few of his warriors in to fight the Teen Titans."
"Eh.. Yes whatever. Who are you, standing at the side line?"
"I'm standing at the side line because I wasn't feeling like fighting until now."
Before the reporter could ask more, Kiting had already ran off to the battle, leaving her with a confused look in her eyes.

The blast coming at Kiting would have hit if he wouldn?t have heared it from his right. When he looked in the direction it was shot from he saw Blackfire shooting beams at Starfire while Razorblade and Robin were in conflict as well.
"Would you mind not shooting me, Blackfire?" Kiting yelled to her while walking up to that piece of the big battle around him. There came no answer from her. When he had almost reached the battle, he thought again and walked over to Falcon and ?his Teen Titans? instead.

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[SIZE=1]OOC: The reason for Falcon being strong and powerful to make a good match up, I mean Slade has never had an Apprentice able to beat the Titans, and Falcon can't feel pain because his [I]mind[/I] was trained not to feel it. Pain's in your mind, it can be inflicted, but Falcon cannot feel it, therefore, not knowing when his body can no longer go on. Anyway, Raven, Terra, Speedy and Aqualad are fighting Falcon in the lowest level of the club, so basically no one else come fight Falcon since I have some good plans to end the battle. So NO ONE else come battle Falcon, though you're free to fight everyone else.


[B]Falcon covered his ears, as if he was trying to block someone out. He didn't yell, he didn't grunt or look in pain, he just covered his ears. Speedy, seeing this as a chance to catch Falcon off guard charged Falcon as he began to fall. But, someone using their powers knocked Speedy away. It was Talisman. Falcon fell on the ground, his face flat on the cold concreate.

"My wings are my bones..." Falcon laughed. "Hmm... so more people joined me...? Oh well, the more for me to annoy and drive completely insane..." He sniggered. Once again he got up, stretching his metal wings over his face.

"Oh no, not again!" Raven shouted, charging him. Aqualad got there first however, and punched Falcon's wings as hard as he could, but it didn't do anything! Terra, hovering on a piece of the earth threw a large chunk of the ground at Falcon. It smashed on his wings, pushing Falcon back.

"That's impossible!" Speedy yelled. Falcon just laughed. He lowered his head, then Raven noticed he wasn't intending to hit them, he was aiming for the ground. Before anyone could move, Falcon's voice echoed once more, shaking the ground below madly. It began to crack, and Terra was the first to fall. However, even Raven tried to us her powers, but nothing was working. Falcon's screeching totally blocked out any use of powers. The ground cracked even more, and Raven, Talisman and someone else fell below, but Falcon was still in the air. Speedy and Aqualad were forced right back.

After falling along way down, Raven didn't know where they were. Raven looked up, seeing Falcon whizzing down. Straight away she tried to us her powers to throw him into the walls again, but even with the chant, nothing was summoned. She also noticed Kiting had fallen too, and Talisman. Terra tried her powers, nothing!

"What did you do?" Snarled Raven.

"Me? Oh, no. I did nothing. Under this club is my house, my home. I was born here... look around, it's a lab..." Falcon said. And he was right. As the four looked around, there were broken computers, shattered glass, papers, desk, and a large tank in the middle of the room, broken. "This place under here was built for me. I was created here, as a weapon. My stupid childhood memories were gone, and this place is filled with billions of tiny sensors and mini computers, making all people who enter here with super powers be a normal human, including you Raven." Falcon explained wildly, opening his wings out.

"That means your powers are gone too!" Talisman said.

"On the contrary, my energy summoning powers are gone, but you see, these wings are part of me, they are attached to my bones, they are just an extra part added. It's not a power, think of my wings as an upgrade. The "power stoppers" didn't work on my wings as my creators thought, and let me tell you something..." He said, pointing at his head and tapping. "They messed with my mind, too much. They messed with it, they did this to me, they made me lose my sanity, every inch of my sanity! And, they gave me a new mind, a mind that felt no pain... No pain..." Falcon said, laughing. "No pain, no... my wings are my strongest power, I can protect myself. Ofcourse, Slade helped me. He told me the truth... I was born with great angel wings, and these people decided to give me an upgrade, changing my wings into large, unbreakable metal. When the process was finished, my back was bleeding so badly I could have died I lost that much blood. But Slade saved me... and now, I can use my skills, put them to the test, take control..."

"Slade's not helping you! He just wants your power! He just wants to control you for himself!" Terra shouted. Falcon growled.

"You know nothing about Slade! You may have been his Apprentice, but you weren't changed into a monster like me! People didn't take out your happiest memories, did they? People didn't turn the most amazing part of you into metal, did they? They didn't take you sanity away, did they?" Falcon shouted, clenching his fist so hard. So hard, his fingers pierced his skin. Blood began to trickle down his palms, as he got angrier. "None of you were turned into this monster, none of you! And for what you, the humans, the people all around have done, I will destroy you all! If I must blow this planet to dust, or take it over, I won't continue to suffer without seeing other people suffer too!" Falcon shouted, charging forward at the four of them.[/SIZE][/B]
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Beast Boy returned to the club after taking Chi Boy back to the Tower's emergency center. Once he got down from the roof there was a large crater like hole in the middle and several of the Titans had fallen in, plus that freak with the metal wings was basically flying right on top of them. Starfire and Robin were still fighting Razorblade and Blackfire, and Cyborg only had to defeat Mammoth since he bacically whipped the h@## out of Jinx and Gizmo. Starfire was evenly matched with her sister as they threw Star-bolts at eachother constantly, Robin was now on the offensive and tossing some of his exploding disk's at Razorblade. Most all of the teens that were clubbing earlier had left, but now some reporters were here and trying to get a shot of the fight as best as they could. Beast boy acted quickly and turned into a brizzly bear, once he got to the gorund level he scared the reporters out of their wits.

"Ok, I should try to help the others if I can get in there without making much of a commotion" BB said as he turned into groundhog and carefully try to get into the pit, before he could Starfire was launched over him and landed on the dance floor. Beast Boy quickly morphed back and went to her side.

"Are you ok Star?" he asked helping her up.

"Yes, I am fine Beast Boy.....but she will not be so now" Starfire said as she got back into the fight. BB then went over to where Cyborg and Mammoth were fighting and decided to help out. When Mammoth turned his back Beast Boy got him in a choke-hold for a while. But he couldn't hold on for long, Cyborg got the signal and blasted Mammoth a couple of times with his plasma cannon until he fell to the ground unconcious. Afterwards they both gave eachother a high-five and celebrated a little, but when they heard Robin yell after getting his they acted quickly. Cyborg blasted at Razorblade with warning shots and he backed off. BB morphed tino a tiger and helped Robin back on his feet and they all stood together facing Razorbade.

"Three against one...lets dance then" Razorblade stated as he came towards the three with such rage. Cyborg gor his cannon ready, Robin with his Bo, and Beast Boy roared in his tiger form ready to take this person down.
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Guest Lexy
As Hellfire sat in her house and bounced a fireball up and down she quickly got bored. "This is so boring, I need some action. I think I'll go to the Teen Titans tower and see if there's any of Slade's goons I can beat up." With that said she burst into flames and reappered just outside the Titans tower, then she noticed the big crater and went to go see what was happening.

When she got down there she saw some of the titans and then she saw Falcon. "Now this is entertainment," she said as she found a spot in the dark and watched to see what would happen next. "You know what," she said to herself as she bounced yet another fireball up and down in her hand. "I came out here to have fun and that's what I'm going to do!"

"Now three on one hardly seems fair," she said as BB, Cyborg, Robin, and Falcon all turned to see who was there. Then she emerged from the shadows and walked over to the side where Falcon stood. "How about two on three," she suggested with a glare in her eyes. "Hellfire what are you doing here," Robin asked her. "What does it look like, having a little fun!" she replied sarcastically. "So you work for Slade now Hellfire?" Raven asked. "Hardly," she replied. "I just got bored at home so I came here looking for a challenge. It's nothing personel, I just want to have a little fun!" "Fine, have it your way," Robin said as it was now two on three........
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[SIZE=1]OOC: ... dude... you have to read the post carefully, the OOC's I put are included as VERY important information... lot's of things wrong:
1. Falcon was fighting Raven, Kiting, Talisman and Terra in a small lab under the ground.
2. I said that no one else would get involved with the Falcon battle, but people could fight the other villians.
3. Getting to one place then in another in a flash with no detail what-so-ever is just really wrong...
4. You didn't read the other post.
5. I'll have to ignore that post.

Next time Lexy you really have to put much more effort, meaning take what I said above and when you post again don't do that stuff, 'kay?


[B]Raven and Terra ran to the side out of the way, and Kiting was the one at the back. Luckily, Falcon missed him and flew in the air. Talisman frowned.

"Listen, if we want to beat him we have to work together!" Raven shouted to the two of them. Kiting stared for a moment. Even though Kiting was working for Slade, he could atleast help.

"I'm on no one's side!" Talisman snapped back. Raven just sneered at her. Then, Falcon came whizzing back round. Kiting, even though he was working for Slade kicked Falcon in the neck. Falcon lost his balance, and then Talisman hit Falcon right in the back. Falcon went flying into the fall, face first. Falcon began to flip down the wall, landing flat on his back. The wall was smeered with blood, and Falcon's face was covered in it. However, he got back up.

[I]If this continues, it won't matter if Falcon can feel pain or not![/I] Raven thought.

"You attack me? A friend of Slade?" Falcon growled. Kiting just stood there, as if he wasn't sure of it either. Falcon, get madder and madder flew forward head first at Kiting, knocking him into a tank of green water, which smashed and the water spilled all over. "And I would be careful. That's Madnetrion Acid, when it's abosorbed into an open wound it begins to drain the person of their energy, in your case power. It keeps the person from using their powers fully for a few days, they used it on me..." Falcon said. Kiting just grinned, getting up. Terra and Raven came running up behind Falcon, kicking him in his neck. Falcon fell forward, almost falling on Kiting. Luckily Kiting dived out of the way. Falcon fell face first into the Madnetrion Acid, and he just stood up once more.

"Wait... doesn't that mean his energy will drain?" Terra said.

"It means nothing!" Shouted Falcon. He gripped some of the acid in his hands, which Raven noticed was more like slimme then water. Falcon threw it on the floor, and charged them all again. Talisman went to kick him in the face but missed, Terra moved away, but Falcon rammed into Raven. He pushed her into the wall with amazing power, then backing up. "You're the most annoying!" Falcon shouted. Raven turned around to kick him, but missed when Falcon ducked. He then punched Raven in the eye (ouch...), and Raven banged her head off the wall. She fell on the ground, and when looking up, her left eye was bleeding. Without their powers, Falcon was proving hard to catch off guard, but never the less, they knew he couldn't feel pain but it could be inflicted on him![/SIZE][/B]
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OOC: I kinda said knock me out if I don't reply by the deadline, but its all cool.

Michael found himself waking up once again in an infirmary, but this time, a large chrome walled room, ontop a table. Michael instantly knew where he was, the Titan's Tower. He was inraged he had so easily been defeated by the Hive. Michael became inraged and his blood pumped quickly. He clenched his sheets in anger, but then he loosened it when he heard the fighting outside. The explosions and all. Outstretching his hands, Chi Boy felt the power still flowing threw him and the rage he felt of being shamed in battle amplified that left, throwing his sheets off, Michael leaped out of bed and opened a nearby window. Out of it, he saw Beast Boy and Cyborg still fending off Razorblade, but something caught his eye as he saw the remaining Hive members, Jinx and Gizmo approaching to assist him.

Sneering, Chi Boy lept down to suprise them. Neither of them alarmed as he landed behind the creeping pair. Chi Boy seized the opportunity, and in a blazing leap, Michael clasped onto Gizmo's steel legs and ripped them from his back in anger. Gizmo fell to the ground, yelling while Jinx quickly turned in suprise.

"I won't make the same mistakes twice, doll face..." Chi Boy said, with a smirk on his face. He noticed the smirk on her face too, and Michael knew why. BLAST! A shot was fired from behind Chi Boy, who had jumped high into the air, backflipping the dodge, the electric blast shot Jinx in the stomache. Michael landed behind Gizmo, the one who had fired the blast, and ripped the small weapon from his hands. Now helpless, Chi Boy sweep kicked the short villain into the air, and rose up quickly and drop kicked him in the back, knocking him several yards away, crashing off of the Tower, and falling limp to the ground.

Michael smiled at the downed villain as he noticed Jinx rising from the ground. "Your turn, dolly..." he said confident, and rushed at her. She began shooting her pink hex spells from her hands at the advancing Chi Boy, who was coming in at a blinding speed. Jumping and dodging over all of her spells, Michael landed in her face and began fighting her hand to hand. She smiled a bit, thinking he was weak, but then she quickly dropped the expression as Michael lifted her by a punch to the stomache. He the let her in the air and jumped high to release a powerful crescent kick to her side, knocking her onto the beach of the island, unconcious. Michael then turned his attention to Razorblade, who was fighting Beast Boy and Cyborg at the time.

OOC: Tell me if I got anything wrong their. Alot of complex stuff is happening and I'm kinda confused.[/color][/size]
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[SIZE=1]OOC: Yeah, BB and Cyborg were at the club, but that's okay, just leave it as that if you want and the location can be switched from battling on Titans tower to the club, you know?


[B]"Raven!" Terra shouted running to Raven. Falcon rose into the air, and quickly flew past Terra, slashing her arm. He then flew straight down at Kiting, not attacking him, but grabbing him by the arms and throwing Kiting over his head and onto the floor. Talisman raced forward, but Falcon flew into the air. Raven then noticed he was panting.

"He's... he's... losing strength!" Raven said. Falcon turned and stared at Raven.

"Oh, and this is coming from the person who can't even stand up right now." Falcon laughed insanely, landing on the floor. It was clear now, not being able to feel pain was no problem, he was losing his energy. Raven lent on Terra and pulled herself up off the ground, smirking.

"Admit it... you're losing power, you are slowly, but surely losing your power. Ha! You said you were so great, so powerful, and you're being defeated when we don't even hit you!" Raven teased. She and Terra walked forward, and Kiting got up, also panting. Talisman just stared at Falcon. Falcon just stared growling.

"Shut up!" He shouted. He lunged forward, but Kiting merely stuck his foot out tripping Falcon up. Falcon fell on his face again. He growled while on the floor, and lept up trying to kick Kiting, but missed. Talisman grabbed his foot, throwing him into Terra. Raven sneered at Talisman, then turned to Falcon. Falcon got up again, pushing Terra out of the way and flying in the air. As he swooped down again, Raven's fist made contact with his face, sending Falcon crash landing into the ground, and flipping into the wall.[/SIZE][/B]
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OOC: *looks around in surprise and confusion.* Huh? How did I go from fighting Robin to completely disappearing from the fight? :confused: I'm confused now. If anyone needs me I'll be over here. *Sits down in corner and sulks.* :p

IC: Phelan took a seat on the nearby bar counter and watched the fighting. Since the barkeep had run away long ago, Phelan helped himself to a soda. Halfway through the bottle he was interrupted by a stray enegy blast that slammed into the nearby wall. Now slightly irritated Phelan tossed the half-empty bottle into the fray and struck Cyborg in the back.

"Ah, it's on now, little man," Cyborg shouted while charging at Phelan.

Phelan showed little interest in the metallic behemoth that was heading his way, and merely grabbed another bottle and took a swig. When Cyborg was nearly on top of him, Phelan lifted his lighter and blew across the open flame. A larger burst of flame lept forth from his mouth as the alcohol on his breath ignited. Cyborg, caught off guard by this, stumbled and struck the counter headfirst.

"Ooh, bet that hurt," Phelan said with a mocking cringe and completely fake, but equally mocking, laugh.

Cyborg's right hand swung around to grab Phelan, but missed as the white-cloaked mercenary leaned back and landed behind the counter. The same hand that tried to grab him earlier now swung down and through the soft wood of the bar, splintering a large section. Phelan took his chance and struck Cyborg's head with his foot. Cyborg, now greatly angered, struck back with a piece of the bar's wood, which slammed into Phelan's right arm. Phelan quickly hid the look of pain that flashed over his face for a moment, then drew his pistol with his left hand.

"Alright. Let's see if you're bulletproof." The words were punctuated by two rounds fired from the 9mm handgun.
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Nori sat on a rock watching smoke coming up from one area.She knew it was a fight...but she was afraid to jump in.Besides she didn'even know who to fight anyways.She took a deep breath and flew toward the fight staying some distnace trying not to get pulled in.She looked around for BB and didn't see him.She held her head not knowing who to fight.

She took a deep breath and renemberd how BB had a thing for Terra.Now she got mad.Terra noticed Nori and shouted "Hey a little hel-"she was cut off by a rhino runnign into her,she manged to make a rock hit the rhino out of its path."WHATS YOUR PROBLEM?!" Terra yelled at Nori.Nori hovered there "You!"she flew right at Terra and started having a fist fight with her.She then called a tucan who started pecking at Terra making her cabk up into a elephant that came running into teh scene.Cyborg took the elephant and shoved it away and said "Ok Pheonix,tiem to feel the Cyboorg!"

He shot a few lasers at her witch she doged all but two and she feel to teh ground.Jinx ran up to her and said "You finnaly came back."Nori looked at her and punched her "I never said that".The fight went on as Nori was fighting both sides.

OOC:Is that good enough Vicky?
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OC: WTF? I thought I was fighting Razorblade? How in the hell did he go from a one-on-one duel to fighting Cyborg and Beast Boy? This confuses me greatly.


Robin and blackfire were fighting for several minutes while Star was taking down Dr. Light. Turning to a shout the boy wonder was met with a hard right cross that send him down... hard. As he struggled to get the dark haired Tameranian charged up and launched a powerful solar blast at the boy wonder. The force of the explosion knocked him into the bar where the concussion set in and he lost conciousness.

Starfire's look of horror became one of pure rage and hatred. As she plowed through her current opponent and went after her sister.

"How could you do such a thing you Renkergon!?" the Tameranain shouted.

Blackfire sneered as she few in for the kill.
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[size=1][color=#999999][i]Talisman watched as Falcon fell upon a wall. She then looked to the sneerin Raven who looked back to Falcon, then to Terra. She then looked back at Falcon, who seemed to stand back up again. He brushed off some dirt and hovered slightly in the air before racing towards Raven, who flew into the air. She looked to Falcon once again and noticed that he had his eyes still set on Raven. He flew towards her once more, but before he could get close, Talisman created a fiery fist of energy and had blasted it towards Falcon's wings. He flinched and was thrown against the wall once more, leaving an indent.

Blood smeared the wall when Raven flew back towards Terra and the others. Talisman looked on at Falcon. She could feel his pain, yet he does not know it's there. She could also feel that his power, his energy was lessening and that he was becoming a weak vessel. She smirked at this and when he stood, he looked angrily towards Talisman.[/i]

"That wasn't nice, you know?"

"Oh, really. And what do you know about [i]nice[/i]? I assume all you know is playtime and your [i]great[/i] powers that these humans, these [i]mere humans[/i] have bestowed upon you? I think that all you think and all you know is of less knowledge than those who come from pure flesh. You think with your great wings you are a god, yet you know nothing about anything."[/size][/color]
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OOC: Wow, things are getting [I]CRAZY[/I]

Beast Boy had goten thrown to the wall by Razorblade when he tried to attack him in his animal form, it took Beast Boy and while to get back up and see what was happening, but once he did open his eyes again he wa shocked to what he was seeing. Robin had been taken down by Blackfire when she blasted him, and Terra was being attacked by Nori...wasn't shee on the Titans side BB thought? Once BB got back up he quickly went over tot he bar where Robin had lost conciousnes, if he got his while he was out it could be a bad thing. Before he could get there Beast Boy got shot on the arm by one of Cyborgs plasma blast that missed Jinx, BB fell to the ground tripping.

"Cyborg!!" Beast Boy yelled over to him holding his arm and biting his lips. But he couldn't pay attention due to he was still trying to hit Jinx, not to mention Phelan as well. Beast Boy picked himself up and made a run to the bar again, once he got there he hid behind the counter so as not to get hit by anything.

"Crud.....I can't pick him up now, maybe my new trick will work" Beast Boy said o himself as he morphed into a T-Rex. He knelt over and scooped Robin into his mouth and closed it. "Hey, it works" He thought to himself. Afterwards he started to walk over towards the exit, but Blackfire wouldn't let him go.

"Going somewhere Beast Boy" She said as she shot several blasts at him, once he got made he roared his anger at her reveiling Robin inside. "So, you gonna eat him or what?" She asked, BB closed his mouth quickly and had a sweat drop going down on the other side of his head. Without hesitation Blackfire shot more beams which made Beast Boy get out of his form and they both fell to the ground. When Blckfire left them BB got his communicator and called the others on one channel:

"Ok guys...I think we need to go now, they seem to be getting more stronger and we needa bail quickly. Everyone is gettinh hurt and if we leave now we might be able to think of a plan for later" Beast Boy said as he dragged Robin to the safest place he could, behind the bar again. To his surprise Starfire was there as well, she gasped when she saw Robin unconcious.
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[SIZE=1]OOC: Yes I know, that's why the [COLOR=red][B]DEADLINE[/COLOR][/B] is this post. Remember what I said, no one start a fight without telling or asking me first because we need sometime for the characters to develop. You can have small, one on one fights but nothing huge. I think the problem is not enough people are reading the post through and through XD.


[B]Falcon growled at the four of them. He slowly closed his eyes, and his wings crossed over his body. He wasn't going to yell or try to bring the whole building down with another ear piercing screech, he was trying to calm down.

"Don't... mock... me..." Falcon sneered. Talisman just laughed at him. "Don't!" Falcon shouted. "You may have powers, but you know nothing yourself! True pain isn't cutting your skin or dieing in fire, true pain is having to live with the knowledge that you were the most amazing creature ever known, and that the greedy hands of humanity decided to turn you into a monster! That's pain. It's all in the mind, pain..." Falcon said. He clenched his fist, and began to fly at the four. Kiting and Terra stepped out of the way, and Falcon turning around, charging Raven and Talisman, but missed. He was flying so fast he couldn't stop and flew straight into a broken computer with long wires all over it. Falcon got up, staggering. A large metal wire was rapped around him, and he was getting angry.

"You were always a monster! Anyone who was changed could always go back, no matter what happened to you, youo can always change! Even if they did mess with your head, it's nothing! You have the ability to see evil from good, then you have the power to switch!" Raven snapped at him. Falcon growled.

"You're annoying me! You're evil! You don't understand! I could try to fight it, but maybe I don't want too! I can't change, you can, but I can't! If you want to see how bad I really am, I'll show you! I'm going to destroy this whole building! I'll kill you're friends, Slade's men, all of you!" Falcon shouted. He crossed his arms over his face, and two long metal spikes rose out of his wings. Falcon grabbed them both, and charged at them once more. Kiting was the first to attack, by kicking Falcon in the face and grabbing the spike. Talisman then grabbed Falcon's wings and threw him to the side, and Terra kicked him. Falcon rolled over on the floor, with his hands over his head. He slowly got up, clenching the other spike in his hand. He smirked, as if he had an idea. "Good bye..." He said, dipping the end of the spike into some of the Madnetrion Acid he was beside. Raven thought he was going to say her name, but instead... "...Terra..." He laughed. He slung the spike forward with amazing speed at Terra, it was so fast that Terra didn't have chance to move.

"Terra!" Raven shouted. She ran forward, and instead and trying to stop the spike, she pushed Terra out the way, and instead, the metal spike went straight through Raven's left arm (ouch...). Just below her shoulder. Falcon's laugh drowned out the yells of pain from Raven. He began to laugh so hard he was in stitches.

"I knew it! I knew it! You would've saved Terra! You saved her, with the cost of getting hit! I was never aiming to get her, I wanted to get you! You! You, YOU! Youo idiot! You fell for it! I can't believe it!" Falcon laughed insanely. Suddenly, he stopped, and stared seriously. "And now... I'm going to destroy this building!" He laughed. Terra grabbed Raven from falling, and Talisman and Kiting ran to stop Falcon but missed. He flew in the air, criss crossing through the walls. He then flew through the floors, flying through the beams of the building. The whole place began to shake, and when out of range of the power stoppers in the lab he started to blast through the walls with energy. Raven fell to her knees, and Terra helped her up. Kiting and Talisman both gasped as the roof was starting to fall in above, and quickly the two began to run up the rocks falling down and up to the top. Talisman flew off as soon as she was out of range of the lab.

Back where the Titans and Villains were fighting, they all looked up to see Falcon cutting through the walls and beams of the building. Everyone gasped, and the Villains began to flee. The roof was falling in, and the whole building was falling to pieces.

"Tians, fall back! Fall back!!!" Robin yelled. The Teen Titans obeyed, and one by one they ran out of the building. The villains were already half way down the street, and Falcon continued to blast through the building. Beast Boy looked around.

"Terra! Raven!" He yelled. Kid Flash was beside them, but didn't dare go in. "Terra!" Beast Boy yelled. Falcon could be heard laughing when the building finally turned to rubble. Falcon was full of blood, but continued to laugh. Straight away, he flew off. Beast Boy cursed at him, and started looking through the bricks. Smoke was all around them, but there was no sign of Terra or Raven.

"Raven..." Kid Flash sighed. All the Titans sighed, or turned away. Then, suddenly, the ground began to shake. Beast Boy smiled happily, and Terra came up from the earth on a large rock. Raven was leaning on her, with blood all over, and her arm was bleeding madly, without the spike in. Terra suddenly fell on her knees, and Raven clapped her left arm around her wound. The dust began to clear now, the battle was over, with terrible results...


Back at the tower, Chi Boy who had helped was offered to come back to the tower to heal any wounds.

"That was so close... ow!" Terra said as Beast Boy yanked a large piece of glass out of her arm. "We only had a few seconds, luckily there was some sercret passage out of the lab, and we got out of range of the power stoppers. Falcon tried to kill me but Raven saved me... OW!"

"Sorry!" Beast Boy said. Everyone was either washing blood of their face, laying down and groaning or just yanking bits of the building out of their skin.

"What about Raven... is she okay?" Kid Flash asked.

"Fine..." Robin muttered. "Luckily, she hasn't been hit by the spike anywhere that can't heal, but if it were a few inches down..." Robin suddenly stopped sighing. "If it where just a little downwards, it could've gone through her side aswell..." Robin finally said. As soon a the Titans got back Raven went to her room on her own, saying that no one should come near her. The Titans wanted to help, but Raven wouldn't her any of it. Speedy was sat in the corner, wiping blood off his arm.

"She took a beating off Falcon before we were even out of the battle..." Speedy said. "I seriously hope she's okay, in fact I hope everyone is... Terra's had to battle that insane loser too, and we had to deal with every villain!"

"Yeah... and that Falcon is so... strange, we couldn't beat him... I think Slade's finally found a way to beat us..." Terra muttered sadly.

"Don't say that!" Ch Boy suddenly said, standing up and wincing. Even though he wasn't a member of the Titans yet, he still didn't hear nothing of Slade winning.

"Sorry... I kinda have to say this, but Falcon's... Falcon's way too strong. He would be easy to beat, but he has no sanity what so ever, he took Raven out by fooling her. He fooled Raven! Raven!" Terra said. The other Titans sighed, and Kid Flash walked out of the room.[/SIZE]][/B]
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[color=gray][size=1]The door of Slade's room was slammed open as Kiting barged in. His eyes were burning of anger and his fists were clenched, making his knuckles big white spots on his red hands. It was like Kiting was about to attack Slade himself.
"What was that all about?!" He yelled against Slade's back.
"What do you mean?" Slade responded. Even though he was wearing a mask, Kiting could still feel his ironic grin stinging through it.
"That moron of a Falcon!"
"I don't think you want him to hear you calling him like that."
[i]'Is that a threat?!'[/i] was the first that slipped in Kitings mind, but instead he replied "What makes the difference if he hears it? He's going to get us all killed anyways!"
"He merely saw you as an enemy."
"Then bloody reprogram him or whatnot! Make sure he does what he's supposed to do next time, and thats NOT attacking people who were just saving his lousy life!"
"You were fighting along sides with the Teen Titans against him. Don't you see that as a threat for him?"
"If this happens again, I will not be so sweet as I am now!" Was the last Kiting hollowed right before leaving the room and smashing the doors behind him again.
"What is his problem? He is still alive isn't he?" Slade was just checking his monitors like when Kiting rushed in. He switched between screens and grinned while talking to himself. "The bird is still in it's cage and is being fixed and improved. It's all going well untill now. Though, I can't have my men muting now..." The next screen appeared on his monitor. Turning around again, he noticed a spore of blood on the ground.

"I've outdone myself once again."
Kiting was sitting on a bed with a doctor figure next to him. It could be Dr Light, but he couldn't see clear enough. While looking at his new and robotic left arm, a memory flashed up about what happened the other day...
[i]The roof came falling down. He and Talisman began jumping up the falling stone. As soon as they reached the surface, Talisman flew off. And then what?... So unclear... He could only see flashes of a child, him running towards it and then the darkness. A thick mist of shadows bound around his eyes.[/i] A few parts of the mist were still hanging infront of his eyes and black spots but the rest was gone.
"This new arm of yours is made of an incredibly light metal, so you might have to get used to it first. The metal also is very powerfull and hard. So beat up with it whatever you want, it wont break for the rest of your life. And I almost forgot to mention it, but you might have figured it out yourself. The weight of this arm gives you a much bigger speed advantage than before."
Without saying a word, Kiting jumped off the bed and walked to his own room. After a good sleep and after it a nice training he will feel a lot better.
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[COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1]As he walked out of the room Wally had so many feelings and thoughts in his head he didn't know what to do with them and, without realising, he headed toward his room in the hopes that some of his music would help clear his head. Though he could go super-speed he choose not to as it would give him a greater head-ache than the one he was currently feeling, within a few minutes he was in his room and he just stood in the door way for a moment glacing around dully at the room and though it was full of things, for Kid Flash it was empty.

With a handfull of C.Ds and his walkman he crashed down onto the bed and lay looking up at the ceiling for a few moments before choosing which C.D. to listen to, after a few seconds he picked up [I]Linkin Park - Meteroa[/I] from th group and popped it in and cycled straight to [I]'Breaking the Habit[/I] as he felt that this song had the most relevence to his current situation. Still with the ear phones in he got up and walked over to his window and, opening it, walked out on to his balcony and leaned out on the rail and looked out upon the city he'd just saved....again.

[I]'I really didn't think this was possible but this super-hero lark is really getting old and Raven getting injured has really brought this in to perspective. I just don't what I'm fighting for these days....apart for myself and my friends of course.'[/I]. By the time he'd walked back into his room the album had got to [I]Numb'[/I] which was a good fit to the mood he had, thinking about Flash and how he emulated him in so many ways, even going so far as to call himself 'Kid Flash', [I]'Now that it comes down to it that really is a stupid name'[/I] He though bitterly while he looked up to the ceiling from his bed again. Turning off his player he got up and looked toward the door and saw someone standing there.

"Oh, it's you. You can come in if you really want to." He said to them and they walked in silently but keeping an eye on him the whole time.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[SIZE=1][B]Raven sat on the edge of her bed, clenching and un clenching her left arm which wasn't damaged at all. Even though her right arm which was pierced by Falcon's metal spike was covered in white bandage, blood still could be seen.

[I]We lost... all of us... Even if we continued to fight, there was no way we could win... I should have backed away from Falcon when I had the chance, then none of this would have happened... I should've known...[/I] She thought to herself. Raven sighed heavily. If Falcon hadn't rolled the spike spear in that Acid stuff then the least Raven could do was try to heal the other Titans, but Falcon was right... the acid does weaken you, it drains your energy, your power for a short time. Raven sighed once more, getting up to were the two mirrors where, the small one which was a portal into her mind and the large one. She wiped some of the blood out of her eye. The large cut Falcon did was still there, still bleeding over her eye.

"It's not right! How could we lose to Slade? How could we not beat someone like Falcon? Even if we lost our powers, Falcon was nothing!" Raven shouted to herself. Terra was maybe as badly injured as Raven, and Raven had dragged Terra right into it. In fact, she dragged all the Titans into the middle of it. Falcon, she'd pulled them all into the problem. If Raven would have just flew away from Falcon, instead and trying to fight on her own at first, with or without Aqualad, none of this would have happened. All Raven could do, was blame herself.[/SIZE][/B]
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OC: How the hell did Robin magically wake up and be fine? He had a giant cut across his torso.


Robin should have been fighting Falcon, if he was there he was sure they could have won. They would have had to win, he could have formulated a plan or something. He was the leader and the rest of the titans trusted his intelligence and stratagies... they relied on him and he let them down by fighting Razorblade and Blackfire rather than be where he should have been. He could have died had it not been for Beast Boy. He didn't even want to think about what happened to Raven.

Getting up he removed his suit and mask as he looked in the mirror and started to dress his wound before he heard a knock at the door. Starfire and Beast Boy were on the other side.

"I'm fine, I just need to be alone for a while." he called out.

Starfire and Beast Boy looked at eachother.

"Should we leave him so as he can do... whatever he is doing?" the Tamerinian asked with a worried expression.

"Robin needs someone to talk to. He takes things like this pretty hard. And I'm sure that injury needs to be treated." Beast Boy replied before he opened the door to be greeted with a look at Richard Grayson's cold gaze.

"I told you I'm fine." he whispered hoarsley as he saw Starfire and Beast Boy staring wide eyed at the gash across his chest. It was obviously a well made blade that could do such a thing.

"You're not fine dude. We came to help you out." the Changling countered.

"Yes, please let us help you Robin." Starfire said.
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Beast Boy didn't get really comfy when Robin gave Starfire and him that look that he had, he only gives it when he really wants to be alone form everyone.

"Here Star...you take care of the bandages...I uhh...gotta see how Terra's doin' and all" Beast Boy said as he quietly left the room and shut the door behind him. Beast Boy went to his room for a minute to change into his purple sweat pants and short sleeve shirt he wears before going to bed. When he looked on his counter it was about 12 AM....they were at the club for at least 3 hours or so fighting, time really flies by. Beast Boy left his room and walked fast towards Terra's room to see how she was, but to his surprise she was not there. After a couple of minutes he figured out where she was....the living room, BB forgot before they went out to get pizza they had gotten a bunch of games from the video store after saving for weeks. While BB was walking down the corridor he heard some shouting coming out of Raven's room, she must have been pretty upset afterall so he didn't decide to bother her right now. Beast Boy entered the living room to find out his assumption was correct, Terra was on the couch with Aqualad and Cyborg playing a fighting game. Everyone was in their PJ's....except Cyborg, looks like they were having a slumber party due to the massive snacks and pillow around them.

"Hey BB, come on over" Aqualad yelled, BB didn't hessitate at all and sat next to Terra who cave him a hug and went back to playing.

"Sorry about hitting your arm back there BB" Cyborg stated, Beast Boy just smiled and shrugged it off. Terra and Cyborg were jumping Aquala in the game and BB decided to help him out, after a while they got bored and just sat there talking to eachother.

"So....whats gonna happen now? Tera asked getting cozzy in her blanket. "Everyone is so distraught about the fight and us losing and all"

"I think we all just need some time, this wasn't a normal battle or anything like that...this fight was for keeps" Aqualad replied, everyone just looked down and sad. "I think Slade's gone serious more than ever"

"Lets forget about that now guys, we're ok and together. Lets just watch some t.v" Cyborg said as he flipped throught the channel's.
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[SIZE=1]OOC: No one was magically fine, everyone got hurt in some form, and as for the waking up let's just say that the time went by and he woke up... well I had to find some way of getting the story moving, you know?

[B]Raven finally managed to stop the cut above her eye bleeding, but while doing that she found a small, sharp metal piece in the cut. That's what she was staring at right now. It was very small, but sharp. Raven still stared at it, wincing everytime she tried to move her right arm forgetting she almost lost it in a battle.

"Wait... this is off his wings..." Raven muttered to herself. "But... they were unbreakable... unless his wings have tiny metal feather spikes on them... maybe his old feather wings are still under the metal, maybe his wings [I]are[/I] breakable, but the metal just isn't..." Raven thought to herself. Maybe, but then again, none of it was really true, without further investigation. But Raven wasn't going to go anywhere [I]near[/I] Falcon, not for awhile... She suddenly got up, almost tripping over the ground and began to walk out of her room, and into the living room, noticing a few of the Titans watching TV. While Robin and Starfire, plus Kid Flash, Speedy and Chi Boy were all gone somewhere. Beast Boy and Terra turned around.[/B]

(I'll give somemore inside to Falcon, so we know his true weaknesses)

[U][B]Slade's Lair[/U]

"No... I need too train harder... before they figure me out..." Falcon panted. He hadn't even cleared his wounds up, yet he refused too. Slade and Falcon were in the lowest part of his lair, and the only place no one else could enter. The door did need a password to enter, but Slade would kill anyone who walked in, unless Slade told them to come.

"Dear Apprentice, the Titans cannot figure out your weakness, for you have none." Slade said, circling round Falcon. The room was so silent, so dark, so cold.

"I do! I have lots of weaknesses!" Falcon snapped.

"No!" Slade shouted. "You have none! It's all in the mind! You are perfect..." Slade said quickly. He walked behind Falcon, and untied the mask Falcon wore. It fell to the ground, showing Falcon's true face other than his mouth and hair. There was shattered glass all over the floor, and Slade walked in front of Falcon, picking up the glass. Falcon looked into it, seeing himself, a boy, who without his mask on looked only 14. His eyes were dark, dark silver, and on all over his face, burnt skin and scars. His right cheek was covered in red skin which was scared and bloody, and his left was just slashed up, with bits of broken metal through the cuts. "You are perfect. You are human with Metal through you, why should you stuffer? You've been turned into a creature so horribly, so deadly, even you are convinced your really evil. I have been through the same, and together, we will make them pay!"

"Yes... we will... I'll tick them off 'til their heads are crushed on rocks!" Falcon laughed, getting back his full insanity.[/SIZE][/B]
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[B]OOC:[/B] Forgive this short post, but I don't have time to post and to limit confusion, forget my last post and return me to my unconcious state in the Titan's tower and I join the Titans. Okay. Thank you and forgive![/color][/size]
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Nori sat in the ruins of the battlefeild.She felt muchgrief for just one of her parrots flying into BB.She talked to herself "Nori..he hates you and dislikes you,he probally only tried to kiss you to make you feel good...".Nori looked into the sky."Does BB really hate me?"She seriosuly had to stop thinking about Beast Boy."I can't belive i like him...why do i like him anywho...".She started to hum a small tune BB had tuaght her once "Gotta get up,get out,get into it,get in on to be strong.." she sang."Why did he even tell me that...ugh.."."Bessides he probally has a thing for Terra more than what he has,,if he ven does...for me".

A shadow appeared and there stood Slade "So Nori...are you feeling jealous?".Nori jumped back "Um...no,get away from me you freak.Slade luaghed his little evil luagh "Why,i won't hurt you...i want you to be on my team!"."Never Slade!After you made me fall in love with Beast Boy,NO!!"."Now i have to deal with it!" Slade looked at Nori "Why don't you like Cyborg,or Robin they are hood looking than that little green thing"."Hes nto a little green thing...his name is Beast Boy..."she got up and said "And i happen to like him for who he is..not his looks.."she walked off and Slade stood there watching "You'll come to me...just like all the others"
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[size=1][color=#999999][i]With wounds around her, Talisman wasn't able to get far. She managed to get to her point of place, before realizing that she had fought one of the greatest beings that she had ever encountered on Earth. He had great abilities, yet his ego and his sanity and his greed were all taken and created a monster within him. She sighed at this and winced as she tried to open the door that lead to her home.

Talisman sighed and phased through the door and sort of glided towards her couch. She groaned once she hit the soft cushion. With pain in her ribs and in her mind, Talisman checked to see what had been hurt. She had seen that splinters had pierced her skin.[/i]

"Damn that Falcon." [i]She then realized that one of Slade's men was helping them as well.[/i] "Wait...that guy! Who the hell was he?"

[i]The pain in Talisman didn't settle in fully until she began to lay down. She groaned and stood up. She closed her eyes and let her mind concentrate on healing the wounds that had opened around her, as well as the wounds within her mind. They all healed, but the piercing screech still echoed within her mind and it had caused her to become weak once more.

Tired from the fight, Talisman teleported herself to her bedroom that was on the second floor. She sighed as she landed on her bed and restfully tucked herself into the covers. She then began to think of the guy that helped try to defeat Falcon. This made her think for quite some time before she drifted off to sleep.[/i]
[B]OOC:[/B] First of all, Talisman is not 16, but she looks it and she is in fact, teetering on the edge of 13, turning 14. Her real name is also Alandra. Also, what was I going to say?? I forget, but anyways, that is the information I give to you![/size][/color]
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Dick stared at the wall as Starfire dressed his wound.

"You don't have to do this." he muttered.

"If I didn't do this than you would be hurt longer and possibly fall ill and then you might...." the Tameranian started.

"I ment I can do this myself. Cyborg and I have a good knowledge of medical training. When your just a normal guy like me, you need it." he whispered.

"But you are not normal. You are our leader, you have beaten all of us at one point or another, you know how we work best and who can work better with who. You are a true Bankorg." Starfire replied with surprise.

"A what?"Grayson asked.

"A Bankrog... a head of a household, one who keeps a family together on my planet." Star whispered.

Getting up Dick took his mask, a new shirt and cape and donned them as he started to walk away. A slight smile came upon his face.

"Thanks Star. I need to check up on this new guy we found."
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