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POTC: Framed!


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What happens after the adventure? I dunno. Well...another adventure, of course! Ok, stay with me here. As the story starts off, Cptn. Jack Sparrow (which will be me) finds himself in the gallows yet again. Will Turner (whoever opts to be him) saves Jack and he explains how this time he is completely innocent. Will disregards that, knowing how Jack is, and pretty soon some weird things start to happen.
Ok. So, I need a:
Guard #1
Guard #2
And the crew of Jack's ship, I can never remember their names. If you can, great.
Here's the fun part! For the enemy pirate ship (which has framed Jack) make up your own character. The first to do so becomes captain...

It will be on the lines of a play, but not really a play, more of an RPG or fanfic, but still kinda like a play. Understand?
Btw, by the first post I will create the RPG/Play thing thread. If that ever happens, that is...
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[color=green]Hi GoldScorpion78,

Welcome to the Adventure Arena. I suggest you read the stickies at the top of the forum, which list the requirements for a Recruitment thread, including an extensive backstory and a signup sheet (to discourage people from signing up with spam posts such as "I'll be Will!"). Please work on your first post, adding a little more content to the RPG, or it'll have to be closed.

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