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Digimon: Dark Virus


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Elena smacked against the wall, her head slamming into it. She slowly got up, dazed.
" ELENA!" came the shouted warning but it was too late. Minomon slammed her up against the wall. Bolts of energy passed through her body as she held a scream of pain in. Takuto launched himself at Minomon and distracted him while Elena lay sprawled across the ground. She turrned to the others who were fighting the Digimon in their own cubicles. Slowly and groggily, Elena got to her feet. All the others were on their feet and fighting, why wasn't I? Am I the weakest? Elena started doubting her abilities. She moved to jump on Minomon when his foot connected with her shoulder. This time Elena let out a scream of pain. It felt like fire had erupted in her shoulder. Her arm went limp.
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[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Lance looked over to the other cubicles and saw Elena struggling. Lance couldn't believe it,"No...Elena!" He kept looking and then saw Imi get thrown back against Zeos. He yelled in outrage,"No!! Imi!!!"

Reis looked over at him and shook him,"Come on man! Don't worry about them, they"ll be fine. We need to worry about this." He spun around to face the transformed Upamon,"How do we defeat it?"

Lance was about to answer when he suddenly had a weird feeling. He reached into his pocket and pulled his digivice out. Suddenly it turned black and a large symbol was floating before him. [I]Just like before....[/I]he thought to himself. He held the digivice over his head and yelled,"CREST WEAPON ACTIVATE!" Everything came back into focus again. He looked down and saw his daggers. He grinned and was about to tell Reis to do what he did, but Reis was already holding his blade.

Reis looked over at him,"Ready to kick some Puppet Master ***?" Lance nodded and in unison with Reis, lunged at the creature. They both got a good slash in, but the creature wasn't phased. Lance twirled around with his daggers, repeatedly striking the monster, but it seemed to take no pain.

Reis took this as his chance,"Allow me!" He jumped into the air and struck down on the monsters head. The monster rolled it's eyes and fired a large beam at Lance, knocking him backwards. As Lance tried to push the pain aside, he thought he heard Imi screaming. [I]No!!! I have to help her, but how? Me and Reis are just gonna have to beat this digimon. If anything hapens to her...[/I]

Reis yelled at Lance,"Damn it Lance, wake up!!" Lance stirred to attention and saw that Reis was struggling with the corrupted digimon. Lance stood up and ran towards Reis and his advesary. [I]It's now or never[/I], he thought to himself. [I]For everyone...For Imi...[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR]

[I][SIZE=1]OOC: Man, I miss a couple hours and you guys go crazy posting ^^. ULX, don't worry, you interpreted my character just right. He's a bit daft.[/SIZE][/I]
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[size=1][color=SlateGray]Takuto already had is Axe out. Minomon seemed not to be phased by the Axe. Looking over quickly he saw Elena on the ground, passed out. It was up to him to save her, and possible help the other Digidestians. Running straight toward Minomon, although it easily dodged by using it's "bug" like wings and flew into the air. Although, it did not count on Takuto running and kicking off the wall. Grinting his teeth he felt the electric surge through his body. Right now, pain did not matter, only his friends mattered.

Minomon was caught un-aware of what Takuto had done. The axe was brought down on it's right wing. It seemed slightly faced and flew to the ground. [I]If we have to fight this Digimon, atleast let it be on the ground.[/I] Smiling to himself, he landed right beside Elena, the young girl still knocked unconcious. Looking back up, he saw the Digimon coming straight at him, to late, he was rammed into the wall. The eletric currents surged through his body as he grinted his teeth, pushing the Digimon back. When he sucessfuly flung it into the wall, he dropped to his knees.

Gasping for breather, he urged himself on. He knew this fight would make him stronger if...if he survived. Slashing the axe down at a angle Minomon was cut on it's chest. Still under the control of the Puppet Master.

"Pincone Attack!" Minomon snapped, it's pinecone like body flung at Takuto. Take the blade's axe he held it agains't his chest as the Digimon drilled at the axe. Obviously getting no where, it flew back, falling to the ground because of it's wing.

Takuto smiled and launced once again at the Digimon. It seemed like it was tiring, or perhaps it is just a trick. Snapping out of thinking he quickly stopped his charge as one of the wings came crashing infront of him. The ground bursted under it's impact. [I]This is going to take a while.[/I][/size][/color]
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Taking a step back, she stared at her opponent. Quickly, she glanced back at Darien, he was ready to fight. However he still seemed clam. Rather as clam as one could be during the situation. Her knees began to stiffen, taking another step back she found that she couldn't. [i]This is a time to be afraid, come on...[/i] she said lowly to her self but not outloud, within her head, [i]Gonna have to strike sometime...[/i] Kenmei snapped out of her little piece of mind she had drifted off to as she heard her name being called. The was a strong wind coming for the forwards direction, the hit from the wing came in a massive stroke throwing her to the ground. The boh clanked on the ground as she went sliding in the dirt. She could here it laughing as she lied there but she still managed not to break her smile.

"Get up!" Darien yelled, as he dodged the Poromon's attack.

She nodded as she stood up and went into an attack position. Bringing back her Boh to her side she steadied her hand out in front as a guard. Watching for a few seconds and studying a few of Darien's attacks and movements. She waited till the right moment. Charging, she ran hit the lower part of Poromon's wing. (Near where it merged into it's body.) it turned, ignoring Darien and swatted her away. Hitting her slightly into a wall, but she braced her self with her Boh. She stood slightly crouched over, knees bent she attacked again and this time...She drew back for another attack without getting hit. Focusing for another attack, moving closer, she saw Darien go flying past her. She ran back to him, leaning over him she smiled lightly as he was still couscous.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, just fine." Darien grind, "That things doesn't seem to be tiring very much."

Helping him up, Kenmei looked around at the other cubicles. "None of them seem to be tiring."

Darien readied his weapon, "Heh, we'll come out on top of this battle."

[b][COLOR=red]"How sad, you humans are all pathetic."[/b][/COLOR] the Poromon laugh evilly, [COLOR=red][b]"You can't even see, that all of you are weaklings."[/COLOR][/B]

The thing came with another attack of it's wings, the two both managed to get out of the way. Darien attacked, fallowed by Kenmei's; they repeated this methods of attacking. But changed every few minutes. Standing with her Boh in her hands she stared at the Poromon, griping her Boh she shook her head. [i]I don't...I don't think any of us are strong enough...[/i] she said out loud to her self. Stepping back, Kenmei charged again to attack. But was hit out of the way again by Poromon's attack.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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"Holy crap!" Imi shouted as she watched Chibimon transform.
She reached into pocket frantically and grabbed her Digivice, before she even had a chance to think about it she had shouted,
She stood with her spear clasped in both hands ready to fight the new enemy, she looked to Zeos who had his sword in front of him ready to fight.

A nod from Zeos reassured Imi, she took a few steps back and then ran forward as fast as she could, launching herself into the air and bring her spear smashing down on Chibimon. She hit him on the side but it didn?t seem to have much of an effect.
"Foolish human...." he cackled, "My skin is like armour...it will be very difficult for you to defeat me!"

Imi turned around to Zeos and was about to say something when she heard a shout from one of the other cubicles, "Lance?!" she called out and she saw two daggers being thrust hurriedly into the air, She sighed and then felt a pain in her arm.
"This is not the time!" it was Zeos.
Imi started, "Oh, yes....Zeos, I think I know how to beat this thing."

The Digimon growled, "Don't be foolish, girl!" he launched an attack at Imi but she managed to dodge it with Zeos' help.
"Zeos!" she shouted to him, "His belly, his belly will be his weakness. You have to stab him there!"

Zeos nodded but looked unsure,
"Trust me...." Imi muttered.[/COLOR]
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[size=1][color=SlateGray]Minomon was not tiring, his wing's still flapped in the air. The cut that Takuto had put on one of his wing's earlier seem not to phase the powerful Digimon. Gasping for a minute or so, Takuto was catching his breath. He tried all of his tricks, none of them seemed to work.

Looking over his left shoulder, Elena was getting up. Still she kept staggering, she was weak from attacks, that was obvious. The attack that came upon her all of a sudden was a massive one. She was weakend because she had tried to stay awake. Minomon was laughing, it's mouth smiling as it stared through it's large eyes at Takuto.

[B]"Why not give up Human? When you do, I will slice you to threads."[/B] Minomon kept laughing, for that small limit of time, his defenses was down.

The Digimon had expected a comment, Takuto made none. When looking towards Takuto, he was gone. Glancing up he saw the figure of the teenager flying at him. The blade of the axe slicing through the left wing of the Digimon. It let out a awful cry. Sliding on the dusty ground, as he landed. He heard the soft [I]Thump[/I], as Minomon went to the ground. Knowing it was not done in, just know it could not fly.

"Well with out your wing, it will be harder to fight and maneuver, is it not?" Takuto provoked the Digimon.[/size][/color]
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Elena stood up weakly. Her body felt like it was broken in half. [I] Am I that weak that I can't hold a fight? [/I] She put her hand into her pocket and grabbed her Digivice.
[I] I refuse to bow down to him, I won't go down without a fight. My body maybe be broken, but my spirit is far from it! [/I]
" CREST WEAPON ACTIVATE!" Elena screamed at she brought out her Digivice. It turned into a whip. One knee dropped to the ground.
[I] How can the other sustain their power for so much longer?[/I]
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As Kenmei was attacked by Poromon and returned to the ground, Darien gripped his Glaive tighter with his right hand. In this split-second, he knew that Poromon would still be recovering from its arrack. With a long, horizantal swipe, Poromon was sent crashing into the opposite wall.

"You alright?" He asked Kenmei, holding out a hand and grinning.

"Yeah..." She muttered, rising to her feet. "What is it going to take to get rid of this thing?"

"Hell if i'd know..." Darien joked, turning back around to see what position Poromon was in. "Well, its only a stupid little pink thing...why should re be worried?" He laughed, loosening his grip on his Glaive.

Darien was cut off at that moment, as Poromon, much like Pinomon on Elena, thrust itself across the cubicle, its huge wings pushing him back into the wall, making him drop his weapon. The pain shot through his limbs like a thousand small daggers pierced into his skin, and he kept his shouts of pain bottled inside of him.. To make matters worse, as he fell limply to the ground, Pormon crashed into the weakened teenager, pinning him up against the wall. He could no longer hold it in, and he cried out in heart-wrenching pain.[/COLOR][/SIZE]

[SIZE=1][COLOR=red][B]"Not so cocky now, are you, human?"[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [COLOR=indigo][SIZE=1] Poromon whispered coldy into the screaming boy's ears. Darien could feel conciousness slipping away from him, and he hoped sincerely he was, to get away from all the pain. He felt the ground rush up to meet him, and he opened his closed eyes. Kenmei was standing over him, Boh raised. Apparently she had knocked the foul creature away, as he was fluttering angrily at the other side of the cubicle.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]"Trust me..." Imi muttered.

Zeos stared at her, and nodded, gritting his teeth.

"Trust it is," Zeos sighed.

"Peh, pathetic humans and their trust. Trust is for the weak!" snarled Chibimon. "I'll tear you and your trust apart! DEMI-FIREBALLS!"

The blue dragon shot a rain of small fireballs at the two. Zeos braced himself, and felt as the searing orbs struck jacket. The heat radiated through the leather. He looked over and saw Imi in great pain.

"Imi!" Zeos yelled.

Instantly deciding what to do, he hurled his jacket at her.

"Put it on!" he said through gritted teeth.

Pain wracked his body as his skin was scorched.

"Die, fools!" screamed Chibimon.

"No way tiny!"

In a burst of pure rage, Zeos charged on the flying Digimon. As he had done with Botamon, he pushed off hard and flew at Chibimon. His katana swung in a wide arc, and struck Chibimon's belly.

The tiny Dragon cried out in pain as the blade cut through his gut. The Virus burst forth from the cut.

"Imi! Finish it!" barked Zeos.

The wounded girl nodded and hurled her spear through the orb.

"NOOOO!" cried Chibimon.

In a flash, it's body pixilated. Zeos, running on rage-fueled auto-pilot, held up his sword, pointing at the deleted Digimon. The data charged into the blade, and it flashed red.

"Looks like we can beat 'em!"[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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Elena looked up at Takuto. [I]Why am I the weakest? It's always like this...[/I] Her other knee collapsed to the ground. Tears formed in her eyes.
" WHY IS IT ALWAYS LIKE THIS!!" she screamed, tears splashing onto the walls. Light exploded from her necklace and rushed towards Minomon and Takuto. The light revitalised Takuto to his full power. It hit Minomon and made the E-virus appear.
" Takuto...go for it..."
Elena crumpled to the ground, unconscious. Her last thought: [I]I'm so weak...[/I]
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Kenmei heard Elena scream. Looking over to the cubical across, Elena was crumpled to the ground. One Digimon had been defeated, another was on it?s way. [i]Have to move faster?[/i] she thought. Still staring over Darien, Kenmei could hear the Poromon?s wings beating faster and more violently.

Helping up Darien, she noticed he wasn?t able to stand fully. He was somewhat unstable and had to use his glaive to lean on. He shook his head and stood up straight. The Poromin came screeching across to attack the. However, both managed to duck and move to the side. Watching the thing retract, she looked over to the other cubicles to see how they were doing. The slightly transparent walls were faintly glowing for a split second, but the light disappeared. Were the walls coming down? She couldn?t tell. Darien ready him self and attacked, she then fallowed his attack as he came back. Both attack more strongly this time and the thing hit the ground. It started upwards but only managed to get half of it?s body weight up. The thing was almost gone.

?Kenmei, attack it in it?s right wing.?

Nodding, she ran around to the side and attacked the wing. The thing hit the ground again, covering the place with dust. Swatting away the dust and dirt she found it was thick and could not see the Poromon, Darien nor the others. The dirt started settling, and she could see Darien. He started at the ground Promos. There were lights flashing around it.

[i]Is that Data?[/i] Darien held his glaive up.
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[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Imi cheered and then held her side, "Ah crap....stupid little snot...."
Zeos laughed at this remark, she looked up at him and smiled, "Thanks...for before."
"You?re...thanking me?" Zeos pretended to be shocked.
Imi just laughed and then hug him full force.
Zeos looked shocked, "Eh? What are you doing?"
"I'm hugging you, dumbass!" was the reply.
Zeos raised an eyebrow as he was released,
"What?" Imi asked, "You just saved my bloody life, I have to hug you!"
Zeos nodded slowly, "If you say so....it looks like the others have still got to finish theirs off."
Imi nodded and gave him his jacket back, "Thanks again....." she held out her hand, "I?m sorry for being such a royal ***** before....friends?"
Zeos shook her hand and she pulled him into another tight hug, Zeos rolled his eyes but then he felt something on his shirt,
"Imi? Are you crying?"
The girl shied away and hid her face behind her hair, she didn?t want Zeos to see her like this but before she could stop herself she broke down into tears, "I felt so helpless!" was all she managed to sob out.[/COLOR]
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[size=1][color=SlateGray][I]The eye, it appeared again! How many has Puppet Master taken control of?[/I] Takuto looked at Elena, she used the rest of her strength to revive him to full strength. Minomon tried to get up, it could not becuse of it's pinecone like body. Raising his axe, Takuto charged forward.

Noting where the Eye was, Takuto slashed out the Digimon's body. The eye was hit full on, it split into, floating there as if time had stopped. Then it was vanishing, data flew through the air. Takuto slid to a stop, dust flew through the air. He could not help the Minomon, it was also turning into Data and flying into the air.

Walking over he leant beside Elena, the girl was unconcious, her breathing was slow and heavy. Lifting her up on his shoulder, his Digivice turned back to normal. Sliding it into his pocket, looking at the wall, he waited. Elena was not heavy to carry or to hold. Takuto had to carry bag's of feed when working with the animals, Elena was light.[/size][/color]
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Gripping his glaive with a new sensation of rage and thirst for payback, Darien swiped at the now flying (with difficulty) Poromon. Bringing the bladed weapon in an arc downwards, then with a quick and strong flick of his wrist, brought the top back upwards and slashed the other way. For a second, Poromon only floated in midair, shocked. Slowly, a red X became clear, and the same grotesque sphere slowly found its way out.

"Take it, Darien." Kenmei muttered behind him, as her boh quietly changed back into a digivice.

He nodded, and brought the glaive up in another graceful arc, and the sphere was gone.

"What a pain in the neck..." He sighed after sliding his newly-transformed Digivice into his jeans pocket. He inclined his head up to the almost-transparent wall, "When do you think that'll open up? Daresay I'll be willing to test it anytime soon." He laughed. Kenmei stared at him with mock incredulously, crossing him arms and raising an eyebrow.

"I can't believe you! Taking this stuff as if it was nothing at all! You were almost killed by a wall, and you can still joke about it." She couldn't help but laugh when Darien put on an innocent look and smiled. "[i]Anyways,[/i]" she continued, "we probably have to wait until everyone else is done with theirs."

Darien nodded and sat down on the ground, Kenmei following suit. Bored, he took out his green Digivice and stared at it dully.

"Think this thing has games on it?" Kenmei gave him a very confused look and sighed exasperatedly, choosing to ignore his comment.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[SIZE=1][COLOR=Blue]Lance ruched his opponent at full speed and slashed it across the face. The beast flew backwards in rage, giving Lance the chance to help Reis up. The two warriors stood side by side, weapon in hand, glaring at the beast.

"Enough of this crap!", Lance yelled. Reis followed up,"Time to end this!" Reis griped his blade and yelled while running towards the enemy. He started slashing at the creature and tore into it."I'll weaken it!",Reis called out while still slashing brutally at the beast,"You just worry about finishing it off!"

Lance grinned,"Will do!" [I]But how??[/I]He wasn't about to waist any time thinking, though. He needed something now. [I]Fine,[/I] he said to himself, [I]I'll just have to annihalate the enemy some how[/I]. [I]Ummm...how about..[/I].it suddenly came to him. He looked over at Reis and the enemy. The enemy could barely keep conciousness. Lance closed his eyes and concentrated.

Reis finnaly landed a hit that ripped apart a peice of the Upamon. It reared in pain and the E-Virus flew out.

Reis looked over at Lance,"Do it now!!" Lance opened his eyes and grinned. He lifted his dagger up,yelled,and chucked his blade at the E-Virus.

"No!!",the Upamon yelled in rage. The orb burst into data. Lance held out his daggers, which transformed back into a digivice, and absorbed the data. After it had finished Reis and him collapsed.

"Phew...I'm glad that's over...",Reis smiled weakly. Lance could barely nod, so he smiled a little,"Yah. I hope Imi's okay...."[/COLOR][/SIZE]

EDIT: Sorry! Didin't mean to use special moves!!
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[size=1][color=SlateGray][I]The walls was coming down, only around a minute to get Elena some help.[/I] Standing there, holding Elena, thinking of his home. [I]Were Mom and Dad alright? Who is doing all the work? Dad sure can not, he has been sick for awhile. Mom, she will help out as much as she can. Hopefully, soon, maybe this will be over and I can go back Home.[/I]

Crashing, the wall's of the cubicles came down. Dust arose when they hit the ground, as fast as they appeared, as fast as they disappeared. Zeos was laughing and looking around, until he saw that Takuto held Elena.

"Is Elena okay, Takuto?" Zeos walked quickly over, helping Elena to lay down.

"I am not sure, Zeos. She took some nasty hit's from Minomon, axually more from those walls." Takuto briefly explained all that had taken place in the fight. Not including, all the one's he heard.

"Oh, well we need to do something. She is out cold." Seeming worried, Zeos sat down beside of Elena.

"I believe she just need's rest." Takuto grinned, looking down at the unconcious girl.

[I]This time the Digimon we faught was stronger, do they get any stronger? If so, then it will be alot harder to defeat them.[/I] Takuto was lost in his thoughts, Darien gathered fire wood, it was growing late. Soon the star's was over head, the moon signing on the Digital World, giving alot of light to look around.[/size][/color]
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[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Getting up from her seat, Kenmei walked over and looked down at Elena. She looked better then before. And for a few minutes everyone and a while her eyes would start to move but then stopped. They never opened, Kenmei started to worry.

"I'm going to go search for water or something for her to eat." she said turned to walk away, "Water or food would help once she wakes up, wouldn't it?"

Zeos said nothing, he quickly glanced over at Elena then back to the fire. Elena was about two inches further then before. To make sure she didn't get hurt or burned. Darien nodded. Going past Imi, Lance, Takuto, and everyone else. She went out for looking for something to help Elena get better, or at least make her feel better when she wakes up.

During the battle, she remembered what Elena had yelled out. To Kenmei; it seemed like she was hurt both in mentally and physically. The more she walked the more Kenmei worried. [i]I'll try to find something that can help all of them be happier...[/i] she thought. It was certainly bright enough to find things without too much difficulty. Because the moon was shining so bright.
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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]"So, what next, fearless leader?" asked Darien.

Zeos looked over at the taller boy and shot him a glare. A half-assed glare, yes, but still a formidible glare.

"We wait til morning...again...and head out. Maybe we'll find something interesting."

"Like greusome deaths," muttered Imi.

Zeos shot a more efforted glare at her.

"Pessimism, though appropriate, is not welcome here."

"Bite me, fearless leader," snarled Imi.

Zeos rose from his crouch near Elena. Imi began to walk towards him, but Lance grabbed her wrist.

"We don't need in-fighting. We get enough from the Puppet Master," said the purple-haired teen.

"Maybe that's what he wants," added Takuto.

"Exactly!" said Lance.

"No, I think he's content having his lackies tear us limb from limb," Zeos muttered.

"Listen, why don't we just settle and get some sleep," adivsed Darien. "We can talk more in the morning."


OOC: Zeos has officially been dubbed, "Fearless Leader." In a purely sarcastic manner. Oh, and despite what yotska posted, we cannot use Special Attacks yet. However, we shall gain more power very, very soon.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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Elena's eyes fluttered open. The night sky appeared overhead. She propped herself on her elbows, feeling like she had been run over by a truck. Her body ached all over while she sat up. She moved closer to the fire. Warmth finally appeared in her ice cold hands. Elena looked around. Everyone of the others were asleep. She sighed heavily.
" I'm such a nussance..."
The fire crackled happily in front of her. Tears welled up in her eyes once again.[I]Why? Why does it have to be like this? I just want to help them, not hinder them.[/I] She looked over to Zeos as a tear dropped to the ground. She stood up silently and walked into the wilderness. Once she got far enough away from the group, Elena totally broke down and knelt to the ground with her face in her hands.

OOC: Obviously by now, you can see Elena has some issues about being weak and always wants to be the middle of attention. The weak one is fear of becoming like her father. The attention is because she's normally a outsider.
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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Zeos was falling into an uneasy sleep, when he heard movement. And crying. He raised his head just in time to see Elena heading into the woods.

"Elena?" he said, voice thick with sleep.

He got up and following, swaying a bit due to just waking up.

"Elena, where are you?" he asked.

"Go away," came her reply. Her voice was choked with tears.

"You okay?" he stupidly asked.

"What do you think," she replied.

"No. Why are you out here?"

"Because I don't want to hold you guys back. I'm weak and stupid."

"No you're not. Granted, you could use some experience, but everyone's got problems. And without you, Takuto could've been killed."

"He would've been better alone. I was just in the way."

"No! You helped him greatly. You...you made some light appear and it...it revitalized him somehow."


"Without you he would be dead. We could all be dead."

"Just leave me alone! You're just trying to make me feel better, you don't mean it!"

"Yes I do! Now stop being a self-absorbed baby and come back with me. You are making yourself weak."

"Just go away," she moaned.


Take it away, amgoddess. Obviously, Zeos isn't good at the whole "comforting" thing.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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Tears splashed onto the ground. [I]I want to help them. I want to help this world. But I can't even do that! I do even have enough power to change this thing at will![/I] Elena looked at her Digivice. She heard Zeos' words of encouragement but this made her more angry at herself.

Zeos looked at Elena with worry on his face. Suddenly Elena spun around and buried herself in Zeos's chest, sobbing uncontrollably.
" What the?"
" Please help me Zeos. I feel so helpless here. So useless. I feel like I'm more of a hinderence than help. I feel like the darkness is trying to take me..." The flood of tears expressed how worried she was, how badly she felt. She doubted the others felt like this and this made her more depressed. Another heartfelt plea came Zeos' way.
" Zeos....please help me...."
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[COLOR=Purple]Imi heard sobs and low voices from just outside the dying fires circle of light. She got up and rubbed her eyes trying to banish the sleep from them that was causing her to see things blurry.
She stood up and tried to look dignified even though her limbs were all still asleep,
"Whatshamatta?" she mumbled out into the darkness as she stepped forward, almost falling over Lance's legs.
"Baka...." she continued walking when she hit something....hard.
"******* HELL!!" she screamed and the sobs stopped. Everyone jumped up from there sleep and looked around in a daze,
"What's going on?!" Darien shouted as he fumbled around for his glasses.
Kenmei was obviously not happy and Lance looked as if he would fall asleep again at any moment.
Takuto and Reis rubbed their eyes and looked around, blinking from the light of the fire.

Imi was on her back clutching her bleeding, Zeos and Elena stepped into the light to inspect what had caused her to shout such profane things.

Elena sniffed and wiped her eyes, she was trying to hold back a smile, "Imi? Are you okay?" she asked sweetly, trying to help the fallen girl up.
Zeos stood with his arms folded looking down his nose at Imi, "Need help?" he asked in the most patronising way he could.
Imi glared up, "I don't need any help from you!" she tried to shout, but it came out like she had a cold rather than a threat.
Elena couldn't hold it in any more and she chuckled as she watched Imi struggle up from the floor by herself while still trying to stem the flow of blood from her nose.
Zeos looked at Elena and then smirked at Imi, "Well, at least you've done one thing right..." with that he walked past and Elena followed, whispering that she didn't mean to laugh.
Lance ran over to Imi, still half asleep, "Are you okay?" he asked sounding generally worried.
"What the hell do you think, dumbass?"[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Lance ignored her comment and got closer to her,"Come on. Let me help." She angrily pushed him backwards and walked off,"Leave me alone Lance..." Lance watched her lay down and then he turned around and walked off towards Elena and Zeos who were about to fall asleep.

Zeos looked up, then grinned mockingly,"How's you girlfriend?" Lance shot him a dirty look then started speaking to Elena,"Elena you seem nice enough, so tell me. Why do you think Imi won't let me get close to her? The only time I felt close to her is when she slept next to me. I just don't understand her. You think I have something to do with it?"

As Elena was about to speak, Zeos cut in." Of course it's you, dipshit. You try way to hard." Zeos rolled over onto his side, facing away from Lance. Lance looked at Zeos and nodded sadly,"You're probably right. I just want her to like me." Zeos laughed suddenly, causing Lance and Elena to look at him.

He rolled back overand looked straight at Lance,"You took what I said seriously? Lance....she's just to iscolated. Leave her be. Maybe by the end of this adventure she'll have warmed up to you..." Elena nodded in agreement with Zeos. Lance stated to takeinto consideration what Zeos said, when Elena spoke up,"Get some sleep Lance. Don't worry yourself to death." With that she rolled over also. Lance got up and layed back down in his spot. He soon fell asleep, pondering over what Elena and Zeos said.

He woke up to find that Imi and him were the only two awake. He walked over to her and sat down. "You...alright now?" She looked at him with friendship in her eyes for a moment, than she glared and looked away,"Yah, fine". Lance grinned and walked off. [I]Heh, looks like our fearless leader isn't always right...[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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"I hate marching," sighed Zeos.

The group was, again, marching through the great grassy plains of the Digital World.

"I hate wandering aimlessly," growled Imi. They had found a stream and she had washed most of the blood of her face. Her nose was still sore, and she kept rubbing it. "Perhaps you can solve that problem, Fearless Leader."

"I would if I knew anything beyond how to make my weapon appear and what the hell this place is. But I don't. So shut your yap!"

Imi and Zeos locked eyes, glared, and turned away.

"Guys..." sighed Darien.

"Why must they always fight?" asked Takuto.

"Sexual tension runs rampant," said Darien, shaking his head.

"WAAAAAAAAAH!?" yelled Imi and Zeos. They whirled on the tallest of the group.

"Oh, come on. It's a classic scenario. Beautiful woman, hard-headed leader type. They fight and fight, but in the end they have wild monkey sex and fall in love."

The others just stared at Darien.

"That's my woman you're talking about!" snarled Lance. He put his arm around Imi, and she jammed her elbow in his ribs.

"And I'm in no way interested in her!" growled Zeos.

Elena secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sure you're not," said Darien. He winked at Zeos.

"Don't make me kill you."


The story will pick up soon, as soon as I figure out what to have happen next.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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"Excuse me if I don't cower in fear, oh Fearless Leader." Darien sniggered, smirking down to the smaller boy.

Zeos growled at him and spun back around to once again take the lead. Imi, however, held his glare a bit longer, sniffed angily, and spun around in her heel.

"Oh, sure, get mad at me for speaking the truth!" He cried out mock- indignantly, crossing his long arms across his chest and pouting, to laughs of everyone else, who weren't furious with him.

"Shut up, you stupid...behemoth!" Zeos racked his brain for an insult up front, obviously still fuming about Darien's comment.

"Right-O, Fearless Leader! Would you like me to bow and scrub your shoes, also, sir?" Or are you just pissed that, because I am the holder of Sincerity [i]and[/i] Purity, I'm probably speaking the truth?"

OOC: Sorry for the shortness, I know I didn't really have time to interact with everyone in the beggining of the story, so take it away, ULX. ;)[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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